Humans Turn Up and Go at a Train Station
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A model of persons waiting at a train station. The persons are arrive randomly and will be picked up periodically by a train consist.
The simulation is designed to run at 1 updates per second. The tick control does control the speed of the simulation. See the SIMULATION-SPEED control.
A train is made up of one engine and several carriages.
In most cities like Sydney, Australia the urban trains are made of Electric Multiple Units (EMU). The first and last carriage of a Sydney Waratah train has the driver cab and engine embedded in both the first and last carriages. The train can thus be driven in both directions from either end of the train. Although generally drivers should be in the forward cab.
In this simulation an engine pulls the carriages. This simplifies the simulation as the engine is the master agent controlling the subordinate carriages.
There can only be 0 or 1 engine. World wrap breaks the train logic.
Engines always stop past the end of the platform (at coordinate 0).
Each carriage has a load and can accept one passenger at a time.
If there are carriages but no engine then the train is leaving the right side of the world.
Humans arrive from the houses off the bottom of the world. Humans will travel up the path to the platform.
Humans will move up, up-left, up-right or right in order to be in front of a carriage. Humans will not move through another human, nor will they move backward. Humans will not enter the world if the path is full.
Humans board carriages
When the engine is stopped, the carriages will dwell at the platform and one human per interval can board the train. The train will only well for 20 simulation updates (2 seconds of simulated time.) You can tell if a train is dwelling because it will turn magenta.
Click 'Setup' to erase the current state and start again.
Click 'Go' to start or stop simulation from running continously. While the simulation is running the 'Go' button will be depressed.
To assist in your understanding you can step through individual ticks of the simulation. Stop the simulation is stopped and click the 'Go Once' button to progress the simulation just one update. Note that humans only move as fast as HUMANINTERVAL and may not move for several updates._
Control the relative speed of the simulation. Choose speed from 8x, 4x, 2x, 1, 1/2, 1/4. 1/8.
Click this button to increase the delay for the creation of the next engine by 60 or 300 seconds (in simulation time).
The number of carriages that will follow the next engine. Range [2..12]. This variable will only impact the next train, not a current train.
The number of seconds (in simulation time) before the next engine is due to be created.
The interval is the number of seconds (in simulation time) before the next human might be created.
The frequency is the chance of a human being created this interval.
Some of the behaviour is easy to see with a 100% frequency and a lower interval. However to simulate random arrival a frequency less than 50% frequency is needed.
COUNT-ENGINES and COUNT-CARRIAGES gives you the count of engines and carriages at the last update. There is a plot on the right hand side labelled 'Trains' which records the number of engines (red) and the number of carriages (blue) over time.
The number of humans on the current train are displayed a HUMANS-INSIDE. The number of humans on the path or platform are displayed as HUMANS-OUTSIDE.
On the right hand side of the display there is a plot of the number of humans outside over the simulated time. This plot tracks the number of humans queueing.
The number of simulation updates until the next engine is created. If an engine exists this display is "-". If you 'DELAY TRAIN X' the countdown will increase.
The number of simulation updates until the carriage door close and the engine departs,
Trees make your city nicer.
Make the HUMAN-INTERVAL 20 and the HUMAN-FREQUENCY 100, let four trains collect humans. Now delay the next train, what happen to the queue?
Increase the scale of the simulated time to be more realistic.
Copyright 2018 Mathew Hounsell, Institute of Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Comments and Questions
; Copyright 2018 Mathew Hounsell, Institute of Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney ; CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ; This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. ; To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Definitions ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Maximum Train/Platform Length 12 globals [ last_new_human_tick last_new_engine_tick last_move_tick next_carriage_delay dwelling_max ] breed [ engines engine ] breed [ carriages carriage ] breed [ humans human ] breed [ flora florum ] engines-own [ dwell ] carriages-own [ load ] ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Reporting ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to-report ticks-of-next-new-engine report last_new_engine_tick + engine-interval end to-report is-time-to-make-new-engine report ticks >= ticks-of-next-new-engine end to-report is-time-to-make-new-human let t ( human-interval ) report ticks >= last_new_human_tick + t end to-report is-time-to-move report ticks >= last_move_tick + 2 end to-report get-load-on-carriages if count engines < 1 [ report 0 ] let c 0 ask carriages [ set c ( c + load ) ] report c end to-report can-platform-be-at-coord [ x ] report x > -13 and x < 0 end to-report can-engine-be-at-coord [ x ] report x > (0 - carriage-length - 1) and x < 0 end to-report can-next-stopping-engine-be-at-coord [ x ] let active-engine false ; no engine if count engines > 1 [ ask engines [ ; past station if xcor <= 0 and xcor > (min-pxcor + carriage-length + 1) [ set active-engine true ] ] ] if not active-engine [ report can-engine-be-at-coord x ] report x > (0 - (count carriages) - 1) and x < 0 end to-report coord-to-location [ x y ] if y = 0 [ report "dirt" ] if y = -1 [ report "railway" ] if y = -2 and not can-platform-be-at-coord x [ report "dirt" ] if ( y = -2 or y = -3 ) and can-platform-be-at-coord x [ report "platform" ] if y < 0 and can-platform-be-at-coord x [ report "path" ] report "grass" end to-report tree-color [ v ] if v < 1.0 [ report red - 2 ] if v < 2.0 [ report orange - 1 ] if v < 3.0 [ report yellow - 1 ] report green - 3 end to-report dwell-countdown let dwelling "-" if (count engines-on patch 0 -1) = 1 [ ask engines [ set dwelling dwell ] ] report dwelling end to-report engine-countdown if count engines < 1 [ let t ( ticks-of-next-new-engine - ticks ) if t < 0 [ report 0 ] report t ] report "-" end ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Setup ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to startup setup end to setup clear-all reset-ticks set last_new_human_tick 0 set last_new_engine_tick 0 set last_move_tick 0 set dwelling_max 20 set-default-shape engines "train passenger engine" set-default-shape carriages "train passenger car" set-default-shape humans "person" set-default-shape flora "tree" setup-patches end to setup-patches ask patches [ let loc ( coord-to-location pxcor pycor ) let grass ( green - 0.25 + random-float 1.5 ) set pcolor ( ifelse-value (loc = "railway") [black] [ifelse-value (loc = "platform") [grey] [ifelse-value (loc = "dirt") [brown] [ifelse-value (loc = "path") [green] [grass]]]] ) ] let c 0 while [ c < 40 ] [ let x random-pxcor let y random-pycor let loc ( coord-to-location x y ) if loc = "grass" and not any? flora-on patch x y [ create-flora 1 [ setxy x y set color tree-color random-float 5.0 ] set c ( c + 1 ) ] ] end ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Running ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to go every 0.1 / simulation-speed [ ; let us set the tick rate at 10 fps ; then we shall assume that every tick is equivilant to 1 sec ; the fps is 24 so that it is a multiple of 8 go-single tick ] end to go-single ;; not available in the web -> no-display ;; to keep the carriages moving as one ifelse count engines > 0 or count carriages > 0 [ move-engines ] [ make-new-engine ] make-new-carriage ; use the fact that the last carriage may have moved into the second square to test ;; not available in the web -> display move-humans make-new-human end ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Control ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to delay-next-engine [ duration ] set last_new_engine_tick ( last_new_engine_tick + duration ) end ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Movement ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to move-engines let dwelling 0 ask engines [ ifelse not can-move? 1 [ die ][ set dwelling dwell ifelse dwell > 0 [ set dwell dwell - 1 ][ fd 1 if xcor = 0 [ set dwell dwelling_max + 1 ] ] ] ] foreach sort-on [ xcor ] carriages [ the-carriage -> ask the-carriage [ ifelse not can-move? 1 [ die ][ if dwelling = 0 [ fd 1 ] ] ] ] ifelse dwelling > 1 [ ask engines [ set color magenta ] ask carriages [ set color magenta ] ][ ask engines [ set color white ] ask carriages [ set color white ] ] end to move-a-human [ dwelling ] if dwelling > 1 and dwelling < dwelling_max and ycor = -2 [ let hxcor xcor if any? carriages-on patch hxcor -1 [ ask carriages with [ xcor = hxcor and ycor = -1 ] [ set load load + 1 ] die ] ] if ycor < -2 [ let newy ( ycor + 1 ) if heading = 180 [ set newy ( ycor - 1 ) ] ; go forward if can-next-stopping-engine-be-at-coord (xcor) and not any? turtles-on patch xcor newy [ setxy xcor newy stop ] ; prefer to move up and right if can-next-stopping-engine-be-at-coord (xcor + 1) and not any? turtles-on patch (xcor + 1) newy [ setxy xcor + 1 newy stop ] ; then to move up and left if can-next-stopping-engine-be-at-coord (xcor - 1) and not any? turtles-on patch (xcor - 1) newy [ setxy xcor - 1 newy stop ] ] ; try moving right if not can-next-stopping-engine-be-at-coord (xcor) and (xcor + 1 < 0) and not any? turtles-on patch (xcor + 1) ycor [ setxy (xcor + 1) ycor ] end to move-humans if is-time-to-move [ let dwelling 0 ask engines with [ xcor = 0 ] [ set dwelling dwell ] ; remember it is [start..stop) by step foreach (range -2 (min-pycor - 1) -1) [ y -> foreach (range -1 -14 -1) [ x -> ask humans with [ xcor = x and ycor = y ] [ move-a-human dwelling ] ] ] set last_move_tick ticks ] end ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Creation ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to make-new-human if is-time-to-make-new-human [ set last_new_human_tick ticks let dir 0 ; ( floor ( random-float 1.9 ) ) * 180 let x ( -1 - floor ( random-float carriage-length ) ) let y min-pycor if dir = 180 [ set y max-pycor ] if (random-float 100 < human-frequency) and not any? turtles-on patch x y [ create-humans 1 [ setxy x y set heading dir set color cyan ; one-of [ yellow red blue orange cyan ] set shape one-of [ "person business" "person construction" "person doctor" "person service" "person lumberjack" "person student" ] ] ] ] end to make-new-carriage if count carriages < carriage-length [ if any? turtles-on patch (min-pxcor + 1) -1 [ create-carriages 1 [ setxy min-pxcor -1 set heading 90 set color white set load 0 ] ] ] end to make-new-engine if count engines > 0 [ error "Asked to make a engine when one already exists." ] if is-time-to-make-new-engine [ set last_new_engine_tick ticks create-engines 1 [ setxy min-pxcor -1 set heading 90 set color white ; one-of [ yellow red blue orange cyan ] set dwell 0 ] ] end
There are 2 versions of this model.
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Mathew Hounsell
20180327 Update
The new version of the model no longer uses no-display and will work in the browser.
Posted almost 7 years ago