Modeling Social Identity Theory
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; Natalie Gallagher ; June 2016 extensions [ls] globals [ x ; useful for iteration stuff, basically empty variables z a b c all-ingroup-turtles prototypes-dim1 prototypes-dim2 prototypes-dim3 dimension1-colors dimension2-colors dimension3-colors num-ticks intersectionality ] turtles-own [ brain ; where you open the level-space brain dim1-level dim2-level dim3-level dimension-dominant ; which category identity is dominant at any given time. This will always include the three basic dimensions. In some cases, it will also include intersections (i.e. 1-2, 1-3, 2-3, and 1-2-3) and individual (i.e. no collective identity activated) dimension-dominant-next ; which category identity will be dominant/expressed at the next tick switched-on-last-tick ; did this turtle change their identity on the last tick ingroup-agentset ingroup-size in-ingroup trait-values num-times-switched ] patches-own [ dim1-salience-from-context dim2-salience-from-context dim3-salience-from-context ] to Setup clear-all ifelse intersectionality? [ ; is intersectionality part of this model? set intersectionality 1][ set intersectionality 0] create-turtles number-of-agents [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; set each turtle to a random location set shape "circle" set size 1.5 set dim1-level (random levels-social-dimension1) + 1 set dim2-level (random levels-social-dimension2) + 1 set dim3-level (random levels-social-dimension3) + 1 set trait-values n-values number-of-traits [random 101] ; set each turtle to a random set of traits set num-times-switched 0 set switched-on-last-tick 0 ifelse intersectionality = 1 [ set dimension-dominant one-of (list 1 2 3 12 23 13) ][ set dimension-dominant (random 3) set dimension-dominant dimension-dominant + 1] set ingroup-agentset nobody ] set all-ingroup-turtles nobody set dimension1-colors (list 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5) ;these are useful for coloring-turtles (used lists to deal with intersectional cases efficiently) set dimension2-colors (list 43 43.5 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 46.5 47 47.5) set dimension3-colors (list 103 103.5 104 104.5 105 105.5 106 106.5 107 107.5) setup-brain ask turtles [ define-ingroup] set all-ingroup-turtles (turtle-set [ingroup-agentset] of turtles) ask turtles [ determine-if-in-ingroup] ask patches [generate-patch-salience] setup-prototypes recolor-turtles reset-ticks tick end to Go ask turtles [ move ; move to another patch within their distance (ls:ask brain [gather-salience ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4] dim1-salience-from-context dim2-salience-from-context dim3-salience-from-context intersectionality) ; tell the child model to pick up all the salience from that place (ls:ask brain [define-comparative-fit ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 ?10 ?11 ?12 ?13] sharedlevel-distance-dim1 sharedlevel-distance-dim2 sharedlevel-distance-dim3 notsharedlevel-distance-dim1 notsharedlevel-distance-dim2 notsharedlevel-distance-dim3 sharedlevel-distance-intersection12 sharedlevel-distance-intersection23 sharedlevel-distance-intersection13 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection12 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection23 notsharedlevel-distance-intersection13 intersectionality) (ls:ask brain [define-normative-fit ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7] normative-fit-dim1 normative-fit-dim2 normative-fit-dim3 normative-fit-intersection12 normative-fit-intersection23 normative-fit-intersection13 intersectionality) set num-ticks ticks (ls:ask brain [set-social-identification ?1 ?2 ?3] num-ticks dimension-dominant intersectionality) (ls:ask brain [determine-next-dimension ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6] normative-fit-weight comparative-fit-weight environmental-salience-weight social-identification-weight intersectionality dimension-dominant) set dimension-dominant-next (ls:report brain [dimension-dominant-next-child]) define-ingroup] set all-ingroup-turtles (turtle-set [ingroup-agentset] of turtles) ask turtles [ determine-if-in-ingroup dominant-identity-switch] recolor-turtles tick end to setup-prototypes ; first, generate the list of lists that I'll populate with prototypes from the actual agents set prototypes-dim1 n-values levels-social-dimension1 [n-values number-of-traits [0]] set prototypes-dim2 n-values levels-social-dimension2 [n-values number-of-traits [0]] set prototypes-dim3 n-values levels-social-dimension3 [n-values number-of-traits [0]] set a 1 set b 1 set c 1 while [a <= levels-social-dimension1] [ ; this will iterate for each level of Dimension1 ; collate list of lists of all agents with each level of each category if any? turtles with [dim1-level = a] [ set x (map [[trait-values] of ?] sort turtles with [dim1-level = a]) set z 1 ; this will iterate for each TRAIT while [z <= number-of-traits] [ set prototypes-dim1 replace-item (a - 1) prototypes-dim1 (replace-item (z - 1) (item (a - 1) prototypes-dim1) mean (map [item (z - 1) ?] x)) set z z + 1]] set a a + 1] while [b <= levels-social-dimension2] [ ; this will iterate for each level of Dimension2 ; collate list of lists of all agents with each level of each category if any? turtles with [dim2-level = b] [ set x (map [[trait-values] of ?] sort turtles with [dim2-level = b]) set z 1 ; this will iterate for each TRAIT while [z <= number-of-traits] [ set prototypes-dim2 replace-item (b - 1) prototypes-dim2 (replace-item (z - 1) (item (b - 1) prototypes-dim2) mean (map [item (z - 1) ?] x)) set z z + 1]] set b b + 1] while [c <= levels-social-dimension3] [ ; this will iterate for each level of Dimension3 ; collate list of lists of all agents with each level of each category if any? turtles with [dim3-level = c] [ set x (map [[trait-values] of ?] sort turtles with [dim3-level = c]) set z 1 ; this will iterate for each TRAIT while [z <= number-of-traits] [ set prototypes-dim3 replace-item (c - 1) prototypes-dim3 (replace-item (z - 1) (item (c - 1) prototypes-dim3) mean (map [item (z - 1) ?] x)) set z z + 1]] set c c + 1] end to setup-brain while [length ls:models < count turtles] [ (ls:load-headless-model "05302016_Brain1.nlogo")] let available-brains ls:models ask turtles [ set brain first available-brains set available-brains but-first available-brains ls:set-name brain (word "Brain of " self) (ls:ask brain [setup ?1 ?2 ?3] levels-social-dimension1 levels-social-dimension2 levels-social-dimension3) (ls:ask brain [activate-levels ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4] dim1-level dim2-level dim3-level dimension-dominant)] end to move ; turtles move some random amount in a random direction, so they're exposed to new "environmental" or "patch" influences lt random 360 rt random 360 fd random 5 end to dominant-identity-switch ; agent procedure ifelse dimension-dominant != dimension-dominant-next [ ; if the current category doesn't match the "next" category, set dimension-dominant dimension-dominant-next set switched-on-last-tick 1 set num-times-switched num-times-switched + 1] [ set switched-on-last-tick 0] end to generate-patch-salience set dim1-salience-from-context n-values levels-social-dimension1 [(random 100) + 1] ; for each level of each category, each patch has a random % salience set dim2-salience-from-context n-values levels-social-dimension2 [(random 100) + 1] set dim3-salience-from-context n-values levels-social-dimension3 [(random 100) + 1] end to define-ingroup ; turtle procedure if [dimension-dominant] of self = 1 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] if [dimension-dominant] of self = 2 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] if [dimension-dominant] of self = 3 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] if [dimension-dominant] of self = 12 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] if [dimension-dominant] of self = 23 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] if [dimension-dominant] of self = 13 [ set ingroup-agentset agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection with [WHO != [WHO] of myself]] set ingroup-size count ingroup-agentset end to determine-if-in-ingroup ; this is where each turtle determines whether it is, at all, in an ingroup ifelse member? self all-ingroup-turtles [ ; ask each turtle to determine whether it is a member of the overall ingroup, and set its value accordingly set in-ingroup 1][ set in-ingroup 0] end to recolor-turtles if (TurtleColors = "Dominant Dimension") [ ; if the switch is set for turtles to display their dominant category, do this ask turtles [ ; set overall color based on categorydominant, and then each level within each category is a particular color if dimension-dominant = 1 [ set color item (dim1-level - 1) dimension1-colors] if dimension-dominant = 2 [ set color item (dim2-level - 1) dimension2-colors] if dimension-dominant = 3 [ set color item (dim3-level - 1) dimension3-colors] if dimension-dominant = 12 [ set color (20 + (((item (dim1-level - 1) dimension1-colors) + (item (dim2-level - 1) dimension2-colors) - 50) / 2))] if dimension-dominant = 23 [ set color (50 + (((item (dim3-level - 1) dimension3-colors) + (item (dim2-level - 1) dimension2-colors) - 140) / 2))] if dimension-dominant = 13 [ set color (110 + (((item (dim1-level - 1) dimension1-colors) + (item (dim3-level - 1) dimension3-colors) - 110) / 2))]]] if (TurtleColors = "In An Ingroup") [ ask turtles [ if in-ingroup = 1 [ set color green] if in-ingroup = 0 [ set color gray]]] if (TurtleColors = "Switched On Last Tick") [ ask turtles [ if switched-on-last-tick = 1 [ set color green] if switched-on-last-tick = 0 [ set color gray]]] end ;; Below here is all reporters. to-report percent-excluded ifelse any? all-ingroup-turtles [ report 100 - ((count all-ingroup-turtles / count turtles) * 100)] [report 100] end to-report mean-ingroup-size ifelse any? all-ingroup-turtles [ report mean([ingroup-size] of turtles)] [report 0] end to-report PercentSwitchedOnLastTick report ( count turtles with [switched-on-last-tick = 1] / count turtles) * 100 end to-report percent-expressing-dim1 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 1]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-expressing-dim2 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 2]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-expressing-dim3 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 3]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-expressing-intersection12 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 12]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-expressing-intersection23 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 23]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-expressing-intersection13 report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 13]) * 100 / (count turtles) end to-report percent-intersectional report (count turtles with [dimension-dominant = 12 or dimension-dominant = 23 or dimension-dominant = 13])/(count turtles) * 100 end to-report mean-percent-switches-per-turtle ifelse ticks != 0 [ report 100 * mean([num-times-switched] of turtles) / ticks][ report 0] end ; Relevant for the calculation of Comparative Fit to-report query-distance [ person ] let othertraitlist [trait-values] of person let traitdistance mean ( map [ abs(?1 - ?2)] othertraitlist trait-values) report traitdistance end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 1 and dim1-level = [dim1-level] of myself] end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 2 and dim2-level = [dim2-level] of myself] end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 3 and dim3-level = [dim3-level] of myself] end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 12 and dim1-level = [dim1-level] of myself and dim2-level = [dim2-level] of myself] end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 23 and dim2-level = [dim2-level] of myself and dim3-level = [dim3-level] of myself] end to-report agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection report turtles with [dimension-dominant = 13 and dim1-level = [dim1-level] of myself and dim3-level = [dim3-level] of myself] end to-report sharedlevel-distance-dim1 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level))]] [report 100] ; if there are no turtles enacting my level of category 1, then ingroup homogeneity is as high as possible (it's only me), which is the number of traits on which differing is possible, times the maximum possible difference on any single trait, which is 100 end to-report sharedlevel-distance-dim2 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level))]] [report 100] end to-report sharedlevel-distance-dim3 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level))]] [report 100] end to-report sharedlevel-distance-intersection12 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection))]] [report 100] end to-report sharedlevel-distance-intersection23 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection))]] [report 100] end to-report sharedlevel-distance-intersection13 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection [ ifelse (round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection))) = 0 [ report 1] [ report round( mean([query-distance myself] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection))]] [report 100] end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-dim1 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level] [ ifelse (round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level])))]] [report 100] end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-dim2 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level] [ ifelse ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level])))]] [report 100] ; if there are no turtles outside of the identity I'm considering, intergroup is as high as possible end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-dim3 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level] [ ifelse ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level])))]] [report 100] end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-intersection12 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection] [ ifelse ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim2-intersection])))]] [report 100] end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-intersection23 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection] [ ifelse ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection])))]] [report 100] end to-report notsharedlevel-distance-intersection13 ifelse any? other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection] [ ifelse ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection]))) = 0 [ ; if this rounds down to zero report 1][ report ( round (mean([query-distance myself] of other turtles with [not member? self agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection])))]] [report 100] end ; Relevant for calculation of Normative Fit to-report distance-from-prototype-dim1 report mean(map [ abs( ?1 - ?2)] trait-values item (dim1-level - 1) prototypes-dim1) end to-report distance-from-prototype-dim2 report mean( map [ abs( ?1 - ?2)] trait-values item (dim2-level - 1) prototypes-dim2) end to-report distance-from-prototype-dim3 report mean( map [ abs( ?1 - ?2)] trait-values item (dim3-level - 1) prototypes-dim3) end to-report distance-from-prototype-intersection12 report mean( map [abs (?1 - ?2)] trait-values (map[(?1 + ?2) / 2] item (dim1-level - 1) prototypes-dim1 item (dim2-level - 1) prototypes-dim2)) end to-report distance-from-prototype-intersection23 report mean( map [abs (?1 - ?2)] trait-values (map[(?1 + ?2) / 2] item (dim2-level - 1) prototypes-dim2 item (dim3-level - 1) prototypes-dim3)) end to-report distance-from-prototype-intersection13 report mean( map [abs (?1 - ?2)] trait-values (map[(?1 + ?2) / 2] item (dim1-level - 1) prototypes-dim1 item (dim3-level - 1) prototypes-dim3)) end to-report normative-fit-dim1 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level [ ; are there any turtles that have my level of category 1 and are expressing it, including myself? ifelse round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim1] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level)) = 0 [ ; if so, how distant are those turtles expressing my level of category 1 from the prototype of my level of category 1 report 1][ report round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim1] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-level))]] [report 100] end to-report normative-fit-dim2 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level [ ifelse round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim2] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level)) = 0 [ ; if so, how distant are those turtles expressing my level of category 1 from the prototype of my level of category 1 report 1][ report round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim2] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-level))]] [report 100] end to-report normative-fit-dim3 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level [ ifelse round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim3] of agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level)) = 0 [ ; if so, how distant are those turtles expressing my level of category 1 from the prototype of my level of category 1 report 1][ report round( mean([distance-from-prototype-dim3] of agentset-enacting-my-dim3-level))]] [report 100] end to-report normative-fit-intersection12 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection [ ifelse round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection13] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection)) = 0 [ report 1][ report round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection13] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection))]] [report 100] end to-report normative-fit-intersection23 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection [ ifelse round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection23] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection)) = 0 [ report 1][ report round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection23] of agentset-enacting-my-dim2-dim3-intersection))]] [report 100] end to-report normative-fit-intersection13 ifelse any? agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection [ ifelse round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection13] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection)) = 0 [ report 1][ report round(mean([distance-from-prototype-intersection13] of agentset-enacting-my-dim1-dim3-intersection))]] [report 100] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 8 years ago by Natalie Gallagher.
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