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This model, due to Robert Axelrod and Ross A. Hammond, suggests that "ethnocentric" behavior can evolve under a wide variety of conditions, even when there are no native "ethnocentrics" and no way to differentiate between agent types. Agents compete for limited space via Prisoner Dilemma's type interactions. "Ethnocentric" agents treat agents within their group more beneficially than those outside their group. The model includes a mechanism for inheritance (genetic or cultural) of strategies.
Each agent has three traits: a) color, b) whether they cooperate with same colored agents, and c) whether they cooperate with different colored agents. An "ethnocentric" agent is one which cooperates with same colored agents, but does not cooperate with different colored agents. An "altruist" cooperates with all agents, while an "egoist" cooperates with no one. A "cosmopolitan" cooperates with agents of a different color but not of their own color.
At each time step, the following events occur:
Up to IMMIGRANTS-PER-DAY, new agents appear in random locations with random traits.
Agents start with an INITIAL-PTR (Potential-To-Reproduce) chance of reproducing. Each pair of adjacent agents interact in a one-move Prisoner's Dilemma in which each chooses whether or not to help the other. They either gain, or lose some of their potential to reproduce.
In random order, each agent is given a chance to reproduce. Offspring have the same traits as their parents, with a MUTATION-RATE chance of each trait mutating. Agents are only allowed to reproduce if their is an empty space next to them. Each agent's birth-rate is reset to the INITIAL-PTR.
The agent has a DEATH-RATE chance of dying, making room for future offspring and immigrants.
To prepare the simulation for a new run, press SETUP EMPTY. Press GO to start the simulation running, press GO again to stop it.
SETUP FULL will allow you to start with a full world of random agents.
COST-OF-GIVING indicates how much it costs an agent to cooperate with another agent.
GAIN-OF-RECEIVING indicates how much an agent gains if another agent cooperates with them.
IMMIGRANT-CHANCE-COOPERATE-WITH-SAME indicates the probability that an immigrating agent will have the COOPERATE-WITH-SAME? variable set to true.
IMMIGRANT-CHANCE-COOPERATE-WITH-DIFFERENT indicates the probability that an immigrating agent will have the COOPERATE-WITH-DIFFERENT? variable set to true.
The STRATEGY COUNTS plot tracks the number of agents that utilize a given cooperation strategy:
CC --- People who cooperate with everyone CD --- People who cooperate only with people of the same type DD --- People who do not cooperate with anyone DC --- People who only cooperate with people of different types
Agents appear as circles if they cooperate with the same color. They are filled in if they also cooperate with a different color (altruists) or empty if they do not (ethnocentrics). Agents are squares if they do not cooperate with the same color. The agents are filled in if they cooperate with a different color (cosmopolitans) or empty if they do not (egoists).
Observe the interaction along the edge of a group of ethnocentric agents, and non-ethnocentric agents. What behaviors do you see? Is one more stable? Does one expand into the other group?
Observer the STRATEGY COUNTS plot. Does one strategy occur more than others? What happens when we change the model?
Set the IMMIGRANT-CHANCE-COOPERATE sliders both to 1.0. This means there are only altruists created. Do ethnocentrics and other strategies ever evolve? Do they ever out compete the altruists?
Change the values of COST-OF-GIVING and GAIN-OF-RECEIVING and observe the effects on the model and the level of ethnocentricity.
This model comes with a group of BehaviorSpace experiments defined. You can access them by choosing BehaviorSpace on the Tools menu. These are the original experiments that Axelrod and Hammond ran to test the robustness of this model. These experiments vary lots of parameters like the size of the world, IMMIGRANTS-PER-DAY and COST-OF-GIVING. These experiments are detailed at
Add more colors to the model. Does the behavior change?
Make some patches richer than others, so that agents on them have a higher chance of reproducing. Distribute this advantage across the world in different ways such as randomly, in blobs, or in quarters.
Tag patches with a color. distribute the colors across the world in different ways: blobs, randomly, in discrete quarters. Agents use the patch color under other agents to determine whether to cooperate with them or not.
To ensure fairness, the agents should run in random order. Agentsets in NetLogo are always in random order, so no extra code is needed to achieve this.
- Segregation
- PD Basic
This model is a NetLogo version of the ethnocentrism model presented by Robert Axelrod at Northwestern University at the NICO (Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems) conference on October 25th, 2003.
See also Ross A. Hammond and Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Ethnocentrism,
If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include these citations for the model itself and for the NetLogo software:
- Wilensky, U. (2003). NetLogo Ethnocentrism model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Copyright 2003 Uri Wilensky.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at
This model was created as part of the projects: PARTICIPATORY SIMULATIONS: NETWORK-BASED DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS LEARNING IN CLASSROOMS and/or INTEGRATED SIMULATION AND MODELING ENVIRONMENT. The project gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (REPP & ROLE programs) -- grant numbers REC #9814682 and REC-0126227.
Comments and Questions
;; agents have a probablity to reproduce and a strategy turtles-own [ PTR cooperate-with-same? cooperate-with-different? ] globals [ ;; the remaining variables support the replication of published experiments meet ;; how many interactions occurred this turn meet-agg ;; how many interactions occurred through the run last100meet ;; meet for the last 100 ticks meetown ;; what number of individuals met someone of their own color this turn meetown-agg ;; what number of individuals met someone of their own color throughout the run last100meetown ;; meetown for the last 100 ticks meetother ;; what number of individuals met someone of a different color this turn meetother-agg ;; what number of individuals met someone of a different color throughout the run last100meetother ;; meetother for the last 100 ticks coopown ;; how many interactions this turn were cooperating with the same color coopown-agg ;; how many interactions throughout the run were cooperating with the same color last100coopown ;; coopown for the last 100 ticks coopother ;; how many interactions this turn were cooperating with a different color coopother-agg ;; how many interactions throughout the run were cooperating with a different color defother ;; how many interactions this turn were defecting with a different color defother-agg ;; how many interactions throughout the run were defecting with a different color last100defother ;; defother for the last 100 ticks last100cc ;; how many cooperate-cooperate genotypes have there been in the last 100 ticks last100cd ;; how many cooperate-defect genotypes have there been in the last 100 ticks last100dc ;; how many defect-cooperate genotypes have there been in the last 100 ticks last100dd ;; how many defect-defect genotypes have there been in the last 100 ticks last100consist-ethno ;; how many interactions consistent with ethnocentrism in the last 100 ticks last100coop ;; how many interactions have been cooperation in the last 100 ticks ] to setup-empty clear-all initialize-variables reset-ticks end ;; creates a world with an agent on each patch to setup-full clear-all initialize-variables ask patches [ create-turtle ] reset-ticks end to initialize-variables ;; initialize all the variables set meetown 0 set meetown-agg 0 set meet 0 set meet-agg 0 set coopown 0 set coopown-agg 0 set defother 0 set defother-agg 0 set meetother 0 set meetother-agg 0 set coopother 0 set coopother-agg 0 set last100dd [] set last100cd [] set last100cc [] set last100dc [] set last100coopown [] set last100defother [] set last100consist-ethno [] set last100meetown [] set last100meetother [] set last100meet [] set last100coop [] end ;; creates a new agent in the world to create-turtle ;; patch procedure sprout 1 [ set color random-color ;; determine the strategy for interacting with someone of the same color set cooperate-with-same? (random-float 1.0 < immigrant-chance-cooperate-with-same) ;; determine the strategy for interacting with someone of a different color set cooperate-with-different? (random-float 1.0 < immigrant-chance-cooperate-with-different) ;; change the shape of the agent on the basis of the strategy update-shape ] end to-report random-color report one-of [red blue yellow green] end ;; this is used to clear stats that change between each tick to clear-stats set meetown 0 set meet 0 set coopown 0 set defother 0 set meetother 0 set coopother 0 end ;; the main routine to go clear-stats ;; clear the turn based stats immigrate ;; new agents immigrate into the world ;; reset the probability to reproduce ask turtles [ set PTR initial-PTR ] ;; have all of the agents interact with other agents if they can ask turtles [ interact ] ;; now they reproduce ask turtles [ reproduce ] death ;; kill some of the agents update-stats ;; update the states for the aggregate and last 100 ticks tick end ;; random individuals enter the world on empty cells to immigrate let empty-patches patches with [not any? turtles-here] ;; we can't have more immigrants than there are empty patches let how-many min list immigrants-per-day (count empty-patches) ask n-of how-many empty-patches [ create-turtle ] end to interact ;; turtle procedure ;; interact with Von Neumann neighborhood ask turtles-on neighbors4 [ ;; the commands inside the ASK are written from the point of view ;; of the agent being interacted with. To refer back to the agent ;; that initiated the interaction, we use the MYSELF primitive. set meet meet + 1 set meet-agg meet-agg + 1 ;; do one thing if the individual interacting is the same color as me if color = [color] of myself [ ;; record the fact the agent met someone of the own color set meetown meetown + 1 set meetown-agg meetown-agg + 1 ;; if I cooperate then I reduce my PTR and increase my neighbors if [cooperate-with-same?] of myself [ set coopown coopown + 1 set coopown-agg coopown-agg + 1 ask myself [ set PTR PTR - cost-of-giving ] set PTR PTR + gain-of-receiving ] ] ;; if we are different colors we take a different strategy if color != [color] of myself [ ;; record stats on encounters set meetother meetother + 1 set meetother-agg meetother-agg + 1 ;; if we cooperate with different colors then reduce our PTR and increase our neighbors ifelse [cooperate-with-different?] of myself [ set coopother coopother + 1 set coopother-agg coopother-agg + 1 ask myself [ set PTR PTR - cost-of-giving ] set PTR PTR + gain-of-receiving ] [ set defother defother + 1 set defother-agg defother-agg + 1 ] ] ] end ;; use PTR to determine if the agent gets to reproduce to reproduce ;; turtle procedure ;; if a random variable is less than the PTR the agent can reproduce if random-float 1.0 < PTR [ ;; find an empty location to reproduce into let destination one-of neighbors4 with [not any? turtles-here] if destination != nobody [ ;; if the location exists hatch a copy of the current turtle in the new location ;; but mutate the child hatch 1 [ move-to destination mutate ] ] ] end ;; modify the children of agents according to the mutation rate to mutate ;; turtle procedure ;; mutate the color if random-float 1.0 < mutation-rate [ let old-color color while [color = old-color] [ set color random-color ] ] ;; mutate the strategy flags; ;; use NOT to toggle the flag if random-float 1.0 < mutation-rate [ set cooperate-with-same? not cooperate-with-same? ] if random-float 1.0 < mutation-rate [ set cooperate-with-different? not cooperate-with-different? ] ;; make sure the shape of the agent reflects its strategy update-shape end to death ;; check to see if a random variable is less than the death rate for each agent ask turtles [ if random-float 1.0 < death-rate [ die ] ] end ;; make sure the shape matches the strategy to update-shape ;; if the agent cooperates with same they are a circle ifelse cooperate-with-same? [ ifelse cooperate-with-different? [ set shape "circle" ] ;; filled in circle (altruist) [ set shape "circle 2" ] ;; empty circle (ethnocentric) ] ;; if the agent doesn't cooperate with same they are a square [ ifelse cooperate-with-different? [ set shape "square" ] ;; filled in square (cosmopolitan) [ set shape "square 2" ] ;; empty square (egoist) ] end ;; this routine calculates a moving average of some stats over the last 100 ticks to update-stats set last100dd shorten lput (count turtles with [shape = "square 2"]) last100dd set last100cc shorten lput (count turtles with [shape = "circle"]) last100cc set last100cd shorten lput (count turtles with [shape = "circle 2"]) last100cd set last100dc shorten lput (count turtles with [shape = "square"]) last100dc set last100coopown shorten lput coopown last100coopown set last100defother shorten lput defother last100defother set last100meetown shorten lput meetown last100meetown set last100coop shorten lput (coopown + coopother) last100coop set last100meet shorten lput meet last100meet set last100meetother shorten lput meetother last100meetother end ;; this is used to keep all of the last100 lists the right length to-report shorten [the-list] ifelse length the-list > 100 [ report butfirst the-list ] [ report the-list ] end ;; these are used in the BehaviorSpace experiments to-report meetown-percent report meetown / max list 1 meet end to-report meetown-agg-percent report meetown-agg / max list 1 meet-agg end to-report coopown-percent report coopown / max list 1 meetown end to-report coopown-agg-percent report coopown-agg / max list 1 meetown-agg end to-report defother-percent report defother / max list 1 meetother end to-report defother-agg-percent report defother-agg / max list 1 meetother-agg end to-report consist-ethno-percent report (defother + coopown) / (max list 1 meet ) end to-report consist-ethno-agg-percent report (defother-agg + coopown-agg) / (max list 1 meet-agg ) end to-report coop-percent report (coopown + coopother) / (max list 1 meet ) end to-report coop-agg-percent report (coopown-agg + coopother-agg) / (max list 1 meet-agg) end to-report cc-count report sum last100cc / max list 1 length last100cc end to-report cd-count report sum last100cd / max list 1 length last100cd end to-report dc-count report sum last100dc / max list 1 length last100dc end to-report dd-count report sum last100dd / max list 1 length last100dd end to-report cc-percent report cc-count / (max list 1 (cc-count + cd-count + dc-count + dd-count)) end to-report cd-percent report cd-count / (max list 1 (cc-count + cd-count + dc-count + dd-count)) end to-report dc-percent report dc-count / (max list 1 (cc-count + cd-count + dc-count + dd-count)) end to-report dd-percent report dd-count / (max list 1 (cc-count + cd-count + dc-count + dd-count)) end to-report last100coopown-percent report sum last100coopown / max list 1 sum last100meetown end to-report last100defother-percent report sum last100defother / max list 1 sum last100meetother end to-report last100consist-ethno-percent report (sum last100defother + sum last100coopown) / max list 1 sum last100meet end to-report last100meetown-percent report sum last100meetown / max list 1 sum last100meet end to-report last100coop-percent report sum last100coop / max list 1 sum last100meet end ; Copyright 2003 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There are 10 versions of this model.
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