The emergence of oligarchy
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extensions [csv] breed [cooperatives cooperative] breed [suppliers supplier] breed [neighbours neighbour] globals [ domination.level domination avg.board.size reelected.level reelected minority.level total.avg.board.size avg.share collective.investment quorum.level participate.level attendance.level total-investment total-e.generation total-e.consumption min-invest max-invest avg-invest min-bill max-bill max-i.benefit min-i.benefit salary ;avg.will.invest case case.0 case.1 case.2 case.3 case.4 case.5 board.list what-to-vote-case what-to-vote0 what-to-vote1 ;the threshold quorum no.supplier pareto assembly.decision tariff voteboard.list majority avg.participate diff real.tariff min-balance max-balance lhsExperimentNumber lhs work.hour ] cooperatives-own[ will.participate investment.list board ; 1 board 0 member e.consumption; kWh e.generation ; kWh time.avail education balance attendance influence env.concern e.independence investment ; € percieved.cost percieved.benefit reduced.bill market.price outcome.discrepancy cb decisions invest.thres collect.aspiration numb.connection candidature connection.list e.bill invest.benefit c.income this.year real.cost real.benefit real.cb add.econsumption my.collective.investment this.year.collect ] suppliers-own[ income balance.supp ] neighbours-own [ n.balance n.time.avail n.env.concern n.e.independence n.will.participate ] to load-experiment set lhs csv:from-file "lhsExperiment.csv" let currentExperiment item lhsExperimentNumber lhs ;creation other global variables set attendance.thres item 0 currentExperiment set investment.thres item 1 currentExperiment set reduced.bill.thres item 2 currentExperiment set withdrawal.thres item 3 currentExperiment set subsidy item 4 currentExperiment set discrepancy.thres item 5 currentExperiment set coverage item 6 currentExperiment set mean.initial.conn item 7 currentExperiment set initial.balance.std item 8 currentExperiment set c.income.std item 9 currentExperiment set std.econsumption item 10 currentExperiment set std.time.avail item 11 currentExperiment set item 12 currentExperiment end to setup clear-all ;creation of cooperatives create-cooperatives 200 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "dot" set color blue set balance random-normal 10000 initial.balance.std set decisions [] set collect.aspiration [] set attendance 1 set education max (list 1 int (random-normal 2 set time.avail int (random-normal 30 std.time.avail) set env.concern 0.1 + random-float 0.9 set e.independence 0.1 + random-float 0.9 set investment.list [] set e.consumption random-normal 6570 std.econsumption ;6570 set add.econsumption (random-normal 0.2 0.1) * e.consumption set outcome.discrepancy 1 set work.hour 6 set c.income random-normal 1500 c.income.std set size 0.5 ] ;place cooperatives in social network ask cooperatives [ set numb.connection 1 + min (list 199 (int (random-exponential mean.initial.conn))) set connection.list other n-of numb.connection cooperatives foreach (list connection.list) [[x] -> ask x [create-link-with myself [set color gray]]] ] set pareto par foreach (list cooperatives with [numb.connection >= pareto]) [[x] -> ask x [ ask my-links [set color red]]] ;creation of the neigbours create-neighbours 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "triangle" set color white set size 0.5 set n.balance random-normal 10000 initial.balance.std set max (list 1 int (random-normal 2 set n.time.avail int (random-normal 30 std.time.avail) set n.env.concern 0.1 + random-float 0.9 set n.e.independence 0.1 + random-float 0.9 ] ;creation of energy supplier create-suppliers 1 [ set balance.supp 10000000 ] ;setup of the globals set case.0 [[] ->] set case.1 [[] ->] set case.2 [[] ->] set case.3 [[] ->] set case.4 [[] ->] set case (list case.0 case.1 case.2 case.3 case.4) set what-to-vote0 [[] ->] set what-to-vote1 [[] ->] set (list what-to-vote0 what-to-vote1) set quorum 1 set no.supplier 0 set salary 0 set tariff 0.1903 set 17.5 set 0.035 set real.tariff 0.0377 set diff tariff - real.tariff reset-ticks end to go ask cooperatives [implement-decisions] ask cooperatives [evaluate-decision] what-to-vote; the board decides what to vote for the next general meeting ask cooperatives [define-aspiration];defining aspiration ==> first set the individual aspiration, then influence each other vote ;voting procedure : make decision.list, board.list (set board 0) eoy ;==> for cooperative and energy supplier tick end to implement-decisions ;decision list contains either ;case 0 invest privately ;case 1 invest collectively ;case 2 go out from energy supplier ;case 3 no one or less than 3 persons to be candidate ;set decisions (list case.0 case.1 case.2 case.3 case.4 case.5) ===>>> don't forget this the end of voting procedure and sort ;1. implement the decision that has been decided at last-year general assembly set this.year 0 set this.year.collect 0 if decisions != [][ let n length decisions - 1 let token 0 while [token <= n] [ run item (read-from-string (item (token) decisions)) case set token token + 1] ] ;2. calculate the bill ;= calculate the expected electricity bill set e.bill bill tariff e.consumption e.generation subsidy set invest.benefit i.benefit e.bill e.consumption set min-i.benefit min [invest.benefit] of cooperatives set max-i.benefit max [invest.benefit] of cooperatives set min-bill min [reduced.bill] of cooperatives set max-bill max [reduced.bill] of cooperatives ;if they are board they know a bit better the market price ifelse board = 1 [ ifelse no.supplier = 0 [ set market.price (1 + random-normal 0.3 0.1 - random-normal 0.3 0.1 ) * set reduced.bill r.bill tariff market.price] [set market.price set reduced.bill r.bill tariff market.price ] ] [set market.price (1 + random-normal 0.6 0.1 - random-normal 0.6 0.1) * set reduced.bill r.bill tariff market.price ] ;3. calculate the investment foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x[ set total-investment total-investment + investment set total-e.generation total-e.generation + e.generation set total-e.consumption total-e.consumption + e.consumption ] ] set min-invest min [investment] of cooperatives set max-invest max [investment] of cooperatives set avg-invest mean [investment] of cooperatives set min-balance min [balance] of cooperatives set max-balance max [balance] of cooperatives end to evaluate-decision ;1. cost benefit set percieved.cost cost c.income investment board this.year set percieved.benefit benefit e.bill e.consumption reduced.bill salary decisions set cb percieved.benefit - percieved.cost set real.cost co c.income investment board this.year set real.benefit be e.bill e.consumption reduced.bill salary decisions set real.cb real.benefit - real.cost ;2. update variable and all the willingness set trust quorum attendance set will.participate participate env.concern e.independence education set avg.participate mean [will.participate] of cooperatives ;3. the influence set influence power will.participate education numb.connection balance end to what-to-vote let board.choice [] set what-to-vote-case [] foreach (list cooperatives with [board = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ if balance > 0 [ if will.participate >= investment.thres [ set board.choice fput "0" board.choice]] if reduced.bill > reduced.bill.thres [ set board.choice fput "1" board.choice ] ]] ;print board.choice set what-to-vote-case sort modes board.choice ;print (word "whattovote" what-to-vote-case) end to define-aspiration set decisions [] set collect.aspiration [] if what-to-vote-case != [][ let n length what-to-vote-case - 1 let token 0 while [token <= n] [ run item (read-from-string (item (token) what-to-vote-case)) set token token + 1] ] set decisions sort decisions set collect.aspiration sort collect.aspiration ;print (word "i am" self "collect.aspiration" collect.aspiration "influence" influence) end to vote ;1. ;withdrawal from the membership ; sharing aspiration set domination 0 foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x [ if will.participate <= withdrawal.thres and cb < 0 [die] if any? connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself][ ;print (word "iAM" self "collect.aspi" [collect.aspiration] of self "influencer" [collect.aspiration] of last sort-on [influence] connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself] ) if [collect.aspiration] of last sort-on [influence] connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself] != [collect.aspiration] of self and [board] of last sort-on [influence] connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself] = 1 [set domination domination + 1] ;if [board] of last sort-on [influence] connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself] = 1 [set domination domination + 1] set collect.aspiration [collect.aspiration] of last sort-on [influence] connection.list with [influence > [influence] of myself] ] ]] set assembly.decision [] let candidate.list [] set voteboard.list [] let my.choice [] ;2. do u want to attend the general assembly? foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x [ set candidature 0 set attendance 0 ifelse board = 1 [set attendance 1] [ifelse time.avail > attendance.thres and will.participate > (withdrawal.thres + 0.1) ;maybe average will participate?? [set attendance 1] [set attendance 0] ] ]] ; 3. do u want to be a leader? ;=set the potential leader foreach (list cooperatives with [ time.avail >= work.hour and investment >= avg-invest and education >= 2 and will.participate >= avg.participate and numb.connection >= pareto ]) [[x] -> ask x [ set candidature 1]] if length (list [who] of cooperatives with [candidature = 1]) < 3 [ foreach (list cooperatives with [ time.avail >= work.hour and will.participate >= avg.participate and numb.connection >= pareto ]) [[x] -> ask x [ set candidature 1]] ] set candidate.list [who] of cooperatives with [candidature = 1] ;print (word "candidate.list" candidate.list) ;print length candidate.list ;4. the voting for board if length candidate.list < 3[ foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x[ if balance > ((salary * count cooperatives with [board = 1]) / count cooperatives) [ set collect.aspiration lput "3" collect.aspiration]]] foreach (list cooperatives with [board = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ set candidature 1]]] ;== ask the member to determine their choice foreach (list cooperatives with [attendance = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ ifelse candidature = 1 [set my.choice [who] of self] [set my.choice [who] of cooperatives with [candidature = 1 and (collect.aspiration = [collect.aspiration] of myself or link-with myself = true) and education >= 2] if empty? my.choice [ set my.choice [who] of cooperatives with [candidature = 1]]] set voteboard.list sentence my.choice voteboard.list set board 0 ]] ;print voteboard.list; need to be deleted!! set majority n-of (min (list 3 length modes voteboard.list)) modes voteboard.list ;print (word "majority" majority) ; need to be deleted!! ;=set the board ;for the candidate ifelse length majority >= 3 [ foreach (list cooperatives with [candidature = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ ifelse item 0 majority = [who] of self or item 1 majority = [who] of self or item 2 majority = [who] of self [set board 1 set size size + 0.5] [set board 0] ]]] [ifelse length majority = 2 [ foreach (list cooperatives with [candidature = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ ifelse item 0 majority = [who] of self or item 1 majority = [who] of self [set board 1 set size size + 0.5] [set board 0] ]]] [foreach (list cooperatives with [candidature = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ ifelse item 0 majority = [who] of self [set board 1 set size size + 0.5] [set board 0]]]] ] ;for non candidate foreach (list cooperatives with [candidature = 0]) [[x] -> ask x [ set board 0]] if count cooperatives with [board = 1] = 0 [ ifelse any? cooperatives with [size >= avg.board.size] [ ask cooperatives with [size >= avg.board.size] [set board 1 set size size + 0.5]] [ask cooperatives with [size > 0.5] [set board 1 set size size + 0.5]] ] ;3. is quorum? ifelse count cooperatives with [attendance = 1] >= 2 / 3 * (count cooperatives)[ set quorum 1 run [[] -> vote.case0]; 50+1 ] [ set quorum 0 run [[] -> vote.case1]; 2/3 ] ;print quorum end to eoy ;1. update decision list each cooperatives foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x[ set decisions sentence assembly.decision decisions set decisions sort decisions set balance balance + c.income - e.bill set e.consumption e.consumption + add.econsumption ]] ;print (word "ass.dec" assembly.decision) ;2. update balance of supliers ask suppliers [ set income max (list 0 (real.tariff * (total-e.consumption - total-e.generation))) - max (list 0 ( * (total-e.consumption - total-e.generation))) + max (list 0 ( * (total-e.generation - total-e.consumption))) - count cooperatives * set balance.supp balance.supp + income ;if they loss they have to increase the tariff if income <= 0 [ ;if balance still positive, they eliminate the member discount ;if not they increase the market price ifelse balance.supp > 0 [ set max (list 0 ((1 - random-float 1) *] [ let increase * random-float 0.5 set real.tariff * (1 + increase) set tariff tariff * (1 + increase) ] ] ] ;3. creation of new connection foreach (list cooperatives with [attendance = 1]) [[x] -> ask x[ make-node find-partner ]] ;4. set the pareto ; = make the list, sort in decending order, calculate the total set pareto par foreach (list cooperatives with [numb.connection >= pareto]) [[x] -> ask x [ ask my-links [set color red]]] ;5. add new member ask n-of 10 neighbours [ set n.will.participate participate n.env.concern n.e.independence let surround.benefit 0 let surround.cost 0 foreach (list cooperatives-on neighbors) [[x] -> ask x[ set surround.benefit surround.benefit + percieved.benefit set surround.cost surround.cost + percieved.cost]] if surround.benefit > surround.cost and n.will.participate > withdrawal.thres [ hatch-cooperatives 1 [ setxy [xcor] of myself [ycor] of myself new-member ] die ] ] ;6. oligarchy track ifelse count cooperatives with [board = 1] > 0 [ set avg.board.size mean [size] of cooperatives with [board = 1] set reelected avg.board.size / 0.5] [set avg.board.size 0.5 set reelected 0] set count cooperatives with [size >= avg.board.size] / count cooperatives set minority.level minority.level + set total.avg.board.size total.avg.board.size + avg.board.size set reelected.level reelected.level + reelected set domination.level domination.level + (domination / count cooperatives) set collective.investment sum [my.collective.investment] of cooperatives set avg.share collective.investment / count cooperatives set + (mean [] of cooperatives) set quorum.level quorum.level + quorum set participate.level participate.level + avg.participate set attendance.level attendance.level + (count cooperatives with [attendance = 1] / count cooperatives) end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;additional procedure;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to make-node [new-partner] if new-partner != nobody [ create-link-with new-partner set numb.connection numb.connection + 1 set connection.list (turtle-set connection.list new-partner ) ask new-partner [set numb.connection numb.connection + 1 set connection.list (turtle-set connection.list myself)] ] end to new-member ; more or less same with setup procedure set shape "dot" set color blue set size 0.5 set balance [n.balance] of myself set decisions [] set decisions sentence assembly.decision decisions set collect.aspiration [] set attendance 1 set education [] of myself set time.avail [n.time.avail] of myself set env.concern [n.env.concern] of myself set e.independence [n.e.independence] of myself set investment.list [] set e.consumption random-normal 6570 std.econsumption set add.econsumption (random-normal 0.2 0.1) * e.consumption set outcome.discrepancy 1 set numb.connection 1 + min (list 199 (int (random-exponential mean.initial.conn))) set connection.list other n-of numb.connection cooperatives set c.income random-normal 1500 c.income.std foreach (list connection.list) [[x] -> ask x [create-link-with myself [set color gray]]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;here where I store some functions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to-report find-partner report one-of cooperatives with [attendance = 1 and numb.connection > [numb.connection] of myself] end to-report initial-connection [a] report n-of a cooperatives end to-report participate [ a b c d] ; formula to calculate willingness to participate ; env.concern e.independence education let willingness.p 0.307 + 0.271 * a + 0.147 * b + 0.158 * c + 0.117 * (d / 4) report willingness.p end to-report bill [a b c d f]; tariff, e.consumption, e.generation,, subsidy let payment 0 if b > c [ifelse no.supplier = 0 [ set payment (a * (b - c)) - d - (f * c)] [set payment ((market.price + diff) * (b - c)) - (f * c)]] if c > b [ifelse no.supplier = 1 [ set payment (- (((c - b) * (market.price - diff)) + (f * c)))] [set payment (- (((a - diff) * (c - b)) + (f * c))) ]] report payment end to-report cost [a b c d] ;c.income investment board this.year ; my cost from inside factor ; what i invest compare with my balance let ori d / a ;my cost from outside factor let invest 0 let time.cost 0 let skill.cost 0 let perception-min-invest 0 let perception-max-invest 0 set perception-min-invest min-invest * (1 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05) set perception-max-invest max-invest * (1 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05) ;somehow i know better about my cost if im the board ifelse c = 1 [ set invest max (list 0 (b - min-invest)) / max (list 1 (max-invest - min-invest)) ; how my cost of investment compared with others set time.cost work.hour / time.avail set skill.cost 1 ][ ;because the do not know others investment so the min and max is merely approximation set invest max (list 0 (b - perception-min-invest))/ max (list 1 (perception-max-invest - perception-min-invest)) ;ifelse ticks != 0 [set time.cost 0.2] [set time.cost 0] set time.cost 0 set skill.cost 0 ] let total.cost max (list 0 ((ori + invest + time.cost + skill.cost) / 4)) report total.cost end to-report benefit [a b c d f]; e.bill e.consumption reduced.bill salary decisions ; my benefit from inside factor ; what i pay with investment and what i pay without investment let ori invest.benefit ;my benefit from outside factor ;percieved benefit to stay with supplier let motivation.benefit 0 let salary.benefit 0 let perception-min-bill 0 let perception-max-bill 0 set perception-min-bill min-bill * (1 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05) set perception-max-bill max-bill * (1 + random-float 0.05 - random-float 0.05) let r.bill.benefit (max (list 0 (c - perception-min-bill))) / (max (list 1 (perception-max-bill - perception-min-bill))) if d > 0[ ifelse board = 1 [ set salary.benefit 1] [ set salary.benefit 0] ] if f != [] [ if item 0 f = "0" or item 0 f = "1" ; invest privately or invest collectively [set motivation.benefit 1]] let total.benefit max (list 0 ((ori + c + r.bill.benefit + motivation.benefit + salary.benefit) / 5)) report total.benefit end to-report i.benefit [a b]; e.bill e.consumption let ori ((tariff * b) - a) / (max (list 1 (tariff * b))) report ori end to-report r.bill [a b]; tariff market.price let profit ((a - (b + diff))) report profit end to-report trust [a b] ; quorum attendance let outcome 0 let number.neigh max (list 1 (round (coverage * count connection.list))) if any? connection.list [ foreach (list n-of number.neigh connection.list) [[x] -> ask x [ set outcome outcome + abs (percieved.benefit - percieved.cost) ] ]] let avg outcome / number.neigh let discrepancy (avg - [cb] of self) ifelse any? connection.list [ if abs (discrepancy) > discrepancy.thres [ set outcome.discrepancy outcome.discrepancy - abs (discrepancy) ]] [set outcome.discrepancy outcome.discrepancy] ;show outcome.discrepancy ;if outcome.discrepancy < 0 [set outcome.discrepancy 0] let believe (a + outcome.discrepancy + b) / 3 report believe end to-report power [a b c d]; will.participate education numb.connection investment let max.connection max [numb.connection] of cooperatives let min.connection min [numb.connection] of cooperatives let conn (c - min.connection) / max (list 1 (max.connection - min.connection)) let money (d - min-balance) / max (list 1 (max-balance - min-balance)) report (a + (b / 4) + conn + money) / 4 end to-report par let connect.list sort-by > [numb.connection] of cooperatives ; = make cummulative list let n length connect.list - 2 let token 0 let cumm.list (list item 0 connect.list) while [n != token] [ set cumm.list lput (item token cumm.list + item (token + 1) connect.list) cumm.list set token token + 1] ; = check in every item whether the satisfy 0.8 of total, store the value let pareto.list [] foreach cumm.list [[x] -> set pareto.list lput precision (x / sum [numb.connection] of cooperatives) 1 pareto.list] report item (position 0.2 pareto.list) connect.list end to-report co [a b c d] ;c.income investment board this.year ; my cost from inside factor ; what i invest compare with my balance let ori d / a ;my cost from outside factor let invest 0 let time.cost 0 let skill.cost 0 let perception-min-invest 0 let perception-max-invest 0 set perception-min-invest min-invest set perception-max-invest max-invest ;somehow i know better about my cost if im the board ifelse c = 1 [ set invest max (list 0 (b - min-invest)) / max (list 1 (max-invest - min-invest)) ; how my cost of investment compared with others set time.cost work.hour / time.avail set skill.cost 1 ][ ;because the do not know others investment so the min and max is merely approximation set invest max (list 0 (b - perception-min-invest))/ max (list 1 (perception-max-invest - perception-min-invest)) ;ifelse ticks != 0 [set time.cost 0.2] [set time.cost 0] set time.cost 0 set skill.cost 0 ] let total.cost max (list 0 ((ori + invest + time.cost + skill.cost) / 4)) report total.cost end to-report be [a b c d f]; e.bill e.consumption reduced.bill salary decisions ; my benefit from inside factor ; what i pay with investment and what i pay without investment let ori invest.benefit ;my benefit from outside factor ;percieved benefit to stay with supplier let motivation.benefit 0 let salary.benefit 0 let perception-min-bill 0 let perception-max-bill 0 set perception-min-bill min-bill set perception-max-bill max-bill let r.bill.benefit (max (list 0 (c - perception-min-bill))) / (max (list 1 (perception-max-bill - perception-min-bill))) if d > 0[ ifelse board = 1 [ set salary.benefit 1] [ set salary.benefit 0] ] if f != [] [ if item 0 f = "0" or item 0 f = "1" ; invest privately or invest collectively [set motivation.benefit 1]] let total.benefit max (list 0 ((ori + c + r.bill.benefit + motivation.benefit + salary.benefit) / 5)) report total.benefit end to-report add [a b] report random-normal a b end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;here where I store some cases;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;each cases to; invest private ;update e.generation 20.000 for 10 - 15 years, capacity 3kW = 5600 kWh ;!!! add to assumption set e.generation e.generation + 5600 ;update investment set investment investment + 20000 ;update balance set balance balance - 20000 ;update list of investment set investment.list fput 1 investment.list set this.year this.year + 20000 end to ; invest collective if balance > 325 [ ;update e.generation 225 kWh/year set e.generation e.generation + 225 set investment investment + 325 ;update balance set balance balance - 325 ;update list of investment set investment.list fput 2 investment.list set my.collective.investment my.collective.investment + 1 set this.year this.year + 325 set this.year.collect this.year.collect + 1] end to ; go out energy supplier set market.price ; ;update work.hour ; set work.hour work.hour + 6 ; set candidature.thres candidature.thres + 0.1 ; ;update no.supplier ; set no.supplier 1 ; ;update market.price = for the board ; foreach (list cooperatives) [[x] -> ask x [set market.price]] ; set tariff diff ; set 0 ; ask suppliers [die] end to ; give salary ;update salary ; set salary salary + 200 ; set candidature.thres candidature.thres - 0.1 let numb.board count cooperatives with [board = 1] set balance balance - ((salary * numb.board) / (count cooperatives)) if board = 1 [ set balance balance + salary ] end to ; regulate set work.hour work.hour + 6 set no.supplier 1 foreach (list cooperatives with [board = 1]) [[x] -> ask x [set market.price]] end to vote.case0; in case quorum is satisfied [1] set [] foreach (list cooperatives with [attendance = 1]) [[x] -> ask x [set sentence collect.aspiration]] ;print let attendance.list count cooperatives with [attendance = 1] if length filter [[i] -> i = "1"] > 0.5 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "1" assembly.decision ] if length filter [[i] -> i = "2"] > 0.5 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "2" assembly.decision set work.hour work.hour + 6 ;set candidature.thres candidature.thres + 0.1 set no.supplier 1 set tariff diff set 0 ask suppliers [die]] if length filter [[i] -> i = "3"] > 0.5 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "3" assembly.decision set salary salary + 200] ;set candidature.thres candidature.thres - 0.1] set assembly.decision sort assembly.decision ; if empty? assembly.decision [ ; set assembly.decision modes] end to vote.case1 ; in case quorum is not satisfied [0] set [] foreach (list cooperatives with [attendance = 1]) [[x] -> ask x [set sentence collect.aspiration]] ;print let attendance.list count cooperatives with [attendance = 1] if length filter [[i] -> i = "1"] > 2 / 3 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "1" assembly.decision ] if length filter [[i] -> i = "2"] > 2 / 3 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "2" assembly.decision set work.hour work.hour + 6 ;set candidature.thres candidature.thres + 0.1 set no.supplier 1 set tariff diff set 0 ask suppliers [die]] if length filter [[i] -> i = "3"] > 2 / 3 * attendance.list [set assembly.decision fput "3" assembly.decision set salary salary + 200] ;set candidature.thres candidature.thres - 0.1] set assembly.decision sort assembly.decision ; if empty? assembly.decision [ ; set assembly.decision modes] end to ;print (word "i am" self "") if balance > 0 [ if will.participate >= investment.thres [ ifelse balance > 20000 [set decisions fput "0" decisions ] [if balance > 325 [set collect.aspiration fput "1" collect.aspiration]] ]] end to ;print (word "i am" self "") if reduced.bill > reduced.bill.thres [ set collect.aspiration fput "2" collect.aspiration] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Estria Putri.
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