Taskable volunteers 01

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1 collaborator

Denis_havlik Denis Havlik (Author)



"This model shows the difference between crowdsourcing and crowdtasking"

Tagged by Denis Havlik about 10 years ago


"This model shows the difference between crowdsourcing and crowdtasking"

Tagged by Denis Havlik about 10 years ago


Tagged by Denis Havlik about 10 years ago

Model group Volunteers | Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 5.1.0 • Viewed 436 times • Downloaded 52 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

Ready to go for a test ride :-)

I have invested some more work in making the model more interesting and improving the user interface and documentation today. In my opinion the model is "as good as it gets" now, and I intend to leave it "as is" unless I receive some requests and suggestions for improvements. Enjoy. Note: the "info" is shown correctly now, but unfortunately the Java applet still does not work. Apparently the java applets aren't supported anymore - you will have to download the model and test offline.

Posted about 10 years ago

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; globals and definitions ;

breed [reporters reporter]

breed [volunteers volunteer]
breed [issues issue]

; report is reserved word, so we'll use observation.
directed-link-breed [ observations observation ]
directed-link-breed [ v_tasks v_task ]

; two types of volunteers. One can be asigned a task, other can't
; the taskable ones also have a "base" and prefer to stay in its vicinity.
; In the future we could replace this with possibility to task them to search a certain area.
; *motivation* is percentage - at motivation >= 100%:
;   - taskable volunteer can be tasked to confirm observations.
;   - both types will report nearby issues 
; the chance of taking the task/reporting findings depends on motivation (TODO!)

volunteers-own [ v_motivation xhome yhome ]
reporters-own  [ v_motivation ]

; i_resolved? is set to true when we have enough reports.
issues-own [ i_resolved? i_generated i_discovered i_resolved i_consensus]

; not sure what we need in this link...
observations-own [v_breed timestamp correct?]
;v_tasks-own []

; setup procedures ;

to setup

; initially all patches are just grey = unknown.

to setup-world
  resize-world 0 Size-world 0 Size-world
  set-patch-size 1000 / Size-world
  ask patches [
      set pcolor grey

; randomly add some spontaneous volunteers to the world

to setup-reporters
  set-default-shape reporters "person"
  ; can't happen with a slider
  ;  if not is-number? Nr-reporters [ set Nr-reporters 100 ]
  create-reporters Nr-reporters [ 
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set v_motivation init-motivation
    set color blue
    set size 1

; randomly add some taskable volunteers to the world

to setup-volunteers
  set-default-shape volunteers "person"
  ;  if not is-number? Nr-taskable [ set Nr-taskable 10 ]
  create-volunteers Nr-taskable [ 
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    ; volunteers will try to stay near their home coordinates
    ; This could be considered kind of a task too.
    set xhome xcor
    set yhome ycor 
    set v_motivation init-motivation
    set color violet
    set size 1

; randomly add some issues to the world
; issues have a generation time & later also a discovery time

to setup-issues
  set-default-shape issues "target"
  create-issues Nr-issues [ 
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set i_generated 0
    set i_consensus 0
    set i_resolved? false
    set color red
    set size 1

; Procedures governing the world development ;

to go 
  if count issues with [ i_resolved? = true ] = Nr-issues [ stop ]

; some volunters can be tasked, e.g. to quality-assure the reports

to assign-tasks
  ; nothing to do. Actually we should only call this function if there is something to do..
  ; Note: if I need 0 confirmation, this means one observation. 1 confirmations = 2 observations etc.
  ; So open issues are the ones with with less than Nconfirmations + 1 links. Which is the same as "<= Nconfirmations" links.
  let open_issues issues with [i_discovered > 0 and (count in-link-neighbors) <= Nr-confirmations]
  if count open_issues = 0 [stop]

  let free_volunteers volunteers with [not any? out-v_task-neighbors]
  ask free_volunteers [
    let nearest_issue min-one-of (issues with [ 
      i_discovered > 0 
      and not in-observation-neighbor? myself
      and (count in-link-neighbors) <= Nr-confirmations
      and distance myself <= R-task ])  [distance myself ]
    if is-issue? nearest_issue [
      create-v_task-to nearest_issue [
        if show-tasks? [ 
          set color orange 
      if debug? [
        write "created task"
        show self
      set color orange
      ;set size size + 1
  if Adjust-tasking-radius? [
    ; let's play with tasking radius
    let tasking-need count issues with [ i_discovered > 0 and (count in-link-neighbors) <= Nr-confirmations]
    let tasked-volunteers count v_tasks
    let tasking-offer Nr-taskable - tasked-volunteers

    ifelse  tasking-need < tasking-offer
      [ if tasking-need > 0 and R-task < max-pxcor [set R-task  R-task + 1 ] ]
      [ if tasking-offer = 0 and R-task > R-discover [set R-task  R-task - 1 ] ]
;      [ if tasking-offer > Nr-taskable / 10 + 1 and R-task < max-pxcor [set R-task  R-task + 1 ] ]
;      [ if tasking-need > 0 and R-task > R-discover [set R-task  R-task - 1 ] ]


; reporters just move at random.
; motivation always goes down, unless an issue is discovered

to move-reporters
  ask reporters [
    right random 360 
    forward 1
    if v_motivation > 0 [
      set v_motivation v_motivation - 1

; tasked volunteers move towards their task or at random if no task defined.

to move-volunteers
  ask volunteers [
    ; current target?
    ; normally there should be only one, so "one-of" is the same as
    ; min-one-of (out-v_task-neighbors)  [distance myself ]

    ; If we have a task, let's go for it!
    ifelse any? out-v_task-neighbors [
;      print "heading towards"
;      print one-of out-v_task-neighbors
      face one-of out-v_task-neighbors   
    ; else we'll stroll arround
      ; if "with base" meander back towards vicinity of the initial position      
      if with-base? 
        if distancexy xhome yhome > r-task / 4 [ facexy xhome yhome ]
      ; let him also menader a bit.
      right random 60 - 30 
    forward 1
    ; motivation always goes down, unless an issue is discovered
    ; TODO: this is not implemented yet
    if v_motivation > 0 [
      set v_motivation v_motivation - 1

; report observations on nearby issues

to report-issues
  ask turtles with [is-reporter? self or is-volunteer? self ] [
    ; "myself" refers to a volunteer which initiated the loop, not to issue!
    ; issue would be reffered to as "self" in own context.
    let this_reporter self

    ; which issues are in vicinity?
    ask issues in-radius R-discover [
      ; report only those issues we haven't reported already!
      if in-observation-neighbor? myself [ stop ]       

      ; delete the task from a caling turtle to this issue
      ask my-in-v_tasks with [ other-end = this_reporter ] [ 
        ask this_reporter [ 
          set color violet
        if debug? [
          write "deleting obsolete task (1):"
          print self
      ; don't report if already enough reports. 
      ; This is kind-or optional, results might even improve if we don't do this.
      ; Note: 0 confirmation means 1 observations etc. 
      if (count in-observation-neighbors) > Nr-confirmations [stop]
      ; good reporters grow. :-)
      ask this_reporter [ 
        set size size + 1 

      ; is our observation correct or not?
      let obs_correct? (error-perc < random 100)
      ; if issue is already discovered, confirm 
      ifelse i_discovered > 0 
        create-observation-from myself [
          if show-observations? [ 
            ; actually i should set it to black if the observation is wrong...
            ifelse obs_correct? [set color green] [set color black]
          set v_breed [breed] of this_reporter 
          set timestamp ticks
          set correct? obs_correct?
          if debug? [print self]
      ; else report new discoveries
        set i_discovered ticks
        create-observation-from myself [ 
          if show-observations? [ 
            ifelse obs_correct? [set color red] [set color magenta]
          set v_breed [breed] of this_reporter 
          set timestamp ticks
          set correct? obs_correct?
          if debug? [print self]
        set color orange
        set size 1.5

to manage-issues 
  ; issues are considered resolved if we get enough reports on it.
  ; thus we can have "false positives" here too.

  ask issues with [ not i_resolved? and (count in-observation-neighbors) > Nr-confirmations ] [ 
    if debug? [
      write "No. neigbours:"
      print count in-observation-neighbors

    set i_resolved? true
    set i_resolved ticks
    set i_consensus (count my-in-observations with [correct?] - count my-in-observations with [ not correct? ])

    ; if needed, tell the volunteers that their help isn't needed anymore!
    ask my-in-v_tasks [
      if debug? [
        write "deleting obsolete tasks (2):"
        print self
      if is-volunteer? other-end [ 
        ask other-end [ 
          set color violet 
          ;set size 1.5
    ifelse i_consensus > 0 
    [ set color turquoise ]
    [ set color black ]
    set size 2

There are 6 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Spell-check on Info Download this version
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Corrected the "how to cite" section Download this version
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Improved documentation Download this version
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Volunteers grow with their results :-) Download this version
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Why don't I see the "info"? Download this version
Denis Havlik about 10 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Taskable volunteers 01.png preview Preview for 'Taskable volunteers 01' about 10 years ago, by Denis Havlik Download

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