AnimDens NetLogo
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;AnimDens Model ;Original model implemented in R by Christine Ward-Paige et al. ;Adapted and implemented in NetLogo by Miguel Pessanha Pais ;FOR MORE INFORMATION, LOOK IN THE INFO TAB ;Global variables not represented in the main screen globals[ actual.area trans.viewangle stat.viewangle rov.viewangle transect.mean.speed roving.mean.speed transect.area stationary.area ] ;Agent types breed [animals animal] breed [transsurveyors transsurveyor] ;belt transect surveyor breed [statsurveyors statsurveyor] ;stationary point count surveyor breed [rovsurveyors rovsurveyor] ;roving surveyor ; roving surveyors can't calculate densities accurately, yet they can estimate speceis richness and frequency of occurence. ;Agent variables animals-own [ speed species ] transsurveyors-own [ counted.animals speed memory t.bias ] statsurveyors-own [ counted.animals memory s.bias ] rovsurveyors-own [ counted.animals speed memory ] ;Setup and go procedures to setup ca stop-inspecting-dead-agents ; clears surveyor detail windows from previous simulation runs resize-world 0 (area.width - 1) 0 (area.length - 1) set-patch-size (100 / area.length) * 10 ask patches with [pycor mod 2 = 0 and pxcor mod 2 = 0] [set pcolor environment.color] ; create background grid ask patches with [pycor mod 2 = 1 and pxcor mod 2 = 1] [set pcolor environment.color] ask patches with [pcolor = black] [set pcolor environment.color + 1] set actual.area world-height * world-width set trans.viewangle 180 set stat.viewangle 160 set rov.viewangle 160 set transect.mean.speed (transect.speed / 60) ; these 4 lines just convert interface speeds (in m/min) to m/s set roving.mean.speed (roving.speed / 60) ; on the original model, the final part of the sampled area of the transect is assumed to be a rectangle (transect.width x visibility.length) set transect.area transect.width * (transect.mean.speed * survey.time) + transect.width * visibility.length set stationary.area pi * stationary.radius ^ 2 ; if animal density is set to some number, then use that to calculate the number of animals to deploy. Otherwise, just use the numb.animals. ifelse animal.density != 0 [set numb.animals ceiling actual.area * animal.density] [set animal.density numb.animals / actual.area] create-animals numb.animals [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color animal.color set shape animal.shape set size 1 set species "Sp1" ; There is only one species, but this is what surveyors register and count set speed animal.mean.speed ] if transect? [ ;transect surveyor setup create-transsurveyors 1 [ set heading 0 set shape surveyor.shape set color blue set size 2 setxy (world-width / 2) (world-height / 2) if show.paths? [pen-down] ;this shows the path of the surveyor set speed transect.mean.speed set counted.animals [] ; sets counted.animals as an empty list ] ] if stationary? [ ;stationary setup create-statsurveyors 1 [ set heading 0 set shape surveyor.shape set color red set size 2 setxy (world-width / 2) (world-height / 2) set counted.animals [] ; sets counted.animals as an empty list ] ] if roving? [ ;roving setup create-rovsurveyors 1 [ set heading 0 set shape surveyor.shape set color green set size 2 setxy (world-width / 2) (world-height / 2) if show.paths? [pen-down] ;this shows the path of the surveyor set speed roving.mean.speed set counted.animals [] ; sets counted.animals as an empty list ] ] ask transsurveyors [ ; empty the memory of all surveyors set memory [] ] ask statsurveyors [ set memory [] ] ask rovsurveyors [ set memory [] ] reset-ticks if [ if any? transsurveyors [inspect one-of transsurveyors] ;here I had to use "if any?" because inspect will return an error if it finds nobody if any? statsurveyors [inspect one-of statsurveyors] if any? rovsurveyors [inspect one-of rovsurveyors] ] end ;of setup procedure to go tick ; time starts at 1 seconds (not 0) if ticks > survey.time [ do.outputs stop] ; end the simulation run when survey.time is reached, but include the last tick (if survey.time is 300, stop running at 301) if stationary.radius > visibility.length [ output-print "ERROR: stationary.radius is set to a value greater than visibility.length" ; if the stationary radius is higher than visibility, stop and output an error description output-print "The surveyor will not commit to sampling an area that it will not be able to see" output-print "Stopping simulation" stop ] ask transsurveyors [ ; move the surveyors do.tsurveyor.movement ] ask statsurveyors [ do.stsurveyor.movement ] ask rovsurveyors [ do.rsurveyor.movement ] ask animals [ ; move the animals do.animal.movement ] ifelse count.time.step = 1 [ ; if count.time.step is 1, ask surveyors to count animals every second ask transsurveyors [ t.count.animals ] ask statsurveyors [ s.count.animals ] ask rovsurveyors [ r.count.animals ]] [ ; if count.time.step is not 1 (meaning it is 2), only ask every 2 seconds if ticks mod 2 = 0 [ ask transsurveyors [ t.count.animals ] ask statsurveyors [ s.count.animals ] ask rovsurveyors [ r.count.animals ] ] ] end ; of go procedure ;Observer procedures to do.outputs ask transsurveyors [ let real.count length counted.animals let expected.count animal.density * transect.area set t.bias (real.count - expected.count) / expected.count output-type "Transect surveyor bias was " output-print precision t.bias 2 ; outputs bias with 2 decimal places ] ask statsurveyors [ let real.count length counted.animals let expected.count animal.density * stationary.area set s.bias (real.count - expected.count) / expected.count output-type "Stationary surveyor bias was " output-print precision s.bias 2 ] ask rovsurveyors [ let real.count length counted.animals output-type "Roving surveyor swam " output-type survey.time * roving.mean.speed output-type "m and counted " output-type real.count output-print " animals" ; the roving surveyor only tells how many animals it counted ] end to calculate.bias ifelse choose.method = "transect" [ ifelse any? transsurveyors [ output-print "The real value using the transect method is" output-print precision (observed.value / transect.factor.value) 3] [output-print "You need to re-run the model with this method enabled" stop ] ] [ ifelse any? statsurveyors [ output-print "The real value using the stationary method is" output-print precision (observed.value / stationary.factor.value) 3 ] [ output-print "You need to re-run the model with this method enabled" stop ]] end ;animal PROCEDURES ;animal movement to do.animal.movement set heading heading + random-float-between (- animal.dir.angle) animal.dir.angle fd speed ; each step is a second, so the speed is basically the distance end ;SURVEYOR PROCEDURES ;Transect surveyor procedures to do.tsurveyor.movement fd speed ; each step is a second, so the speed is basically the distance end to t.count.animals let myxcor xcor let seen.animals animals in-cone visibility.length trans.viewangle let eligible.animals seen.animals with [(xcor > myxcor - (transect.width / 2)) and (xcor < myxcor + (transect.width / 2))] ; this only works for transects heading north, of course let surveyor.memory memory let new.animals eligible.animals with [not member? who surveyor.memory] ; only animals that were not previously counted are counted if any? new.animals [ let new.records ([species] of new.animals) set counted.animals sentence counted.animals new.records set memory sentence memory [who] of new.animals ] end ;Stationary surveyor procedures to do.stsurveyor.movement set heading heading + stationary.turning.angle ; each second the surveyor rotates "stationary.turning.angle" degrees clockwise end to s.count.animals let eligible.animals animals in-cone stationary.radius stat.viewangle let surveyor.memory memory let new.animals eligible.animals with [not member? who surveyor.memory] ;only animals that were not previously counted are counted if any? new.animals [ let new.records ([species] of new.animals) set counted.animals sentence counted.animals new.records set memory sentence memory [who] of new.animals ] end ;Roving surveyor procedures to do.rsurveyor.movement if ticks mod 2 = 0 [set heading heading + random-float-between (- roving.turning.angle) roving.turning.angle] ;turn every 2 seconds fd speed ; each step is a second, so the speed is basically the distance end to r.count.animals let eligible.animals animals in-cone visibility.length stat.viewangle let surveyor.memory memory let new.animals eligible.animals with [not member? who surveyor.memory] ; only animals that were not previously counted are counted if any? new.animals [ let new.records ([species] of new.animals) set counted.animals sentence counted.animals new.records ; ask new.animals [set color red wait 1 set color gray] ;for troubleshooting set memory sentence memory [who] of new.animals ] end ;reporters to-report random-float-between [a b] report random-float (b - a + 1) + a end to-report t.bias-result ; these reporters are outputs for BehaviourSpace experiments report [t.bias] of one-of transsurveyors ; one-of makes it output a single number instead of a list with one value (a list would be [34] instead of 34) end to-report s.bias-result report [s.bias] of one-of statsurveyors end to-report stationary.factor.value report s.bias-result + 1 end to-report transect.factor.value report t.bias-result + 1 end
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