Mechanisms of Evolution - BIOL 3445

Mechanisms of Evolution - BIOL 3445 preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Andrew McDevitt (Author)


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turtles-own [mat-chrom pat-chrom]

globals [
  max-percent  ;; percent of the total population that is in the
  population-to-cull ;; global population size for culling procedure

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  ;; create turtles with random colors and locations
  crt initial-population-size [
 set hw-dom ((count turtles with [mat-chrom = 1] + count turtles with [pat-chrom = 1]) / (2 * initial-population-size))
 set hw-rec ((count turtles with [mat-chrom = 2] + count turtles with [pat-chrom = 2]) / (2 * initial-population-size))

to spawn
  ifelse random 100 < (proportion-allele-A * 100)
    [ set mat-chrom 1 ]
    [ set mat-chrom 2 ]
  ifelse random 100 < (proportion-allele-A * 100)
    [ set pat-chrom 1 ]
    [ set pat-chrom 2 ]
  ifelse (mat-chrom = 1 or pat-chrom = 1)
    [ set color blue ]
    [ set color red ]
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  let agent-shape species
  if agent-shape = "human" [ set agent-shape "person"]
  if agent-shape = "ant" [ set agent-shape "bug"]
  set shape agent-shape

to run-99
  repeat 99 [go]

to go
  if ( ((count turtles with [mat-chrom = 1] = 0 and count turtles with [pat-chrom = 1] = 0) or (count turtles with [mat-chrom = 2] = 0 and count turtles with [pat-chrom = 2] = 0))) or (99 > 0 and ticks > 99 or count turtles = 0)
    [ stop ]
  ask turtles [
    if ticks = 1 [
    rt random 50 - random 50
    fd 1
  set population-to-cull count turtles
;;  show ((population-to-cull - population-size) / population-to-cull) * 100
  ask turtles [


to immigrate
  crt (initial-population-size * homo-dominant-immigration * .01) [
    set mat-chrom 1
    set pat-chrom 1
    set color blue
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    let agent-shape species
    if agent-shape = "human" [ set agent-shape "person"]
    if agent-shape = "ant" [ set agent-shape "bug"]
    set shape agent-shape
    crt (initial-population-size * hetero-immigration * .01) [
    set mat-chrom 1
    set pat-chrom 2
    set color blue
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    let agent-shape species
    if agent-shape = "human" [ set agent-shape "person"]
    if agent-shape = "ant" [ set agent-shape "bug"]
    set shape agent-shape
  crt (initial-population-size * homo-recessive-immigration * .01) [
    set mat-chrom 2
    set pat-chrom 2
    set color red
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    let agent-shape species
    if agent-shape = "human" [ set agent-shape "person"]
    if agent-shape = "ant" [ set agent-shape "bug"]
    set shape agent-shape

to meet    ;; turtle procedure - when two turtles are adjacent, reproduce (but no self-fertilization!)
  let mom self
  let mate nobody
  ifelse mate-with = "random"
  [ set mate one-of other turtles ]
  [ set mate one-of other turtles in-radius 1 ]
  if mate != nobody [
    hatch 1 [
      ifelse random 100 < 50
        [ set mat-chrom [mat-chrom] of mom ]
        [ set mat-chrom [pat-chrom] of mom ]
      ifelse random 100 < 50
        [ set pat-chrom [mat-chrom] of mate ]
        [ set pat-chrom [pat-chrom] of mate ]
      ifelse (mat-chrom = 1 or pat-chrom = 1)
        [ set color blue ]
        [ set color red ]
      let agent-shape species
      if agent-shape = "human" [ set agent-shape "person"]
      if agent-shape = "ant" [ set agent-shape "bug"]
      set population-to-cull count turtles
      set shape agent-shape

to mutate
      ifelse mat-chrom = 1
         [ if random 10000 < mutation-dominant-to-recessive * 100 [ set mat-chrom 2] ]
         [ if random 10000 < mutation-recessive-to-dominant * 100 [ set mat-chrom 1] ]
      ifelse pat-chrom = 1
         [ if random 10000 < mutation-dominant-to-recessive * 100 [ set pat-chrom 2] ]
         [ if random 10000 < mutation-recessive-to-dominant * 100 [ set pat-chrom 1] ]

to cull

  let death-chance ((population-to-cull - initial-population-size) / population-to-cull) * 100
    if (selection-against-blue > 0 and color = blue) [
      set death-chance death-chance + ((100 - death-chance) * selection-against-blue * .01)
    if (selection-against-red > 0 and color = red) [
      set death-chance death-chance + ((100 - death-chance) * selection-against-red * .01)
  if random 100 < death-chance [ die ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Andrew McDevitt.

Attached files

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Mechanisms of Evolution - BIOL 3445.png preview preview image over 7 years ago, by Andrew McDevitt Download

Parent: SCAv6.4

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