Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.5
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;; TODO : ;; une partie seulement va chercher la balle breed[players player] breed[balls ball] players-own[ team HaveBall? GoalNumber target KeepingBall TakingBall Speed ] globals[ width height GoalColor PointTeam1 PointTeam2 ] balls-own[ owner SpeedBall ] patches-own[ available? ] to SETUP ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) __clear-all-and-reset-ticks set width 25 set height 18 set GoalColor green - 2 set PointTeam1 0 set PointTeam2 0 prepare-patch prepare-turtle end to GO every Speed-Simulation[ Catch-ball PlayWithBall BallMove PutGoal TacticalMove Move GiveBall ] end to PlayWithBall ask players[ if(HaveBall?)[ let Goal nobody if(team = "left")[ set Goal patches with [pxcor > 0] ] if(team = "right")[ set Goal patches with [pxcor < 0] ] set Goal Goal with [pcolor = GoalColor] set Goal min-one-of Goal [distance myself] set target Goal ] ] end to TacticalMove ask players[ let BallOwner [owner] of one-of balls if((BallOwner != nobody) and (not HaveBall?) and ([team] of BallOwner = team))[ let patchTarget nobody if([team] of BallOwner = "left")[ set patchTarget one-of patches with [pxcor > 0] ] if([team] of BallOwner = "right")[ set patchTarget one-of patches with [pxcor < 0] ] set target patchTarget ] if((BallOwner != nobody) and (not HaveBall?) and ([team] of BallOwner != team))[ set target one-of balls ] ] end to GiveBall ask players[ if (HaveBall?)[ let friend players with [team = [team] of myself] set friend friend with [distance myself > 5] if (team = "left")[ set friend friend with [xcor >= [xcor] of myself] ] if (team = "right")[ set friend friend with [xcor <= [xcor] of myself] ] set friend max-one-of friend [distance myself] if (friend != nobody)[ set HaveBall? false ask balls[ set owner friend set SpeedBall 0.8 ] ] ] ] end to Move ask players[ if target != nobody [ face target ] let BallOwner [owner] of one-of balls let AllPlayers players if(BallOwner != nobody) [ ask BallOwner[ set AllPlayers other players ] ] if ([available?] of patch-ahead 1 and count other AllPlayers in-cone 2 90 = 0)[ ifelse(HaveBall?)[set Speed 0.5][set Speed 0.7] right random 60 left random 60 fd Speed ] ] end to PutGoal let Goal? false ask players[ if(HaveBall?)[ let seegoal patch-ahead 1 if ([pcolor] of seegoal = GoalColor)[ ask balls [die] if (team = "left") [ set PointTeam1 PointTeam1 + 1] if (team = "right") [ set PointTeam2 PointTeam2 + 1] set GoalNumber GoalNumber + 1 set HaveBall? false set Goal? true ] ] ] if (Goal?) [ print "new game" create-ball 0 0 ask players[ set target one-of balls ]] end to BallMove ask balls [ if(owner != nobody)[ face owner fd SpeedBall ifelse (distance owner >= 1) [set color violet + 1][set color black] ] ] end to Catch-ball ask players[ if (not HaveBall?) [ let prey one-of balls with [distance myself < 1] if prey != nobody[ let take random TakingBall if (([owner] of prey = nobody) OR (([owner] of prey != nobody) AND (take > [KeepingBall] of [owner] of prey) ))[ ask prey [ if owner != nobody [ ask owner[ set HaveBall? false]] set owner myself set SpeedBall 0.5] set HaveBall? true set Speed 0.5 ] ] ] ] end to prepare-patch ask patches[ set pcolor green set available? true ] let land GetLand ask land [ set pcolor white set available? false ] let goal GetGoal ask goal [ set pcolor GoalColor set available? false ] end to prepare-turtle create-ball 0 0 create-teams red blue end to-report GetLand report patches with [(pxcor = width OR pxcor = -1 * width OR pycor = height OR pycor = -1 * height) AND pxcor <= width AND pxcor >= -1 * width AND pycor <= height AND pycor >= -1 * height] end to-report GetGoal report patches with [((pxcor <= -1 * width AND pxcor >= -1 * width - 2)or(pxcor >= width AND pxcor <= width + 2)) and (pycor >= -3 and pycor <= 3)] end to create-ball [x y] create-balls 1[ set xcor x set ycor y set color black set shape "ball football" set owner nobody set SpeedBall 0.5 ] end to create-teams [color-team1 color-team2] create-players 11[ set xcor -1 * random (width - 1) set ycor (2 * random (height - 1)) - (height - 2) set color color-team1 set team "left" ] create-players 11[ set xcor random (width - 1) set ycor (2 * random (height - 1)) - (height - 2) set color color-team2 set team "right" ] ask players [ set shape "person" set HaveBall? false set GoalNumber 0 set KeepingBall random 100 set TakingBall random 100 set Speed 0.4 set target one-of balls ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Leo B.
This model does not have any ancestors.
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