Conference Socialization Section Model
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This model is intended to simulate the coffee-brake and a socialization part of a conference. What do people do during this kind of sections? Eat, drink, and communicate. So, all of these activities are represented in the agents' behaviors.
Agent's behavior consists of wishes and current actions. Agent may 'walk', 'talk', 'listen'. Intentions are presented by 'wanna-walk', 'wanna-eat', 'wanna-talk' and 'wanna-listen' wishes. Wishes define goals of an agent. When a goal is reached an agent randomly chooses another wish (each behavior type has a corresponding probability).
As for the low-level movement model, the model incorporates the Social Forces Model (by Dirk Helbing,, which is used in order to provide collision avoidance. The implementation of the SFM was taken from the "Waiting Bar Customers" model
Conversations are set by temporary links between talker and listeners.
As an addon, the model of infection propagation is implemented.
The main purpose of the model is in use during educational master-class for students on theme of Agent-Based modeling and simulation in NetLogo.
As an example of a task, students were proposed to extend the base model with infection propagation model.
Author: Konstantin Knyazkov
The model is based on the the Social Forces Model implementation taken from Waiting Bar Customers model
Comments and Questions
;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Agents' properties ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- turtles-own [ ;; Infection status infected ;; Жажда drinks-had ;; the number of drinks i've had talks-given talks-listened ;; Движение vx ;; x velocity vy ;; y velocity desired-direction ;; my desired direction driving-forcex ;; my main motivating force driving-forcey obstacle-forcex ;; force exerted by obstacles obstacle-forcey territorial-forcex;; force exerted by neighbors territorial-forcey ;; Поведение wish ;; wanna-walk, wanna-talk, wanna-listen, wanna-eat action ;; walk, talk, listen walking-point ;; Chosen random direction to walk time-left-in-talk ;; Timer which counts down time left to participate in a talk ] ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Map ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- patches-own [ density ] ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Model initialization ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to setup clear-all ;; Icon for an agent: circle, default, ... set-default-shape turtles "default" ;; == Map initialization == ;;----------------- ;; Blue color for walls ;;----------------- ask patches with [pxcor = min-pxcor or pxcor = max-pxcor or pycor = min-pycor or pycor = max-pycor] [ set pcolor blue ] ;;----------------- ;; Obstacles are walls too ;;----------------- ask patches with [pycor > 4 and pycor < 13 and abs pxcor > 10 and abs pxcor < 13] [ set pcolor blue ] ;;----------------- ;; Cofee break table will be green ;;----------------- ask patches with [pycor < (max-pycor - 4) and pycor > (max-pycor - 8) and abs pxcor > 3 and abs pxcor < 10] [ set pcolor green ] ;; == Create agents == create-turtles patrons [ let point one-of patches with [pcolor = black] setxy ([pxcor] of point) ([pycor] of point) set drinks-had 0 set talks-given 0 set talks-listened 0 ;; Initial behavior is random walking set wish "wanna-walk" set action "walk" choose-walking-direction ;; Coloring an agent color-turtle ;; Infection set infected false ] ;; Restet tick counter reset-ticks end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; General function of one simulation iteration ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to go ;;----------------- ;; Density ;;----------------- ; Calculate density ask patches with [member? pcolor (list blue green) = false] [ set density count turtles in-radius 2.5 ] ; Show density ifelse show-density [ ask patches with [member? pcolor (list blue green) = false] [ set pcolor (scale-color white (count turtles in-radius 2) 0 5) ] ] [ ask patches with [member? pcolor (list blue green) = false] [ set pcolor black ] ] ;;----------------- ;; Constants (may be placed in UI) ;;----------------- let radius 4 ;; Talk radius let enoughListeners 4 ;; Talker search for enough listeners in radius let timeToTalk 200 ;; Number of ticks for one conversation ;;----------------- ;; Behavior matrix ;; x-axis means wish: wanna-walk (w), wanna-talk (t), wanna-listen (l), wanna-eat (e) ;; y-axis means action: walk, talk, listen ;; + means probable agent state ;;----------------- ;; w t l e ;; w + + + + ;; t + ;; l + ;; Want to walk - is walkin ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-walk" and action = "walk"] [ set desired-direction towards walking-point ;; Поворачиваем пиктограмму в сторону цели face walking-point ;; Если достигли цели - меняем поведение if distance walking-point < 3 [ model-behavior-change ] ] ;; Want to eat - is walking towards table ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-eat" and action = "walk"] [ let goal min-one-of (patches with [pcolor = green]) [ distance myself ] face goal set desired-direction towards goal ] ;; Want to listen - is searching for talker ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-listen" and action = "walk"] [ let goal max-one-of (turtles with [ action = "talk" ]) [ count my-out-links / distance myself] if goal != NOBODY [ face goal ifelse distance goal <= radius [ set action "listen" set time-left-in-talk timeToTalk create-link-from goal ] [ set desired-direction towards goal ] ] ] ;; Want to talk - is searching for enough number of listeners ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-talk" and action = "walk"] [ ;; Достаточно человек рядом -> начинаю говорить ifelse count turtles in-radius radius >= enoughListeners [ if any? turtles in-radius radius with [wish = "wanna-listen" and action = "walk"] [ ;; start talking set action "talk" set time-left-in-talk timeToTalk let listeners turtles in-radius radius with [wish = "wanna-listen" and action = "walk"] ask listeners [ set action "listen" set time-left-in-talk timeToTalk ] create-links-to listeners ] ] ;; Not enough listeners -> continue searching [ let goal max-one-of (patches with [ pcolor = black ]) [ count turtles in-radius radius ] face goal set desired-direction towards goal ] ] ;; Want to talk - is talking ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-talk" and action = "talk"] [ ifelse time-left-in-talk = 0 [ set talks-given talks-given + 1 ;; Finish talking ask out-link-neighbors [ set talks-listened talks-listened + 1 model-behavior-change ] ask my-out-links [die] model-behavior-change ] [ ;; Infection spreading set infected infected or reduce or [infected] of out-link-neighbors if infected [ ask out-link-neighbors [ set infected true color-turtle ] ] color-turtle set time-left-in-talk time-left-in-talk - 1 ] ] ;; Want to listen - is listening ask turtles with [wish = "wanna-listen" and action = "listen"] [ ifelse time-left-in-talk = 0 [ set talks-listened talks-listened + 1 ;; Tired of listening - leave ask my-in-links [die] model-behavior-change ] [ set time-left-in-talk time-left-in-talk - 1 ] ] ;; Social forces model ;; calculate the forces first... ask turtles with [action = "walk"] [ calc-driving-force calc-obstacle-force if any? other turtles [ calc-territorial-forces ] move-turtle ] ;; Table service model let p 1 / mean-service-time if random-float 1 < p [ ask one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [ service-patron ] ] tick end ;;============================================================================ ;; Поведение ;;============================================================================ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Выбираем случайную цель движения из нераскрашенных ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to choose-walking-direction let point one-of patches with [pcolor = black and distance myself > 2] set walking-point point end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Random behavior choice: walk, table, talk ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to model-behavior-change set action "walk" let t random-float 1 if t < 0.20 [ set wish "wanna-walk" choose-walking-direction let init-direction -90 + random 180 set vx sin init-direction set vy cos init-direction ] if t >= 0.20 and t < 0.4 [ set wish "wanna-eat" ] if t >= 0.4 and t < 0.8 [ set wish "wanna-listen" ] if t >= 0.8 and t <= 1.0 [ set wish "wanna-talk" ] color-turtle end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Drinks and food service ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to service-patron if any? (turtles with [wish = "wanna-eat"]) in-radius 2.5 [ ;; take random agent let next-served one-of turtles with [wish = "wanna-eat"] in-radius 2.5 ask next-served [ set wish "wanna-walk" choose-walking-direction set drinks-had drinks-had + 1 color-turtle ] ] end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Coloring agents ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to color-turtle if coloring-scheme = "role-based" [ ifelse (wish = "wanna-eat") [ set color magenta ] [ ifelse (wish = "wanna-walk") [ set color red ] [ ifelse (wish = "wanna-talk") [ set color yellow ] [ set color turquoise ] ] ] ] if coloring-scheme = "infected-based" [ ifelse (infected = true) [ set color red ] [ set color green ] ] end to recolor-all ask turtles [ color-turtle ] end ;; Infect one not infected talker of listener to infect-one-agent if any? turtles with [action = "talk" or action = "listen" and infected = false] [ ask one-of turtles with [action = "talk" or action = "listen" and infected = false] [ set infected true ] ] end ;;============================================================================ ;; Movement ;;============================================================================ ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Helper function to find the magnitude of a vector ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to-report magnitude [x y] report sqrt ((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Returns 1 if the angle between the desired vector and the force vector is within a threshold, else return c ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to-report field-of-view-modifier [desiredx desiredy forcex forcey] ifelse (desiredx * (- forcex) + desiredy * (- forcey)) >= (magnitude forcex forcey) * cos (field-of-view / 2) [ report 1 ] [ report c] end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Social Force Model ;; move the turtle according to the rules of the social forces model ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to move-turtle let ax driving-forcex + obstacle-forcex + territorial-forcex let ay driving-forcey + obstacle-forcey + territorial-forcey set vx vx + ax set vy vy + ay ;; scale down the velocity if it is too high let vmag magnitude vx vy let multiplier 1 if vmag > max-speed [set multiplier max-speed / vmag] set vx vx * multiplier set vy vy * multiplier set xcor xcor + vx set ycor ycor + vy end ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Social Force Model ;; find the territorial force according to the social forces model ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- to calc-territorial-forces set territorial-forcex 0 set territorial-forcey 0 ask other turtles with [distance myself > 0] [ let to-agent (towards myself) - 180 let rabx [xcor] of myself - xcor let raby [ycor] of myself - ycor let speed magnitude vx vy let to-root ((magnitude rabx raby) + (magnitude (rabx - (speed * sin desired-direction)) (raby - (speed * cos desired-direction)))) ^ 2 - speed ^ 2 if to-root < 0 [set to-root 0] let b 0.5 * sqrt to-root let agent-force (- v0) * exp (- b / sigma) ask myself [ let agent-forcex agent-force * (sin to-agent) let agent-forcey agent-force * (cos to-agent) ;; modify the effect this force has based on whether or not it is in the field of view let vision field-of-view-modifier driving-forcex driving-forcey agent-forcex agent-forcey set territorial-forcex territorial-forcex + agent-forcex * vision set territorial-forcey territorial-forcey + agent-forcey * vision ] ] end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Social Force Model ;; find the obstacle force of the turtle according to the social forces model ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to calc-obstacle-force set obstacle-forcex 0 set obstacle-forcey 0 ask patches with [(pcolor = blue or pcolor = green) and distance myself < 10] [ let to-obstacle (towards myself) - 180 let obstacle-force (- u0) * exp (- (distance myself) / r) ask myself [ set obstacle-forcex obstacle-forcex + obstacle-force * (sin to-obstacle) set obstacle-forcey obstacle-forcey + obstacle-force * (cos to-obstacle) ] ] end ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Social Force Model ;; find the driving force of the turtle ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- to calc-driving-force set driving-forcex (1 / tau) * (max-speed * (sin desired-direction) - vx) * 1.5 ;; 1.5 is pushiness set driving-forcey (1 / tau) * (max-speed * (cos desired-direction) - vy) * 1.5 end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 10 years ago by Konstantin Knyazkov.
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Conference Socialization Section Model.png | preview | Preview for 'Conference Socialization Section Model' | almost 10 years ago, by Konstantin Knyazkov | Download |
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