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globals[] patches-own[] turtles-own[] breed[zombies zombie] breed[mortals mortal] to setup clear-all ask patches [ if(pxcor mod 15 = 0 or pycor mod 20 = 0 )[ ask neighbors[set pcolor gray] set pcolor gray ] ] zombieSetup mortalsSetup reset-ticks end to go ask zombies[attack] ask mortals[avoid] tick end ;;Breeds Movement Functions to attack if(zombiePen = true)[pen-down] killIfAnyNear ifelse (any? mortals in-radius zombieVision)[headTowardsMortal][headRandom] forward zombiesSpeed + (random randomnessInzombiesSpeed) * zombiesSpeed end to avoid let zombieAround other zombies in-cone mortalVision mortalVisionAngle ifelse any? zombieAround[runaway][moveHappily] end ;;Zombies Movement Functions to headTowardsMortal set heading (towards min-one-of mortals [distance myself]) + randomAngleRange randomnessInzombiesDirection moveTowardsValidPatch (zombiesSpeed + (random randomnessInzombiesSpeed) * zombiesSpeed) black 90 end to headRandom right randomAngleRange 10 moveTowardsValidPatch (zombiesSpeed + (random randomnessInzombiesSpeed) * zombiesSpeed) black 10 end ;;Mortals Movement Functions to runaway set shape "face neutral" set color yellow set heading (towards min-one-of zombies [distance myself]) + 180 moveTowardsValidPatch (mortalSpeed + mortalSpeed * mortalRunawaySpeedMultiplier) black 90 forward mortalSpeed + mortalSpeed * mortalRunawaySpeedMultiplier end to moveHappily set shape "face happy" set color green right randomAngleRange 10 moveTowardsValidPatch (mortalSpeed) black 10 forward mortalSpeed end ;;Auxiliary to-report patchAheadIsInvalid[distanceOfMovement forbiddenColor] ifelse([pcolor] of patch-ahead distanceOfMovement = forbiddenColor)[report true][report false] end to moveTowardsValidPatch[distanceOfMovement forbiddenColor randomRange] if(patchAheadIsInvalid distanceOfMovement forbiddenColor)[while[patchAheadIsInvalid distanceOfMovement forbiddenColor][right randomAngleRange randomRange]] end to-report randomAngleRange[range] report random range - random range end to getSick set breed zombies set color red set size 2 set shape "x" end to killIfAnyNear if any? mortals in-radius zombieKillingRange[ ifelse contagious [ ask mortals in-radius zombieKillingRange[getSick] ][ ask mortals in-radius zombieKillingRange[die] ] ] end ;;Setup Functions to zombieSetup create-zombies zombiePopulation[ set color red set size 2 set shape "x" setxy random-xcor random-ycor while[pcolor = black][setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ] end to mortalsSetup create-mortals mortalPopulation[ set color green set size 2 set shape "face happy" setxy random-xcor random-ycor while[pcolor = black][setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Héctor Sanchez.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Zombieland.png | preview | Preview for 'Zombieland' | over 11 years ago, by Héctor Sanchez | Download |
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