Sequential supply chain
Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4
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globals [demand-today] breed [players player] directed-link-breed [supply-links supply-link] supply-links-own [orders-filled] directed-link-breed [demand-links demand-link] demand-links-own [orders-placed] players-own [ role base-stock on-hand backlog inventory-position last-received ] to setup ca layout initialize resize-shape reset-ticks end to go if ticks >= 1000 [stop] set demand-today daily-demand update-policy place-order-to-up receive-order-from-up process-order-from-down summarize resize-shape tick end to update-policy ask players with [role = "distributor"] [set base-stock base-stock-distributor] ask players with [role = "retailer"] [set base-stock base-stock-retailer] end ;; Inventory operations ;; ************************** to place-order-to-up ask players with [role = "retailer" or role = "distributor"][ let amount-to-order max list (base-stock - inventory-position) 0 ask my-out-demand-links [set orders-placed amount-to-order] ] end to receive-order-from-up ask players [ ask out-supply-link-neighbors [ set last-received sum [first orders-filled] of my-in-supply-links ask my-in-supply-links [set orders-filled but-first orders-filled] set on-hand on-hand + last-received ] ] ask players with [role = "supplier"] [ set on-hand 10000 ] end to process-order-from-down ask players [ let new-orders 0 if role = "distributor" or role = "supplier" [set new-orders sum [orders-placed] of my-in-demand-links] if role = "retailer" [set new-orders demand-today] let orders-requested new-orders + backlog let orders-to-ship min list orders-requested on-hand set backlog max list 0 (backlog - on-hand + new-orders) ask my-out-supply-links [ set orders-filled lput orders-to-ship orders-filled ] set on-hand on-hand - orders-to-ship ] end to summarize ask players [ let pipeline sum [sum orders-filled] of my-in-supply-links set inventory-position on-hand + pipeline - backlog ] end ;; **************************** to layout set-default-shape players "circle" create-players 1 [ setxy 7 0 set color red set role "retailer" ] create-players 1 [ setxy 0 0 set color blue set role "distributor" ] create-players 1 [ set size 5 setxy -7 0 set color green set role "supplier" ] ask players with [role = "retailer"] [ create-demand-links-to players with [role = "distributor"] create-supply-links-from players with [role = "distributor"] ] ask players with [role = "distributor"] [ create-demand-links-to players with [role = "supplier"] create-supply-links-from players with [role = "supplier"] ] end to initialize ask players [ if role = "distributor" [ set base-stock base-stock-distributor set on-hand base-stock-distributor ask my-out-demand-links [set orders-placed 0] ask my-in-supply-links [set orders-filled n-values lead-time-supplier-distributor [0]] ] if role = "retailer" [ set base-stock base-stock-retailer set on-hand base-stock-retailer ask my-out-demand-links [set orders-placed 0] ask my-in-supply-links [set orders-filled n-values lead-time-distributor-retailer [0]] ] if role = "supplier"[ set on-hand 10000 ] set backlog 0 set inventory-position on-hand - backlog ] end to resize-shape ask players with [role = "distributor" or role = "retailer"][ set size 0.5 * (sqrt on-hand) ;; visualize the on-hand stock via size of the turtle ] end ;; Demand distribution generation ;; ************************************** to-report daily-demand if distribution = "deterministic" [report deterministic-demand] if distribution = "poisson" [report random-poisson mean-for-poisson] if distribution = "normal" [report truncated-normal mean-for-normal std-for-normal lower-bound-for-normal upper-bound-for-normal] end to-report truncated-normal [mean-value std-value min-value max-value] let random-num random-normal mean-value std-value ifelse random-num > max-value or random-num < min-value [report min-value + random-float (max-value - min-value)] [report random-num] end ;; ***************************************************************
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