Forest Dynamic Model II- Rosindell et al. (2010)
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extensions [table csv] globals [V K W-vec rspec speciation specia spec Wvec index speciesi meta-speciesi JM meta-sp meta-time meta-a0 meta-j2 meta-a meta-set2 extinct-species number-of-meta-trees a initial-meta-richness dlocx dlocy random-number2 number time num j x-cor y-cor N richness a0 n-speciation local-set local-di-set local-off-set set-species-who-di set-species-who-off sp hist-frq rel-hist-frq s local-set0 remove-set richness-counts species-who-di di-locx di-locy species-who-off set1-species-who-off meta-set effective-meta-cmmunity-size number-of-local-trees item-x meta-set-new meta-sp-count sp-count j1 i1 k1 j2 i2 k2 meta-richness-counts meta-richness local-richness-counts local-richness hist-frq-meta rel-hist-frq-meta hist-frq-local rel-hist-frq-local t] breed [meta-trees meta-tree] breed [trees tree] meta-trees-own [species meta-species n-speciation-no] trees-own [species h] circles-own [] breed [circles a-circle] patches-own[elevation] to setup3 clear-all set local-richness-counts map count table:values table:group-agents trees [species] set local-richness length local-richness-counts set sp 0 set meta-sp 0 set speciation 0 set specia [] set spec [] set Wvec [] set J (w1 + 1) * (w1 + 1) resize-world 0 w1 0 w1 set JM 0 set K J set t 0 species-gen1 set hist-frq-local sort-by > map count table:values table:group-agents trees [ species ] set rel-hist-frq-local map [ i -> i / count trees ] hist-frq-local set richness-counts map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set richness length richness-counts set hist-frq-meta sort-by > map [ i -> i] Wvec update-plots reset-ticks end to species-gen1 set k1 -1 while [k1 < w1 ] [ set k1 k1 + 1 set i1 -1 while [i1 < w1 ] [ set i1 i1 + 1 create-trees 1 [ setxy k1 i1 set shape "circle" set size 1 set num random-float 1 set j1 j1 + 1 set species (sp + 1) set sp sp + 1 set color random-float -50 set spec fput sp spec ] ] ] set local-richness sp end to go3 while [K > 0] [ let r1 random-float 1 if (length spec = 0 )[stop] set rspec one-of spec if-else (K > 1) [set t t - (ln (r1) / (K * (K - 1 )))] [set t 100000] if-else (tau > t) [ set spec remove rspec spec ask trees with [species = rspec] [ set rspec one-of spec set species rspec set color [color] of one-of trees with [species = rspec] ] set K K - 1 set t 0 set richness-counts map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set richness length richness-counts set hist-frq-local sort-by > map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set rel-hist-frq-local map [ i -> i / count turtles ] hist-frq-local set hist-frq-meta sort-by > map [ i -> i ] Wvec update-plots tick ] [ if (length spec = 0 )[stop] if-else (r1 <= theta / (theta + K - 1)) [ set speciation speciation + 1 set specia fput rspec specia set spec remove rspec spec let Wvec1 count trees with [species = rspec] set Wvec fput Wvec1 Wvec set sp sp + 1 let color0 60 + random-float -50 ask trees with [species = rspec] [ set species sp set color color0 ;set shape "arrow" ] set K K - 1 set richness-counts map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set richness length richness-counts set hist-frq-local sort-by > map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set rel-hist-frq-local map [ i -> i / count turtles ] hist-frq-local set hist-frq-meta sort-by > map [ i -> i ] Wvec update-plots tick ] [ if (length spec = 0 )[stop] set spec remove rspec spec let color01 [color] of one-of trees with [species = rspec] ask trees with [species = rspec] [ set rspec one-of spec set species rspec set color color01 ] set K K - 1 set richness-counts map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set richness length richness-counts set hist-frq-local sort-by > map count table:values table:group-agents turtles [ species ] set rel-hist-frq-local map [ i -> i / count turtles ] hist-frq-local set hist-frq-meta sort-by > map [ i -> i ] Wvec update-plots tick ] ] ] end ; Copyright 2023h Ruwan Punchi-Manage. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created over 1 year ago by Ruwan Punchi-Manage.
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