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;Version 1.0.1
;Assembled by Jirapat (Mos) Phetheet and Professor Mary C. Hill, Department of Geology, University of Kansas

extensions [csv bitmap table]

globals [
  cropland-patches aquifer-patches river-patches wind-bar solar-bar wind-patches solar-patches corn-patches
  crop-area crop-color radius-of-%area total-area area-multiplier crop-background
  precip_raw current-elev patch-change yrs-seq zero-line precip_RCP8.5 precip_RCP4.5 gw-level
  corn-data corn-GCMs corn-sum_1 corn-sum_2 corn-price corn-yield_1 corn-irrig_1 corn-yield_2 corn-irrig_2 corn-yield_3 corn-irrig_3 corn-yield_4 corn-irrig_4 corn-yield_5 corn-irrig_5 corn-yield_6 corn-irrig_6
  wheat-data wheat-GCMs wheat-sum_1 wheat-sum_2 wheat-price wheat-yield_1 wheat-irrig_1 wheat-yield_2 wheat-irrig_2 wheat-yield_3 wheat-irrig_3 wheat-yield_4 wheat-irrig_4 wheat-yield_5 wheat-irrig_5 wheat-yield_6 wheat-irrig_6
  soybeans-data soybeans-GCMs soybeans-sum_1 soybeans-sum_2 soybeans-price soybeans-yield_1 soybeans-irrig_1 soybeans-yield_2 soybeans-irrig_2 soybeans-yield_3 soybeans-irrig_3 soybeans-yield_4 soybeans-irrig_4 soybeans-yield_5 soybeans-irrig_5 soybeans-yield_6 soybeans-irrig_6
  milo-data milo-GCMs milo-sum_1 milo-sum_2 milo-price milo-yield_1 milo-irrig_1 milo-yield_2 milo-irrig_2 milo-yield_3 milo-irrig_3 milo-yield_4 milo-irrig_4 milo-yield_5 milo-irrig_5 milo-yield_6 milo-irrig_6
  corn-expenses wheat-expenses soybeans-expenses milo-expenses all-expenses_raw
  corn-costs-irrig-low corn-costs-irrig-moderate corn-costs-irrig-high corn-costs-dry-low corn-costs-dry-moderate corn-costs-dry-high
  wheat-costs-irrig-low wheat-costs-irrig-moderate wheat-costs-irrig-high wheat-costs-dry-low wheat-costs-dry-moderate wheat-costs-dry-high
  soybeans-costs-irrig-low soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate soybeans-costs-irrig-high soybeans-costs-dry-low soybeans-costs-dry-moderate soybeans-costs-dry-high
  milo-costs-irrig-low milo-costs-irrig-moderate milo-costs-irrig-high milo-costs-dry-low milo-costs-dry-moderate milo-costs-dry-high
  corn-tot-income wheat-tot-income soybeans-tot-income milo-tot-income
  corn-net-income wheat-net-income soybeans-net-income milo-net-income
  corn-history wheat-history soybeans-history milo-history
  corn-coverage wheat-coverage soybeans-coverage milo-coverage
  corn-price-FM wheat-price-FM soybeans-price-FM milo-price-FM
  corn-income-guarantee wheat-income-guarantee soybeans-income-guarantee milo-income-guarantee corn-claimed wheat-claimed soybeans-claimed milo-claimed
  corn-yield-guarantee wheat-yield-guarantee soybeans-yield-guarantee milo-yield-guarantee
  corn-ins-claimed wheat-ins-claimed soybeans-ins-claimed milo-ins-claimed corn-yield-deficiency wheat-yield-deficiency soybeans-yield-deficiency milo-yield-deficiency
  corn-mean-yield wheat-mean-yield soybeans-mean-yield milo-mean-yield
  corn-tot-yield wheat-tot-yield soybeans-tot-yield milo-tot-yield
  corn-irrig-increment wheat-irrig-increment soybeans-irrig-increment milo-irrig-increment
  corn-use-in wheat-use-in soybeans-use-in milo-use-in water-use-feet gw-change calibrated-water-use dryland-check? GCM-random-year level-low level-low-patch level-60 level-60-patch gw-upper-limit
  corn-N-app wheat-N-app soybeans-N-app milo-N-app N-accu N-accu2 N-accu-temp
  #Solar_panels solar-production solar-production_temp count-solar-lifespan solar-cost solar-sell solar-sell_temp solar-net-income %Solar-production count-solar-lifespan-sell term-loan_S interest-rate_S annual_payment_s balance_s interest_s principal_s count_loan_term_s
  wind-production wind-production_temp wind-cost wind-sell wind-sell_temp wind-net-income energy-net-income %Wind-production count-wind-lifespan count-wind-lifespan-cost count-wind-lifespan-sell term-loan_W interest-rate_W  annual_payment_w balance_w interest_w principal_w count_loan_term_w
  cap-depreciation cap-tax-rate cap-%-wind cap-%-solar cap-wind-%-depre cap-solar-%-depre count-cap-wind count-cap-solar count-depreciation_W count-depreciation_S depreciation_S depreciation_W crop_production_data
  extractData temp-list Year Precip

to setup
  ca                                                                                                ;Clear all
  import-data                                                                                       ;Import data from csv files in the FEWCalc folder

  set crop_production_data []

  ;Future market price for crop insurance calculation
  set corn-price-FM 4.12                                                                            ;Default: 4.12
  set wheat-price-FM 6.94                                                                           ;Default: 6.94
  set soybeans-price-FM 9.39                                                                        ;Default: 9.39
  set milo-price-FM 3.14                                                                            ;Default: 3.14

  ;Level of coverage for crop insurance
  set corn-coverage 0.75                                                                            ;Default: 0.75 (75%)
  set wheat-coverage 0.7                                                                            ;Default: 0.7 (70%)
  set soybeans-coverage 0.7                                                                         ;Default: 0.7 (70%)
  set milo-coverage 0.65                                                                            ;Default: 0.65 (65%)

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cropland patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set total-area (Corn_area + Wheat_area + Soybeans_area + SG_area)                                 ;Calculate total crop area
  set area-multiplier 3000                                                                          ;A factor for scaling size of crop circles (it does not affect the calculation)
  set N-accu 0                                                                                      ;No N accumulation in soil at the beginning
  set N-accu2 0                                                                                     ;No N accumulation in surface-water bodies at the beginning
  set dryland-check? 1                                                                              ;Check first dryland farming, Dryland-check? = 1 means that it's the first dryland farming

  set cropland-patches patches with [pxcor < 66]                                                    ;Divide the world where pxcor < 66 into cropland-patches

  set crop-background bitmap:import "center_pivot.jpg"                                              ;Import background
  bitmap:copy-to-pcolors crop-background false

  ask patches with [pxcor > 65] [                                                                   ;Set area outside "cropland-patches" to be black
    set pcolor black]

  ask patch -71 -97 [                                                                               ;Add patch label
    set plabel "Cropland"
    set plabel-color black

  set crop-area []                                                                                  ;Keep crop area in a list, namely "crop-area"
  set crop-area lput Corn_area crop-area
  set crop-area lput Wheat_area crop-area
  set crop-area lput Soybeans_area crop-area
  set crop-area lput SG_area crop-area

  set radius-of-%area []                                                                            ;crop areas are calculated as percentage of total area

  let n 0                                                                                           ;Set temporary variable
  let m 0
  foreach crop-area [ x ->
    set radius-of-%area lput sqrt ((x / (sum crop-area) * area-multiplier) / pi) radius-of-%area    ;Calculate radius of crop circle

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                            ;Set "aquifer-patches" and patch's color
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Aquifer patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set current-elev 69                                                                               ;Set top of aquifer = max pycor of "aquifer patches" (pycor = 69)
  set gw-level Aquifer_thickness                                                                    ;Initialize gw-level variable
  set aquifer-patches patches with [pxcor > 66 and pxcor < 83 and pycor < 70]                       ;Introduce aquifer-patches
  ask aquifer-patches [set pcolor blue]                                                             ;Set aquifer-patches = blue
  ask patch 79 -97 [set plabel "GW"]                                                                ;Label GW

  set gw-upper-limit (Min_Aq_Thickness + 30)                                                        ;Set upper threshold of gw level during dryland farming
  set level-low-patch (Min_Aq_Thickness * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                  ;Calculate #patches below Min_AQ_Thickness in gw-patches (lower limit)
  set level-60-patch (gw-upper-limit * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                     ;Calculate #patches below 60 feet in gw-patches (upper limit)
  set level-low (-100 + level-low-patch)                                                            ;Locate a level where lower level is.
  set level-60 (-100 + level-60-patch)                                                              ;Locate a level where upper level is.

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                            ;Set "river-patches" and patch's color
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; River patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set river-patches patches with [pxcor > 66 and pxcor < 83 and pycor > 70]
  ask river-patches [set pcolor 87]
  ask patch 78 96 [                                                                                 ;Label "SW"
    set plabel "SW"
    set plabel-color black]

    ask patch 64 96 [                                                                               ;Label "Nitrate in SW"
    set plabel "Nitrate in SW"
    set plabel-color white]

  ask patch 64 87 [                                                                                 ;Label "lbs"
    set plabel "lbs"
    set plabel-color white]

  ask patch 54 87 [                                                                                 ;Print a cumulative amount of nitrate in surface water
    set plabel round (N-accu2)
    set plabel-color white]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                            ;Set "solar-patches" and patch's color
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Solar patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set count-solar-lifespan 0                                                                        ;Initialize solar lifespan = 0
  set count-wind-lifespan 0                                                                         ;Initialize wind lifespan = 0
  set count-wind-lifespan-cost 0                                                                    ;Initialize wind lifespan = 0 for cost calculation
  set count-wind-lifespan-sell 0                                                                    ;Initialize wind lifespan = 0 for income calculation
  set count-solar-lifespan-sell 0                                                                   ;Initialize solar lifespan = 0 for income calculation
  set zero-line 0                                                                                   ;Use to draw a zero line in s

  initialize-energy                                                                                 ;Initialize the amount of energy (see "to initialize-energy")

  set %Solar-production (Solar-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))             ;Calculate % of solar production
  set %Wind-production (Wind-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))               ;Calculate % of wind production

  set solar-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]                                                           ;Set a place to locate solar scale-bar
  ask solar-bar with [pycor > (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor [255 165 0]]

  ask patch 93 96 [                                                                                 ;Print %solar capacity in the World
    set plabel round (%Solar-production)
    set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 98 96 [                                                                                 ;Label "%"
    set plabel "%"
    set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 99 90 [                                                                                 ;Label "Solar"
    set plabel "Solar"
    set plabel-color black]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Wind patches ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set wind-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]                                                            ;Set a place to locate wind scale-bar
  ask wind-bar with [pycor < (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor yellow]

  ask patch 93 -91 [                                                                                ;Print %wind capacity in the World
    set plabel round (%Wind-production)
    set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 98 -91 [                                                                                ;Label "%"
    set plabel "%"
    set plabel-color black]
  ask patch 99 -97 [                                                                                ;Label "Wind"
    set plabel "Wind"
    set plabel-color black]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Crop Circles ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  if Corn_area > 0 [                                                                                ;Check: Is corn simulated?
    ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]                 ;Create a crop circle
    import-drawing "Symbol-corn.png"                                                                ;There is "a problem" with this image. It disappears.
    import-drawing "Symbol-corn.png"                                                                ;To solve the problem, we import this image twice.
    ask patch 6 -27 [set plabel "Corn"]]                                                            ;Label "Corn"

  if Wheat_area > 0 [                                                                               ;Check: Is wheat simulated?
    ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]               ;Create a crop circle
    import-drawing "Symbol-wheat.png"                                                               ;Import a wheat symbol.
    ask patch -9 63 [
        set plabel "Wheat"                                                                          ;Label "Wheat"
        set plabel-color black]]

  if Soybeans_area > 0 [                                                                            ;Check: Are soybeans simulated?
    ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]            ;Create a crop circle
    import-drawing "Symbol-soybeans.png"                                                            ;Import a soybean symbol.
    ask patch -38 -72 [
        set plabel "soybeans"                                                                       ;Label "Soybeans"
        set plabel-color black]]

  if SG_area > 0 [                                                                                  ;Check: Is grain sorghum simulated?
    ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]               ;Create a crop circle
    import-drawing "Symbol-milo.png"                                                                ;Import a grain sorghum symbol.
    ask patch -43 -6 [set plabel "Grain"]                                                           ;Label "Grain"
    ask patch -38 -13 [set plabel "sorghum"]]                                                       ;Label "sorghum"

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Wind icons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set wind-patches patches with [pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 65 and pycor < -35 and pycor > -100]         ;Set a location to place wind symbols

  let w 0                                                                                           ;Set a temporary variable
    repeat #wind_turbines [                                                                         ;Using ifelse statement to place wind turbines as grid arrangement
      ifelse w < 2 [
        crt 1 [
        setxy (35 + (w * 22)) -97
        set shape "wind"
        set size (Capacity_W * 30)
        set w (w + 1)]
        [ifelse w < 4 [
          crt 1 [
          setxy (25 + ((w - 2) * 22)) -65
          set shape "wind"
          set size (Capacity_W * 30)
          set w (w + 1)]
         [crt 1 [
           setxy (35 + ((w - 4) * 22)) -31
           set shape "wind"
           set size (Capacity_W * 30)
           set w (w + 1)]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Solar icons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set solar-patches patches with [pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 65 and pycor > 33 and pycor < 100]         ;Set a location to place solar symbols

  let t 0                                                                                          ;Set a temporary variable
    repeat ceiling #Panel_sets [                                                                           ;Using ifelse statement to place solar panels as grid arrangement
      ifelse t < 5 [
        crt 1 [
        setxy 56 (65 - (t * 12))
        set shape "solar"
        set size 20
        set t (t + 1)]
       [ifelse t < 10 [
         crt 1 [
         setxy 37 (65 - ((t - 5) * 12))
         set shape "solar"
         set size 20
         set t (t + 1)]
        [crt 1 [
          setxy 18 (65 - ((t - 10) * 12))
          set shape "solar"
          set size 20
          set t (t + 1)]

  reset-ticks                                                                                       ;Reset tick to zero

  set term-loan_S (Loan_term * Nyear_S)                                                             ;Set solar production term loan = solar panel lifespan
  set interest-rate_S (interest / 100)                                                              ;Set solar production
  set term-loan_W (Loan_term * Nyear_W)                                                             ;Set wind production loan = wind turbine lifespan
  set interest-rate_W (interest / 100)                                                              ;Set wind production

to go                                                                                               ;Go procedure
  if ticks = Simulation_period [stop]                                                               ;FEWCalc stops simulation when ticks exceed simulation_period
  check-area                                                                                        ;If a crop is not applied, FEWCalc sets all input variables to zero.
  reset-symbols                                                                                     ;In case variables are changed on the fly, solar panel or wind turbine symbols are changed.
  set GCM-random-year (random 80)                                                                   ;Create a random sequence of GCM (Available for advanced simulation because simulation period ranges from 0 to 90 years)
  future_processes                                                                                  ;See "to future-process"
  contaminant                                                                                       ;See "to contaminant"
  ;treatment                                                                                        ;Not applicable
  export                                                                                            ;Exports data to .csv
  tick                                                                                              ;Advance tick

to import-data                                                                                      ;Create a number of lists to store values from csv files
  set precip_raw []                                                                                 ;A list for precipitation data
  set precip_RCP8.5 []                                                                              ;A list for GCM RCP8.5 precipitation data
  set precip_RCP4.5 []                                                                              ;A list for GCM RCP4.5 precipitation data
  set corn-data []                                                                                  ;All crop data including headings of the table
  set corn-GCMs []                                                                                  ;All crop data including headings of the table
  set corn-sum_1 []                                                                                 ;All crop data excluding headings of the table
  set corn-sum_2 []                                                                                 ;All crop data excluding headings of the table
  set corn-price []                                                                                 ;Historical crop price
  set corn-yield_1 []                                                                               ;Yield_1 means simulated yield from historical data
  set corn-irrig_1 []                                                                               ;Irrig_1 means simulated irrigation from historical data
  set corn-yield_2 []                                                                               ;Yield_2 means simulated yield from dryland simulation
  set corn-irrig_2 []                                                                               ;Irrig_2 means simulated irrigation from dryland simualtion (= zero)
  set corn-yield_3 []                                                                               ;Yield_3 means simulated yield from Global Climate Models (GCMs) data (RCP8.5)
  set corn-irrig_3 []                                                                               ;Irrig_3 means simulated irrigation from GCMs data (RCP8.5)
  set corn-yield_4 []                                                                               ;Yield_4 means simulated yield from GCMs data + dryland simulation (dryland RCP8.5)
  set corn-irrig_4 []                                                                               ;Irrig_4 means simulated irrigation from GCMs data + dryland simulation (dryland RCP8.5)
  set corn-yield_5 []                                                                               ;Yield_5 means simulated yield from Global Climate Models (GCMs) data (RCP4.5)
  set corn-irrig_5 []                                                                               ;Irrig_5 means simulated irrigation from GCMs data (RCP4.5)
  set corn-yield_6 []                                                                               ;Yield_6 means simulated yield from GCMs data + dryland simulation (dryland RCP4.5)
  set corn-irrig_6 []                                                                               ;Irrig_6 means simulated irrigation from GCMs data + dryland simulation (dryland RCP4.5)
  set corn-N-app []                                                                                 ;N application

  set cap-depreciation []                                                                           ;A list for depreciation data
  set cap-wind-%-depre []                                                                           ;A list for %wind depreciation
  set cap-solar-%-depre []                                                                          ;A list for %solar depreciation
  set all-expenses_raw []                                                                           ;Create a list of all expanses raw
  set corn-costs-irrig-low []                                                                       ;Irrigated corn expenses for low yield
  set corn-costs-irrig-moderate []                                                                  ;Irrigated corn expenses for moderate yield
  set corn-costs-irrig-high []                                                                      ;Irrigated corn expenses for high yield
  set corn-costs-dry-low []                                                                         ;Dryland corn expenses for low yield
  set corn-costs-dry-moderate []                                                                    ;Dryland corn expenses for moderate yield
  set corn-costs-dry-high []                                                                        ;Dryland corn expenses for high yield

  set wheat-data []                                                                                 ;See above from corn
  set Wheat-GCMs []
  set wheat-sum_1 []
  set wheat-sum_2 []
  set wheat-price []
  set wheat-yield_1 []
  set wheat-irrig_1 []
  set wheat-yield_2 []
  set wheat-irrig_2 []
  set wheat-yield_3 []
  set wheat-irrig_3 []
  set wheat-yield_4 []
  set wheat-irrig_4 []
  set wheat-yield_5 []
  set wheat-irrig_5 []
  set wheat-yield_6 []
  set wheat-irrig_6 []
  set wheat-N-app []
  set wheat-costs-irrig-low []
  set wheat-costs-irrig-moderate []
  set wheat-costs-irrig-high []
  set wheat-costs-dry-low []
  set wheat-costs-dry-moderate []
  set wheat-costs-dry-high []

  set soybeans-data []                                                                              ;See above from corn
  set soybeans-GCMs []
  set soybeans-sum_1 []
  set soybeans-sum_2 []
  set soybeans-price []
  set soybeans-yield_1 []
  set soybeans-irrig_1 []
  set soybeans-yield_2 []
  set soybeans-irrig_2 []
  set soybeans-yield_3 []
  set soybeans-irrig_3 []
  set soybeans-yield_4 []
  set soybeans-irrig_4 []
  set soybeans-yield_5 []
  set soybeans-irrig_5 []
  set soybeans-yield_6 []
  set soybeans-irrig_6 []
  set soybeans-N-app []
  set soybeans-costs-irrig-low []
  set soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate []
  set soybeans-costs-irrig-high []
  set soybeans-costs-dry-low []
  set soybeans-costs-dry-moderate []
  set soybeans-costs-dry-high []

  set milo-data []                                                                                  ;See above from corn
  set milo-GCMs []
  set milo-sum_1 []
  set milo-sum_2 []
  set milo-price []
  set milo-yield_1 []
  set milo-irrig_1 []
  set milo-yield_2 []
  set milo-irrig_2 []
  set milo-yield_3 []
  set milo-irrig_3 []
  set milo-yield_4 []
  set milo-irrig_4 []
  set milo-yield_5 []
  set milo-irrig_5 []
  set milo-yield_6 []
  set milo-irrig_6 []
  set milo-N-app []
  set milo-costs-irrig-low []
  set milo-costs-irrig-moderate []
  set milo-costs-irrig-high []
  set milo-costs-dry-low []
  set milo-costs-dry-moderate []
  set milo-costs-dry-high []

  ;;set corn-data lput csv:from-file "1_Corn_inputs.csv" corn-data                                    ;Import all corn values to a corn-data list
  ;;set temp-list []
  ;;print corn-data
  set corn-data [[["Year" "Precip (in)" "Price ($/bu)" "Yield_1 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_1 (in)" "Yield_2 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_2 (in)" "N-app (kg/ha)"] [2008 18.12 4.12 213 14 41 0 180] [2009 22.09 3.49 251 9 125 0 180] [2010 12.43 4.95 206 18 45 0 180] [2011 9.23 6.28 144 23 14 0 180] [2012 13.35 7.04 168 24 23 0 180] [2013 14.85 4.49 205 18 32 0 180] [2014 21.44 3.78 207 13 123 0 180] [2015 25.15 3.69 233 7 132 0 180] [2016 20.39 3.2 233 4 140 0 180] [2017 20.57 3.28 223 14 127 0 180]]]
  ;;print temp-list
  ;;print corn-data
  ;;set wheat-data lput csv:from-file "2_Wheat_inputs.csv" wheat-data                                 ;Import all wheat values to a wheat-data list
  ;;print wheat-data

  set wheat-data [[["Year" "Precip (in)" "Price ($/bu)" "Yield_1 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_1 (in)" "Yield_2 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_2 (in)" "N-app (kg/ha)"] [2008 18.12 6.94 77 7 63 0 95] [2009 22.09 4.79 70 9 31 0 95] [2010 12.43 5.14 65 18 10 0 95] [2011 9.23 7.03 68 12 25 0 95] [2012 13.35 7.48 67 18 8 0 95] [2013 14.85 6.99 71 15 4 0 95] [2014 21.44 6.07 79 10 8 0 95] [2015 25.15 4.74 75 12 53 0 95] [2016 20.39 3.2 69 12 40 0 95] [2017 20.57 4.07 74 12 11 0 95]]]

  set soybeans-data lput csv:from-file "3_Soybeans_inputs.csv" soybeans-data                        ;Import all soybeans values to a soybeans-data list

  ;;print soybeans-data
  set soybeans-data [[["Year" "Precip (in)" "Price ($/bu)" "Yield_1 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_1 (in)" "Yield_2 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_2 (in)" "N-app (kg/ha)"] [2008 18.12 9.39 92 18 7 0 0] [2009 22.09 9.38 93 18 14 0 0] [2010 12.43 11.5 97 27 4 0 0] [2011 9.23 12.1 90 33 4 0 0] [2012 13.35 14.3 93 32 3 0 0] [2013 14.85 12.8 91 23 21 0 0] [2014 21.44 9.63 96 16 22 0 0] [2015 25.15 8.56 95 12 15 0 0] [2016 20.39 9.26 96 14 11 0 0] [2017 20.57 9 97 18 13 0 0]]]

  set milo-data lput csv:from-file "4_Milo_inputs.csv" milo-data                                    ;Import all milo values to a milo-data list

  set milo-data [[["Year" "Precip (in)" "Price ($/bu)" "Yield_1 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_1 (in)" "Yield_2 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_2 (in)" "N-app (kg/ha)"] [2008 18.12 9.39 92 18 7 0 0] [2009 22.09 9.38 93 18 14 0 0] [2010 12.43 11.5 97 27 4 0 0] [2011 9.23 12.1 90 33 4 0 0] [2012 13.35 14.3 93 32 3 0 0] [2013 14.85 12.8 91 23 21 0 0] [2014 21.44 9.63 96 16 22 0 0] [2015 25.15 8.56 95 12 15 0 0] [2016 20.39 9.26 96 14 11 0 0] [2017 20.57 9 97 18 13 0 0]]]

  ;;set corn-GCMs lput csv:from-file "5_Corn_GCMs.csv" corn-GCMs                                      ;Import all corn values to a corn-GCMs list
  set corn-GCMs [[["Year Precip8.5 (in)" "Yield_3 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_3 (in)" "Yield_4 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_4 (in)" "Precip4.5 (in)" "Yield_5 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_5 (in)" "Yield_6 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_6 (in)"] [2018 17.805 170.01 15.25 62.8 0 19.707 188.11 13.7 73.75 0] [2019 17.615 161.85 15.95 47.52 0 18.685 181.1 14.9 64.32 0] [2020 18.525 175.84 13.45 74.52 0 19.298 173.35 13.6 68.66 0] [2021 19.645 163.01 14.53 57.46 0 20.401 185.61 14.2 63.73 0] [2022 20.105 171.98 13.2 68.65 0 20.515 173.14 13.4 77.4 0] [2023 19.63 166.55 14.05 62.42 0 21.716 178.6 12.3 73.95 0] [2024 17.105 137.18 16.15 44.04 0 22.151 166.86 13.3 63.44 0] [2025 20.145 167.4 14.65 66.75 0 19.658 165.49 13.3 66.61 0] [2026 17.735 164.86 13.95 65.79 0 21.08 164.37 14.3 64.88 0] [2027 18.025 164.51 15.1 50.36 0 18.801 170 13.3 65.82 0] [2028 17.595 157.97 16.85 54.18 0 17.337 144.25 14 51.18 0] [2029 20.51 168.27 12.7 79.09 0 21.163 177.01 13.4 71.34 0] [2030 19.835 141.15 14.5 50.01 0 20.303 161.91 12.9 70.47 0] [2031 19.55 158.59 13.65 60.94 0 20.788 171.97 12.6 72.04 0] [2032 20.835 164.38 13.05 75.39 0 19.473 153.61 15.3 59.05 0] [2033 20.71 150.83 14.25 63.32 0 17.708 142.15 15.3 52.15 0] [2034 17.975 148.62 15.4 55.61 0 19.766 158.99 14.3 56.63 0] [2035 20.495 158.45 12.45 67 0 18.956 149.47 15 60.23 0] [2036 19.08 136.95 13.25 55.4 0 18.521 147.25 14.9 54.23 0] [2037 18.295 135.4 15.3 46.73 0 19.862 148.43 14.2 60.95 0] [2038 19.76 155.38 13.6 58.36 0 19.265 149.52 15.8 60.58 0] [2039 20.41 139.08 12.68 66.53 0 19.857 140.3 13.9 56.39 0] [2040 16.99 129.67 15.65 40.81 0 20.075 150.11 13.2 61.17 0] [2041 19.475 142.85 14.15 58.56 0 18.145 128.62 15.2 44.71 0] [2042 19.485 123.33 13.6 53.66 0 21.213 164.93 13 67.99 0] [2043 20.865 145.55 13.1 67 0 19.967 149.5 13.6 60 0] [2044 19.795 126.3 11.85 58.07 0 20.358 169.12 13.6 67.99 0] [2045 19.21 131.51 13.65 52.62 0 19.368 154.8 13.9 51.05 0] [2046 17.355 119.73 15.6 42.63 0 14.777 117.32 16.9 39.79 0] [2047 17.695 111.09 14.7 42.64 0 18.964 135.36 14.4 50.8 0] [2048 19.365 112.19 14.05 46.24 0 20.056 150.74 14.1 66.78 0] [2049 17.665 106.64 15.5 41.17 0 18.949 129.37 14.7 46.07 0] [2050 20.025 126.32 13.85 50.55 0 19.261 156.29 14.6 54.57 0] [2051 19.45 118.81 13.35 51.96 0 19.444 146.63 13.7 61.6 0] [2052 20.205 106.21 13.6 50.34 0 18.697 130.05 14.4 52.57 0] [2053 19.27 100.78 13.6 43.65 0 20.15 150.19 12.7 63.67 0] [2054 16.75 98.03 15.05 34.36 0 19.035 135.71 15 59.46 0] [2055 19.465 104.8 13.55 47.11 0 19.329 131.69 15.5 47.52 0] [2056 19.01 101.63 13.7 45.36 0 19.922 129.54 12.7 56.93 0] [2057 19.785 112.72 12.85 53.77 0 19.786 112.79 13.9 45.51 0] [2058 18.73 91.67 15.11 34.96 0 18.533 118.2 14.6 48.51 0] [2059 18.665 82.16 14.65 34.15 0 18.543 129.18 14.1 51.67 0] [2060 19.21 101.77 13.4 49.16 0 20.129 129.88 13.9 57.94 0] [2061 19.3 86.05 12.53 36.39 0 22.645 142.3 11.8 71.03 0] [2062 20.435 82.84 12.17 37.21 0 18.321 125.99 14.4 43.03 0] [2063 21.3 91.99 12.05 50.83 0 18.616 117.84 14.5 52.21 0] [2064 17.285 84.36 13.6 38.97 0 18.864 124.2 14.7 40.76 0] [2065 18.375 82.05 14.95 35.44 0 17.484 122.89 15.3 41.51 0] [2066 20.255 95.45 14.1 47.24 0 19.906 125.36 13.5 54.05 0] [2067 20.14 77.02 14.2 37.69 0 20.919 133.17 13.6 59.72 0] [2068 17.54 77.72 13.95 39.94 0 18.712 116.79 14.3 48.97 0] [2069 17.12 81.41 14.6 32.22 0 18.205 109.65 13.9 45.38 0] [2070 17.99 78.59 13.25 35.59 0 19.899 122.33 14.3 52.67 0] [2071 20.605 79.92 11.7 40.9 0 20.822 122.02 13.6 51.95 0] [2072 18.72 63.47 13.05 32.04 0 18.313 112.31 14.5 39.04 0] [2073 19.195 71.72 13.45 37.1 0 20.418 138.38 12.1 63.43 0] [2074 17.065 54.75 15.55 24.72 0 20.157 120.16 14.4 50.77 0] [2075 19.62 79.82 13.47 41.49 0 16.999 98.46 14.4 45.25 0] [2076 17.14 55.45 14.89 24.18 0 18.71 115.83 14.5 39.3 0] [2077 18.22 71.09 14.8 28.15 0 18.588 106.17 14.7 32.78 0] [2078 17.8 62.47 13.05 29.39 0 21.689 133.92 12.5 60.96 0] [2079 19.4 57.56 12.55 27.62 0 20.179 119.15 13.3 54.29 0] [2080 19.35 70.17 13.25 30.73 0 22.182 135.78 12 64.6 0] [2081 21.835 64.94 12.1 37 0 21.076 121.8 13 51.69 0] [2082 18.99 55.94 13.9 28.2 0 20.728 110.16 13.6 53.28 0] [2083 19.185 60.01 13.55 29.78 0 18.819 113.08 14.2 48.94 0] [2084 18.98 54.75 11.25 27.17 0 22.738 141.67 10.8 69.25 0] [2085 18.25 45.62 12.15 25.24 0 21.454 124.26 12.1 55.91 0] [2086 20.54 44 11.55 22.25 0 20.005 107.88 13.1 45.32 0] [2087 19.745 47.65 13.4 25.82 0 20.561 116.49 13.3 49.62 0] [2088 18.46 56.66 13 26.89 0 20.073 115.83 14 45.34 0] [2089 17.215 40.78 13.3 20.39 0 18.157 115.6 15.4 45.22 0] [2090 17.355 41.24 14.47 17.91 0 18.326 112.36 15.3 46.07 0] [2091 19.83 53.11 12.2 31.71 0 18.728 106.99 14.6 47.41 0] [2092 16.4 26.82 12.65 11.34 0 19.191 106.94 12.7 47.66 0] [2093 16.22 29.78 14 12.43 0 16.224 97.96 16.8 29.95 0] [2094 17.665 31.46 12.3 15.65 0 18.502 111.22 15.2 38.37 0] [2095 17.925 36.56 13.1 12.91 0 19.195 116.75 13.4 52.32 0] [2096 17.93 30.32 12.45 13.83 0 21.925 126.21 11.8 57.23 0] [2097 20.685 42.79 12.4 26.16 0 20.346 118.05 13.3 50.22 0] [2098 17.655 40.77 12.75 20.04 0 18.935 106.29 14.3 49.66 0]]]
  ;;print corn-GCMs

  ;;set wheat-GCMs lput csv:from-file "6_Wheat_GCMs.csv" wheat-GCMs                                   ;Import all wheat values to a wheat-GCMs list
  ;;print wheat-GCMs

  set wheat-GCMs [[["Year Yield_3 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_3 (in)" "Yield_4 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_4 (in)" "Yield_5 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_5 (in)" "Yield_6 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_6 (in)"] [2018 79.18 12.89 42.05 0 77.31 12.4 39.23 0] [2019 79.27 13.16 32.4 0 77.7 12.5 38.63 0] [2020 76.27 12.26 41.36 0 81.32 11 51.95 0] [2021 81.04 12.9 36.87 0 80.37 12.4 41.6 0] [2022 78.77 12.55 43.43 0 78.61 11.6 45.37 0] [2023 78.34 14.21 29.61 0 75.7 10.4 47.2 0] [2024 78.65 13.45 37.76 0 77.44 12 39.57 0] [2025 73.65 12.1 35.3 0 73.31 9.5 33.42 0] [2026 72.35 13.16 34.68 0 82.47 9 33.37 0] [2027 76.14 13.11 39.98 0 73.62 14.6 31.64 0] [2028 75.91 13.74 34.11 0 74.2 12 36.11 0] [2029 75.62 12.75 37.78 0 77.06 13.1 36.56 0] [2030 76.51 13.45 36.13 0 76.99 11.3 35.83 0] [2031 80.73 13.4 36.49 0 77.52 12.9 39.58 0] [2032 74.36 12.35 36.55 0 74.31 13.6 33.62 0] [2033 73.41 12.3 37.5 0 75.37 12.6 44.05 0] [2034 69.03 13.11 33.62 0 76.55 12.1 41.1 0] [2035 74.17 12.15 39.36 0 73.77 13.2 33.08 0] [2036 74.89 12.68 37.83 0 79.51 11.4 47.08 0] [2037 74.91 12.26 37.91 0 77.16 13.1 39.75 0] [2038 76.44 12.63 40.26 0 67.68 14.4 32.94 0] [2039 73.66 14.68 29.6 0 74.13 12.6 35.05 0] [2040 67.87 13.35 30.51 0 70.44 12.2 36.88 0] [2041 77.55 13.4 31.73 0 77.76 11.1 47.01 0] [2042 71.93 12 40.96 0 72.26 11.4 43.21 0] [2043 74.7 11.6 44.8 0 77.24 11.5 46.45 0] [2044 72.61 13.95 35.45 0 75.97 11.6 44.35 0] [2045 70.66 13 33.68 0 69.44 15.2 27.88 0] [2046 70.9 15.26 22.81 0 72.08 14.3 34.42 0] [2047 74.35 11.15 46.64 0 74.77 13.4 39.04 0] [2048 70.42 14.1 30.96 0 73.36 13.5 28.67 0] [2049 69.5 13.32 35.59 0 75.4 12.7 40.43 0] [2050 66.43 11.65 40.55 0 71.83 12.7 33.02 0] [2051 65.33 13.3 29.48 0 72.59 14.4 29.24 0] [2052 68.79 12.5 34.95 0 72.97 12.8 39.67 0] [2053 69.65 13.11 31.21 0 69.9 12.9 32.08 0] [2054 67.44 14.21 25.82 0 74.44 13.7 29.82 0] [2055 66.96 13 34.86 0 71.56 12.7 32.53 0] [2056 69.27 12.21 35.07 0 68.44 12.6 37.35 0] [2057 67.08 13.68 28.74 0 69.94 12.6 32.96 0] [2058 62.46 12.83 27.46 0 72.02 13.4 33.15 0] [2059 65.09 13.53 26.22 0 75.22 12.2 42.89 0] [2060 66.17 10.68 43.79 0 73.57 12.1 39.69 0] [2061 65.17 13.72 31.34 0 72.95 13.3 31.23 0] [2062 65.18 11.68 34.91 0 71.88 13.9 30.45 0] [2063 66.02 12.8 33.72 0 73.68 13.3 36.97 0] [2064 62.98 14.79 22.92 0 76.29 13.7 37.95 0] [2065 65.65 12.45 34.15 0 70.84 15.2 29.25 0] [2066 64.17 12.7 35.81 0 73.04 12.8 38.72 0] [2067 65.16 13.56 27.02 0 69.36 12.9 32.21 0] [2068 61.8 14.35 25.92 0 68.77 13.6 29.1 0] [2069 64.84 14.25 25.61 0 71.12 12.8 32.68 0] [2070 63.2 14.26 25.95 0 69.52 12.4 36.12 0] [2071 62.4 14.7 27.62 0 68.04 13.3 32.8 0] [2072 61.81 12.5 28.82 0 71.4 11.7 40.63 0] [2073 61.98 12.65 26.14 0 72.97 13.3 34.6 0] [2074 63.94 13.21 31.25 0 66.13 14.8 25.08 0] [2075 60.01 14.95 19.29 0 69.77 12.8 32.97 0] [2076 62.2 14.2 30.66 0 70.24 13.1 34.82 0] [2077 62.02 14.15 27.63 0 69.3 11.3 42.57 0] [2078 60.72 13.39 29.77 0 69.43 12.7 33.32 0] [2079 62.71 14.32 27.54 0 70.02 11.7 37.79 0] [2080 62.66 12 33.47 0 69.56 12.2 35.99 0] [2081 57.09 12.76 26.47 0 65.03 13 32.1 0] [2082 60.15 13.3 28.32 0 68.32 13.3 30.98 0] [2083 61.91 12.8 26.28 0 68.09 13 32.36 0] [2084 60.04 12.53 28.21 0 71.63 12.3 37.65 0] [2085 59.51 13.15 34.52 0 63.4 12.9 28.99 0] [2086 61.25 11.15 37.94 0 73.55 11.4 37.55 0] [2087 60.55 13.59 23.5 0 67.69 13.2 35.16 0] [2088 58.76 13.55 22.34 0 72.12 13.6 35.6 0] [2089 58.36 14.35 20.99 0 70 13.9 34.33 0] [2090 61.25 12.26 30.36 0 67.41 14.2 31.62 0] [2091 60.05 13.26 27.8 0 67.91 12.9 31.28 0] [2092 58.27 14.8 21.63 0 66.39 14.9 26.86 0] [2093 57.57 13.2 23.87 0 67.2 12.8 34.87 0] [2094 57.1 13.61 26.25 0 70.56 12.8 34.71 0] [2095 58.47 14.55 20.91 0 69.28 12.4 41.48 0] [2096 56.11 12.16 29.76 0 70.62 11.9 37.3 0] [2097 57.44 13.85 22.8 0 67.61 13.4 28.86 0] [2098 59.42 13.53 28.03 0 68.52 12.4 34.19 0]]]

  ;;set soybeans-GCMs lput csv:from-file "7_Soybeans_GCMs.csv" soybeans-GCMs                          ;Import all soybeans values to a soybeans-GCMs list

  ;;print soybeans-GCMs

  set soybeans-GCMs [[["Year Yield_3 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_3 (in)" "Yield_4 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_4 (in)" "Yield_5 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_5 (in)" "Yield_6 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_6 (in)"] [2018 89.8 21.85 11.72 0 93.27 21.5 15.28 0] [2019 86.83 22.8 7.65 0 91.27 21.5 8.22 0] [2020 89.87 21.85 9.83 0 91.31 20.7 7.87 0] [2021 87.46 23.26 7.75 0 92.05 22.1 6.39 0] [2022 89.87 20.84 18.19 0 92.05 20.3 14.33 0] [2023 90.23 21.3 16.86 0 91.5 19.9 24.36 0] [2024 84.99 23.85 6.8 0 89.83 19.9 17.49 0] [2025 88.39 20.1 12.8 0 88.5 20.8 11.74 0] [2026 88.27 22.15 8.8 0 89.6 20.3 18.88 0] [2027 87.51 23.74 9.39 0 89.17 21.6 9.47 0] [2028 87.28 23.79 8.17 0 85.41 24.2 4.99 0] [2029 89.63 19.4 15.39 0 88.31 19.9 20.49 0] [2030 86.49 21.55 11.6 0 88.39 21.2 13.92 0] [2031 87.01 21.6 12.85 0 89.96 19.8 15.87 0] [2032 88.8 19.85 16.21 0 87.87 22.9 8.54 0] [2033 87.06 21.15 10.98 0 86.63 23.5 13.78 0] [2034 86.68 22.45 10.82 0 87.19 21.7 13.14 0] [2035 85.26 20.8 11.71 0 85.61 23 11.61 0] [2036 83.55 21.75 10.04 0 84.1 23.3 16.2 0] [2037 80.37 24.7 4.5 0 86.56 22.8 11.94 0] [2038 85.47 21.8 10.34 0 86.96 22.8 12.2 0] [2039 86.39 21.11 11.09 0 84.6 21.9 9.79 0] [2040 82.6 24.6 5.05 0 86.45 21.2 17.91 0] [2041 81.42 21.7 12.36 0 84.35 24.7 8.42 0] [2042 81 22.5 12.66 0 85.39 21.3 17.81 0] [2043 84.05 20.7 14.11 0 86.77 21.8 11.5 0] [2044 79.62 22.85 5.89 0 89.76 20.8 16.43 0] [2045 82.57 23.1 11.01 0 85.13 23.2 8.43 0] [2046 79.08 24.4 8.41 0 81.17 26.9 4.07 0] [2047 80.35 23.5 9.8 0 82.43 23.1 18.22 0] [2048 79.44 24 6.13 0 86.02 22.1 10.2 0] [2049 78.18 24.1 6.9 0 83.93 23.4 7.78 0] [2050 83.21 23.45 10 0 84.23 21.8 13 0] [2051 79.29 24 8.83 0 82.5 22.2 16.19 0] [2052 78.91 22.2 8.1 0 83.55 22.6 11.84 0] [2053 71.92 23.75 8.09 0 83.57 21.9 12.86 0] [2054 66.86 24.63 4.89 0 83.31 22 12.7 0] [2055 76.75 22.63 6.11 0 84.18 23.1 17.49 0] [2056 74.83 24 6.2 0 79.66 22 17.06 0] [2057 76.57 22.65 10.19 0 77.28 24 11.82 0] [2058 72.78 25.28 5.86 0 79.74 24.1 7.53 0] [2059 75.73 23.45 11.16 0 81.34 23.2 8.26 0] [2060 74.2 24 10.86 0 84.95 21.7 18.49 0] [2061 68.86 23.58 7.78 0 86.64 19.6 17.43 0] [2062 68.31 24.06 8.59 0 82.39 23.5 8.46 0] [2063 72.94 21.4 12.13 0 78.32 22.8 10.65 0] [2064 72.84 26.1 4.62 0 80.72 23.4 13.67 0] [2065 68.14 25.65 3.82 0 73.64 25.4 7.97 0] [2066 75 22.85 10.34 0 80.38 22.7 15.4 0] [2067 70.89 25.16 7.88 0 81.36 22.4 14.25 0] [2068 68.39 26 4.18 0 78.35 23.3 7 0] [2069 67.8 25.65 6.2 0 74.27 25.2 6.18 0] [2070 66 24.75 6.85 0 79 23 10.97 0] [2071 69.57 22.5 4.98 0 82.89 23 12.74 0] [2072 66.82 24.6 7.6 0 80.27 24.9 5.29 0] [2073 66.98 25 4.95 0 81.74 20.1 19.68 0] [2074 56.49 27.6 5.12 0 80.48 23.2 7.2 0] [2075 72.02 24.68 6.48 0 73.39 24.9 3.83 0] [2076 61.19 27.11 3.65 0 74.31 23.7 9.09 0] [2077 62.2 26.45 5.48 0 75.98 23.3 11.24 0] [2078 61.28 26.1 7.21 0 81.75 22 11.91 0] [2079 57.54 24.7 6.75 0 80.73 22.1 9.87 0] [2080 62.22 24.25 7.21 0 82.48 20.4 21.14 0] [2081 63.42 23.6 8.1 0 80.14 21.8 20.19 0] [2082 59.91 25.68 4.97 0 77.58 22.1 11.37 0] [2083 57.9 25.2 5.59 0 78.88 23.1 7.2 0] [2084 58.04 25.2 5.37 0 84.48 20.2 11.78 0] [2085 55.94 26.05 5.57 0 80.38 22 13.74 0] [2086 59.32 25.4 9.06 0 77.48 22.6 12.68 0] [2087 54.97 25.55 6.36 0 80.02 22.5 13.2 0] [2088 55.78 25.6 6.73 0 78.99 23.9 7.72 0] [2089 52.63 27.35 3.34 0 81.81 23.7 14.29 0] [2090 48.35 27.79 3.78 0 77.62 24.8 14.22 0] [2091 54.53 25.65 5.44 0 79.32 23.6 13.34 0] [2092 46.02 28.45 2.02 0 78.27 22.7 8.12 0] [2093 49.44 29 3.34 0 69.72 27.2 6.62 0] [2094 48.28 28.2 4.02 0 78.48 25.6 6.3 0] [2095 55.2 26.75 5.76 0 79.92 22.8 12.68 0] [2096 44.41 27.45 3.53 0 82.58 21.1 9.61 0] [2097 51.76 25.5 11.51 0 76.64 22.6 12.25 0] [2098 48.38 26.6 4.99 0 76.96 23.9 6.06 0]]]

  ;;set milo-GCMs lput csv:from-file "8_Milo_GCMs.csv" milo-GCMs                                      ;Import all milo values to a milo-GCMs list
  ;;print milo-GCMs

  set milo-GCMs [[["Year Yield_3 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_3 (in)" "Yield_4 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_4 (in)" "Yield_5 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_5 (in)" "Yield_6 (bu/ac)" "Irrig_6 (in)"] [2018 118.48 16.15 40.72 0 121.96 16.5 47.98 0] [2019 116.26 16.9 33.11 0 120.17 16.2 41.32 0] [2020 118.81 15.55 49.26 0 120.69 15.1 44.58 0] [2021 116.88 16.74 39.69 0 119.81 15.8 37.25 0] [2022 117.58 14.58 55.39 0 122.67 14.9 50.06 0] [2023 118.71 15.1 52.63 0 120.89 14.8 46.81 0] [2024 112.21 17.65 32.04 0 118.93 15.4 44.65 0] [2025 117.45 15.4 43.29 0 119.15 15.6 44.86 0] [2026 117.41 15.7 42.17 0 117.4 15.2 49.92 0] [2027 116.36 17 40.13 0 117.29 15.4 45.18 0] [2028 114.83 17.68 34.22 0 112.66 17 32.77 0] [2029 117.28 13.45 59.13 0 118.05 14.9 49.39 0] [2030 112.65 15.65 40.66 0 118.62 14.9 46.21 0] [2031 112.41 15.95 41.73 0 117.43 13.9 49.74 0] [2032 118.51 13.6 54.7 0 114.22 16.9 41.78 0] [2033 116.55 14.65 46.38 0 114.83 17.2 37.26 0] [2034 113.47 15.85 39.51 0 115.74 15.8 40.02 0] [2035 113.99 15.25 44.19 0 113.55 15.5 39.17 0] [2036 112.49 15.65 37.63 0 113.1 16.7 41.72 0] [2037 109.44 17.35 28.54 0 110.32 16.3 37.86 0] [2038 112.38 14.95 40 0 111.18 15.6 42.5 0] [2039 112.07 14 52.18 0 111.65 15.7 35.87 0] [2040 108.7 17.15 38.96 0 113.05 14.7 48.08 0] [2041 109.02 15.2 41.1 0 108.84 17.1 27.37 0] [2042 107.28 15.75 35.32 0 113.91 15.1 48.26 0] [2043 111.97 14.5 43.98 0 112.26 15.4 42.69 0] [2044 107.32 16.15 38.64 0 118.57 15.3 45.8 0] [2045 108.06 15.7 45.51 0 109.93 16 38 0] [2046 103.55 17 35.24 0 107.22 18.5 25.64 0] [2047 102.64 16.15 35.19 0 100.93 15.9 37.78 0] [2048 100.49 16.05 31.37 0 112.58 15.4 46.42 0] [2049 101.04 16.2 32.81 0 106.45 16.5 34.26 0] [2050 105.69 15.25 41.33 0 110.24 16.1 41.71 0] [2051 101.48 16.9 34.21 0 111.41 15.2 41.71 0] [2052 102.19 14.7 44.61 0 107.62 16.1 41.43 0] [2053 96.26 16.3 33.85 0 109.97 16.3 41.69 0] [2054 92.97 16.21 27.38 0 108.58 15.7 45.99 0] [2055 96.8 15.15 29.71 0 106.04 16.2 40.22 0] [2056 96.45 16.35 31.89 0 104.55 15.2 41.88 0] [2057 99.04 15.1 40.15 0 99.57 16.2 33.15 0] [2058 95.13 17 29.22 0 105.7 16.8 30.13 0] [2059 92.89 15.45 30.56 0 106.07 15.7 41.45 0] [2060 95.62 15.4 33.69 0 109.44 15.2 43.9 0] [2061 89.67 16.47 28.63 0 113.31 13.4 51.83 0] [2062 87.4 15.33 28.38 0 105.99 16.6 38.28 0] [2063 93.85 13.95 40.93 0 103.05 15.2 34.51 0] [2064 90.27 17.4 29.7 0 101.8 16.4 33.06 0] [2065 88.24 16 30.8 0 98.17 17.5 31.03 0] [2066 98.02 14.7 40.97 0 102.16 14.8 49.05 0] [2067 88.36 16.8 29.44 0 103.91 15.1 42.03 0] [2068 87.93 16.15 29.13 0 103.19 16.3 31.05 0] [2069 85.97 16.95 30.5 0 97.94 16.5 30.34 0] [2070 85.85 15.95 32.69 0 103.93 15.6 38.79 0] [2071 88.53 13.7 36.34 0 103.93 15.7 37.1 0] [2072 87.91 15.3 30.37 0 100.72 17.5 28.33 0] [2073 85.47 15.95 29.49 0 109.04 14.3 49.3 0] [2074 76.7 18.1 18.45 0 104.82 15.9 39.77 0] [2075 89.18 15.63 32.72 0 98.06 16.4 29.08 0] [2076 74.95 16.63 24.58 0 99.41 16.2 37.73 0] [2077 78.22 16.65 27.13 0 99.89 16 32.32 0] [2078 75.51 16.45 26.01 0 103.35 14.6 36.14 0] [2079 74.06 15.95 24.93 0 101.82 15 39.79 0] [2080 78.86 16.1 27.75 0 106.42 13.6 52.23 0] [2081 79.02 15 32.24 0 101.45 14.4 43.55 0] [2082 73.49 15.75 26.69 0 100.84 14.2 44.06 0] [2083 77.08 16.45 26.12 0 101.78 15.3 34.73 0] [2084 74.92 15.55 26.44 0 109.55 13.2 51.04 0] [2085 72.15 16.75 22.78 0 104.57 14.5 42.08 0] [2086 67.92 15.5 27.29 0 104.24 16.1 36.7 0] [2087 69.48 15.4 24.93 0 102.53 15.7 36.24 0] [2088 72.43 15.75 28.99 0 99.16 15.7 38.41 0] [2089 66.62 16.65 23.83 0 103.26 16.3 42.87 0] [2090 62.29 16.26 24.5 0 102.93 17.1 32.88 0] [2091 69.05 14.2 31.42 0 104.63 16.1 40.24 0] [2092 60.25 17.15 18.28 0 98.34 15.7 40.37 0] [2093 65.44 18.05 15.32 0 92.75 19.3 20.58 0] [2094 60.95 16.45 19.25 0 101.79 17.5 28.76 0] [2095 65.53 16.15 22.21 0 103.05 15.3 38.65 0] [2096 56.5 16.1 19.93 0 105.16 15 43.88 0] [2097 68.15 15.25 24.66 0 97.36 15.1 40.32 0] [2098 59.34 15.25 22.7 0 98.27 16 32.46 0]]]
  ;;set all-expenses_raw lput csv:from-file "9a_Farm_Expenses_For_Users.csv" all-expenses_raw         ;Import all expense values to an all-expenses_raw list
  ;;print all-expenses_raw

  set all-expenses_raw [[["Crop type" "Corn" "Corn" "Corn" "Corn" "Corn" "Corn" "Wheat" "Wheat" "Wheat" "Wheat" "Wheat" "Wheat" "Soybeans" "Soybeans" "Soybeans" "Soybeans" "Soybeans" "Soybeans" "Sorghum" "Sorghum" "Sorghum" "Sorghum" "Sorghum" "Sorghum"] ["Irrigation_System" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Irrigated" "Dryland" "Dryland" "Dryland"] ["Yield" "Low (<210)" "Moderate (210-237.5)" "High (>237.5)" "Low (<66)" "Moderate (66-91)" "High (>91)" "Low (<62.5)" "Moderate (62.5-67.5)" "High (>67.5)" "Low (<37.5)" "Moderate (37.5-46.5)" "High (>46.5)" "Low (<58)" "Moderate (58-64)" "High (>64)" "Low (<22.5)" "Moderate (22.5-27.5)" "High (>27.5)" "Low (<150)" "Moderate (150-170)" "High (>170)" "Low (<68)" "Moderate (68-93)" "High (>93)"] ["Seed" 103.51 119.43 132.7 25.6 41.98 51.19 20.56 22.28 23.99 12.64 16.09 19.53 45.52 50.49 55.46 32.31 40.39 48.47 11.36 12.98 14.6 4.96 7.31 9.47] ["Fertilizer" 91.14 105.16 116.84 22.5 36.9 45 45.3 49.07 52.85 18.78 23.9 29.03 17.84 19.78 21.73 6.64 8.3 9.97 66.18 75.63 85.09 25.47 37.51 48.63] ["Herbicides_Burndown" 8.46 8.46 8.46 20.52 20.52 20.52 0 0 0 12.87 12.87 12.87 3.21 3.21 3.21 10.26 10.26 10.26 8.46 8.46 8.46 20.52 20.52 20.52] ["Herbicides_Pre-emergence" 46.96 46.96 46.96 42.54 42.54 42.54 6.4 6.4 6.4 1.99 1.99 1.99 28.76 28.76 28.76 32.25 32.25 32.25 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83 39.83] ["Herbicides_Post-emergence" 1.61 1.61 1.61 4.53 4.53 4.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.21 3.21 3.21 3.21 3.21 3.21 0 0 0 3.64 3.64 3.64] ["Fungicides" 6.28 6.28 6.28 0 0 0 7.85 7.85 7.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ["Insecticides" 16.5 16.5 16.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ["Crop consulting" 6.5 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 6.25 6.25 6.25 0 0 0 6.25 6.25 6.25 0 0 0] ["Planting" 18.21 18.21 18.21 18.59 18.59 18.59 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.73 14.73 14.73 18.69 18.69 18.69 18.69 18.69 18.69 18.57 18.57 18.57 18 18 18] ["Fertilizer application" 0 0 0 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 15.98 15.98 15.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.6 5.6 5.6] ["Tillage" 17.55 17.55 17.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.5 22.5 22.5 13.12 13.12 13.12 0 0 0 17.55 17.55 17.55 0 0 0] ["Spraying" 22.38 22.38 22.38 20.57 20.57 20.57 11.79 11.79 11.79 20.59 20.59 20.59 17.63 17.63 17.63 17.63 17.63 17.63 11.76 11.76 11.76 19.1 19.1 19.1] ["Base harvesting" 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 24.19 24.19 24.19 24.19 24.19 24.19 29.78 29.78 29.78 29.78 29.78 29.78 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92] ["Extra harvest charge" 29.29 36.68 42.83 0 1.48 5.91 9.46 10.67 11.88 2.91 5.09 7.27 7.01 8.63 10.25 0 0 0 22.88 27.7 32.52 2.41 8.67 14.45] ["Hauling" 36.81 42.47 47.19 9.44 15.48 18.87 13.93 15.09 16.25 7.66 9.75 11.84 13.17 14.61 16.05 4.79 5.99 7.19 32.73 37.41 42.08 12.86 18.94 24.55] ["Drying and other" 8.78 10.13 11.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.4 9.6 10.8 0 0 0] ["Crop insurance" 17.6 20.31 22.57 5.1 8.36 10.2 21.87 23.7 25.52 10.17 12.94 15.72 19.69 21.84 23.99 6.29 7.87 9.44 27.53 31.46 35.39 12.44 18.33 23.76] ["Labor" 27.6 27.6 27.6 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.8 22.8 22.8 7.5 7.5 7.5 24.6 24.6 24.6 7.5 7.5 7.5 25.2 25.2 25.2 22.5 22.5 22.5] ["Miscellaneous" 10 10 10 5.5 5.5 5.5 10 10 10 5.5 5.5 5.5 10 10 10 5.5 5.5 5.5 10 10 10 5.5 5.5 5.5] ["Other variable expenses" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ["Interest on variable expenses" 16.17 17.93 19.28 6.97 8.22 9.02 7.3 7.76 8.23 5.46 5.92 6.39 8.65 9.19 10.26 5.25 5.62 6 10.97 11.92 12.87 6.56 7.54 8.44] ["Irrig_Natural gas" 35.09 46.79 52.64 0 0 0 17.55 23.39 29.24 0 0 0 26.32 32.17 55.56 0 0 0 29.24 35.09 40.94 0 0 0] ["Irrig_Repair and maintenance" 5.28 5.28 5.28 0 0 0 2.64 2.64 2.64 0 0 0 3.63 3.63 3.63 0 0 0 3.96 3.96 3.96 0 0 0] ["Irrig_Depreciation" 76.67 76.67 76.67 0 0 0 76.67 76.67 76.67 0 0 0 76.67 76.67 76.67 0 0 0 76.67 76.67 76.67 0 0 0] ["Irrig_Interest on irrig equip" 59.22 59.22 59.22 0 0 0 59.22 59.22 59.22 0 0 0 59.22 59.22 59.22 0 0 0 59.22 59.22 59.22 0 0 0] ["Cash rent" 95.33 110 122.22 33.84 55.5 67.68 111.69 121 130.31 58.14 74 89.86 109.1 121 132.9 44.4 55.5 66.6 105.88 121 136.13 37.69 55.5 71.94]]]

  ;;set cap-depreciation lput csv:from-file "10a_Capital_depreciation.csv" cap-depreciation           ;Import values for depreciation

  ;;print cap-depreciation

  set cap-depreciation [[["%Tax rate" "%Wind capital costs" "%Solar capital costs"] [20 68.8 44] ["Year" "Wind_%" "Solar_%" "Each column should add to 100."] [1 50 20 "The remaining cells in each column must include numbers of 0."] [2 10 20] [3 10 20] [4 10 20] [5 10 20] [6 10 0] [7 0 0] [8 0 0] [9 0 0] [10 0 0] [11 0 0] [12 0 0] [13 0 0] [14 0 0] [15 0 0] [16 0 0] [17 0 0] [18 0 0] [19 0 0] [20 0 0] [21 0 0] [22 0 0] [23 0 0] [24 0 0] [25 0 0] [26 0 0] [27 0 0] [28 0 0] [29 0 0] [30 0 0 "A value of 30 years is the maximum usable lifetime of the equipment."]]]

  set cap-tax-rate item 0 item 1 item 0 cap-depreciation                                            ;set cap-tax-rate = tax rate
  set cap-%-wind item 1 item 1 item 0 cap-depreciation                                              ;set cap-%-wind = percent wind capital cost
  set cap-%-solar item 2 item 1 item 0 cap-depreciation                                             ;set cap-%-solar = percent solar capital cost

  let m 1                                                                                           ;Set a temporary variable
  while [m < 11] [                                                                                  ;10 loops for 10-year data
    foreach corn-data [x -> set corn-sum_1 lput item m x corn-sum_1]                                ;Get rid of headings of the table (starting from item 1 instead of item 0)
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set precip_raw lput item 1 y precip_raw]                             ;Item 1 of a csv file is precipitation
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-price lput item 2 y corn-price]                             ;Item 2 of a csv file is historical crop price
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-yield_1 lput item 3 y corn-yield_1]                         ;Item 3 of a csv file is yield_1 (yield_1 see "import-data" for more detail)
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-irrig_1 lput item 4 y corn-irrig_1]                         ;Item 4 of a csv file is irrig_1
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-yield_2 lput item 5 y corn-yield_2]                         ;Item 5 of a csv file is yield_2
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-irrig_2 lput item 6 y corn-irrig_2]                         ;Item 6 of a csv file is irrig_2
      foreach corn-sum_1 [y -> set corn-N-app lput item 7 y corn-N-app]                             ;Item 7 of a csv file is N-app

    foreach wheat-data [x -> set wheat-sum_1 lput item m x wheat-sum_1]                             ;See above
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-price lput item 2 y wheat-price]
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-yield_1 lput item 3 y wheat-yield_1]
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-irrig_1 lput item 4 y wheat-irrig_1]
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-yield_2 lput item 5 y wheat-yield_2]
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-irrig_2 lput item 6 y wheat-irrig_2]
      foreach wheat-sum_1 [y -> set wheat-N-app lput item 7 y wheat-N-app]

    foreach soybeans-data [x -> set soybeans-sum_1 lput item m x soybeans-sum_1]                    ;See above
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-price lput item 2 y soybeans-price]
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-yield_1 lput item 3 y soybeans-yield_1]
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_1 lput item 4 y soybeans-irrig_1]
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-yield_2 lput item 5 y soybeans-yield_2]
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_2 lput item 6 y soybeans-irrig_2]
      foreach soybeans-sum_1 [y -> set soybeans-N-app lput item 7 y soybeans-N-app]

    foreach milo-data [x -> set milo-sum_1 lput item m x milo-sum_1]                                ;See above
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-price lput item 2 y milo-price]
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-yield_1 lput item 3 y milo-yield_1]
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-irrig_1 lput item 4 y milo-irrig_1]
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-yield_2 lput item 5 y milo-yield_2]
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-irrig_2 lput item 6 y milo-irrig_2]
      foreach milo-sum_1 [y -> set milo-N-app lput item 7 y milo-N-app]

      if length precip_raw != 10 [set precip_raw []]

      if length corn-price != 10 [set corn-price []]
      if length corn-yield_1 != 10 [set corn-yield_1 []]
      if length corn-irrig_1 != 10 [set corn-irrig_1 []]
      if length corn-yield_2 != 10 [set corn-yield_2 []]
      if length corn-irrig_2 != 10 [set corn-irrig_2 []]
      if length corn-N-app != 10 [set corn-N-app []]

      if length wheat-price != 10 [set wheat-price []]
      if length wheat-yield_1 != 10 [set wheat-yield_1 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_1 != 10 [set wheat-irrig_1 []]
      if length wheat-yield_2 != 10 [set wheat-yield_2 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_2 != 10 [set wheat-irrig_2 []]
      if length wheat-N-app != 10 [set wheat-N-app []]

      if length soybeans-price != 10 [set soybeans-price []]
      if length soybeans-yield_1 != 10 [set soybeans-yield_1 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_1 != 10 [set soybeans-irrig_1 []]
      if length soybeans-yield_2 != 10 [set soybeans-yield_2 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_2 != 10 [set soybeans-irrig_2 []]
      if length soybeans-N-app != 10 [set soybeans-N-app []]

      if length milo-price != 10 [set milo-price []]
      if length milo-yield_1 != 10 [set milo-yield_1 []]
      if length milo-irrig_1 != 10 [set milo-irrig_1 []]
      if length milo-yield_2 != 10 [set milo-yield_2 []]
      if length milo-irrig_2 != 10 [set milo-irrig_2 []]
      if length milo-N-app != 10 [set milo-N-app []]

    set m (m + 1)

let n 1                                                                                             ;Set a temporary variable
  while [n < 82] [                                                                                  ;10 loops for 10-year data
    foreach corn-GCMs [x -> set corn-sum_2 lput item n x corn-sum_2]                                ;Get rid of headings of the table (starting from item 1 instead of item 0)
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set precip_RCP8.5 lput item 1 y precip_RCP8.5]                       ;Item 1 of a csv file is precipitation (RCP8.5)
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-yield_3 lput item 2 y corn-yield_3]                         ;Item 2 of a csv file is yield_3
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-irrig_3 lput item 3 y corn-irrig_3]                         ;Item 3 of a csv file is irrig_3
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-yield_4 lput item 4 y corn-yield_4]                         ;Item 4 of a csv file is yield_4
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-irrig_4 lput item 5 y corn-irrig_4]                         ;Item 5 of a csv file is irrig_4
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set precip_RCP4.5 lput item 6 y precip_RCP4.5]                       ;Item 1 of a csv file is precipitation (RCP4.5)
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-yield_5 lput item 7 y corn-yield_5]                         ;Item 2 of a csv file is yield_5
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-irrig_5 lput item 8 y corn-irrig_5]                         ;Item 3 of a csv file is irrig_5
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-yield_6 lput item 9 y corn-yield_6]                         ;Item 4 of a csv file is yield_6
      foreach corn-sum_2 [y -> set corn-irrig_6 lput item 10 y corn-irrig_6]                        ;Item 5 of a csv file is irrig_6

    foreach wheat-GCMs [x -> set wheat-sum_2 lput item n x wheat-sum_2]                             ;See above
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-yield_3 lput item 1 y wheat-yield_3]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-irrig_3 lput item 2 y wheat-irrig_3]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-yield_4 lput item 3 y wheat-yield_4]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-irrig_4 lput item 4 y wheat-irrig_4]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-yield_5 lput item 5 y wheat-yield_5]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-irrig_5 lput item 6 y wheat-irrig_5]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-yield_6 lput item 7 y wheat-yield_6]
      foreach wheat-sum_2 [y -> set wheat-irrig_6 lput item 8 y wheat-irrig_6]

    foreach soybeans-GCMs [x -> set soybeans-sum_2 lput item n x soybeans-sum_2]                    ;See above
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-yield_3 lput item 1 y soybeans-yield_3]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_3 lput item 2 y soybeans-irrig_3]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-yield_4 lput item 3 y soybeans-yield_4]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_4 lput item 4 y soybeans-irrig_4]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-yield_5 lput item 5 y soybeans-yield_5]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_5 lput item 6 y soybeans-irrig_5]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-yield_6 lput item 7 y soybeans-yield_6]
      foreach soybeans-sum_2 [y -> set soybeans-irrig_6 lput item 8 y soybeans-irrig_6]

    foreach milo-GCMs [x -> set milo-sum_2 lput item n x milo-sum_2]                                ;See above
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-yield_3 lput item 1 y milo-yield_3]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-irrig_3 lput item 2 y milo-irrig_3]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-yield_4 lput item 3 y milo-yield_4]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-irrig_4 lput item 4 y milo-irrig_4]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-yield_5 lput item 5 y milo-yield_5]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-irrig_5 lput item 6 y milo-irrig_5]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-yield_6 lput item 7 y milo-yield_6]
      foreach milo-sum_2 [y -> set milo-irrig_6 lput item 8 y milo-irrig_6]

      if length precip_RCP8.5 != 81 [set precip_RCP8.5 []]
      if length corn-yield_3 != 81 [set corn-yield_3 []]
      if length corn-irrig_3 != 81 [set corn-irrig_3 []]
      if length corn-yield_4 != 81 [set corn-yield_4 []]
      if length corn-irrig_4 != 81 [set corn-irrig_4 []]
      if length precip_RCP4.5 != 81 [set precip_RCP4.5 []]
      if length corn-yield_5 != 81 [set corn-yield_5 []]
      if length corn-irrig_5 != 81 [set corn-irrig_5 []]
      if length corn-yield_6 != 81 [set corn-yield_6 []]
      if length corn-irrig_6 != 81 [set corn-irrig_6 []]

      if length wheat-yield_3 != 81 [set wheat-yield_3 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_3 != 81 [set wheat-irrig_3 []]
      if length wheat-yield_4 != 81 [set wheat-yield_4 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_4 != 81 [set wheat-irrig_4 []]
      if length wheat-yield_5 != 81 [set wheat-yield_5 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_5 != 81 [set wheat-irrig_5 []]
      if length wheat-yield_6 != 81 [set wheat-yield_6 []]
      if length wheat-irrig_6 != 81 [set wheat-irrig_6 []]

      if length soybeans-yield_3 != 81 [set soybeans-yield_3 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_3 != 81 [set soybeans-irrig_3 []]
      if length soybeans-yield_4 != 81 [set soybeans-yield_4 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_4 != 81 [set soybeans-irrig_4 []]
      if length soybeans-yield_5 != 81 [set soybeans-yield_5 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_5 != 81 [set soybeans-irrig_5 []]
      if length soybeans-yield_6 != 81 [set soybeans-yield_6 []]
      if length soybeans-irrig_6 != 81 [set soybeans-irrig_6 []]

      if length milo-yield_3 != 81 [set milo-yield_3 []]
      if length milo-irrig_3 != 81 [set milo-irrig_3 []]
      if length milo-yield_4 != 81 [set milo-yield_4 []]
      if length milo-irrig_4 != 81 [set milo-irrig_4 []]
      if length milo-yield_5 != 81 [set milo-yield_5 []]
      if length milo-irrig_5 != 81 [set milo-irrig_5 []]
      if length milo-yield_6 != 81 [set milo-yield_6 []]
      if length milo-irrig_6 != 81 [set milo-irrig_6 []]

    set n (n + 1)

  set corn-history corn-yield_1                                                                     ;Set historical production list for crop insurance calculation
  set wheat-history wheat-yield_1                                                                   ;Set historical production list for crop insurance calculation
  set soybeans-history soybeans-yield_1                                                             ;Set historical production list for crop insurance calculation
  set milo-history milo-yield_1                                                                     ;Set historical production list for crop insurance calculation

  let row 3
  while [row <= 28] [
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 1 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-irrig-low lput col corn-costs-irrig-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 2 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-irrig-moderate lput col corn-costs-irrig-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 3 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-irrig-high lput col corn-costs-irrig-high]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 4 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-dry-low lput col corn-costs-dry-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 5 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-dry-moderate lput col corn-costs-dry-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 6 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set corn-costs-dry-high lput col corn-costs-dry-high]

    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 7 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-irrig-low lput col wheat-costs-irrig-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 8 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-irrig-moderate lput col wheat-costs-irrig-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 9 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-irrig-high lput col wheat-costs-irrig-high]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 10 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-dry-low lput col wheat-costs-dry-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 11 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-dry-moderate lput col wheat-costs-dry-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 12 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set wheat-costs-dry-high lput col wheat-costs-dry-high]

    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 7 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-irrig-low lput col soybeans-costs-irrig-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 8 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate lput col soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 9 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-irrig-high lput col soybeans-costs-irrig-high]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 10 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-dry-low lput col soybeans-costs-dry-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 11 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-dry-moderate lput col soybeans-costs-dry-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 12 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set soybeans-costs-dry-high lput col soybeans-costs-dry-high]

    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 13 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-irrig-low lput col milo-costs-irrig-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 14 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-irrig-moderate lput col milo-costs-irrig-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 15 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-irrig-high lput col milo-costs-irrig-high]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 16 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-dry-low lput col milo-costs-dry-low]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 17 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-dry-moderate lput col milo-costs-dry-moderate]
    foreach all-expenses_raw [x -> let col (item 18 item row item 0 all-expenses_raw)
       set milo-costs-dry-high lput col milo-costs-dry-high]
  set row (row + 1)

  let cap-row 3
  while [cap-row <= 32] [
    foreach cap-depreciation [x -> let cap-col (item 1 item cap-row item 0 cap-depreciation)
      if cap-col != 0 [set cap-wind-%-depre lput cap-col cap-wind-%-depre]]
    foreach cap-depreciation [x -> let cap-col (item 2 item cap-row item 0 cap-depreciation)
      if cap-col != 0 [set cap-solar-%-depre lput cap-col cap-solar-%-depre]]

  set cap-row (cap-row + 1)

  set count-cap-wind length cap-wind-%-depre
  set count-cap-solar length cap-solar-%-depre

to calculate-expenses_yield_1                                                                       ;Expenses for irrigated farming [ref: AgManager.info (K-State, 2020 report)]
  let k (ticks mod 10)
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_1) < 210 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_1) >= 210 and (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_1) <= 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_1) > 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1) < 62.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1) >= 62.5 and (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1) <= 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1) > 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1) < 58 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1) >= 58 and (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1) <= 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1) > 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_1) < 150 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_1) >= 150 and (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_1) <= 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_1) > 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-expenses_yield_2                                                                       ;Expenses for dryland farming [ref: AgManager.info (K-State, 2020 report)]
  let k (ticks mod 10)
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_2) < 66 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_2) >= 66 and (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_2) <= 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-yield_2) > 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2) < 37.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2) >= 37.5 and (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2) <= 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2) > 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2) < 22.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2) >= 22.5 and (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2) <= 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2) > 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_2) < 68 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_2) >= 68 and (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_2) <= 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-yield_2) > 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-expenses_yield_3                                                                       ;Expenses for irrigated farming (using GCMs data) [ref: AgManager.info]
  let k (ticks - 10)
  if (item k corn-yield_3) < 210 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_3) >= 210 and (item k corn-yield_3) <= 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_3) > 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item k wheat-yield_3) < 62.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_3) >= 62.5 and (item k wheat-yield_3) <= 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_3) > 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item k soybeans-yield_3) < 58 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_3) >= 58 and (item k soybeans-yield_3) <= 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_3) > 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item k milo-yield_3) < 150 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_3) >= 150 and (item k milo-yield_3) <= 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_3) > 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-expenses_yield_4                                                                       ;Expenses for dryland farming (using GCMs data) [ref: AgManager.info]
  let k (ticks - 10)
  if (item k corn-yield_4) < 66 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_4) >= 66 and (item k corn-yield_4) <= 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_4) > 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item k wheat-yield_4) < 37.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_4) >= 37.5 and (item k wheat-yield_4) <= 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_4) > 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item k soybeans-yield_4) < 22.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_4) >= 22.5 and (item k soybeans-yield_4) <= 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_4) > 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item k milo-yield_4) < 68 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_4) >= 68 and (item k milo-yield_4) <= 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_4) > 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-expenses_yield_5                                                                       ;Expenses for irrigated farming (using GCMs data) [ref: AgManager.info]
  let k (ticks - 10)
  if (item k corn-yield_5) < 210 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_5) >= 210 and (item k corn-yield_5) <= 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_5) > 237.5 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-irrig-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item k wheat-yield_5) < 62.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_5) >= 62.5 and (item k wheat-yield_5) <= 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_5) > 67.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-irrig-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item k soybeans-yield_5) < 58 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_5) >= 58 and (item k soybeans-yield_5) <= 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_5) > 64 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-irrig-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item k milo-yield_5) < 150 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_5) >= 150 and (item k milo-yield_5) <= 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_5) > 170 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-irrig-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-expenses_yield_6                                                                       ;Expenses for dryland farming (using GCMs data) [ref: AgManager.info]
  let k (ticks - 10)
  if (item k corn-yield_6) < 66 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-low) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_6) >= 66 and (item k corn-yield_6) <= 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-moderate) * Corn_area)]
  if (item k corn-yield_6) > 91 [set corn-expenses ((sum corn-costs-dry-high) * Corn_area)]

  if (item k wheat-yield_6) < 37.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-low) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_6) >= 37.5 and (item k wheat-yield_6) <= 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-moderate) * Wheat_area)]
  if (item k wheat-yield_6) > 46.5 [set wheat-expenses ((sum wheat-costs-dry-high) * Wheat_area)]

  if (item k soybeans-yield_6) < 22.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-low) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_6) >= 22.5 and (item k soybeans-yield_6) <= 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-moderate) * Soybeans_area)]
  if (item k soybeans-yield_6) > 27.5 [set soybeans-expenses ((sum soybeans-costs-dry-high) * Soybeans_area)]

  if (item k milo-yield_6) < 68 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-low) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_6) >= 68 and (item k milo-yield_6) <= 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-moderate) * SG_area)]
  if (item k milo-yield_6) > 93 [set milo-expenses ((sum milo-costs-dry-high) * SG_area)]

to calculate-insurance
  if Corn_area > 0 [
  set corn-claimed "NO"                                                                             ;Default = "NO"
  ifelse corn-tot-yield > corn-yield-guarantee                                                      ;Apply crop insurance?
    [set corn-tot-income corn-tot-income
     ask patch 13 -35 [
      set plabel " "]]
    [set corn-yield-deficiency (corn-yield-guarantee - corn-tot-yield)                              ;Calculate yield deficiency
     ifelse corn-tot-income > corn-income-guarantee                                                 ;If current yield > guarantee yield
      [set corn-tot-income corn-tot-income]                                                         ;FEWCalc does not apply crop insurance.
      [set corn-claimed "YES"                                                                       ;Else: Apply crop insurance
       set corn-ins-claimed (corn-income-guarantee - corn-tot-income)                               ;Calculate indemnity paid
       set corn-tot-income corn-tot-income + (corn-yield-deficiency * corn-price-FM * Corn_area)    ;Calculate annual income

       ask patch 13 -35 [
       set plabel "Ins. Claim"                                                                      ;Print "Ins. Claim"
       set plabel-color red

  if Wheat_area > 0 [
  set wheat-claimed "NO"                                                                            ;Default = "NO"
  ifelse wheat-tot-yield > wheat-yield-guarantee                                                    ;Apply crop insurance?
    [set wheat-tot-income wheat-tot-income
     ask patch -5 56 [
      set plabel " "]]
    [set wheat-yield-deficiency (wheat-yield-guarantee - wheat-tot-yield)                           ;Calculate yield deficiency
     ifelse wheat-tot-income > wheat-income-guarantee                                               ;If current yield > guarantee yield
      [set wheat-tot-income wheat-tot-income]                                                       ;FEWCalc does not apply crop insurance.
      [set wheat-claimed "YES"                                                                      ;Else: Apply crop insurance
       set wheat-ins-claimed (wheat-income-guarantee - wheat-tot-income)                            ;Calculate indemnity paid
       set wheat-tot-income wheat-tot-income + (wheat-yield-deficiency * wheat-price-FM * Wheat_area) ;Calculate annual income

       ask patch -5 56 [
       set plabel "Ins. Claim"                                                                      ;Print "Ins. Claim"
       set plabel-color red

  if Soybeans_area > 0 [
  set soybeans-claimed "NO"                                                                         ;Default = "NO"
  ifelse soybeans-tot-yield > soybeans-yield-guarantee                                              ;Apply crop insurance?
    [set soybeans-tot-income soybeans-tot-income
     ask patch -37 -79 [
      set plabel " "]]
    [set soybeans-yield-deficiency (soybeans-yield-guarantee - soybeans-tot-yield)                  ;Calculate yield deficiency
     ifelse soybeans-tot-income > soybeans-income-guarantee                                         ;If current yield > guarantee yield
      [set soybeans-tot-income soybeans-tot-income]                                                 ;FEWCalc does not apply crop insurance.
      [set soybeans-claimed "YES"                                                                   ;Else: Apply crop insurance
       set soybeans-ins-claimed (soybeans-income-guarantee - soybeans-tot-income)                   ;Calculate indemnity paid
       set soybeans-tot-income soybeans-tot-income + (soybeans-yield-deficiency * soybeans-price-FM * Soybeans_area) ;Calculate annual income

       ask patch -37 -79 [
       set plabel "Ins. Claim"                                                                      ;Print "Ins. Claim"
       set plabel-color red

  if SG_area > 0 [
  set milo-claimed "NO"                                                                             ;Default = "NO"
  ifelse milo-tot-yield > milo-yield-guarantee                                                      ;Apply crop insurance?
    [set milo-tot-income milo-tot-income
     ask patch -37 -21 [
      set plabel " "]]
    [set milo-yield-deficiency (milo-yield-guarantee - milo-tot-yield)                              ;Calculate yield deficiency
     ifelse milo-tot-income > milo-income-guarantee                                                 ;If current yield > guarantee yield
      [set milo-tot-income milo-tot-income]                                                         ;FEWCalc does not apply crop insurance.
      [set milo-claimed "YES"                                                                       ;Else: Apply crop insurance
       set milo-ins-claimed (milo-income-guarantee - milo-tot-income)                               ;Calculate indemnity paid
       set milo-tot-income milo-tot-income + (milo-yield-deficiency * milo-price-FM * SG_area)      ;Calculate annual income

       ask patch -37 -21 [
       set plabel "Ins. Claim"                                                                      ;Print "Ins. Claim"
       set plabel-color red

to calculate-net-income                                                                             ;Calculate farm net income
  set corn-net-income (corn-tot-income - corn-expenses)
  set wheat-net-income (wheat-tot-income - wheat-expenses)
  set soybeans-net-income (soybeans-tot-income - soybeans-expenses)
  set milo-net-income (milo-tot-income - milo-expenses)

to future_processes
if Future_Process = "Repeat Historical"                                                             ;Repeat historical scenario
   [ifelse ticks <= 9                                                                               ;First 10 year data based on history

     [ifelse current-elev > level-60                                                                ;Irrigated farming

       [ifelse current-elev > level-low and dryland-check? = 1                                      ;Irrigated farming

            [dryland-farming_1                                                                      ;Dryland farming
             set dryland-check? 0
             if current-elev > level-60 [set dryland-check? 1]]

  if Future_Process = "Wetter Future"                                                               ;Wetter years scenario
   [ifelse ticks <= 9                                                                               ;First 10 year data based on history

     [ifelse current-elev > level-60                                                                ;Irrigated farming

       [ifelse current-elev > level-low and dryland-check? = 1                                      ;Irrigated farming

            [dryland-farming_2                                                                      ;Dryland farming
             set dryland-check? 0
             if current-elev > level-60 [set dryland-check? 1]]

  if Future_Process = "Dryer Future"                                                                ;Dryer years scenario
   [ifelse ticks <= 9                                                                               ;First 10 year data based on history

     [ifelse current-elev > level-60                                                                ;Irrigated farming

       [ifelse current-elev > level-low and dryland-check? = 1                                      ;Irrigated farming

            [dryland-farming_3                                                                      ;Dryland farming
             set dryland-check? 0
             if current-elev > level-60 [set dryland-check? 1]]

  if Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP8.5"                       ;Climate projection scenario
   [ifelse ticks <= 9                                                                               ;First 10 year data based on history

     [ifelse current-elev > level-60                                                                ;Irrigated farming

       [ifelse current-elev > level-low and dryland-check? = 1                                      ;Irrigated farming

            [dryland-farming_4                                                                      ;Dryland farming
             set dryland-check? 0
             if current-elev > level-60 [set dryland-check? 1]]

  if Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP4.5"                       ;Climate projection scenario
   [ifelse ticks <= 9                                                                               ;First 10 year data based on history

     [ifelse current-elev > level-60                                                                ;Irrigated farming

       [ifelse current-elev > level-low and dryland-check? = 1                                      ;Irrigated farming

            [dryland-farming_5                                                                      ;Dryalnd farming
             set dryland-check? 0
             if current-elev > level-60 [set dryland-check? 1]]

to check-area                                                                                       ;Set all variables to zero if a crop area is zero

  if Corn_area = 0 [
    set corn-yield_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set corn-irrig_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set corn-yield_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set corn-irrig_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set corn-yield_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-irrig_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-yield_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-irrig_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-yield_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-irrig_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-yield_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-irrig_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set corn-N-app (n-values 10 [0])

  if Wheat_area = 0 [
    set wheat-yield_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set wheat-yield_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set wheat-yield_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-yield_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-yield_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-yield_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-irrig_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set wheat-N-app (n-values 10 [0])

  if Soybeans_area = 0 [
    set soybeans-yield_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set soybeans-yield_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set soybeans-yield_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-yield_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-yield_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-yield_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-irrig_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set soybeans-N-app (n-values 10 [0])

  if SG_area = 0 [
    set milo-yield_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set milo-irrig_1 (n-values 10 [0])
    set milo-yield_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set milo-irrig_2 (n-values 10 [0])
    set milo-yield_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-irrig_3 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-yield_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-irrig_4 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-yield_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-irrig_5 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-yield_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-irrig_6 (n-values 81 [0])
    set milo-N-app (n-values 10 [0])

;Agricultural part

to food-calculation_1-1                                                                             ;Crop calculation during a base period
  set yrs-seq [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]                                                                 ;Set yrs-seq: 0 = 2008, 1 = 2009, ... , 9 = 2017
  let n (ticks)                                                                                     ;Set a temp variable

  set corn-tot-income (item n corn-yield_1 * item n corn-price * Corn_area)                         ;Calculate ag net income
  set wheat-tot-income (item n wheat-yield_1 * item n wheat-price * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item n soybeans-yield_1 * item n soybeans-price * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item n milo-yield_1 * item n milo-price * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-yield (item n corn-yield_1)                                                          ;Set (import) yield from csv file (variable)
  set wheat-tot-yield (item n wheat-yield_1)
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item n soybeans-yield_1)
  set milo-tot-yield (item n milo-yield_1)

  calculate-expenses_yield_1                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_1"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to food-calculation_1-2                                                                             ;Repeat historical data successively after 10 year simulation
  set yrs-seq [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
  let n (ticks)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) corn-yield_1)                                                 ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_1" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) wheat-yield_1)                                               ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_1" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) soybeans-yield_1)                                         ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_1" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) milo-yield_1)                                                 ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_1" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate income guarantee
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (n mod 10) corn-yield_1 * item (n mod 10) corn-price * Corn_area)       ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (n mod 10) wheat-yield_1 * item (n mod 10) wheat-price * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (n mod 10) soybeans-yield_1 * item (n mod 10) soybeans-price * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (n mod 10) milo-yield_1 * item (n mod 10) milo-price * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_1                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_1"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to food-calculation_2                                                                               ;Randomly choose wet year
  if (ticks mod 10) = 0                                                                             ;Shuffle yrs-seq every 10 years
  [set yrs-seq [0 7 7 7 7 0 6 7 8 9]                                                                ;List of wetter years. Year 7, 8, 9 are wet years; year 0, 6 are normal years.
   set yrs-seq shuffle yrs-seq]                                                                     ;Shuffle command

  let n (ticks mod 10)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_1)                                           ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_1" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1)                                         ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_1" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1)                                   ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_1" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_1)                                           ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_1" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_1 * (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-price) * Corn_area)          ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1 * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1 * (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_1 * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_1                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_1"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to food-calculation_3                                                                               ;Randomly choose dry year
  if (ticks mod 10) = 0                                                                             ;Shuffle yrs-seq every 10 years
  [set yrs-seq [0 0 4 3 4 5 7 4 4 4]                                                                ;List of dryer years
   set yrs-seq shuffle yrs-seq]                                                                     ;Shuffle command

  let n (ticks mod 10)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_1)                                           ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_1" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1)                                         ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_1" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1)                                   ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_1" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_1)                                           ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_1" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_1 * (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-price) * Corn_area)          ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_1 * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_1 * (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_1 * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_1                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_1"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to tot-income-for-GCM4.5                                                                            ;Crop price varies based on weather
  let m (ticks - 10)
  ifelse (item m precip_RCP4.5) < 17 [                                                              ;Calculate farm gross income for dry years
    set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [3 4 5]) corn-price) * Corn_area)           ;items 3, 4, and 5 represent dry years
    set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)                      ;wheat applies a random number of crop price
    set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [3 4 5]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
    set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

    [ifelse (item m precip_RCP4.5) >= 17 and (item m precip_RCP4.5) < 20 [                          ;Calculate farm gross income for moderate years
     set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [0 1 2 6]) corn-price) * Corn_area)        ;items 0, 1, 2, and 6 represent moderate years
     set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
     set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [0 1 2 6]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
     set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

     [set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [7 8 9]) corn-price) * Corn_area)         ;Calculate farm gross income for wet years
      set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)                    ;items 7, 8, and 9 represent wet years
      set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [7 8 9]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
      set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

to tot-income-for-GCM8.5                                                                            ;Crop price varies based on weather
  let m (ticks - 10)
  ifelse (item m precip_RCP8.5) < 17 [                                                              ;Calculate farm gross income for dry years
    set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [3 4 5]) corn-price) * Corn_area)           ;items 3, 4, and 5 represent dry years
    set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)                      ;wheat applies a random number of crop price
    set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [3 4 5]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
    set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

    [ifelse (item m precip_RCP8.5) >= 17 and (item m precip_RCP8.5) < 20 [                          ;Calculate farm gross income for moderate years
     set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [0 1 2 6]) corn-price) * Corn_area)        ;items 0, 1, 2, and 6 represent moderate years
     set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
     set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [0 1 2 6]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
     set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

     [set corn-tot-income (corn-tot-yield * (item (one-of [7 8 9]) corn-price) * Corn_area)         ;Calculate farm gross income for wet years
      set wheat-tot-income (wheat-tot-yield * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)                    ;items 7, 8, and 9 represent wet years
      set soybeans-tot-income (soybeans-tot-yield * (item (one-of [7 8 9]) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
      set milo-tot-income (milo-tot-yield * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)]

to food-calculation_4                                                                               ;Randomly choose data from GCMs RCP8.5
  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-tot-yield (item m corn-yield_3)                                                         ;Access data from GCM8.5 list
   set wheat-tot-yield (item m wheat-yield_3)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item m soybeans-yield_3)
   set milo-tot-yield (item m milo-yield_3)]
  [set corn-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year corn-yield_3)                                           ;For year after 2098 (using a random sequence)
   set wheat-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year wheat-yield_3)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year soybeans-yield_3)
   set milo-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year milo-yield_3)]

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)


  calculate-expenses_yield_3                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_3"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to food-calculation_5                                                                               ;Randomly choose data from GCMs RCP4.5
  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-tot-yield (item m corn-yield_5)                                                         ;Access data from GCM4.5 list
   set wheat-tot-yield (item m wheat-yield_5)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item m soybeans-yield_5)
   set milo-tot-yield (item m milo-yield_5)]
  [set corn-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year corn-yield_5)                                           ;For year after 2098 (using a random sequence)
   set wheat-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year wheat-yield_5)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year soybeans-yield_5)
   set milo-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year milo-yield_5)]

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)


  calculate-expenses_yield_5                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_5"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

to dryland-farming_1
  let n (ticks)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) corn-yield_2)                                                 ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_2" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) wheat-yield_2)                                               ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_2" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) soybeans-yield_2)                                         ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_2" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (n mod 10) milo-yield_2)                                                 ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_2" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (n mod 10) corn-yield_2 * item (n mod 10) corn-price * Corn_area)       ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (n mod 10) wheat-yield_2 * item (n mod 10) wheat-price * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (n mod 10) soybeans-yield_2 * item (n mod 10) soybeans-price * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (n mod 10) milo-yield_2 * item (n mod 10) milo-price * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_2                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_2"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

  let k ticks
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_2" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_2                                                    ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_2" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_2                                              ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_2" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_2" list

to dryland-farming_2
  if (ticks mod 10) = 0                                                                             ;Shuffle yrs-seq every 10 years
  [set yrs-seq [0 7 7 7 7 0 6 7 8 9]                                                                ;List of wetter years (must be the same seq as "food-calculation_2")
   set yrs-seq shuffle yrs-seq]                                                                     ;Shuffle command

  let n (ticks mod 10)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_2)                                           ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_2" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2)                                         ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_2" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2)                                   ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_2" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_2)                                           ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_2" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_2 * (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-price) * Corn_area)          ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2 * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2 * (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_2 * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_2                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_2"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

  let k ticks
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_2" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_2                                                    ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_2" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_2                                              ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_2" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_2" list

to dryland-farming_3
  if (ticks mod 10) = 0                                                                             ;Shuffle yrs-seq every 10 years
  [set yrs-seq [0 0 4 3 4 5 7 4 4 4]                                                                ;List of dryer years (must be the same seq as "food-calculation_3")
   set yrs-seq shuffle yrs-seq]                                                                     ;Shuffle command

  let n (ticks mod 10)

  set corn-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_2)                                           ;Each tick, corn yield will be accessed from a "corn-yield_2" list
  set wheat-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2)                                         ;Each tick, wheat yield will be accessed from a "wheat-yield_2" list
  set soybeans-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2)                                   ;Each tick, soybeans yield will be accessed from a "soybeans-yield_2" list
  set milo-tot-yield (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_2)                                           ;Each tick, milo yield will be accessed from a "milo-yield_2" list

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)

  set corn-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-yield_2 * (item (item n yrs-seq) corn-price) * Corn_area)          ;Calculate farm gross income
  set wheat-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) wheat-yield_2 * (one-of wheat-price) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-yield_2 * (item (item n yrs-seq) soybeans-price) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-tot-income (item (item n yrs-seq) milo-yield_2 * (one-of milo-price) * SG_area)

  calculate-expenses_yield_2                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_2"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

  let k ticks
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_2" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_2                                                    ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_2" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_2                                              ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_2" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_2                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_2" list

to dryland-farming_4
  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-tot-yield (item m corn-yield_4)                                                         ;Access data from GCM8.5 list
   set wheat-tot-yield (item m wheat-yield_4)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item m soybeans-yield_4)
   set milo-tot-yield (item m milo-yield_4)]
  [set corn-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year corn-yield_4)                                           ;For year after 2098 (using a random sequence)
   set wheat-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year wheat-yield_4)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year soybeans-yield_4)
   set milo-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year milo-yield_4)]

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)


  calculate-expenses_yield_4                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_4"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

  let k ticks
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_4                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_4" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_4                                                    ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_4" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_4                                              ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_4" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_4                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_4" list

to dryland-farming_5
  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-tot-yield (item m corn-yield_6)                                                         ;Access data from GCM4.5 list
   set wheat-tot-yield (item m wheat-yield_6)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item m soybeans-yield_6)
   set milo-tot-yield (item m milo-yield_6)]
  [set corn-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year corn-yield_6)                                           ;For year after 2098 (using a random sequence)
   set wheat-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year wheat-yield_6)
   set soybeans-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year soybeans-yield_6)
   set milo-tot-yield (item GCM-random-year milo-yield_6)]

  set corn-history lput corn-tot-yield but-first corn-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "corn-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set wheat-history lput wheat-tot-yield but-first wheat-history                                    ;Add the most recent yield in a "wheat-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set soybeans-history lput soybeans-tot-yield but-first soybeans-history                           ;Add the most recent yield in a "soybeans-history" list and remove the oldest one
  set milo-history lput milo-tot-yield but-first milo-history                                       ;Add the most recent yield in a "milo-history" list and remove the oldest one

  set corn-mean-yield mean corn-history                                                             ;Average corn production for the last 10 years
  set wheat-mean-yield mean wheat-history                                                           ;Average wheat production for the last 10 years
  set soybeans-mean-yield mean soybeans-history                                                     ;Average soybeans production for the last 10 years
  set milo-mean-yield mean milo-history                                                             ;Average milo production for the last 10 years

  set corn-yield-guarantee (corn-mean-yield * corn-coverage)                                        ;Calculate yield guarantee
  set wheat-yield-guarantee (wheat-mean-yield * wheat-coverage)
  set soybeans-yield-guarantee (soybeans-mean-yield * soybeans-coverage)
  set milo-yield-guarantee (milo-mean-yield * milo-coverage)

  set corn-income-guarantee ((corn-yield-guarantee * corn-price-FM) * Corn_area)                    ;Calculate guarantee growth crop income
  set wheat-income-guarantee ((wheat-yield-guarantee * wheat-price-FM) * Wheat_area)
  set soybeans-income-guarantee ((soybeans-yield-guarantee * soybeans-price-FM) * Soybeans_area)
  set milo-income-guarantee ((milo-yield-guarantee * milo-price-FM) * SG_area)


  calculate-expenses_yield_6                                                                        ;See "to calculate-expenses_yield_6"
  calculate-insurance                                                                               ;See "to calculate-insurance"
  calculate-net-income                                                                              ;See "to calculate-net-income"

  let k ticks
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_6                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_6" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_6                                                    ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_6" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_6                                              ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_6" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_6                                                      ;Each tick, irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_6" list

to energy-calculation
  ;Bob Johnson (bobjohnson@centurylink.net), Earnie Lehman (earnielehman@gmail.com), and Hongyu Wu (hongyuwu@ksu.edu)

  ;;Solar capacity;;

  if count-solar-lifespan <= Nyear_S [
  ifelse count-solar-lifespan = 0 [                                                                 ;Year 1 without degradation rate -- Count 10 years (0 to 9). Because we set "count-solar-lifespan" = 0 at the beginning
    set solar-production_temp (#Solar_Panels * Capacity_S * Sun_hrs * 365 / 1000000)                ;MWh = power(Watt) * average peak sun hours * 365days/year / 1000000
    set solar-production solar-production_temp                                                      ;Set temp capacity
    set count-solar-lifespan (count-solar-lifespan + 1)]                                            ;Advance one year

   [set solar-production ((1 - (Degrade_S / 100)) * solar-production_temp)                          ;Else: year 2 to the end. Calculate capacity by applying a degradation rate
    set solar-production_temp (solar-production)                                                    ;Set temp variable
    set count-solar-lifespan (count-solar-lifespan + 1)                                             ;Advance one year
    if count-solar-lifespan = Nyear_S [set count-solar-lifespan 0]                                  ;Equipment is replaced

  ;;Wind capacity;;

  if count-wind-lifespan <= Nyear_W [
  ifelse count-wind-lifespan <= 9 [                                                                 ;First 10 years without degradation rate. Count 10 years (0 to 9). Because we set "count-wind-lifespan" = 0 at the beginning
    set wind-production_temp (#wind_turbines * Capacity_W * (wind_factor * 0.01) * 24 * 365)        ;MWh = power(MW) * Kansas_wind_Capacity_S * 24hrs/day * 365days/year, Capacity_S 42.1% (Berkeley Lab)
    set wind-production wind-production_temp                                                        ;Set temp capacity
    set count-wind-lifespan (count-wind-lifespan + 1)]                                              ;Advance one year

   [set wind-production ((1 - (Degrade_W / 100)) * wind-production_temp)                            ;Else: year 11 to the end. Calculate capacity by applying a degradation rate
    set wind-production_temp (wind-production)                                                      ;Set temp variable
    set count-wind-lifespan (count-wind-lifespan + 1)                                               ;Advance one year
    if count-wind-lifespan = Nyear_W [set count-wind-lifespan 0]                                    ;Equipment is replaced

  ;;Solar cost;;

  ;;; Depreciation ;;;

  ifelse (ticks mod Nyear_S) = 0
   [set count-depreciation_S 0
    if count-depreciation_S < count-cap-solar [
      set depreciation_S ((#Solar_Panels * (Capacity_S / 1000) * Cost_S) * cap-%-solar / 100 * cap-tax-rate / 100 * (item count-depreciation_S cap-solar-%-depre) / 100)
      set count-depreciation_S (count-depreciation_S + 1)
      print (word "Year 1: Depreciation_S = " depreciation_S)]

    [ifelse count-depreciation_S < count-cap-solar
      [set depreciation_S ((#Solar_Panels * (Capacity_S / 1000) * Cost_S) * cap-%-solar / 100 * cap-tax-rate / 100 * (item count-depreciation_S cap-solar-%-depre) / 100)
       set count-depreciation_S (count-depreciation_S + 1)
       print (word "Year " count-depreciation_S ": Depreciation_S = " depreciation_S)]

      [set depreciation_S 0
       set count-depreciation_S (count-depreciation_S + 1)
       print (word "Year " count-depreciation_S ": Depreciation_S = " depreciation_S)]

  ;;; Loan ;;;

  ifelse count_loan_term_s < term-loan_S
  [ifelse ticks mod Nyear_S = 0
  [set count_loan_term_s 1
   set balance_s (#Solar_Panels * (Capacity_S / 1000) * Cost_S) * (1 - ITC_S / 100)]
  [set count_loan_term_s (count_loan_term_s + 1)
   set balance_s balance_s - principal_s]

    set annual_payment_s (((#Solar_Panels * (Capacity_S / 1000) * Cost_S) * (1 - ITC_S / 100)) * interest-rate_S / (1 - (1 + interest-rate_S) ^ (-1 * term-loan_S)))
    set interest_s (balance_s * interest-rate_S)
    set principal_s (annual_payment_s - interest_s)

  [set annual_payment_s 0
   set interest_s 0
   set principal_s 0
   set balance_s 0
   set count_loan_term_s (count_loan_term_s + 1)

  if count_loan_term_s = Nyear_S [set count_loan_term_s 0]

  ifelse #Solar_Panels * (Capacity_S / 1000) < 0.01                                                 ;Calculate solar panel's capital costs for different scales (10kW = 0.01MW)
  [set solar-cost (annual_payment_s + (22 * #solar_panels * (Capacity_S / 1000)))]                  ;Residential
  [set solar-cost (annual_payment_s + (18 * #solar_panels * (Capacity_S / 1000)))]                  ;Commercial

  ;;Solar income;;

  if count-solar-lifespan-sell <= Nyear_S [
  ifelse count-solar-lifespan-sell <= 9 [                                                           ;First 10 years (PTC). Because we set "count-solar-lifespan-sell" = 0 at the beginning
     set solar-sell_temp (solar-production * Energy_value) + depreciation_S                         ;Calculate temp income
     set solar-sell solar-sell_temp                                                                 ;Set income
     set count-solar-lifespan-sell (count-solar-lifespan-sell + 1)]                                 ;Advance one year

    [set solar-sell_temp (solar-production * Energy_value) + depreciation_S                         ;Else: year 10 to the end. Calculate income without PTC.
     set solar-sell solar-sell_temp                                                                 ;Set income
     set count-solar-lifespan-sell (count-solar-lifespan-sell + 1)                                  ;Advance one year
     if count-solar-lifespan-sell = Nyear_S [set count-solar-lifespan-sell 0]                       ;Equipment is replaced

  ;;Wind cost;;

  ;;; Depreciation ;;;

  ifelse (ticks mod Nyear_W) = 0
   [set count-depreciation_W 0
    if count-depreciation_W < count-cap-wind [
      set depreciation_W (((Cost_W * 1000) * Capacity_W * #Wind_turbines) * cap-%-wind / 100 * cap-tax-rate / 100 * (item count-depreciation_W cap-wind-%-depre) / 100)
      set count-depreciation_W (count-depreciation_W + 1)
      print (word "Year 1: Depreciation_W = " depreciation_W)]

    [ifelse count-depreciation_W < count-cap-wind
      [set depreciation_W (((Cost_W * 1000) * Capacity_W * #Wind_turbines) * cap-%-wind / 100 * cap-tax-rate / 100 * (item count-depreciation_W cap-wind-%-depre) / 100)
       set count-depreciation_W (count-depreciation_W + 1)
       print (word "Year " count-depreciation_W ": Depreciation_W = " depreciation_W)]

      [set depreciation_W 0
       set count-depreciation_W (count-depreciation_W + 1)
       print (word "Year " count-depreciation_W ": Depreciation_W = " depreciation_W)]

  ;;; Loan ;;;

  ;Wind cost = $1470/kW + (O&M costs) * #wind_turbines, (ref. Berkeley Lab, Hongyu Wu)
  ;Operations and maintenance costs: $45,000/MW for turbine aged between 0 and 10 years, and $50,000/MW beyond 10 years

  ifelse count_loan_term_w < term-loan_W
  [ifelse ticks mod Nyear_W = 0
  [set count_loan_term_w 1
   set balance_w ((Cost_W * 1000) * Capacity_W * #Wind_turbines)]
  [set count_loan_term_w (count_loan_term_w + 1)
   set balance_w balance_w - principal_w]

    set annual_payment_w ((Cost_W * 1000) * Capacity_W * #Wind_turbines * interest-rate_W / (1 - (1 + interest-rate_W) ^ (-1 * term-loan_W)))
    set interest_w (balance_w * interest-rate_W)
    set principal_w (annual_payment_w - interest_w)

  [set annual_payment_w 0
   set interest_w 0
   set principal_w 0
   set balance_w 0
   set count_loan_term_w (count_loan_term_w + 1)]

  if count_loan_term_w = Nyear_W [set count_loan_term_w 0]

  if count-wind-lifespan-cost <= Nyear_W [
  ifelse count-wind-lifespan-cost <= 9 [                                                            ;First 10 years, O&M costs = $45/kW
    set wind-cost (annual_payment_w + (45000 * Capacity_W * #wind_turbines))
    set count-wind-lifespan-cost (count-wind-lifespan-cost + 1)                                     ;Advance one year

    [set wind-cost (annual_payment_w + (50000 * Capacity_W * #wind_turbines))                       ;Else: year 11 to the end. O&M costs = $50/kW
     set count-wind-lifespan-cost (count-wind-lifespan-cost + 1)                                    ;Advance one year
     if count-wind-lifespan-cost = Nyear_W [set count-wind-lifespan-cost 0]                         ;Equipment is replaced

  ;;Wind income;;

  if count-wind-lifespan-sell <= Nyear_W [
  ifelse count-wind-lifespan-sell <= 9 [                                                            ;First 10 years with PTC
     set wind-sell_temp (wind-production * (Energy_value + (100 * PTC_W))) + depreciation_W         ;Calculate temp wind income
     set wind-sell wind-sell_temp                                                                   ;Set wind income
     set count-wind-lifespan-sell (count-wind-lifespan-sell + 1)]                                   ;Advance one year

    [set wind-sell_temp (wind-production * Energy_value) + depreciation_W                           ;Else: year 11 to the end without PTC
     set wind-sell wind-sell_temp                                                                   ;Set wind income
     set count-wind-lifespan-sell (count-wind-lifespan-sell + 1)                                    ;Advance one year
     if count-wind-lifespan-sell = Nyear_W [set count-wind-lifespan-sell 0]                         ;Equipment is replaced

  set solar-net-income (solar-sell - solar-cost)                                                    ;Calculate solar net income
  set wind-net-income  (wind-sell - wind-cost)                                                      ;Calculate wind net income
  set energy-net-income (solar-net-income + wind-net-income)                                        ;Calculate energy net income

to gw-depletion_1
  let k ticks                                                                                       ;Set a temporary variable
  print (word "Printing ticks count: " ticks)
  set corn-use-in item (k mod 10) corn-irrig_1                                                      ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_1" list
  set wheat-use-in item (k mod 10) wheat-irrig_1                                                    ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_1" list
  set soybeans-use-in item (k mod 10) soybeans-irrig_1                                              ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_1" list
  set milo-use-in item (k mod 10) milo-irrig_1                                                      ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_1" list

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to gw-depletion_2

  let k (ticks mod 10)                                                                              ;Set a temporary variable
  print (word "value of k:" k)
  set corn-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) corn-irrig_1                                                ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set wheat-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-irrig_1                                              ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set soybeans-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-irrig_1                                        ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set milo-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) milo-irrig_1                                                ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to gw-depletion_3
  let k (ticks mod 10)                                                                              ;Set a temporary variable
  set corn-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) corn-irrig_1                                                ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "corn-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set wheat-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-irrig_1                                              ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "wheat-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set soybeans-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-irrig_1                                         ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "soybeans-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")
  set milo-use-in item (item k yrs-seq) milo-irrig_1                                                ;Irrigation will be accessed from a "milo-irrig_1" list (seq is linked to "food_calculation_1")

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to gw-depletion_4

  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-use-in (item m corn-irrig_3)                                                            ;Before 2098
   set wheat-use-in (item m wheat-irrig_3)
   set soybeans-use-in (item m soybeans-irrig_3)
   set milo-use-in (item m milo-irrig_3)]
  [set corn-use-in (item GCM-random-year corn-irrig_3)                                              ;Create a random sequence after 2098
   set wheat-use-in (item GCM-random-year wheat-irrig_3)
   set soybeans-use-in (item GCM-random-year soybeans-irrig_3)
   set milo-use-in (item GCM-random-year milo-irrig_3)]

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to gw-depletion_5
  ifelse ticks < 91
  [let m (ticks - 10)
   set corn-use-in (item m corn-irrig_5)                                                            ;Before 2098
   set wheat-use-in (item m wheat-irrig_5)
   set soybeans-use-in (item m soybeans-irrig_5)
   set milo-use-in (item m milo-irrig_5)]
  [set corn-use-in (item GCM-random-year corn-irrig_5)                                              ;Create a random sequence after 2098
   set wheat-use-in (item GCM-random-year wheat-irrig_5)
   set soybeans-use-in (item GCM-random-year soybeans-irrig_5)
   set milo-use-in (item GCM-random-year milo-irrig_5)]

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to gw-depletion_dryland
  let k (ticks mod 10)
  set corn-use-in 0                                                                                 ;Set water use to zero
  set wheat-use-in 0                                                                                ;Set water use to zero
  set soybeans-use-in 0                                                                             ;Set water use to zero
  set milo-use-in 0                                                                                 ;Set water use to zero

  ;Normalize water use
  set water-use-feet (((corn-use-in * Corn_area) + (wheat-use-in * Wheat_area) + (soybeans-use-in * Soybeans_area) + (milo-use-in * SG_area)) / (12 * total-area))

  ;Two-step process
  set calibrated-water-use ((0.114 * water-use-feet) + 0.211)                                       ;STEP1: Calibrate DSSAT simulated results with historical data
  set gw-change ((-32.386 * calibrated-water-use) + 8.001)                                          ;STEP2: Calculate water-level change using a regression equation

  set patch-change (gw-change * 170 / Aquifer_thickness)                                            ;Convert water-level change to patch change

  groundwater_level_change                                                                          ;See "to groundwater_level_change"

  ifelse patch-change < 0                                                                           ;Is water level decreasing?
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor > (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;Yes
     set pcolor 7]]                                                                                 ;Set patches above "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be gray
    [ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < (current-elev + patch-change)] [                             ;No
     set pcolor 105]]                                                                               ;Set patches below "new" level of aquifer (new current elevation) to be blue

  set current-elev (current-elev + patch-change)                                                    ;Set new current elevation (new top of aquifer)
  if current-elev > 69 [set current-elev 69]                                                        ;Exceed Capacity_S

  if current-elev < level-low [                                                                     ;Is the top of aquifer below 30 feet?
    ask aquifer-patches with [pycor < current-elev] [                                               ;Yes
      set pcolor 14]                                                                                ;Set "aquifer-patches" to be red

to groundwater_level_change
  set gw-level (gw-level + gw-change)                                                               ;Update groundwater level

to contaminant                                                                                      ;Surface water contamination
  let k (ticks mod 10)
  set N-accu-temp (0.1 * 2.205 * (((item (item k yrs-seq) corn-N-app) * Corn_area) + ((item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-N-app) * Wheat_area) + ((item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-N-app) * Soybeans_area) + ((item (item k yrs-seq) milo-N-app) * SG_area))) ;convert from kg to pound, multiply the mass value by 2.205

  set N-accu (N-accu + N-accu-temp)                                                                 ;N accumulation before transporting to the stream

  ask patch -1 0 [ask n-of (0.0001 * (item (item k yrs-seq) corn-N-app) / 1.12 * Corn_area) patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor brown]]                ;dots shown in a circle are in a unit area (lbs/ac); kg/ha to lb/ac, dividing by 1.12
  ask patch -18 84 [ask n-of (0.0001 * (item (item k yrs-seq) wheat-N-app) / 1.12 * Wheat_area) patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor brown]]            ;dots shown in a circle are in a unit area (lbs/ac); kg/ha to lb/ac, dividing by 1.12
  ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask n-of (0.0001 * (item (item k yrs-seq) soybeans-N-app) / 1.12 * Soybeans_area) patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor brown]]   ;dots shown in a circle are in a unit area (lbs/ac); kg/ha to lb/ac, dividing by 1.12
  ask patch -52 16 [ask n-of (0.0001 * (item (item k yrs-seq) milo-N-app) / 1.12 * SG_area) patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor brown]]                ;dots shown in a circle are in a unit area (lbs/ac); kg/ha to lb/ac, dividing by 1.12

  ;;Base period;;

  ifelse ticks < 11 [
    if (item k yrs-seq) = 7 or (item k yrs-seq) = 8 or (item k yrs-seq) = 9 [                       ;yrs-seq = 7, 8, and 9 are wet years
    ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]            ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream

    set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                                  ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

    ask patch 54 87 [                                                                               ;Show a number in the World
    set plabel round (N-accu2)
    set plabel-color white]

    set N-accu 0                                                                                    ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
    ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
    ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
    ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
    ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]

  ;;Future Process;;

  [                                                                                                 ;Else (Open square bracket): Future process
  ;;Scenario 1,2,3;;

  ifelse Future_Process = "Repeat Historical" or Future_Process = "Wetter Future" or Future_Process = "Dryer Future"
    [if (item k yrs-seq) = 7 or (item k yrs-seq) = 8 or (item k yrs-seq) = 9 [                      ;yrs-seq = 7, 8, and 9 are wet years
     ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]           ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream

     set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                                 ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

     ask patch 54 87 [                                                                              ;Show a number in the World
     set plabel round (N-accu2)
     set plabel-color white]

     set N-accu 0                                                                                   ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
     ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
     ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
     ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
     ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]]

    ;;RCP8.5 sim to year 2098;;

    [ifelse (Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP8.5" and ticks < 91 and (item (ticks - 11) precip_RCP8.5) >= 20)            ;Years that precip >= 20 inches are wet years
      [ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]         ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream
       set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                               ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

       ask patch 54 87 [                                                                            ;Show a number in the World
       set plabel round (N-accu2)
       set plabel-color white]

       set N-accu 0                                                                                 ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
       ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
       ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
       ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
       ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]

      ;;RCP8.5 sim after 2098;;

      [ifelse (Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP8.5" and ticks >= 91 and (item (GCM-random-year) precip_RCP8.5) >= 20)           ;Years that precip >= 20 inches are wet years
        [ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]       ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream
         set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                             ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

         ask patch 54 87 [                                                                          ;Show a number in the World
         set plabel round (N-accu2)
         set plabel-color white]

         set N-accu 0                                                                               ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
         ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
         ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
         ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
         ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]

        ;;RCP4.5 sim to year 2098;;

        [ifelse (Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP4.5" and ticks < 91 and (item (ticks - 11) precip_RCP4.5) >= 20)            ;Years that precip >= 20 inches are wet years
          [ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]     ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream
           set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                           ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

           ask patch 54 87 [
           set plabel round (N-accu2)
           set plabel-color white]

           set N-accu 0                                                                             ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
           ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
           ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
           ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
           ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]

          ;;RCP4.5 after 2098;;

          [if (Future_Process = "GCM" and Climate_Model = "RCP4.5" and ticks >= 91 and (item (GCM-random-year) precip_RCP4.5) >= 20)            ;Years that precip >= 20 inches are wet years
            [ask up-to-n-of (0.0001 * N-accu) river-patches with [pcolor = 87] [set pcolor brown]   ;0.0001 is a scaling factor, graphically used to reduce number of dots in stream
             set N-accu2 (N-accu2 + N-accu)                                                         ;N-accu2 is amount of nitrate in the stream

             ask patch 54 87 [
             set plabel round (N-accu2)
             set plabel-color white]

             set N-accu 0                                                                           ;N-accu (in crop circles) is reset because nitrate is transported into the river
             ask patch -1 0 [ask patches in-radius (item 0 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 37]]
             ask patch -18 84 [ask patches in-radius (item 1 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 22]]
             ask patch -51.5 -51 [ask patches in-radius (item 2 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 36]]
             ask patch -52 16 [ask patches in-radius (item 3 radius-of-%area) [set pcolor 34]]
  ]                                                                                                 ;Else (Close square bracket): Future process

to treatment                                                                                        ;Treatment (Not applicable)
  if random 10 = 1 [                                                                                ;10% chance
    ask river-patches [
      if any? river-patches with [pcolor = brown] [
        ask one-of river-patches with [pcolor = brown] [
          set pcolor 87]

to initialize-energy                                                                                ;Initialize energy parameter in order to change the numbers over time
  set #Solar_panels (#Panel_sets * 1000)                                                            ;Calculate total solar panels
  set solar-production (#Solar_Panels * Capacity_S * Sun_hrs * 365 / 1000000)                       ;Calculate solar production
  set wind-production (#wind_turbines * Capacity_W * (wind_factor * 0.01) * 24 * 365)               ;Calculate wind production
  set %Solar-production (Solar-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))             ;Calculate percentage
  set %Wind-production (Wind-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))               ;Calculate percentage

  ask patch 93 -91 [                                                                                ;Print %
    set plabel round (%Wind-production)
    set plabel-color black]

  set solar-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]                                                           ;Change scale bar
    ask solar-bar with [pycor > (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor [255 165 0]]

  ask patch 93 96 [                                                                                 ;Print %
    set plabel round (%Solar-production)
    set plabel-color black]

  set wind-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]                                                            ;Change scale bar
    ask wind-bar with [pycor < (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor yellow]

to reset-symbols                                                                                    ;Reset number of wind turbines and solar panels every tick
  ask turtles [die]                                                                                 ;Code below is similar to "setup" procedure showing above

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Wind icons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set wind-patches patches with [pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 65 and pycor < -35 and pycor > -100]
  let w 0

    repeat #wind_turbines [
      ifelse w < 2 [
        crt 1 [
        setxy (35 + (w * 22)) -97
        set shape "wind"
        set size (Capacity_W * 30)
        set w (w + 1)]
        [ifelse w < 4 [
          crt 1 [
          setxy (25 + ((w - 2) * 22)) -65
          set shape "wind"
          set size (Capacity_W * 30)
          set w (w + 1)]
          [crt 1 [
          setxy (35 + ((w - 4) * 22)) -31
          set shape "wind"
          set size (Capacity_W * 30)
          set w (w + 1)]

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Solar icons ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set solar-patches patches with [pxcor > 0 and pxcor < 65 and pycor > 33 and pycor < 100]
  let t 0
    repeat #Panel_sets [

      ifelse t < 5 [
        crt 1 [
        setxy 56 (65 - (t * 12))
        set shape "solar"
        set size 20
        set t (t + 1)]
      [ifelse t < 10 [
        crt 1 [
        setxy 37 (65 - ((t - 5) * 12))
        set shape "solar"
        set size 20
        set t (t + 1)]
      [crt 1 [
        setxy 18 (65 - ((t - 10) * 12))
        set shape "solar"
        set size 20
        set t (t + 1)]

  if ticks = 0 [
    set solar-production (#Solar_Panels * Capacity_S * Sun_hrs * 365 / 1000000)
    set wind-production (#wind_turbines * Capacity_W * (wind_factor * 0.01) * 24 * 365)]

  set solar-production solar-production
  set wind-production wind-production
  set %Solar-production (Solar-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))
  set %Wind-production (Wind-production * 100 / (Solar-production + Wind-production))

  ask patch 93 -91 [
    set plabel round (%Wind-production)
    set plabel-color black]

  set solar-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]
    ask solar-bar with [pycor > (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor [255 165 0]]

  ask patch 93 96 [
    set plabel round (%Solar-production)
    set plabel-color black]

  set wind-bar patches with [pxcor > 83]
    ask wind-bar with [pycor < (-100 + (2 * %Wind-production))] [
    set pcolor yellow]

  ask patch 64 96 [
    set plabel "Nitrate in SW"
    set plabel-color white]

  ask patch 64 87 [
    set plabel "lbs"
    set plabel-color white]

  ask patch 54 87 [
    set plabel round (N-accu2)
    set plabel-color white]

;Default button

to Default
  set simulation_period 60
  set corn_area 200
  set wheat_area 125
  set soybeans_area 0
  set SG_area 125
  set Energy_value 38
  set #Panel_sets 3
  set Nyear_S 25
  set ITC_S 0
  set Capacity_S 250
  set Degrade_S 0.5
  set PTC_S 0
  set #Wind_turbines 2
  set Nyear_W 30
  set Capacity_W 2
  set Degrade_W 1
  set PTC_W 0
  set Aquifer_thickness 200
  set Min_Aq_Thickness 30
  set Future_Process "Repeat Historical"
  set Climate_Model "RCP4.5"
  set cost_S 1750
  set cost_W 1470
  set sun_hrs 5.6
  set Wind_factor 42.1
  set loan_term 1
  set interest 2

to export
  export-all-plots "Results.csv"
  export-plot "Ag Net Income" "ag-net-income.csv"
  export-plot "Crop Production" "crop-production.csv"
  export-plot "Crop Groundwater Irrigation" "crop-groundwater-irrigation.csv"
  export-plot "Farm Energy Production" "farm-energy-production.csv"
  export-plot "Total Net Income" "total-net-income.csv"
  export-plot "Energy Net Income" "energy-net-income.csv"
  export-plot "Groundwater Level" "groundwater-level.csv"
  export-plot "Income From Crop Insurance" "income-from-crop-insurance.csv"

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Pratik Nikam 10 months ago test Download this version
Pratik Nikam 10 months ago Bitmap Extension Download this version
Pratik Nikam 10 months ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
FEWCalc.png preview Preview for 'FEWCalc' 10 months ago, by Pratik Nikam Download
Wind_Map.png png wind map 10 months ago, by Pratik Nikam Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.