Herd Immunity
Model was written in NetLogo 5.2.0
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;; *******************************************************Disclaimer: Please Read******************************************************* ;; Parts of this models were derived from and inspired by other models and we would like to give credit to those who created them. ;; ;; Virus model: ;; Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo Virus model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/Virus. ;; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, ;; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL3 ;; ;; AIDS model: ;; Wilensky, U. (1997). NetLogo AIDS model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/AIDS. ;; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, ;; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL ;; ;; Wolf Sheep Predication: ;; Wilensky, U. (1997). NetLogo Wolf Sheep Predation model. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/WolfSheepPredation. ;; Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, ;; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL ;; ;; This model is designed to represent herd immunity in a population of varying vaccination levels. ;;*******************************************************Disclaimer: Please Read******************************************************* ;; Version 2.7 turtles-own [infected healthy-vaccinated healthy-unvaccinated healthy-previously-infected infected-count ;; how many days the turtles have been infected infected-period ] breed[unvaccinated-people] breed[vaccinated-people] breed[vectors-for-infection] breed[previously-infected-people-healthy] ;; incoperate this one somehow, will not be in intial set up as it cannot occur with out recovery globals [carrying-capacity] to setup clear-all setup-turtles-vaccinated setup-turtles-healty-unvaccinated set-up-initial-vectors-for-transmission setup-constants reset-ticks end to setup-turtles-vaccinated set-default-shape vaccinated-people "person" create-vaccinated-people ((population-size - Initial-infected) * (vaccination-levels / 100)) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2] ask Vaccinated-people [be-healthy-Vac.] end to setup-turtles-healty-unvaccinated set-default-shape unvaccinated-people "person" create-unvaccinated-people ((population-size - Initial-infected) * ((100 - vaccination-levels) / 100)) [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2] ask unvaccinated-people [be-healty-unvaccinated] end to set-up-initial-vectors-for-transmission set-default-shape vectors-for-infection "person" create-vectors-for-infection initial-infected [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2] ask vectors-for-infection [be-infected] end to be-infected set infected true set healthy-vaccinated false set healthy-unvaccinated false set color red end to be-Healthy-Vac. set infected false set healthy-vaccinated true set healthy-unvaccinated false set color green end to be-healty-unvaccinated set infected false set healthy-vaccinated false set healthy-unvaccinated true set color grey end to setup-constants set carrying-capacity population-size end To go tick move infect durration-of-infection ask turtles [if infected [recover-or-die]] end to move ask turtles [rt random 179 lt random 179 fd People-Movement] end to durration-of-infection ask turtles [if infected [set infected-count (infected-count + .225)]] end to infect ;; this peice of code comes from the virus model cite Author later***** ask turtles with [infected] [ ask other turtles-here with [healthy-unvaccinated] [ if (random-float 100) < infectiousness [be-infected ] ] ] end To recover-or-die if infected-count > duration-of-infectious-period [ ifelse random-float 100 < chance-of-recovery [ be-now-healthy-previously-infected ] [ die ] ] end to be-now-healthy-previously-infected set infected false set healthy-vaccinated false set healthy-unvaccinated false set healthy-previously-infected true set color yellow end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 10 years ago by Sean K.
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