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patches-own [ new-color ;; currently, always either white or black inner-neighbors ;; other cells in a circle around the cell outer-neighbors ;; other cells in a ring around the cell (but usually not touching the cell) ] to setup clear-all ;; computes inner and outer neighbors in an ellipse around each cell ask patches [ set inner-neighbors ellipse-in inner-radius-x inner-radius-y ;; outer-neighbors needs more computation because we want only the cells in the circular ring set outer-neighbors ellipse-ring outer-radius-x outer-radius-y inner-radius-x inner-radius-y ] ifelse any? patches with [ count outer-neighbors = 0 ] [ user-message word "It doesn't make sense that 'outer' is equal to or smaller than 'inner.' " " Please reset the sliders and press Setup again." stop] [restart] reset-ticks end ;; this procedure sets approximately initial-density percent of the ;; cells white and the rest black; if initial-density is set at 50% ;; then about half the cells will be white and the rest black to restart ask patches [ ifelse random-float 100.0 < initial-density [ set pcolor white ] [ set pcolor black ] ] reset-ticks end to go ask patches [ pick-new-color ] ask patches [ set pcolor new-color ] tick end to pick-new-color ;; patch procedure let activator count inner-neighbors with [pcolor = white] let inhibitor count outer-neighbors with [pcolor = white] ;; we don't need to multiply 'activator' by a coefficient because ;; the ratio variable keeps the proportion intact let difference activator - ratio * inhibitor ifelse difference > 0 [ set new-color white ] [ if difference < 0 [ set new-color black ] ] ;; note that we did not deal with the case that difference = 0. ;; this is because we would then want cells not to change color. end ;;; procedures for defining elliptical neighborhoods to-report ellipse-in [x-radius y-radius] ;; patch procedure report patches in-radius (max list x-radius y-radius) with [1.0 >= ((xdistance myself ^ 2) / (x-radius ^ 2)) + ((ydistance myself ^ 2) / (y-radius ^ 2))] end to-report ellipse-ring [outx-radius outy-radius inx-radius iny-radius] ;; patch procedure report patches in-radius (max list outx-radius outy-radius) with [1.0 >= ((xdistance myself ^ 2) / (outx-radius ^ 2)) + ((ydistance myself ^ 2) / (outy-radius ^ 2)) and 1.0 < ((xdistance myself ^ 2) / (inx-radius ^ 2)) + ((ydistance myself ^ 2) / (iny-radius ^ 2)) ] end ;; The following two reporter give us the x and y distance magnitude. ;; you can think of a point at the tip of a triangle determining how much ;; "to the left" it is from another point and how far "over" it is from ;; that same point. These two numbers are important for computing total distances ;; in elliptical "neighborhoods." ;; Note that it is important to use the DISTANCEXY primitive and not ;; just take the absolute value of the difference in coordinates, ;; because DISTANCEXY handles wrapping around world edges correctly, ;; if wrapping is enabled (which it is by default in this model) to-report xdistance [other-patch] ;; patch procedure report distancexy [pxcor] of other-patch pycor end to-report ydistance [other-patch] ;; patch procedure report distancexy pxcor [pycor] of other-patch end ; Copyright 2003 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
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Fur.png | preview | Preview for 'Fur' | almost 12 years ago, by Uri Wilensky | Download |
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