Airborne COVID-19 transmission restaurant simulation

Airborne COVID-19 transmission restaurant simulation preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Chris Hodgson (Author)


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This project's objectives were achieved successfully by creating a simulation that captures how COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person in a restaurant setting. This includes transmission through viral aerosol particles, respiratory droplets, and fomites. The simulation also allows for COVID-19 safety measures such as physically distanced tables and face masks to be implemented. The output data can be analysed to gauge how effective a safety measure was, based on how significantly it reduced probable infections and infection risk. A combination of safety measure can also be tested to create the greatest reduction in infection risk.


(what rules the agents use to create the overall behavior of the model) customers will enter the restaurant and take a seat, and waiters will served them by periodically approaching their table to simulate a real life restaurant service such as taking orderrs, clearing plates ect. A table of customers will enter the restaurant every 300 ticks and sit at an empty tasble. they will remain in the restaurant for the duratino of booking time. when the service lim,it is exceeded, the customers will stop spawning and will begin to filter out of the restaurant.

all mobile agents have the chance of being infectious, set but the slider in the virus emission controls section. infectious agents will output aerosol particles into the air within the boundaries of the restaurant.

the higher the volume, the greater the number of particles produced.

symptom severity can be altered through the adjustment of coughing and sneezing frequency. a large number of aerosols are produced by these events, expecially sneezing.

sucsepitble agents will inhale the aerosol particles and their infection risk will be increased. the infectious code of covid is unknown but is estimate to be roughly 300 particles. once the agents infectious risk reaches over 300, they are likely to develop an infections



  1. Following the numbering of the sections, enter the values that you wish to test, starting with setting the general controls, then infection controls, and lastly the ventilation controls (numbered)

  2. Click the setup button at the top left of the screen to setup a restaurant with the values you have entered.

  3. Familiarise yourself with what the agents are using the legend.

  4. To begin the simulation, click the 'Run Simulation' button


  1. depending on the experiment, you may wish to alter parameters during the simulation. It is possible to alter parameters like view controls, personal protective measures and ventilation controls during the simulation.

  2. if manual-customer-spawn is on, to seat customers at the selected table, click the middle of the table. It may help to click several times.

  3. To infect a customer, waiter, or bartender, it is advisable to slow the simulation down using the slider in the interface heading tab. This will slow the movement of the agents to help you target them. To infected them you must click on them/the patch that they are on.

description of components

General controls:

  • manual-customer-spawn: On: manually clicking tables to seat customers Off: Automatic seating of customers

  • noOfWaiters: Set the number of waiters

  • capacity: Set the occupancy limit of the restaurant

  • diningTime: Set the length of a booking

  • length-of-service: Set the length of time the restaurant is open for

  • twoM-distanced-seating: On: Physically distanced seating configuration Off: Non-physically distanced seating configuration

Infection Controls:

  • chance-of-being-infected: percentage of infections in the local community/chance customer is infectious.

  • volume: volume of the restaurant

  • coughing: coughing on/off

  • cough-frequency: time between coughs

  • sneezing: sneezing on/off

  • sneeze-frequency: time between sneezes

  • masks: people wear masks/not wearing masks

  • mask-effectiveness-inhalation: percentage of particles blocked by mask inhaling

  • mask-effectiveness-emission: percentage of particles blocked by mask exhaling

  • sanitiser-on-tables: customers use sanitiser on table

  • handwashing-thoroughness: percentage of contaminants removed from hand

  • doors-open: front door open/closed

Ventilation controls:

  • left-windows-open: left windows open/closed

  • top-windows-open:top windows open/closed

  • close windows: close all windows

  • air-refresh-rate: air changes per hour from the AC

  • AC off: turn AC off

  • recirculation: AC recirculates the restaurants air

  • noOfPortableHEPA: number of portable HEPA filters placed in the restaurant


  • Aerosol output data:

  • Aerosol concentration severity: low medium high of how high the concentration levels are

  • Viral aerosols per 0.125m3 graph: graph showing an avergae of the number of viral aerosols across all patches in the restaurant, at a given tick.
  • average aerosol particles per patch: the current average viural aerosols at each patch

Fomite Output data:

  • Fomite risk severity: low, medium, high risk of fomites.

  • average fomite risk graph: graph showing the averahe fomite risk of all agents at a given tick

  • Average fomite risk: the current average fomite risk value

  • Hand contamination: the average contamination of agents hands

Infection risk data:

  • risk severity: low medium high rating of current risk

  • Average risk of infection graph: show the average risk of infection of all aagents at a given tick

  • no.of probable infections: the number of probabl infections produced so far into the simulation

  • % of probable infection: the percentage of people in the restaurant who have been infected

General output data:

  • Current Seating Area Occupancy: total count of everyone currently in the restaurant

  • Floor staff: the number watiers and bartenders

  • total customers served: the total number of customers served so far

  • total of infectious peoplle through service: the total number of infectious people who have been in the restaurant

  • infectious currently: the number of currently infectious people in the restaurant



if you want to, you can click on a table and customers will sit there, or you can click a mobile agent and they will becom infected

try opening the windows and observe the flow of aerosol particles

trying using the view controls


  • load in restaurant from file
  • click to create restaurant by placing tables etc manually
  • save a specific configuration
  • save a specific ordering of customers for re-testing
  • further physicaly distancing, customers choose a seat far away from other tables
  • wind directions and wind speed
  • one-way system
  • use of washroom
  • portable fans to accelerate air flow
  • adjust booking arrival intervals
  • queue system
  • reduced waiter contact
  • more realistic dissipation of virus particles from breathing coughing etc




This simulation was created by Chris Hodgson as part of disseration research. Contact info:

Under the supervison of Dr Savi Maharaj at the University of Stirling. Contact info: Email:

Full Dissertation:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Click to Run Model

;breed declarations
breed [tablesOfTwo tableOfTwo]
breed [tablesOfSix tableOfSix]
breed [tablesOfEight tableOfEight]
breed [chairs chair]
breed [waiters waiter]
breed [customers customer]
breed [bartenders bartender]
breed [chefs chef]
breed [nodes node]
breed [sinks sink]
breed [sanitisationStations sanitisationStation]
breed [toilets toilet]
breed [acOuts acOut]
breed [screens screen]
breed [largeTables largeTable]

;declare patch variables
patches-own [
  concentration ; viral aerosol count
  patchType ; wall, window, door etc
  airDirection ; natural ventilation air direction
  gridSquare ; grid square 1 - 72 in 3x3 chunks
  pushPull ; push pull patch
  pullDir ;direction of patch pulling air from
  airTransfer ;direction of patch pushing air into

turtles-own [legendFlag]

;declare waiters own variables
waiters-own [
  location ; current/most recent location node
  next-location ; next location on journey to destination
  final-location ; final destination
  ticks-since-here ; time at current location used for scheduling
  busy ; is waiter byst serving a table
  moving ; is the waiter moving
  timeAtLocation ; time spent at location
  assignedTable ; table num of final location table node

  infected ;infectious
  exposureTime ; not used? could be
  time-in-restaurant ;same as time spent at locatoin, needs removed

  coughTime ; time between coughs set by slider
  coughQueued ; is there a cough queued
  sneezeQueued ;

  risk ; aerosol and droplet infection risk
  inhalationProtection ; mask inhalation protection
  emissionProtection ; mask emission protection

  handContamination ; how dirty is a person hanfd
  fomiteRisk ; risk from fomites based on the hand contamination and face touches
  counted ; counted in infected count total

;declare customers own variables
customers-own [

  stayLength ;length of booking in ticks
  atTable ; is customer at table
  sat ; is customer sat in chair
  assignedChair ; assigned chair at table

  toiletUse ; currently not used





bartenders-own [





chefs-own [location ; unused, implementation is there just commented out

; nodes variables
nodes-own [
  nodeType ; node type: table node, spawn/despawn node, waiting node, bar node
  tableNumber ; table number
  tableSize ;num of chairs at table
  beingServed ; is waiter on route to/serving the table
  occupied ; is the table taken
  needsOrder ; table states...
  entryTick ; tick table became taken
  visits ; number of waiter/bartender table visits
  fomiteInfected ; is table fomite contaminated

; table variables
tablesOfTwo-own[number nodeType fomiteInfected]
tablesOfSix-own[number nodeType fomiteInfected]
tablesOfEight-own[number nodeType fomiteInfected]

;chair variables
chairs-own [
  chairTaken ; chair occupied
  tableNo ; table number of chair
  chairNo ; chair number at this table e.g. a table of 2 will have chairNo 1 and chairNo 2

;global variables
globals [
  numberOfTablesAndChairs ; count of turtles

  constant-output ; constant output of aerosols at current volume

  averageConcentration ; average concentration across all patches

  averageSpeed ; implemented but not used - average air speed

  averageRisk ; average aerosol and droplet virus intake

  numAtRisk ; number of people at risk

  averageFomiteRisk ; average fomite risk

  averageHand ; hand contamination value

  averageStay ; implemented, only used in validation testing. average stay length

  lastTableEntry ; implemented, only used in validation testing

  percentagePutAtRisk ; percentage put at risk


  mouse-was-down? ; mouse clicked


  colourIntensity ; colour intensity of aerosol concentration

to setup
  resize-world -18 30 -23 17
  set numberOfTablesAndChairs 0

  ifelse twoM-distanced-seating = false  [ ; call non-physically distanced set up methods
  spawn-twos ;spawn tables of 2...
      ask patch -5 12 [set plabel "SEATING AREA " set plabel-color black ]
  [ ; call physically distanced set up methods
      ask patch -5 10 [set plabel "SEATING AREA " set plabel-color black ]

  grid ; setup air direction grid squares

  spawn-waiters ;spawn mobile agents

  spawn-legend ; spawn in agent turtles

  ask patch 9 4 [set plabel "BAR " set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch 17 13 [set plabel "KITCHEN " set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch -7 -19 [set plabel "TOILETS " set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch 11 -17 [set plabel "ENTRANCE" set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch -15 0 [set plabel "FRONT" set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch 0 16 [set plabel "SIDE" set plabel-color black ]


; spawn in legend

to spawn-legend

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 16 set color black set heading 90 ] ; create turtle for legend
  ask patch 25 16 [set plabel "Waiter" set plabel-color black ] ; create label for legend

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 14 set color 115 set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 26 14 [set plabel "Bartender" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 12 set color 83 set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 26 12 [set plabel "Customer" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 10 set color red set shape "infectedturtle" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 28 10 [set plabel "Infected person" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 8 set color orange + 2 set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 29 8 [set plabel "Probable infection" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 6 set color grey set shape "square" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 25 6 [set plabel "Door" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 4 set color 135 set shape "square" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 29 4 [set plabel "Recirculation vent" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 2 set color black set shape "square" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 24 2 [set plabel "Wall" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 21 0 set color blue set shape "square" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 28 0 [set plabel "Closed window" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -2 set color black set size 0.5 set shape "circle" ]
  ask patch 26 -2 [set plabel " Unoccupied Table node" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -4 set color green set size 0.5 set shape "circle" ]
  ask patch 25 -4 [set plabel " Occupied Table node" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -6 set color pink + 2 set size 0.5 set shape "circle" ]
  ask patch 22 -6 [set plabel "Regular node" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -8 set color green set size 2 set shape "square" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 22 -8 [set plabel "Table of two" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -10 set color green set size 4 set shape "tableOfSix" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 22 -10 [set plabel "Table of six" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -13 set color green set size 4 set shape "tableOfEight" set heading 90 ]
  ask patch 23 -13 [set plabel "Table of eight" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -16 set shape "square 2" set color yellow set heading 270 ]
  ask patch 20 -16 [set plabel "Chair" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -18 set shape "sink" set color grey set size 2 set heading 270 ]
  ask patch 20 -18 [set plabel "Sink" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -20 set shape "sanitisationstation" set color grey set heading 0 ]
  ask patch 24 -20 [set plabel "Sanitisation station" set plabel-color black ]

  create-turtles 1 [setxy 16 -22 set shape "square" set color red  set heading 0 ]
  create-turtles 1 [setxy 15 -22 set shape "square" set color red + 1 set heading 0 ]
  create-turtles 1 [setxy 14 -22 set shape "square" set color red + 2 set heading 0 ]
  create-turtles 1 [setxy 13 -22 set shape "square" set color red + 3 set heading 0 ]
  create-turtles 1 [setxy 12 -22 set shape "square" set color red + 4 set heading 0 ]
  ask patch 28 -22 [set plabel "High number of viral aerosols" set plabel-color black ]
  ask patch 10 -22 [set plabel "Low number of viral aerosols" set plabel-color black ]

; procedure to instantiate all others that handle the running of the simulation

to go

  if manual-customer-spawn = false[ ; if manual spawning is off then call the automatic spawning procedure

  ; hide/show view components
  ifelse toggle-links = false[
    ask links[hide-link]
    ask nodes [ht]
  [ ask links[show-link]
    ask nodes [st]

  ifelse toggle-tables = false[
    ask tablesOfTwo [ht]
    ask tablesOfSix [ht]
    ask tablesOfEight [ht]
    ask tablesOfTwo [st]
    ask tablesOfSix [st]
    ask tablesOfEight [st]
 ifelse toggle-chairs = false[
    ask chairs[ht]
    ask chairs[st]

  ask nodes [
    ifelse occupied = true[set color green]
    [ifelse occupied = 0 [set color 138][set color black]]

  ;ask patches with [pxcor < -14][set concentration 0]

  ;if ticks > length-of-service * 3600 and count customers = 0[stop]
  if ticks > (length-of-service * 3600 + (diningTime * 60 ) + 30)[stop]

  set averageStayTemp 0
  ask customers [set averageStayTemp averageStayTemp + ticks-since-here]


; report if mouse was clicked

to-report mouse-clicked?
  report (mouse-was-down? = true and not mouse-down?)

;handle momuse click actions

to mouse-manager
  let mouse-is-down? mouse-down?
  let spawn false
  let no 100
  if mouse-clicked? [
    ask patch mouse-xcor mouse-ycor [
      if any? turtles-here with [(breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders)][ ;if mouse cliecked infect turtle
        ask turtles-here with [(breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders)][set infected true set shape "infectedturtle" ask patches with [patchType = "door"][set fomiteInfectedDoor true]]
      if any? turtles-here with [breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight][ ; if table clicked, fill with customers.
        ask turtles-here with [breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight][set no number]
        ask one-of nodes with [tableNumber = no][
          if occupied = false[
            set spawn true
    if spawn = true [ ; spawn the customers


        let sizeT 0
        let tNo 1

        ask one-of nodes with [tableNumber = no] [
            set occupied true
            set entryTick ticks

          show no
            ask link-neighbors[
              if breed = chairs [
                set sizeT [tableSize] of myself
                set tNo [tableNumber] of myself
          spawn-customers sizeT tNo false
        show "issue"
    set no 100

  set mouse-was-down? mouse-is-down?

; handling of the agents fomite transfer.

to fomite-control

  if ticks mod 1800 = 0 [ask patches with [patchType = "door"][set fomiteInfectedDoor false]] ; clean the door every 30 mins

  ask customers with [infected != true] [

    if [fomiteInfected] of one-of nodes with [tableNumber = [assignedTable] of myself] = true and ticks-since-here mod 120 = 0[ ; simulate contact with contaminated surface

      set handContamination handContamination + 1
;    if [fomiteInfected] of one-of nodes with [tableNumber = [assignedTable] of myself] = true and ticks-since-here mod 60 = 0 and handContamination >= 5[
;      set handContamination handContamination + 1
;    ]

    ifelse masks = true [  ;mask wearing face touches. with/without masks
      if ticks-since-here mod 667 = 0 and handContamination != 0 [set fomiteRisk fomiteRisk + handContamination] ;5.4 face touches per hour with mask
      if ticks-since-here mod 180 = 0 and handContamination != 0 [set fomiteRisk fomiteRisk + handContamination];20 per hour without

    if sanitiser-on-tables = true and ticks-since-here mod ((diningTime * 60) / 2) = 0[ ; wash hands. reduce hand contamination value by hand wahsing thoroughness percentage at the start, middle and end of the meal

      set handContamination handContamination * (1 - (handwashing-thoroughness / 100))

  ifelse doors-open = true [
    ask patches with [pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 12 and pycor = -14] [set pcolor white]
    ask patches with [pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 12 and pycor = -14] [set pcolor grey]

  ask patches with [patchType = "door"][ ; contact transfer of the door

    if pcolor = grey[
      if fomiteInfectedDoor = true[
        if any? customers-here with [infected != true][

          ask customers-here [set handContamination handContamination + 1]

      if any? customers-here with [infected = true][

        set fomiteInfectedDoor true

  ;average fomite risk
  set averageFomiteRiskTemp 0
  if count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0] > 0[

    ask turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0][set averageFomiteRiskTemp averageFomiteRiskTemp + fomiteRisk]

    set averageFomiteRisk averageFomiteRiskTemp / count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0]

  ;average fomite hand contamination
  set averageHandTemp 0
  if count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0] > 0[

    ask turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0][set averageHandTemp averageHandTemp + handContamination]

    set averageHand averageHandTemp / count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0]

; mask protection control method

to protection-control
  ifelse masks = true[ ; if masks are on, set protection values for customers

    ask turtles with [breed = waiters or breed = bartenders][
      set inhalationProtection 100 - mask-effectiveness-inhalation
      set emissionProtection 100 - mask-effectiveness-emission


    ask customers[ ; if no food set customers mask protection, else they have food then remove masks

      ifelse ([hasFood] of one-of nodes with [tableNumber = [assignedTable] of myself]) = false[
        set inhalationProtection 100 - mask-effectiveness-inhalation
        set emissionProtection 100 - mask-effectiveness-emission
        set inhalationProtection 100
        set emissionProtection 100

    ask turtles with [breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders][
      set inhalationProtection 100
      set emissionProtection 100

; handling infection risk of agents through aerosols

to risk-control

  ask turtles with [(breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0][ ;ask sucseptible agents

    set risk risk + ((([concentration] of patch-here / 125000) * 100) * (inhalationProtection / 100)) ; increase risk by percentage of aerosol concentration

    if risk >= 300 [set color orange + 2 if counted = 0 [set totalPutAtRisk totalPutAtRisk + 1 set counted true]] ; if inhaled infectious dose of aerosols then count as infected agent

  ask turtles with [(breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders) and infected = true][ ; count of infectious agents

    if counted = 0 [set total-infectious total-infectious + 1 set counted true]


  set percentagePutAtRisk (totalPutAtRisk / (total-customers + count waiters + count bartenders)) * 100 ; calculate percentage of agents that have recieved and infectious dose

; method to check which windows are open and call ventilation method.

to airflow-control

  if top-windows-open = false and left-windows-open = false[

    ask patches with [patchType = "topWindow"][set pcolor blue ]
    ask patches with [patchType = "leftWindow"][set pcolor blue ]

    set topWindowOpen false
    set leftWindowOpen false


  if top-windows-open = true and left-windows-open = false[
    ask patches with [patchType = "topWindow"][set pcolor white ]
    ask patches with [patchType = "leftWindow"][set pcolor blue ]

    if topWindowOpen != true or leftWindowOpen != false[


  if top-windows-open = false and left-windows-open = true[
    ask patches with [patchType = "topWindow"][set pcolor blue ]
    ask patches with [patchType = "leftWindow"][set pcolor white ]

    if topWindowOpen != false or leftWindowOpen != true[



  if top-windows-open = true and left-windows-open = true[
    ask patches with [patchType = "topWindow"][set pcolor white ]
    ask patches with [patchType = "leftWindow"][set pcolor white ]

    if topWindowOpen != true or leftWindowOpen != true[



; infection method mainly handling the emission of aerosols and droplets. different volumes, coughing, sneezing

to infection

  ;calculating averages
  set averageConcentrationTemp 0
  ask patches with [patchType = 0][set averageConcentrationTemp averageConcentrationTemp + concentration]
  set averageConcentration averageConcentrationTemp / count patches with [patchType = 0]

  set averageSpeedTemp 0
  ask patches with [patchType = 0][set averageSpeedTemp averageSpeedTemp + airTransfer]
  set averageSpeed averageSpeedTemp / count patches with [ patchType = 0]

  set averageRiskTemp 0
  if count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0] > 0[
    ask turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0][set averageRiskTemp averageRiskTemp + risk]
    set averageRisk averageRiskTemp / count turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = customers or breed = bartenders) and infected = 0]

  if recirculation = true[ ; recirculation of aerosols. hightened concentration near ac out vents.
    if ticks mod 10 = 0 [
      ask acOuts [
        let me self
        ask patches with [distance me <= 4 and patchType != "entry" and patchType != "outside" and patchType != "wall" and patchType != "door" and patchType != "bar" and patchType != "leftWindow" and patchType != "topWindow"][

          if distance me <= 4[
            set concentration concentration + (((averageConcentrationTemp) * ((100 / ((60 / air-refresh-rate) * 60)) / 100)) / 7.7625)
            show averageConcentrationTemp

  ask patches with [patchType = 0] [ ; ask indoor patches to reduce cocentration by air refresh rate and colour path on concentration colour scale
    if concentration > 0 [set concentration concentration - (concentration * ((100 / (3600 / (air-refresh-rate + noOfPortableHEPA))) / 100))]
    ifelse exaggerated-colouring = true [set colourIntensity 1000][set colourIntensity 2000]
    set pcolor scale-color red concentration colourIntensity 0

    if concentration > 200 and ticks mod 10 = 0 [ ;every ten secs diffuse high concentration patches. every ten seconds and high concentration because every tick is too much for netlogo to handle
      set concentration concentration - 50
      ask patches with [patchType = 0][ ;split a portion of particles among full restaurant
        set concentration concentration + (50 / count patches with [patchType != "entry" and patchType != "wall" and patchType != "outside" and patchType != "door" and patchType != "topWindow" and patchType != "leftWindow"])

  ask turtles with [(breed = waiters or breed = bartenders or breed = customers) and infected = true] [ ; set output of viral aerosols based on volume 50db, 60db, 70db
    let me self

    ifelse volume = 50 [set constant-output 135 * 0.269 * (emissionProtection / 100)]
      ifelse volume = 60 [set constant-output 189 * 0.269 * (emissionProtection / 100)]
        if volume = 70[set constant-output 309 * 0.269 * (emissionProtection / 100)]

    ask patch-here [ ; spread of aerosol particles around a person. as patches get further away, the concentration is lowered as divided by more patches.
      set concentration concentration + ((constant-output / 4 / 5.4 )) ; divided by 4 place a quarter of the aerosols on the patch of the infectious person. Divided by 5.4 to represent head height patches 2.7 ceiling height / 2 = 5.4 in 0.5m
      ask patches with [distance myself < 2 and distance myself >= 1 and patchType = 0] [
        set concentration concentration + (constant-output / 4 / (count patches with [distance myself < 2 and distance myself >= 1 and patchType = 0]) / 5.4)
      ask patches with [distance myself >= 2 and distance myself < 3 and patchType = 0][
        set concentration concentration + (constant-output / 4 /  (count patches with [distance myself >= 2 and distance myself < 3 and patchType = 0]) / 5.4)
      ask patches with [patchType = 0][set concentration concentration + (constant-output / 4) /  (count patches with [distance myself >= 3 and patchType = 0]) / 5.4]

    if time-in-restaurant mod (cough-frequency * 60) = 0  and coughing = true [ ; cough 3 metre aerosol plume

      ask patches in-cone 6 45 [if patchType != "outside" and patchType != "wall" and patchType != "leftWindow" and patchtype != "topWindow" and patchType != "door"[set concentration concentration + (((3000 * 0.35) / [count patches with [patchType = 0] in-cone 6 45] of myself) * ((100 - mask-effectiveness-emission) / 100))]]
      set coughQueued false
      show "cough"

      ask other turtles in-cone 4 30 [ ; cough droplets
        if breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight [set fomiteInfected true set color red] ; fomite table contamination
        if (breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders) and ([heading] of self < [heading] of me + 270 and [heading] of self > [heading] of me + 90)[set risk risk + 4 * ((100 - mask-effectiveness-emission) / 100)]
      ask turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and fomiteInfected = true][ask one-of nodes with [tableNumber = [number] of myself][set fomiteInfected true]] ; update fomite infection boolean of node


    if time-in-restaurant mod (sneeze-frequency * 60) = 0 and sneezing = true  [ ;sneeze 6m aerosol plume

      ask patches in-cone 12 30 [if patchType != "outside" and patchType != "wall" and patchType != "leftWindow" and patchtype != "topWindow" and patchType != "door" [set concentration concentration + (((40000 * 0.35) / [count patches with [patchType = 0] in-cone 12 30] of myself) * ((100 - mask-effectiveness-emission) / 100))]]
      show "sneeze"

      ask turtles in-cone 4 30 [
        if (breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) [set fomiteInfected true set color red]
        if (breed = customers or breed = waiters or breed = bartenders) and ([heading] of self < [heading] of me + 270 and [heading] of self > [heading] of me + 90)[set risk risk + 48 * ((100 - mask-effectiveness-emission) / 100)]

      ask turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and fomiteInfected = true][ask one-of nodes with [tableNumber = [number] of myself][set fomiteInfected true]]


; controlling the transfer of aerosols between patches for natural ventilation

to ventilation

  ask patches with [patchType = 0][
    ifelse pushPull = 0[ ; push pull means rather than just outputing aerosols into the patch at sirDirection, it also pulls from another specified direction rather than relying on just getting pushed
      ask patch-at-heading-and-distance airDirection 1 [ set concentration concentration + ([concentration] of myself) * airTransfer] ; push percentage of aerosol concentration into patch at airDirection dist 1
      set concentration concentration * (1 - airTransfer)
      ask patch-at-heading-and-distance airDirection 1 [ set concentration concentration + ([concentration] of myself ) *  airTransfer] ;push into
      set concentration concentration * (1 - airTransfer)

      set concentration concentration + ([concentration] of patch-at-heading-and-distance (pullDir + 180) 1) * airTransfer
      ask patch-at-heading-and-distance (pullDir + 180) 1 [set concentration concentration * (1 - airTransfer)] ;pull from

  ask patches with [patchType = "topWindow" or patchType = "outside" or patchType = "leftWindow"][set concentration 0] ; set window patches to 0 concentration

;scheduling of orders etc/table states stored in table nodes

to schedule

  ask nodes with [occupied = true and nodeType = "table"] [

    let timeOccupied ticks - entryTick + 1

    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 20 and visits = 0[ ; does the table need a drinks order taken (if not visited and less than 1/20th of the way through the meal)
      set needsDrinksOrder true ; set state to needs drinks order

    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 12 and visits = 1 and needsDrinksOrder = false [
      set needsDrink true

    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 6 and visits = 2[
      set needsOrder true
    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 2.4 and visits = 3[
      set needsFood true
    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 2.222 and visits = 4[
      set needsCheckback true
    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 1.333333 and visits = 5[
      set needsCleared true
    if (diningTime * 60) / timeOccupied < 1.15 and visits = 6[
      set needsBill true

    ; schedule calculation
    ; drinks order - 180 - 3 mins drinks order (diningTime)3600/180(time-occupied) = 20
    ; food order - 600 - 10 mins food order 3600/600 = 6
    ; needs food - 1500 - 25 mins get food 3600/1500 = 2.4
    ;checkback - 1620 - 27 mins checkback 3600/1620 = 2.22222222
    ; cleared - 2700 - 45 mins clear plates 3600/2700 = 1.33333333
    ; leave - 3600 - 1 hour leave 3600/3600 = 1


  ask nodes with [occupied = false and visits = 7][set needsSanitised true] ;show "needs santised"]
  ask nodes with [occupied = false and visits = 8 and needsSanitised = false][set visits 0 ];show "table reset"]

; waiter movement across network node. actions triggered by tables states.

to waiter-movement

  ask waiters[

    let local-location location ; local variables to store location
    let local-next-location next-location
    let local-final-location final-location
    let local-busy busy
    let stay-here-for 30
    let me self

    if [nodeType] of final-location = "table" [set assignedTable [tableNumber] of final-location] ;set waiters assigned table to table number of final location

    set time-in-restaurant time-in-restaurant + 1 ; increase time-in-restaurant of waiter

    ifelse location = final-location [ ;if at final location set stop moving for 30 ticks and if table, face table
      set moving false
      if [nodeType] of location = "table" [
        face one-of turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and number = [assignedTable] of me]
      set moving true

    ifelse distance final-location < 1[ ; if close to final location then move to it and update the locations
      move-to final-location
      set location final-location
      set local-location final-location

      if [ticks-since-here] of me > stay-here-for ; if been here for more than 30 ticks
        set ticks-since-here 0

        ;ordering of the following if statements is to prioritise order then food then checkback etc. as taking an order is more important than clearing a plate
        ifelse count nodes with [needsOrder = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
          ask one-of nodes with [needsOrder = true][ ;set location of waiter to table that needs order
            set local-final-location self
            set local-busy true
            set beingServed true
            set visits 3

          ifelse count nodes with [needsFood = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
            ask one-of nodes with [needsFood = true][ ; ask all nodes
              set local-final-location self
              set local-busy true
              set beingServed true
              set visits 4

            ifelse count nodes with [needsCheckback = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
              ask one-of nodes with [needsCheckback = true][ ; ask all nodes
                set local-final-location self
                set local-busy true
                set beingServed true
                set visits 5

              ifelse count nodes with [needsCleared = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
                ask one-of nodes with [needsCleared = true][ ; ask all nodes
                  set local-final-location self
                  set local-busy true
                  set beingServed true
                  set visits 6

                ifelse count nodes with [needsBill = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
                  ask one-of nodes with [needsBill = true][ ; ask all nodes
                    set local-final-location self
                    set local-busy true
                    set beingServed true
                    set visits 7

                  ifelse count nodes with [needsSanitised = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
                    ask one-of nodes with [needsSanitised = true][ ; ask all nodes
                      set local-final-location self
                      set local-busy true
                      set beingServed true
                      set visits 8
                    if busy = true[
                      set local-final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "waitingNode" and occupied = false]
                    set local-busy false
                    face one-of nodes with [nodeType = "centreNode"]


        ask location [ ; update the state of the current node

          ifelse needsOrder = true [
            set needsOrder false
            set beingServed false

            ifelse needsFood = true[
              set needsFood false
              set hasFood true
              set beingServed false

              ifelse needsCheckback = true [
                set needsCheckback false
                set beingServed false

                ifelse needsCleared = true[
                  set needsCleared false
                  set hasFood false
                  set beingServed false

                  ifelse needsBill = true[
                    set needsBill false
                    set beingServed false

                    if needsSanitised = true[
                      set needsSanitised false
                      set beingServed false

                      set fomiteInfected false
                      ask one-of turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and number = [tableNumber] of myself][set fomiteInfected false set color green ]


        set final-location local-final-location ;update actual variables with local variables
        set busy local-busy
        set local-final-location final-location

        ask location [ ; ask current location for closest neighbor

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [

            if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
              set closestDistance distance local-final-location
              set closestNode self


          set local-next-location closestNode

        set next-location local-next-location
      set ticks-since-here ticks-since-here + 1

      ifelse distance next-location < 1 ; if distance to next location is less then one then move to the node
        move-to next-location
        set location next-location
        set local-location next-location

        ask location [  ; ask current location for closest neighbor

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [ ; ask current location for closest neighbor

            if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
              set closestDistance distance local-final-location
              set closestNode self


          ask closestNode [set color red]
          set local-next-location closestNode
        set next-location local-next-location
      [ ;if not at location step towards it
        face next-location
        fd 1


to customer-movement

  ask customers [

    let local-location location
    let local-next-location next-location
    let local-final-location final-location
    let me self

    set ticks-since-here ticks-since-here + 1

    if atTable = false[

      ifelse distance final-location < 1[
        set atTable true
        move-to final-location
        set location final-location
        set local-location final-location

        set final-location one-of other nodes
        set local-final-location final-location
        ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location

        set final-location local-final-location

        ask location [

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [

            if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
              set closestDistance distance local-final-location
              set closestNode self

          set local-next-location closestNode
        set next-location local-next-location
        ifelse distance next-location < 1 and atTable = false
          move-to next-location
          set location next-location
          set local-location next-location
          ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
          ask location [

            let closestDistance 1000.0
            let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

            ask link-neighbors [

              if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
                set closestDistance distance local-final-location
                set closestNode self

            set local-next-location closestNode
            ask closestNode [set color red]
          set next-location local-next-location
          face next-location
          fd 1

    ;sitting process
    if atTable = true and sat = false[ ;if at table but not sat, assign empty chair to customer and seat them there
        move-to one-of chairs with [tableNo = [assignedTable] of myself and chairTaken = false] ; ask customer to move to one of the empty chairs at assigned table
        set sat true ; set sat true
        ask chairs [if any? turtles-here with [breed = customers][set chairTaken true]] ; if a customers is on a chaiur set chait taken to true
        face one-of turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and nodeType = "physicalTable" and number = [assignedTable] of myself] ; face the table
      [show "error"
        ask chairs [if not any? turtles-here with [breed = customers] [set chairTaken false]]] ; try again if unsuccessful

    ;leaving process
    let local-visits 0
    ask nodes with [tableNumber = [assignedTable] of myself][set local-visits visits]
    if ticks-since-here > (diningTime * 60) and local-visits >= 7 [ ; if customer has been here for a long time tell them to leave
      set atTable false
      set sat false
      set final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "spawnDespawn"]

      ask chairs with [tableNo = [assignedTable] of myself][set chairTaken false] ; set their chair to not taken
      ask nodes with [tableNumber = [assignedTable] of myself][set occupied false] ; set their table to not occupied
      ask location [if nodeType = "spawnDespawn"[ask myself[die]]]


    ifelse sat = true [set moving false][set moving true]

to bartender-movement

  ask bartenders[

    let local-location location
    let local-next-location next-location
    let local-final-location final-location
    let local-busy busy
    let stay-here-for 30
    let me self

    set time-in-restaurant time-in-restaurant + 1
    if [nodeType] of final-location = "table" [set assignedTable [tableNumber] of final-location]
    ifelse location = final-location [set moving false if [nodeType] of location = "table" [face one-of turtles with [(breed = tablesOfTwo or breed = tablesOfSix or breed = tablesOfEight) and number = [assignedTable] of me]]][set moving true]

    ifelse distance final-location < 1[
      move-to final-location
      set location final-location
      set local-location final-location

      if [ticks-since-here] of me > stay-here-for ; if been ohere for more than 30 ticks
        set ticks-since-here 0

        ifelse count nodes with [needsDrinksOrder = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
          ask one-of nodes with [needsDrinksOrder = true][ ; ask all nodes
            set local-final-location self
            set local-busy true
            set beingServed true
            set visits 1
            ;show "getting drinks order"
          ifelse count nodes with [needsDrink = true and beingServed = false] > 0 and busy = false[
            ask one-of nodes with [needsDrink = true][ ; ask all nodes
              set local-final-location self
              set local-busy true
              set beingServed true
              set visits 2
              ;show "getting drinks"
            if busy = true[set local-final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "barNode"]]
            set local-busy false
            face one-of nodes with [nodeType = "centreNode"]

        ask location [

          ifelse needsDrinksOrder = true [
            set needsDrinksOrder false
            set beingServed false
            ;show "drinks order received"
            if needsDrink = true[
              set needsDrink false
              set beingServed false
              ;show "drinks received"

        set final-location local-final-location
        set busy local-busy
        set local-final-location final-location
        ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location

        ask location [ ; ask current location for closest neighbor

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [

            if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
              set closestDistance distance local-final-location
              set closestNode self


          set local-next-location closestNode

        set next-location local-next-location
      set ticks-since-here ticks-since-here + 1

      ifelse distance next-location < 1
        move-to next-location
        set location next-location
        set local-location next-location
        ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
        ask location [

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [

            if (distance local-final-location) <= closestDistance and breed = nodes[
              set closestDistance distance local-final-location
              set closestNode self


          ask closestNode [set color red]
          set local-next-location closestNode
        set next-location local-next-location
        face next-location
        fd 1

to chef-movement

  ask chefs[

    let local-location location
    let local-next-location next-location
    let local-final-location final-location
    let stay-here-for 60
    let me self

    ifelse distance final-location < 1[
      move-to final-location
      set location final-location
      set local-location final-location

      if [ticks-since-here] of me > stay-here-for ; if been ohere for more than 30 ticks
        set ticks-since-here 0

        ask one-of nodes with [nodeType = "kitchenNode"][ ; ask all nodes
          set local-final-location self

        set final-location local-final-location
        set local-final-location final-location
        ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location

        ask location [ ; ask current location for closest neighbor

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [

            set closestNode self

          set local-next-location closestNode
        set next-location local-next-location
      set ticks-since-here ticks-since-here + 1
      ifelse distance next-location < 1
        move-to next-location
        set location next-location
        set local-location next-location
        ;set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
        ask location [

          let closestDistance 1000.0
          let closestNode one-of link-neighbors

          ask link-neighbors [
            set closestNode self
          ask closestNode [set color red]
          set local-next-location closestNode
        set next-location local-next-location
        face next-location
        fd 0.5

;spawn waiters with initial values

to spawn-waiters

  let numberOfWaiters noOfWaiters
  create-waiters numberOfWaiters [
    move-to one-of nodes with [nodeType = "waitingNode"]
    set location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "waitingNode"]
    set color black
    set busy false
    set final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "waitingNode"]
    set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
    set coughQueued false
    set sneezeQueued false

    let infectedChance random 10000; chance of being infected
    if infectedChance < (chance-of-being-infected * 100) [set infected true set shape "infectedTurtle"]

;assign correct number of customers to a table

to customer-table-assignment

    let sizeT 0
    let tNo 1

    ifelse ticks mod 300 = 0 and any? nodes with [nodeType = "table" and occupied = false and needsSanitised = false] and (count customers + count waiters + count bartenders) < capacity and ticks < length-of-service * 3600[

      ask one-of nodes with [nodeType = "table" and occupied = false and (count customers + count waiters + count bartenders + tableSize) <= capacity] [
        set occupied true
        set entryTick ticks
        set lastTableEntry ticks
        ask link-neighbors[
          if breed = chairs [
            set sizeT [tableSize] of myself
            set tNo [tableNumber] of myself
      spawn-customers sizeT tNo false


    show "issue"

;queue not used. spawn num of customers (size of table), and tab, assigned unoccupied table
;some variables unused like sinkUsed etc

to spawn-customers[num tab queue]

  let numberOfCustomers num
  let holder num
  create-customers numberOfCustomers [

    move-to one-of nodes with [nodeType = "spawnDespawn"]

    set location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "spawnDespawn"]
    set color 83
    set atTable false
    set sat false
    set toiletUse false
    set sinkUse false
    set toiletUsed false
    set sinkUsed false
    set stayLength diningTime * 60
    set assignedTable tab
    set final-location one-of nodes with [tableNumber = tab]
    set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
    set heading 0
    set coughQueued false
    set sneezeQueued false

    set assignedChair holder
    set holder holder - 1

    set total-customers total-customers + 1

    let infectedChance random 10000 ; chance of being infected
    if infectedChance < (chance-of-being-infected * 100) [set infected true set shape "infectedTurtle"]

    set sinkUse true

to spawn-bartenders

  let numberOfBartenders 1
  create-bartenders numberOfBartenders [
    move-to one-of nodes with [nodeType = "barNode"]
    set location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "barNode"]
    set color violet
    set busy false
    set final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "barNode"]
    set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
    set coughQueued false
    set sneezeQueued false

    let infectedChance random 10000
    if infectedChance < (chance-of-being-infected * 100) [set infected true set shape "infectedTurtle"]


to spawn-chefs

  let numberOfChefs 2
  create-chefs numberOfChefs [
    move-to one-of nodes with [nodeType = "kitchenNode"]
    set location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "kitchenNode"]
    set color grey
    set final-location one-of nodes with [nodeType = "kitchenNode"]
    set next-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location

    let infectedChance random 100
    if infectedChance < chance-of-being-infected [set infected true]

; spawning of table of two

to spawn-twos

  let numberOfTwos 11
  let tableOfTwoXCoordsList [-9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -5.5 -5.5 -3.5 -5.5 -5.5 -2.5 -2.5]
  let tableOfTwoYCoordsList [-9.5 -5.5 3.5 7.5 7.5 3.5 -0.5 -5.5 -9.5 -5.5 -9.5]
  create-tablesOfTwo numberOfTwos

  let i 0
  while[i < numberOfTwos][
    ask tableOfTwo numberOfTablesAndChairs [setxy item i tableOfTwoXCoordsList item i tableOfTwoYCoordsList set shape "tableOfTwo" set size 2 set color green set nodeType "physicalTable"]
    set i i + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfTwo 0 [set number 1 ] ; setting table nubmers
  ask tableOfTwo 1 [set number 2 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 2 [set number 4 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 3 [set number 5 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 4 [set number 6 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 5 [set number 7 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 6 [set number 8 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 7 [set number 9 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 8 [set number 10 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 9 [set number 12]
  ask tableOfTwo 10 [set number 11]

; physically distanced seating tables of 2

to spawn-twos-2

  let numberOfTwos 10
  let tableOfTwoXCoordsList [-10.5 -10.5 -8.5 -1.5 5.5 -2 -2.5 -2.5 -6.5 -6.5]
  let tableOfTwoYCoordsList [-8.5 -1.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 5.5 -1.5 -8.5 -8.5 -1.5]
  create-tablesOfTwo numberOfTwos

  let i 0
  while[i < numberOfTwos][
    ask tableOfTwo numberOfTablesAndChairs [setxy item i tableOfTwoXCoordsList item i tableOfTwoYCoordsList set shape "tableOfTwo" set size 2 set color green set nodeType "physicalTable"]
    set i i + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfTwo 0 [set number 1 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 1 [set number 2 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 2 [set number 4 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 3 [set number 5 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 4 [set number 6 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 5 [set number 7 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 6 [set number 11 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 7 [set number 10 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 8 [set number 9 ]
  ask tableOfTwo 9 [set number 8 ]

to spawn-sixs

  let numberOfSixs 3
  let tableOfSixXCoordsList [1.5 1.5 1.5]
  let tableOfSixYCoordsList [2 -3 -8]
  create-tablesOfSix numberOfSixs

  let j 0
  while[j < numberOfSixs][
    ask tableOfSix numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item j tableOfSixXCoordsList item j tableOfSixYCoordsList
      set shape "tableOfSix"
      set size 4
      set color green
      set nodeType "physicalTable"
      set heading 0]
    set j j + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfSix 11 [set number 14]
  ask tableOfSix 12 [set number 15]
  ask tableOfSix 13 [set number 16]

to spawn-sixs-2

  let numberOfSixs 3
  let tableOfSixXCoordsList [3 2 2]
  let tableOfSixYCoordsList [5.5 -1.5 -8.5]
  create-tablesOfSix numberOfSixs

  let j 0
  while[j < numberOfSixs][
    ask tableOfSix numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item j tableOfSixXCoordsList item j tableOfSixYCoordsList
      set shape "tableOfSix"
      set size 4
      set color green
      set nodeType "physicalTable"
      set heading 90]
    set j j + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfSix 10 [set number 12 ]
  ask tableOfSix 11 [set number 13 ]
  ask tableOfSix 12 [set number 14 ]

to spawn-eights

  let numberOfEights 2
  let tableOfEightXCoordsList [-8.5 -0.5]
  let tableOfEightYCoordsList [-1 7.5]
  create-tablesOfEight numberOfEights

  let k 0
  while[k < numberOfEights][
    ask tableOfEight numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item k tableOfEightXCoordsList item k tableOfEightYCoordsList
      set shape "tableOfEight"
      set size 4
      set color green
      set nodeType "physicalTable"]
    set k k + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfEight 14 [set number 3 ]
  ask tableOfEight 15 [set number 13]

to spawn-eights-2

  let numberOfEights 1
  let tableOfEightXCoordsList [-8.5]
  let tableOfEightYCoordsList [6]
  create-tablesOfEight numberOfEights

  let k 0
  while[k < numberOfEights][
    ask tableOfEight numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item k tableOfEightXCoordsList item k tableOfEightYCoordsList
      set shape "tableOfEight"
      set size 4
      set color green]
    set k k + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask tableOfEight 13 [set number 3 set nodeType "physicalTable"]

to spawn-largeTable ;bar and kitchen tables

  let numberOfLargeTables 2
  let tableOfLargeTableXCoordsList [15.5 8.5]
  let tableOfLargeTableYCoordsList [7.5 -1]
  create-largeTables numberOfLargeTables

  let k 0
  while[k < numberOfLargeTables][
    ask largeTable numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item k tableOfLargeTableXCoordsList item k tableOfLargeTableYCoordsList
      set shape "largeTable"
      set size 20
      set color green]
    set k k + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

to spawn-chairs

  let numberOfChairs 56
  let chairsXCoordsList [-9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -11 -6 -8.5 -8.5 -10 -10 -7 -7 -9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -9.5 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 -3.5 -3.5 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -0.5 -0.5 -3 2 1 1 -2 -2 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 ]
  let chairsYCoordsList [-11 -8 -7 -4 -1 -1 -3.5 1.5 -3 1 1 -3 2 5 6 9 6 9 2 5 1 -2 -4 -7 -8 -11 -4 -7 -8 -11 5 10 7.5 7.5 9.5 5.5 9.5 5.5 3 2 1 3 2 1 -2 -3 -4 -2 -3 -4 -7 -8 -9 -7 -8 -9]
  create-chairs numberOfChairs

  let l 0
  while[l < numberOfChairs][
    ask chair numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item l chairsXCoordsList item l chairsYCoordsList
      set shape "square 2"
      set color yellow
      set chairTaken false
    set heading 0]

    if l > 3 and l < 12 [ask chair numberOfTablesAndChairs [face tableOfEight 14]]
    if l > 30 and l < 39 [ask chair numberOfTablesAndChairs [face tableOfEight 15]]
    set l l + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

to spawn-chairs-2

  let numberOfChairs 46
  let chairsXCoordsList [-10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -10.5 -8.5 -10 -11 -10 -8.5 -7 -6 -7 -10 -7 -3 4 7 0 -2 -2 -6.5 -6.5 -6.5 -6.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3]
  let chairsYCoordsList [-10 -7 -3 0 3.5 4 6 8 8.5 8 6 4 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 7 4 -3 -7 -10 0 -10 -7 -3 0 7 7 7 4 4 4 0 0 0 -3 -3 -3 -7 -7 -7 -10 -10 -10]
  create-chairs numberOfChairs

  let l 0
  while[l < numberOfChairs][
    ask chair numberOfTablesAndChairs [
      setxy item l chairsXCoordsList item l chairsYCoordsList
      set shape "square 2"
      set color cyan
      set chairTaken false
      set heading 0]

    if l > 4 and l < 12 [ask chair numberOfTablesAndChairs [face tableOfEight 13]]

    set l l + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

to spawn-sinks

  let numberOfSinks 3
  create-sinks numberOfSinks
  set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + numberOfSinks

  ask sink (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 3) [setxy -11 -18 set size 2 set shape "sink" set color grey set heading 270]
  ask sink (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 2) [setxy -4 -18 set size 2 set shape "sink" set color grey set heading 270]
  ask sink (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 1) [setxy 10 -5 set size 2 set shape "sink" set color grey set heading 270]

to spawn-toilets

  let numberOfToilets 2
  create-toilets numberOfToilets
  set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + numberOfToilets

  ask toilet (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 2) [setxy -7 -18 set size 3 set shape "toilet" set color grey set heading 0]
  ask toilet (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 1) [setxy 0 -18 set size 3 set shape "toilet" set color grey set heading 0]

to spawn-sanitisation-stations

  let numberOfSanitisationStations 2
  create-sanitisationStations numberOfSanitisationStations
  set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + numberOfSanitisationStations

  ask sanitisationStation (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 2) [setxy 10 -15 set size 1 set shape "sanitisationStation" set color grey set heading 0]
  ask sanitisationStation (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 1) [setxy 10 7 set size 1 set shape "sanitisationStation" set color grey set heading 0]

; screen placement implemented but not used.

to spawn-screens

  let numberOfScreens 11
  let screensXCoordsList [-9.5 -9.5 -6.5 -6.5 -9.5 -9.5 -5.5 -3 -3.5 -5.5 -2.5]
  let screensYCoordsList [-7.5 -3.5 -3 1 1.5 5.5 5.5 1.5 -3 -7.5 -7.5]
  create-screens numberOfScreens

  let l 0
  while[l < numberOfScreens][
    ask screen numberOfTablesAndChairs [setxy item l screensXCoordsList item l screensYCoordsList
      set shape "line"
      set size 3
      set color black]

    set l l + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1


  ask screen 151 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 152 [set heading 100]
  ask screen 153 [set heading 70]
  ask screen 154 [set heading 110]
  ask screen 155 [set heading 80]
  ask screen 156 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 157 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 158 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 159 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 160 [set heading 90]
  ask screen 161 [set heading 90]

to spawn-acOut

  let numberOfAcOuts 4
  create-acOuts numberOfAcOuts
  set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + numberOfAcOuts

  ask acOut (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 4) [setxy -12 -1  set shape "square" set color pink set heading 90]
  ask acOut (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 3) [setxy 0 14 set shape "square" set color pink set heading 180]
  ask acOut (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 2) [setxy 12 6 set shape "square" set color pink set heading 270]
  ask acOut (numberOfTablesAndChairs - 1) [setxy 12 -8 set shape "square" set color pink set heading 270]

;turn off ac

to acOff
  set air-refresh-rate 0.000001

;close windows

to closeWindows
  set left-windows-open false
  set top-windows-open false

;set up air direction grid squares

to grid

  let j 1
  let k -11
  let l 13

  while [l > -14][

    while [k < 12][

      ask patch k l [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch k (l - 1) [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch k (l - 2) [set gridSquare j ]

      ask patch (k + 1) l [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch (k + 1) (l - 1) [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch (k + 1) (l - 2) [set gridSquare j ]

      ask patch (k + 2) l [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch (k + 2) (l - 1) [set gridSquare j ]
      ask patch (k + 2) (l - 2) [set gridSquare j]

      set k k + 3
      set j j + 1


    set l l - 3
    set k -11

  ask patches with [pxcor = 12][set gridSquare 0]

; network of nodes. spawning of nodes, assigning of node types and relating vairables like tableSize. Creating linkes between nodes.

to spawn-nodes

  let numberOfNodes 68
  let nodesXCoordsList [-8 -8 -5.5 -5.5 -8 -8 -7 -7 -5 -7 -7 -1 -1 -1.5 -3 3 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 11 22 1.5 4 4 4 4 -2.5 -6 -2 -3.5 -1 4 -1.5 -6 -7 5.5 5.5 5.5 9 9 9 6 11 9 11 -10 -7.5 -7.5 -3 0 -2.5 9 11 10.5 8.5 13 17 14 17 14 14 17 17 2]
  let nodesYCoordsList [-9.5 -5.5 -2.5 0.5 3.5 7.5 3.5 7.5 -0.5 -9.5 -5.5 -9.5 -5.5 4.5 9 9 6 4 0 -1 -5 -6 -10 12.25 12.5 0 -10 -5 0 5.5 3 11 -2.5 6 11 4 -12 -12 5.2 2 -3.5 -8 -10 -11 -16 7 11.5 -12 13 -18 -18 -14 -18 -18 -14 5 -5 3 -8 12 12 2 2 9 5 9 5 -12]
  create-nodes numberOfNodes

  let m 0
  while[m < numberOfNodes][
    ask node numberOfTablesAndChairs [setxy item m nodesXCoordsList item m nodesYCoordsList set size 0.35 set shape "circle" set color black]
    set m m + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask node 72 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 1 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 73 create-link-with node 82]
  ask node 73 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 2 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 74]
  ask node 74 [ set nodeType "table"set tableNumber 3 set tableSize 8 create-link-with node 80 create-link-with node 82 create-link-with node 104]
  ask node 75 [ create-link-with node 76 create-link-with node 78 create-link-with node 102 create-link-with node 80]
  ask node 76 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 4 set tableSize 2 ]
  ask node 77 [ set nodeType "table"set tableNumber 5 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 103 ]
  ask node 78 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 7 set tableSize 2 ]
  ask node 79 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 6 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 103]
  ask node 80 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 8 set tableSize 2]
  ask node 81 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 10 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 82]
  ask node 82 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 9 set tableSize 2]
  ask node 83 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 11 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 94 create-link-with node 84]
  ask node 84 [ set nodeType "table"  set tableNumber 12 set tableSize 2 create-link-with node 104]
  ask node 85 [ create-link-with node 89 create-link-with node 105]
  ask node 86 [ create-link-with node 105  create-link-with node 106]
  ask node 87 [ create-link-with node 88 create-link-with node 106  create-link-with node 117]
  ask node 88 [ set nodeType "table"  set tableNumber 13  set tableSize 8 create-link-with node 89 create-link-with node 101 create-link-with node 117]
  ask node 89 [ create-link-with node 101  create-link-with node 107]
  ask node 91 [ create-link-with node 104]
  ask node 92 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 15 set tableSize 6 create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 84]
  ask node 93 [ create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 84]
  ask node 94 [set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 16 set tableSize 6]
  ask node 95 [ create-link-with node 87 create-link-with node 106 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 97 [ set nodeType "table" set tableNumber 14  set tableSize 6 create-link-with node 104]
  ask node 98 [  create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 94 create-link-with node 119 ]
  ask node 99 [ create-link-with node 100]
  ask node 100 [ create-link-with node 107 create-link-with node 97 create-link-with node 91]
  ask node 101 [ create-link-with node 117 create-link-with node 107 create-link-with node 127]
  ask node 102 [ create-link-with node 104 create-link-with node 85 create-link-with node 85 create-link-with node 89 create-link-with node 105 set nodeType "centreNode"]
  ask node 103 [ create-link-with node 86 create-link-with node 106]
  ask node 104 [ ]
  ask node 105 [ ]
  ask node 106 [ ]
  ask node 107 [ create-link-with node 127]
  ask node 108 [ create-link-with node 83 create-link-with node 94]
  ask node 109 [ create-link-with node 72 create-link-with node 81 create-link-with node 108 ]
  ask node 110 [ create-link-with node 77 create-link-with node 78  create-link-with node 76 create-link-with node 79 create-link-with node 105]
  ask node 111 [ create-link-with node 107  create-link-with node 100]
  ask node 112 [ create-link-with node 111 create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 100]
  ask node 113 [ create-link-with node 112 create-link-with node 98 create-link-with node 99]
  ask node 114 [ create-link-with node 113 create-link-with node 98 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 115 [ create-link-with node 114 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 116 [ set nodeType "spawnDespawn"]
  ask node 117 [  create-link-with node 111 create-link-with node 95]
  ask node 118 [ create-link-with node 87 create-link-with node 106 create-link-with node 117 create-link-with node 95 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 119 [ create-link-with node 116 create-link-with node 115 create-link-with node 108 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 120 [ create-link-with node 87 create-link-with node 106  create-link-with node 117  create-link-with node 95 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 121 [ create-link-with node 122 set nodeType "sink"  set occupied false]
  ask node 122 [ create-link-with node 124]
  ask node 123 [ create-link-with node 121 create-link-with node 122 create-link-with node 72 create-link-with node 109 create-link-with node 108 ]
  ask node 124 [ create-link-with node 125 set nodeType "sink" set occupied false]
  ask node 125 []
  ask node 126 [ create-link-with node 124 create-link-with node 125 create-link-with node 108 create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 127 [ create-link-with node 118 create-link-with node 117 create-link-with node 111]
  ask node 129 [ create-link-with node 128 create-link-with node 127  set nodeType "barNode"]
  ask node 130 [create-link-with node 128 create-link-with node 113  create-link-with node 112 create-link-with node 114 ]
  ask node 131 [ create-link-with node 132 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 132 [create-link-with node 131 create-link-with node 137]
  ask node 133 [create-link-with node 134 ]
  ask node 135 [create-link-with node 131 create-link-with node 136 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 136 [create-link-with node 133 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 137 [create-link-with node 138 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 138 [create-link-with node 134 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 139 [create-link-with node 119 create-link-with node 109 create-link-with node 119 create-link-with node 83]
  ask node 90 [die]
  ask node 96 [die]

  ask nodes [ ;set up table state variables

    if nodeType = "table"[
      set occupied false
      set needsOrder false
      set needsFood false
      set needsDrinksOrder false
      set needsDrink false
      set hasFood false
      set needsCheckback false
      set needsCleared false
      set needsBill false
      set needsSanitised false
      set beingServed false
      set visits 0

to spawn-nodes-2

  let numberOfNodes 68
  let nodesXCoordsList [-9 -9 -6 -6 -4 -8.5 -1.5 5.5 5 4 4 -0.5 -1 -1 -5 -5 11 11 11 1 7 6 5 0 -4 -8 -2.5 0 0 -4 -8 6 1 -3 -7 5 -4 5 -5 10.5 9 11 8 9 9 9 9 5 0 5 4 13 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 -8 -4 -1 6 -5 0 0 0 0]
  let nodesYCoordsList [-8.5 -1.5 2 4.5 8 11 11 11 5.5 -1.5 -8.5 5.5 -1.5 -8.5 -1.5 -8.5 13 11 9 9 9 3 -5 -6 -6 -6 2 2 -11 -11 -11 -7 -5 -5 -5 1 3 8 8 3 7 -5 -8 -10 -11 -12 -16 -11 0 3 -4 12 9 5 2 2 5 9 12 -3 -3 8 -8 -6 0 0 0 0]
  create-nodes numberOfNodes

  let m 0
  while[m < numberOfNodes][
    ask node numberOfTablesAndChairs [setxy item m nodesXCoordsList item m nodesYCoordsList set size 0.35 set shape "circle" set color black]
    set m m + 1
    set numberOfTablesAndChairs numberOfTablesAndChairs + 1

  ask node 60[create-link-with node 61 create-link-with node 85 create-link-with node 90 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2 set tableNumber 1]
  ask node 61[create-link-with node 62 create-link-with node 94 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2 set tableNumber 2]
  ask node 62[create-link-with node 63 create-link-with node 86 create-link-with node 109 create-link-with node 74]
  ask node 63[create-link-with node 74 create-link-with node 64 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 8  set tableNumber 3 ]
  ask node 64[create-link-with node 98 create-link-with node 121]
  ask node 65[create-link-with node 66 create-link-with node 98 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 4]
  ask node 66[create-link-with node 67 create-link-with node 79 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 5]
  ask node 67[create-link-with node 79 create-link-with node 80 create-link-with node 97 create-link-with node 68 create-link-with node 121 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2 set tableNumber 6]
  ask node 68[create-link-with node 97 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 6  set tableNumber 12]
  ask node 69[create-link-with node 82 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 6  set tableNumber 13]
  ask node 70[create-link-with node 107 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 6  set tableNumber 14]
  ask node 71[create-link-with node 86 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 7]
  ask node 72[create-link-with node 92 create-link-with node 93 create-link-with node 108 create-link-with node 86 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 11]
  ask node 73[create-link-with node 83 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2 set tableNumber 10 create-link-with node 72]
  ask node 74[create-link-with node 93 create-link-with node 94 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 8]
  ask node 75[create-link-with node 94 set nodeType "table" set tableSize 2  set tableNumber 9 create-link-with node 72]
  ask node 76[create-link-with node 67 create-link-with node 77 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 77[create-link-with node 80 create-link-with node 67 create-link-with node 78 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 78[create-link-with node 80 create-link-with node 100 set nodeType "waitingNode" set occupied false]
  ask node 79[create-link-with node 64 create-link-with node 71]
  ask node 80[create-link-with node 79 create-link-with node 68  create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 81[create-link-with node 95 create-link-with node 108  create-link-with node 80 create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 82[create-link-with node 70 create-link-with node 95 create-link-with node 92 create-link-with node 107 create-link-with node 102 create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 83[create-link-with node 85 create-link-with node 82 create-link-with node 120]
  ask node 84[create-link-with node 75 create-link-with node 93]
  ask node 85[create-link-with node 84]
  ask node 86[create-link-with node 74]
  ask node 87[create-link-with node 95 create-link-with node 86 create-link-with node 71  create-link-with node 81 create-link-with node 108 set nodeType "centreNode"]
  ask node 88[create-link-with node 89 create-link-with node 73 create-link-with node 107]
  ask node 89[create-link-with node 90 create-link-with node 75]
  ask node 90[]
  ask node 91[]
  ask node 92[create-link-with node 91 create-link-with node 83 create-link-with node 93 create-link-with node 102]
  ask node 93[create-link-with node 73 create-link-with node 94 ]
  ask node 94[create-link-with node 85]
  ask node 95[create-link-with node 69 create-link-with node 71  create-link-with node 96]
  ask node 96[create-link-with node 62 create-link-with node 87 create-link-with node 86  create-link-with node 63 create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 97[create-link-with node 79 create-link-with node 121]
  ask node 98[create-link-with node 96]
  ask node 99[set nodeType "barNode" create-link-with node 97]
  ask node 100[create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 81 create-link-with node 68  create-link-with node 80  create-link-with node 97 create-link-with node 67]
  ask node 101[create-link-with node 99]
  ask node 102[create-link-with node 101 create-link-with node 91 create-link-with node 95 create-link-with node 105]
  ask node 103[create-link-with node 102 create-link-with node 70 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 104[create-link-with node 103 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 105[create-link-with node 104 create-link-with node 88 create-link-with node 107  create-link-with node 82 create-link-with node 70 set nodeType "queue"]
  ask node 106[create-link-with node 105  set nodeType "spawnDespawn"]
  ask node 107[create-link-with node 102]
  ask node 108[create-link-with node 109]
  ask node 109[create-link-with node 68 create-link-with node 87 create-link-with node 95 create-link-with node 99 create-link-with node 100 create-link-with node 86]
  ask node 110[create-link-with node 69 create-link-with node 92]
  ask node 111[create-link-with node 112 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 112[create-link-with node 113 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 113[create-link-with node 114 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 114[ create-link-with node 115 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 115[create-link-with node 116 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 116[create-link-with node 117 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 117[create-link-with node 118 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 118[create-link-with node 111 set nodeType "kitchenNode"]
  ask node 119[ create-link-with node 93  create-link-with node 61]
  ask node 120[ create-link-with node 92  create-link-with node 74]
  ask node 121[ create-link-with node 71  create-link-with node 66  create-link-with node 65 create-link-with node 79]
  ask node 122[create-link-with node 102 create-link-with node 70]
  ask node 123[create-link-with node 74 create-link-with node 75 create-link-with node 85]
  ask node 124[]
  ask node 91[die]
  ask node 104[die]
  ask node 103[die]
  ask node 81[die]

  ask nodes [

    if nodeType = "table"[
      set occupied false
      set needsOrder false
      set needsFood false
      set needsDrinksOrder false
      set needsDrink false
      set hasFood false
      set needsCheckback false
      set needsCleared false
      set needsBill false
      set needsSanitised false
      set beingServed false
      set visits 0

to setup-chair-links

  ask chair 16 [create-link-with node 72 set tableNo 1 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 17 [create-link-with node 72 set tableNo 1 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 18 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 2 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 19 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 2 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 20 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 21 [create-link-with node 74 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 7]
  ask chair 22 [create-link-with node 74 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 23 [create-link-with node 75 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 24 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 25 [create-link-with node 76 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 26 [create-link-with node 75 set tableNo 3  set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 27 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 8]
  ask chair 28 [create-link-with node 76 set tableNo 4 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 29 [create-link-with node 76 set tableNo 4 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 30 [create-link-with node 77 set tableNo 5 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 31 [create-link-with node 77 set tableNo 5 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 32 [create-link-with node 79 set tableNo 6 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 33 [create-link-with node 79 set tableNo 6 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 34 [create-link-with node 78 set tableNo 7 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 35 [create-link-with node 78 set tableNo 7 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 36 [create-link-with node 80 set tableNo 8 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 37 [create-link-with node 80 set tableNo 8 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 38 [create-link-with node 82 set tableNo 9 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 39 [create-link-with node 82 set tableNo 9 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 40 [create-link-with node 81 set tableNo 10 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 41 [create-link-with node 81 set tableNo 10 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 42 [create-link-with node 84 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 43 [create-link-with node 84 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 44 [create-link-with node 83 set tableNo 11 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 45 [create-link-with node 83 set tableNo 11 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 46 [create-link-with node 85 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 47 [create-link-with node 106 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 48 [create-link-with node 105 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 49 [create-link-with node 88 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 7]
  ask chair 50 [create-link-with node 106 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 51 [create-link-with node 88 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 8]
  ask chair 52 [create-link-with node 106 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 53 [create-link-with node 85 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 54 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 55 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 56 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 57 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 58 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 59 [create-link-with node 97 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 60 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 61 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 62 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 63 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 64 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 65 [create-link-with node 92 set tableNo 15 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 66 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 67 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 68 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 69 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 70 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 71 [create-link-with node 94 set tableNo 16 set chairNo 6]


to setup-chair-links-2

  ask chair 14 [create-link-with node 60 set tableNo 1 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 15 [create-link-with node 60 set tableNo 1 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 16 [create-link-with node 61 set tableNo 2 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 17 [create-link-with node 61 set tableNo 2 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 18 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 19 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 20 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 21 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 22 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 23 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 24 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 7]
  ask chair 25 [create-link-with node 63 set tableNo 3 set chairNo 8]
  ask chair 26 [create-link-with node 65 set tableNo 4 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 27 [create-link-with node 65 set tableNo 4 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 28 [create-link-with node 66 set tableNo 5 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 29 [create-link-with node 67 set tableNo 6 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 30 [create-link-with node 67 set tableNo 6 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 31 [create-link-with node 66 set tableNo 5 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 32 [create-link-with node 71 set tableNo 7 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 33 [create-link-with node 71 set tableNo 7 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 34 [create-link-with node 74 set tableNo 8 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 35 [create-link-with node 75 set tableNo 9 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 36 [create-link-with node 75 set tableNo 9 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 37 [create-link-with node 74 set tableNo 8 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 38 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 10 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 39 [create-link-with node 73 set tableNo 10 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 40 [create-link-with node 72 set tableNo 11 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 41 [create-link-with node 72 set tableNo 11 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 42 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 43 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 44 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 45 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 46 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 47 [create-link-with node 68 set tableNo 12 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 48 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 49 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 50 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 51 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 52 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 53 [create-link-with node 69 set tableNo 13 set chairNo 6]
  ask chair 54 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 1]
  ask chair 55 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 2]
  ask chair 56 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 3]
  ask chair 57 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 4]
  ask chair 58 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 5]
  ask chair 59 [create-link-with node 70 set tableNo 14 set chairNo 6]

to setup-patches

  ask patches [ set pcolor white]

  ;;main walls patches
  ask patches [if pxcor = -12 AND pycor > -22 AND pycor < 15[set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor = 12 AND pycor > -15 AND pycor < 15[set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > -13 AND pxcor < 13 AND pycor = 14 [set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > -13 AND pxcor < 13 AND pycor = -14 [set pcolor black]]

  ;;bathroom walls patches
  ask patches [if pxcor > -13 AND pxcor < 2 AND pycor = -21 [set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor = 2 AND pycor > -22 AND pycor < -14[set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor = -5 AND pycor > -22 AND pycor < -14[set pcolor black]]

  ;;doors patches
  ask patches [if pxcor > -9 AND pxcor < -6 AND pycor = -14 [set pcolor grey]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > -4 AND pxcor < -1 AND pycor = -14 [set pcolor grey]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 7 AND pxcor < 12 AND pycor = -14 [set pcolor grey]]

  ask patches [if pxcor = 12 AND pycor > 11 AND pycor < 14[set pcolor grey]]

  ask patches [if pxcor > 12 AND pxcor < 20 AND pycor = 14 [set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 12 AND pxcor < 20 AND pycor = 0 [set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor = 19 AND pycor < 15 AND pycor > -1[set pcolor black]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 14 AND pxcor < 17 AND pycor > 2 AND pycor < 12[set pcolor black]]

  ask patch -12 -8 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch -12 -7 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch -12 5 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch -12 6 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch 6 14 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch 5 14 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch -5 14 [set pcolor blue]
  ask patch -6 14 [set pcolor blue]

  ;patch types
  ask patches [if pxcor < -12[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pycor > 14[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 19[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 12 and pycor < 0[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 12 and pxcor < 19 and pycor < 14 and pycor > 0[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 2 and pycor < -14[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pycor < -21[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > -12 and pxcor < -5 and pycor < -14 and pycor > -21[set patchType "outside"]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > -5 and pxcor < 2 and pycor < -14 and pycor > -21[set patchType "outside"]]

  ask patches [if pcolor = black [set patchType "wall"]]
  ask patches [if pcolor = green [set patchType "bar"]]
  ask patches [if pcolor = grey [set patchType "door"]]
  ask patches [if pcolor = blue and pxcor = -12[set patchType "leftWindow"]]
  ask patches [if pcolor = blue and pycor = 14[set patchType "topWindow" ]]
  ask patches [if pxcor > 7 and pxcor < 12 and pycor < -14 and pycor > -21[set patchType 0]]

; top/side windows open only. air directions

to top-airpaths

  set leftWindowOpen false
  set topWindowOpen true
  show "top"

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 1][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 2][set airDirection 180] ask patch -8 13 [set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 3][set airDirection 180] ask patch -3 11 [set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 4][set airDirection 270] ask patch 0 11 [set airDirection 0] ask patch -3 13 [set airDirection 225] ask patch -3 12 [set airDirection 225]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 5][set airDirection 90] ask patch 1 11 [set airDirection 0] ask patch 1 12 [set airDirection 45] ask patch 2 11 [set airDirection 45]ask patch 0 12 [set airDirection 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 6][set airDirection 180] ask patch 4 11 [set airDirection 225 set pushPull true set pullDir 225] ask patch -1 11 [set airDirection 315] ask patch 4 13 [set airDirection 135] ask patch 4 12 [set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 7][set airDirection 180] ask patch 9 13 [set airDirection 225] ask patch 8 13 [set airDirection 225] ask patch 9 12 [set airDirection 225]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 8][set airDirection 225]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 9][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 10][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 11][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 12][set airDirection 180] ask patch 0 10 [set airDirection 0] ask patch -1 10 [set airDirection 0] ask patch 0 9 [set airDirection 0]
                                                            ask patch -2 10 [set airDirection 90] ask patch -1 9 [set airDirection 90] ask patch -2 9 [set airDirection 135 set pushPull true set pullDir 135]
                                                            ask patch -1 12 [set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 13][set airDirection 180] ask patch 1 10 [set airDirection 0] ask patch 2 10 [set airDirection 0] ask patch 1 9 [set airDirection 0]
                                                            ask patch 3 10 [set airDirection 270] ask patch 2 9 [set airDirection 270] ask patch 3 9 [set airDirection 225 set pushPull true set pullDir 225]
                                                            ask patch 2 12 [set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]ask patch 3 11 [set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 270]
                                                            ask patch 4 10 [set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 225]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 14][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 15][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 16][set airDirection 180]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 17][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 18][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 19][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 20][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 21][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 22][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 23][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 24][set airDirection 225]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 25][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 26][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 27][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 28][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 29][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 30][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 31][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 32][set airDirection 180]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 33][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 34][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 35][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 36][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 37][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 38][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 39][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 40][set airDirection 225]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 41][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 42][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 43][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 44][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 45][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 46][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 47][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 48][set airDirection 180]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 49][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 50][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 51][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 52][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 53][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 54][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 55][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 56][set airDirection 225]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 57][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 58][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 59][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 60][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 61][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 62][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 63][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 64][set airDirection 180]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 65][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 66][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 67][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 68][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 69][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 70][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 71][set airDirection 180]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 72][set airDirection 225]

  ask patch 5 14[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare != 0][set airTransfer 0.0093]

  ask patches with [pycor = -13][set concentration concentration * 0.5]; simulate some air going up to the ceiling and round and out intake windows
  ask patches with [pycor = -12][set concentration concentration * 0.7]
  ask patches with [pycor = -11][set concentration concentration * 0.9]

; left windows open only

to left-airpaths

  set leftWindowOpen true
  set topWindowOpen false
  show "left"

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 1][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 2][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 3][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 4][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 5][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 6][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 7][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 8][set airDirection 90]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 9][set airDirection 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 10][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 11][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 12][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 13][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 14][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 15][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 16][set airDirection 90]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 17][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 18][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 19][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 20][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 21][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 22][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 23][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 24][set airDirection 90]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 25][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 26][set airDirection 45] ask patch -6 3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -6 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 27][set airDirection 45] ask patches with [pycor = 2 and pxcor < -2 and pxcor > -12] [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -4 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 28][set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 29][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 30][set airDirection 90] ask patch 5 2 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 2 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 3 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 31][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 32][set airDirection 90]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 33][set airDirection 225]ask patch -11 1 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -9 1 [ set airDirection 225]  ask patch -11 0 [ set airDirection 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 34][set airDirection 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 35][set airDirection 315]ask patch -11 1 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -3 0 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -3 -1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -4 0[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch -4 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -5 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 36][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 0 -1 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 0 0 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 0 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -1 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -2 0 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 1 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 37][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -1[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 2 -1[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 0[ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch 1 1[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 38][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 39][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 40][set airDirection 90]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 41][set airDirection 135]ask patches with [pxcor = -11 and pycor < 0 and pycor > -5] [ set airDirection 180] ask patch -10 -2 [ set airDirection 180]
                                                          ask patch -9 -2 [ set airDirection 225]  ask patch -10 -3 [ set airDirection 180]  ask patch -9 -4 [ set airDirection 225]
                                                          ask patch -3 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -4 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -3 0 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 42][set airDirection 315]ask patch -6 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -7 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -8 -4 [ set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 43][set airDirection 315]ask patch -5 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -4 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patches with [pycor = -3 and pxcor < -3 and pxcor > -9] [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch -8 -3 [ set airDirection 225] ask patch -3 -3 [ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -5 -3[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -3 -4[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -4 -3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 44][set airDirection 315]ask patch 0 -2 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 0 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -3 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -4 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -2 -4 [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -2[ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -2 -2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 45][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 46][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -3 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -4 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 47][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 48][set airDirection 90] ask patch 10 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -3 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 49][set airDirection 90] ask patch -11 -5 [ set airDirection 135] ask patch -11 -6 [ set airDirection 135 set pushPull true set pullDir 180]
                                                          ask patch -10 -5[ set airDirection 135 set pushPull true set pullDir 135] ask patch -7 -8[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 50][set airDirection 90] ask patch -8 -7[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
                                                          ask patch -8 -5[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 51][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 52][set airDirection 90] ask patch -2 -5 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 -5 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -5 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch -1 -6 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]ask patch 0 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -7 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -1 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -3 -5 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch -2 -5[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 53][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 54][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -7 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 55][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 56][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -6 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 57][set airDirection 90] ask patch -9 -8[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 58][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 59][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 60][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 61][set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -8 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -8 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 2 -10[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 62][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -10 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -9 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -10 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 63][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 64][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -10 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -9 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 65][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 66][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 67][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 68][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 69][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 2 -13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 1 -12 [ set airDirection 90]
                                                          ask patch 1 -13 [ set airDirection 90]  ask patch 3 -12 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 2 -11 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 70][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -13 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 4 -12 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -13 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 71][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 72][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -13 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -12 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patch 5 14[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare != 0][set airTransfer 0.01]

  ask patches with [pxcor = 11][set concentration concentration * 0.5]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 10][set concentration concentration * 0.7]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 9][set concentration concentration * 0.9]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 11][set concentration concentration * 0.5]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 10][set concentration concentration * 0.7]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 9][set concentration concentration * 0.9]

; both windows open air directions

to left-top-airpaths

  set leftWindowOpen true
  set topWindowOpen true

  show "both"
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 1][set airDirection 45]  ask patch -11 13 [ set airDirection 90]ask patch -10 13 [ set airDirection 90]ask patch -9 13 [ set airDirection 90]
                                                          ask patch -11 12 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -10 12 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -11 11 [ set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 2][set airDirection 45]  ask patch -8 13 [ set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 3][set airDirection 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 4][set airDirection 315] ask patch 0 13 [ set airDirection 270] ask patch -1 13 [ set airDirection 270] ask patch -2 13 [ set airDirection 270]  ask patch -3 13 [ set airDirection 270]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 5][set airDirection 45]  ask patch 3 13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 1 13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 2 13 [ set airDirection 90]
                                                                              ask patch 2 11[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 6][set airDirection 0]   ask patch 4 12 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 13 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 7][set airDirection 270] ask patch 7 13 [ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]ask patch 7 12 [ set airDirection 315]ask patch 7 11 [ set airDirection 315] ask patch 8 11 [ set airDirection 315]
                                                          ask patch 8 12 [ set airDirection 315] ask patch 9 11 [ set airDirection 315] ask patch 7 12[ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
                                                          ask patch 8 13[ set airDirection 270 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 9 13[ set airDirection 270 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 8][set airDirection 270] ask patch 11 11 [ set airDirection 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 9][set airDirection 45]  ask patch -9 8[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 10][set airDirection 0]  ask patch -8 8[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -7 10[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                                             ask patch 3 10[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -7 8[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 11][set airDirection 0]  ask patch -4 8[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 12][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 0 8 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 9 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 10 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                                            ask patch -1 8 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 8 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                                            ask patch -2 9[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 13][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 3 10[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 3 9[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 2 10[ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 14][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 6 10[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315] ask patch 5 8[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                                              ask patch 5 9[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]  ask patch 6 10[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
                                                                             ask patch 2 9[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 2 10[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 15][set airDirection 315]ask patch 9 8 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 8 9 [ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 7 9[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch 9 10[ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 10 11[ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 16][set airDirection 315]ask patch 11 8 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 10 8 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 11 9 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 11 10 [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch 10 9 [ set airDirection 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 17][set airDirection 90] ask patch 3 10[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 18][set airDirection 45] ask patch -8 5 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -7 5 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -6 5 [ set airDirection 90]
                                                                            ask patch -8 6 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -7 6 [ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -8 7 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                                            ask patch -6 6[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -7 7[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 19][set airDirection 45] ask patch -5 6[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch -6 7[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                                              ask patch -5 7[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 20][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 21][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 22][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 4 6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 5 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 4 5 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch 6 5[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 6 7[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch 4 7[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 23][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 7 7 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 8 7 [ set airDirection 315] ask patch 8 7 [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch 7 6[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 24][set airDirection 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 25][set airDirection 45] ask patch -10 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315] ask patch -9 2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 26][set airDirection 45] ask patch -6 3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch -6 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                                               ask patch -7 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -8 2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                                               ask patch -7 3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 27][set airDirection 45] ask patches with [pycor = 2 and pxcor < -2 and pxcor > -12] [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -4 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                                               ask patch -4 4[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 28][set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 29][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 30][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 5 2 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 2 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 3 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 4 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
                                                          ask patch 5 3 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch 6 4[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 31][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 7 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 32][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -13 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -12 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 33][set airDirection 225]ask patch -11 1 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -9 1 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]  ask patch -11 0 [ set airDirection 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 34][set airDirection 315]ask patch -10 2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -8 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 35][set airDirection 315]ask patch -11 1 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -3 0 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -3 -1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -4 0[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -4 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -5 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 36][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 0 -1 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 0 0 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 0 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -1 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -2 0 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 1 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 37][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -1[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 2 -1[ set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 0[ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch 1 1[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 38][set airDirection 45] ask patch 6 1 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 5 1 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 6 0 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch 4 1 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch 4 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 39][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 8 0 [ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 9 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch 8 1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 40][set airDirection 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 41][set airDirection 135]ask patches with [pxcor = -11 and pycor < 0 and pycor > -5] [ set airDirection 180] ask patch -10 -2 [ set airDirection 180]
                                                          ask patch -9 -2 [ set airDirection 225]  ask patch -10 -3 [ set airDirection 180]  ask patch -9 -4 [ set airDirection 225]
                                                          ask patch -3 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -4 1 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -3 0 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 42][set airDirection 315]ask patch -6 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -7 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -8 -4 [ set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 43][set airDirection 315]ask patch -5 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch -4 -4 [ set airDirection 90] ask patches with [pycor = -3 and pxcor < -3 and pxcor > -9] [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch -8 -3 [ set airDirection 225] ask patch -3 -3 [ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -5 -3[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -3 -4[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch -4 -3[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 44][set airDirection 315]ask patch 0 -2 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45] ask patch 0 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -3 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -4 [ set airDirection 0] ask patch -2 -4 [ set airDirection 0]
                                                          ask patch -1 -2[ set airDirection 315 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch -2 -2[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 45][set airDirection 45] ask patch -7 11[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 46][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -3 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -4 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 47][set airDirection 45] ask patch 9 -2[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0] ask patch 8 -1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch 8 0[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]
                                                          ask patch 10 -1[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 48][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -4 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -3 [ set airDirection 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 49][set airDirection 90] ask patch -11 -5 [ set airDirection 135] ask patch -11 -6 [ set airDirection 135 set pushPull true set pullDir 180]
                                                          ask patch -10 -5[ set airDirection 135 set pushPull true set pullDir 135] ask patch -7 -8[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 315]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 50][set airDirection 90] ask patch -8 -7[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 135]
                                                          ask patch -8 -5[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 51][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 52][set airDirection 90] ask patch -2 -5 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -1 -5 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -5 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch -1 -6 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]ask patch 0 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -7 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                          ask patch -1 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -2 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch -3 -5 [ set airDirection 45]
                                                          ask patch -2 -5[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 0]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 53][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 54][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -6 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -7 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 55][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 56][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -7 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -6 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 57][set airDirection 90] ask patch -9 -8[ set airDirection 90 set pushPull true set pullDir 135]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 58][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 59][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 60][set airDirection 90] ask patch 0 -9[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch -1 -8[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
                                                                                ask patch -1 -9[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 900]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 61][set airDirection 45] ask patch 0 -8 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -8 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                                                 ask patch 2 -10[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 1 -10[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
                                                                                 ask patch 1 -9[ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 62][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -10 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -9 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -10 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 63][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 64][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -10 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -9 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patches with [gridSquare = 65][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 66][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 67][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 68][set airDirection 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 69][set airDirection 45] ask patch 1 -13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 2 -13 [ set airDirection 90] ask patch 1 -12 [ set airDirection 90]
                                                          ask patch 1 -13 [ set airDirection 90]  ask patch 3 -12 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 2 -11 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 70][set airDirection 45] ask patch 4 -13 [ set airDirection 45 set pushPull true set pullDir 90] ask patch 4 -12 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 5 -13 [ set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 71][set airDirection 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare = 72][set airDirection 0]  ask patch 10 -13 [ set airDirection 45] ask patch 10 -12 [ set airDirection 45]

  ask patch 5 14[ set airDirection 0 set pushPull true set pullDir 45]
  ask patches with [gridSquare != 0][set airTransfer 0.031]

  ask patches with [pxcor = 11][set concentration concentration * 0.5] ; simulate some air going up to the ceiling and round and out intake windows
  ask patches with [pxcor = 10][set concentration concentration * 0.7]
  ask patches with [pxcor = 9][set concentration concentration * 0.9]

There is only one version of this model, created over 3 years ago by Chris Hodgson.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Airborne COVID-19 transmission restaurant simulation.png preview Preview for 'Airborne COVID-19 transmission restaurant simulation' over 3 years ago, by Chris Hodgson Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.