Evaluate government policies for farmers’ adoption in improving irrigation systems
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globals [ ;SWS ; Benefits of sustainable water supply in the long term FAE ; field application efficiency of water SWR ; sustainable water rate of supply honesty.p ; positive factor of honesty d+ honesty.n ; negative factor of honesty d- honesty.m ; minimal honesty minimal_Honesty mean.honesty ; average honesty of owners prop.p ; positive factor of Propensity d+ prop.n ; negative factor of Propensity d- mean.prop ; average Propensity of owners subsidycount ; Count of owners that gave subsidy cheatcount ; Count of owners that cheated educatedcount ; Count of owners that educated subsidy_l ; kind of subsidy mmfae mmSWR mmtickfae mmtickSWR fee_reporter spend_reporter fee2_reporter spend2_reporter cheatchance_reporter subsidy_reporter ] breed [commons common] ; the commone resource, only ONE in the world breed [owners owner] ; the owner of the common resource owners-own [ dist ; Distance to common and owners prop ; Propensity (likelihood) of cooperating entrepre ; Entrepreurship of owner spend ; Income fee ; Cost spend2 ; Income of 6 status fee2 ; Cost of 6 status subsidy ; Actual subsidy by government irr_status ; Irr_status Strip 1, groove 2, Rainy 3, Surface drip (along with irrigation time management) 4, Surface droplet 5, Subsurface drop 6 degree ; Degree of owner i.e., number of neighbours scale ; The ratio of arable land Ed ; The effect of education on owners'productivity and income cheatchance ; The cheat chance honesty ; The honesty of owners imp_cost_l_1 ; impelimantion_cost int_cost_l_1 ; intial_cost cheted ; cheted status 0, 1 inspected ; inspected status 0, 1 educated ; educated status 0, 1 expos ; pesetive experiance 1, negative experiance 0 otherjob ; has other job 1; has not other job 0 Price ; Price of crops prop.m ; Minimal propency subsidy_l_1 ; Basic subsidy by government d_yeild ; Improve in crop yeild CostReduction ; Cost reduction per crop per ha coff coff2 ] to setup clear-all set-default-shape commons "target" set-default-shape owners "person farmer" set honesty.p 0.05 set honesty.n 0.09 set honesty.m 0.003 set prop.p 0.02 set prop.n 0.025 set FAE 0 set SWR 0 set mean.honesty 0 set mean.prop 0 set subsidycount 0 set cheatcount 0 set educatedcount 0 set mmfae 0 set mmSWR 0 set mmtickfae 0 set mmtickSWR 0 create-commons 39 ; [ set size 0.7 set color green ask common 0 [ setxy 20.268 15.466 ] ask common 1 [ setxy 5.57 11.818 ] ask common 2 [ setxy 9.719 9.265 ] ask common 3 [ setxy 13.384 8.451 ] ask common 4 [ setxy 9.703 6.901 ] ask common 5 [ setxy 8.387 12.224 ] ask common 6 [ setxy 12.751 5.327 ] ask common 7 [ setxy 6.171 12.035 ] ask common 8 [ setxy 7.311 11.918 ] ask common 9 [ setxy 6.532 11.678 ] ask common 10 [ setxy 0.511 16.172 ] ask common 11 [ setxy 0.276 16.08 ] ask common 12 [ setxy 0 16.329 ] ask common 13 [ setxy 8.49 9.509 ] ask common 14 [ setxy 8.786 8.746 ] ask common 15 [ setxy 9.462 9.392 ] ask common 16 [ setxy 13.364 7.926 ] ask common 17 [ setxy 12.507 9.548 ] ask common 18 [ setxy 14.257 8.751 ] ask common 19 [ setxy 9.346 6.741 ] ask common 20 [ setxy 8.627 7.932 ] ask common 21 [ setxy 9.438 7.541 ] ask common 22 [ setxy 8.455 12.323 ] ask common 23 [ setxy 8.756 11.555 ] ask common 24 [ setxy 7.846 12.086 ] ask common 25 [ setxy 14.903 6.977 ] ask common 26 [ setxy 13.743 6.988 ] ask common 27 [ setxy 12.681 5.273 ] ask common 28 [ setxy 19.047 13.839 ] ask common 29 [ setxy 19.043 7.401 ] ask common 30 [ setxy 17.185 0.022 ] ask common 31 [ setxy 17.339 0.096 ] ask common 32 [ setxy 17.191 0.457 ] ask common 33 [ setxy 14.822 3.093 ] ask common 34 [ setxy 14.733 2.61 ] ask common 35 [ setxy 15.513 2.932 ] ask common 36 [ setxy 9.104 15.337 ] ask common 37 [ setxy 8.947 13.535 ] ask common 38 [ setxy 8.687 14.831 ] ] create-random-ties ask owners [ ;let dist1 distance min-one-of commons [distance myself] ;let dist2 distance min-one-of owners [distance myself] set dist count link-neighbors in-radius 5 ;set dist (dist1 + dist2) set degree count link-neighbors ] if Seed-owner = "Close Owners" [ ask min-n-of (seed-ratio * 40) owners [dist] [ set color blue set inspected 1 set educated 1 ] ] if Seed-owner = "Hight Entrepre&scale" [ ask max-n-of (seed-ratio * 40) owners [scale * entrepre] [ set color blue set inspected 1 set educated 1 ] ] if Seed-owner = "Hight Degree" [ ask max-n-of (seed-ratio * 40) owners [degree] [ set color blue set inspected 1 set educated 1 ] ] if Seed-owner = "Hight Entrepre" [ ask max-n-of (seed-ratio * 40) owners [entrepre] [ set color blue set inspected 1 set educated 1 ] ] if Seed-owner = "No otherjob" [ ask min-n-of (seed-ratio * 40) owners [otherjob] [ set color blue set inspected 1 set educated 1 ] ] ask owners with [irr_status = 6] [ set color red ] reset-ticks end to create-random-ties ; Create owners first create-owners 40 [ set size 0.9 ;setxy random-xcor random-ycor ask owner 39 [ setxy 20.33 15.454 set entrepre 0.6 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.540540541 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 40 [ setxy 5.628 11.737 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.09009009 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 41 [ setxy 9.759 9.194 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.36036036 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 42 [ setxy 13.45 8.353 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.45045045 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 43 [ setxy 9.737 6.841 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 44 [ setxy 8.419 12.258 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.18018018 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 45 [ setxy 12.698 5.303 set entrepre 0.4 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 46 [ setxy 6.043 12.019 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.18018018 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 47 [ setxy 7.339 11.828 set entrepre 0.3 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.36036036 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 48 [ setxy 6.5 11.617 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.225225225 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 400000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 49 [ setxy 0.404 16.142 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.36036036 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 50 [ setxy 0.222 16.071 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.288288288 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 51 [ setxy 0.031 16.403 set entrepre 0.6 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 52 [ setxy 8.426 9.462 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.144144144 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 53 [ setxy 8.706 8.731 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 1 set scale 1 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 5 set int_cost_l_1 1300000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 54 [ setxy 9.511 9.286 set entrepre 0.4 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.15 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 55 [ setxy 13.212 7.926 set entrepre 0.4 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.486486486 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 56 [ setxy 12.547 9.482 set entrepre 0.4 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.540540541 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 57 [ setxy 14.14 8.566 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.900900901 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 58 [ setxy 9.352 6.652 set entrepre 1 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 59 [ setxy 8.674 7.972 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.306306306 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 60 [ setxy 9.424 7.5 set entrepre 0.9 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.09009009 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 400000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 61 [ setxy 8.437 12.239 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.099099099 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 62 [ setxy 8.745 11.601 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.252252252 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 63 [ setxy 7.779 12.13 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.351351351 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 400000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 64 [ setxy 14.979 6.967 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 65 [ setxy 13.771 7.065 set entrepre 0.8 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 66 [ setxy 12.625 5.2 set entrepre 0.4 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.252252252 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 67 [ setxy 19.199 14.021 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.630630631 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 68 [ setxy 19.866 13.561 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.36036036 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 69 [ setxy 19.042 7.399 set entrepre 0.6 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.495495495 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 400000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 70 [ setxy 17.145 0 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.423423423 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 10000000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.3 set CostReduction 0.5 ] ask owner 71 [ setxy 17.298 0.065 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 72 [ setxy 17.152 0.419 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 2 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 73 [ setxy 14.967 2.991 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 74 [ setxy 14.814 2.546 set entrepre 0.7 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.900900901 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 3 set int_cost_l_1 2500000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 75 [ setxy 15.483 2.86 set entrepre 1 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.36036036 set subsidy_l_1 0.5 set irr_status 5 set int_cost_l_1 600000 set imp_cost_l_1 34500000 set d_yeild 0.25 set CostReduction 0.4 ] ask owner 76 [ setxy 9.178 15.359 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 77 [ setxy 8.881 13.667 set entrepre 0.5 set otherjob 1 set scale 0.135135135 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 120000 set imp_cost_l_1 23000000 set d_yeild 0.075 set CostReduction 0.143 ] ask owner 78 [ setxy 8.678 14.766 set entrepre 0.9 set otherjob 0 set scale 0.27027027 set subsidy_l_1 0.15 set irr_status 1 set int_cost_l_1 300000 set imp_cost_l_1 28750000 set d_yeild 0.1 set CostReduction 0.143 ] set spend 0 set fee 0 set spend2 0 set fee2 0 set subsidy 1 set cheatchance 0 set honesty 0 set cheted 0 set inspected 0 set educated 0 set expos 0 set prop.m (((alfa * scale) + (beta * entrepre)) / (alfa + beta)) set prop prop.m set Price 1000000 set coff 1 set coff2 1 set Ed 0 set color yellow ] ask owners [ let thiswho who ask other owners with [who > thiswho] [ if (random-float 1 < network-density) [ create-link-with myself [set color 52] ] ] ] end to go set SWR (count owners with [irr_status = 6] * 6 ) / ((count owners with [irr_status = 1] * 1 ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 2] * 2 ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 3] * 3 ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 4] * 4 ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 5] * 5 ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 6] * 6 )) set fae (((count owners with [irr_status = 1] * (r * 0.3 + (1 - r) * random-float 1)) + (count owners with [irr_status = 2] * (r * 0.5 + (1 - r) * random-float 1) ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 3] * (r * 0.65 + (1 - r) * random-float 1) ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 4] * (r * 0.75 + (1 - r) * random-float 1) ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 5] * (r * 0.8 + (1 - r) * random-float 1) ) + (count owners with [irr_status = 6] * (r * 0.9 + (1 - r) * random-float 1) ))/ (count owners)) if ( fae > mmfae ) [set mmfae fae set mmtickfae ticks] if ( SWR > mmSWR ) [set mmSWR SWR set mmtickSWR ticks] ask owners [ let mix-Govbehavior ifelse-value Gov-Subsidy-Policy = "Mix of all" [random 3] [-1] ifelse Gov-Subsidy-Policy = "Normal" or mix-Govbehavior = 0 [ set subsidy_l subsidy_l_1] [ ifelse Gov-Subsidy-Policy = "Enlarge" or mix-Govbehavior = 1 [ set subsidy_l subsidy_l_1 * 1.3 ] [ ifelse Gov-Subsidy-Policy = "Diminish" or mix-Govbehavior = 2 [ set subsidy_l subsidy_l_1 * 0.7 ] [set subsidy_l subsidy_l_1 * (random 13 - 7) / 10]]]] ask owners [ifelse cheted = 0 [set subsidy (1 - subsidy_l)] [set subsidy 1] ] ask owners [ifelse educated = 0 [set Ed 0] [set Ed (r * 0.15 + (1 - r) * random-float 1)] ] ask owners with [irr_status != 6] [ set spend (1 + Ed) * r * ((scale * ( CostReduction * imp_cost_l_1 + d_yeild * Price )) + (1 - r) * random-float 1 * (Price + imp_cost_l_1 )) ; income set fee coff * (( r * scale * int_cost_l_1 * subsidy - ((1 - SWR) * SWS)) + (1 - r) * random-float 1 * (int_cost_l_1 - SWS)) ; cost ifelse (spend > fee ) [ set expos 1 ifelse (1.2 * prop.m > prop ) [set coff coff * 1.3][set coff coff * 1.1] if (random-float 1 < 0.05 * prop ) [set subsidycount (subsidycount + 1 ) set irr_status 6 set color red ] ] [ set expos 0 ifelse (1.2 * prop.m < prop ) [set coff coff * 0.7][set coff coff * 0.9] ] ] ask owners with [irr_status = 6] [ set spend2 coff2 * (r * scale * int_cost_l_1 * (1 - subsidy) + (1 - r) * random-float 1 * (int_cost_l_1)) ; income set fee2 (1 + Ed) * (r * (scale * ( CostReduction * imp_cost_l_1 ) + (d_yeild * Price ) + ((1 - SWR) * SWS)) + (1 - r) * random-float 1 * (Price + imp_cost_l_1 + SWS)) ; cost set cheatchance ((1 - honesty) * (subsidy_l_1 )) ifelse (spend2 > fee2 ) [ set expos 0 ifelse (1.2 * prop.m > prop ) [set coff2 coff2 * 0.9][set coff2 coff2 * 0.7] if (random-float 1 < 0.05 * cheatchance ) [ set irr_status 1 set cheted 1 set educated 0 set color green ] ] [ set expos 1 ifelse (1.2 * prop.m < prop ) [set coff2 coff2 * 1.3][set coff2 coff2 * 1.1] ] ] do-monitor-owners ask owners [ update-prop update-honesty set expos 0.5 set inspected 0.5 ] ask owners with [irr_status = 6] [ set color red ] set mean.honesty mean [ honesty ] of owners set mean.prop mean [ prop ] of owners let cheatcount1 (count owners with [cheted = 1]) set cheatcount (cheatcount + cheatcount1) let educatedcount1 (count owners with [educated = 1]) set educatedcount (educatedcount + educatedcount1) if (count owners with [irr_status != 6] > 0) [set fee_reporter mean [fee] of owners with [irr_status != 6]] if (count owners with [irr_status != 6] > 0) [set spend_reporter mean [spend] of owners with [irr_status != 6]] if (count owners with [irr_status = 6] > 0) [set fee2_reporter mean [fee2] of owners with [irr_status = 6]] if (count owners with [irr_status = 6] > 0) [set spend2_reporter mean [spend2] of owners with [irr_status = 6]] if (count owners with [irr_status = 6] > 0) [set cheatchance_reporter mean [cheatchance] of owners with [irr_status = 6]] if (count owners with [irr_status != 6] > 0) [set subsidy_reporter mean [1 - subsidy] of owners with [irr_status != 6]] if (ticks >= 100) [stop] tick end to update-prop ; to change prop of farmers if (expos = 1) [ set prop (1 - prop.n) * prop + prop.n ] if (expos = 0) [ set prop (1 - prop.p) * prop + prop.p * prop.m ] end to update-honesty ; to change honesty of farmers if (inspected = 1) [ set honesty (1 - honesty.n) * honesty + honesty.n ] if (inspected = 0) [ set honesty (1 - honesty.p) * honesty + honesty.p * honesty.m ] end to do-monitor-owners ; inspect farmers, sellers and vegetables ask n-of inspect-owners owners [ set color pink set inspected 1 set educated 1 if (cheted = 1) [ set educated 0 ask link-neighbors [ set inspected 1 ] ask link-neighbors in-radius 2 [ set educated 0 ] ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by Amir Hajimirzajan.
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Amir Hajimirzajan
Evaluate government policies for farmers’ adoption and synergy in improving irrigation systems
The ABM model is designed to model the adaptability of farmers in DTIM. This model includes two groups of farmers and local government admins agents. Farmers with different levels, with low WP of DTIM, are looking for economic benefits and reduced irrigation and production costs. Meanwhile, the government is looking for strategic goals to maintain water resources’ sustainability. The local government admins employ incentives (subsidies in this study) to encourage farmers to DTIM. In addition, it is used as a tool for supervision and training farmers’ performance. Farmers are currently harvesting water resources with irrigation systems and different levels of technology, and they intend to provide short-term benefits. Farmers adjust the existing approach based on their knowledge of the importance of DTIM and propensity to increase WP and cost-benefit evaluation. DTIM has an initial implementation fee. Every farmer can increase WP by using government subsidies. If none of the farmers create optimal use of water resources, access to water resources will be threatened in the long term. This is considered a hypothetical cost for farmers who do not participate in DTIM. With DTIM, considering that local government admins’ facilities cover an essential part of implementation costs, farmers may think of profiting from local government admins’ facilities by selling that equipment, especially if the farmers in the following conditions may consider selling their developed irrigation equipment. In this case, the technology of their irrigation system will return to the state before development. - When the threshold of farmers’ propensity to DTIM is low (for example, in the conditions of scarcity of access to sufficient training about the new irrigation system or its role in reducing the cost and sustainability of water resources) - When the share of government subsidy is high, and as a result, the profit from the sale of equipment is attractive, especially in conditions of inflation. - Finally, farmers’ honesty threshold should be reduced based on the positive experience of profit-seeking and deception among neighbors. Increasing the share of government subsidies can encourage farmers to earn profits. Therefore, the government can help increase farmers’ profits by considering the assessment teams at different levels with DTIM training . local government admins evaluations monitor the behavior of farmers. If farmers sell their improved irrigation system for profit, they may be deprived of some local government admins’ services and the possibility of receiving subsidies again. Assessments The local government admins can increase farmers’ honesty. Next, the ABM model evaluates local government admins policies to achieve a suitable framework for water resources management in the Miandoab region.
Posted 10 months ago
Amir Hajimirzajan
Cite this
References Emami, S., Dehghanisanij, H., & Hajimirzajan, A. (2024). Agent-based simulation model to evaluate government policies for farmers’ adoption and synergy in improving irrigation systems: A case study of Lake Urmia basin. Agricultural Water Management, 294, 108730. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108730
Posted 10 months ago