Turtles and Conditional Probability
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2
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globals [ turtle-my-color my-turn] directed-link-breed [ paths path] breed [ turtle-starts turtle-start ] breed [ turtle-ends turtle-end ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "turtle" create-turtle-starts number [ set turtle-my-color 15 + 10 * who set color turtle-my-color setxy 0 0 set size turtle-size ] reset-ticks end to go ;; if not any? turtles [ stop ] ask turtle-starts [ ifelse label-on? [ set label who + 1] [ set label "" ] ifelse do-stamp [ stamp ] [ ] ifelse is-pen-down [ pen-down ] [pen-up] move ] ;;ask links [ connect-turtles ] tick end to move ;; turtle procedure set my-turn 2 * (random angle) - angle / 2 rt random angle ;; right turn ;;lt random angle ;; left turn ifelse stepsize = 0 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] ;; random jump [fd stepsize ] ;; forward end
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