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Globals [ Normal Cardiogenic-Pulmonary-Edema ] ;; setting two states of the world - scenarios: (1) for Normal lung physiology and (2) for Pulmonary Edema formation ;; setting agent breeds: breed [ wmolecules wmolecule ] ;; water molecules, which are the ones who will extravasate and flood ACM and alveoli breed [ fmolecules fmolecule ] ;; fluid molecules wich are to stay in the capillary breed [ macromolecules macromolecule ] ;; macromolecules (albumine) which physiological keep wmolecules in the capillary breed [ erythrocytes erythrocyte ] ;; Red Blood Cells which are to stay in the capillary patches-own ;; property of patches to form physiological space zones [ capillary ACM-alveoli ] wmolecules-own [extravasated?] ;; property for water molecules to move outside capillary and to flood ACM and alveoli to setup ca if (scenario = "Normal") ;; setting parameters for "Normal" scenario [ set hydrostatic-pressure 18 set oncotic-pressure 25 ] if (scenario = "Cardiogenic-Pulmonary-Edema") ;; setting parameters for "Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema" scenario [ set hydrostatic-pressure 22 set oncotic-pressure 24 ] create-erythrocytes 5 ;; creating RBC with respective properties ask erythrocytes [ set xcor random-xcor set color pink set size 3 set shape "erythrocyte" set heading 90 ] create-wmolecules 700 ;; creating water molecules with respective properties and which are to extravasate ask wmolecules [ set extravasated? false set xcor random-xcor set color blue set shape "circle 2_w" set heading 0 ] create-fmolecules 300 ;; creating fluid molecules with respective properties wich are to move along capillary ask fmolecules [ set xcor random-xcor set color blue set size 1.1 set shape "circle 2_w" set heading 90 ] create-macromolecules 10 ;; creating macromolecules with respective properties wich are to move along capillary ask macromolecules [ set xcor random-xcor set color yellow set size 1.5 set shape "circle" set heading 90 ] ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ;; setting preliminary conditions for the setup of 'extravascular space' ask patches [ setup-capillary ] ask patches [ setup-ACM-alveoli ] ask turtles [move-to one-of patches with [pycor < 5 and pycor > 1]] ;; moving created agents to their orginal ;; position (i.e. in the capillary) reset-ticks end to setup-capillary ;; setting the capillary zone of pink color anf its walls of red color if (pycor < 6) and (pycor > 0) [set pcolor pink] ask patches with [ pycor = min-pycor] [ set pcolor red ] ask patches with [ pycor = 6 ] [ set pcolor red ] end to setup-ACM-alveoli ;; setting the extravascular space with ACM of grey color and alveola of white color if (pycor < 10) and (pycor > 6) [ set pcolor grey ] if (pycor < 22) and (pycor > 10) [ set pcolor white ] end to go let acm-patches patches with [pycor < 10 and pycor > 6] ;; procedure simulating water extravasation under ask one-of acm-patches ;; physiological condition. This water is then removed [ ;; by lymph drainage mechanism sprout 7 ask turtles-here [ set shape "circle 2_w" set color blue ] ] ask turtles-on patches with [pycor < 10 and pycor > 6] ;; initiation of the lymph drainage machanism [drain-acm] ask wmolecules [ ;; procedure for water molecules extravasation extravasate ] ask macromolecules ;; procedures that simulate blood movement along the capillary [ fd 3] ask fmolecules [ fd 10 ] ask erythrocytes [ fd 1 ] if count wmolecules with [ not extravasated?] < 50 ;; procedure for stopping the model when a certain number of [ ;; water molecules extravasated stop ] if (scenario = "Cardiogenic-Pulmonary-Edema") and oncotic-pressure >= 25 ;; procedure for stopping the model when [ ;; OP value is above normal range stop ] tick end to extravasate ;; extravasation based on HP and OP values if ( random-float 25 > oncotic-pressure and random-float -6 < ( hydrostatic-pressure - oncotic-pressure)) [ set extravasated? true ask wmolecules [ ;; procedure simulating extravasation consisting on move-to one-of patches with [pycor < 12 and pycor > 6] ;; movement of water molecules out of the capillary - ] ;; to ACM and alveoli ] end to drain-acm ;; procedure for simulation of lymph drainage mechanism if count turtles-on patches with [pycor < 10 and pycor > 6] > 200 [ask turtles-here [ die ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Victor Iapascurta.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
A11.png | png | image as part of the model | about 7 years ago, by Victor Iapascurta | Download |
Pulmonary_Edema_01_2.png | preview | Preview for 'Pulmonary_Edema_01_2' | over 7 years ago, by Victor Iapascurta | Download |