Project Spatram
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2
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extensions [ gis gis csv] breed [residents resident] turtles-own [ personal-risk tick-bite-status ] patches-own [ landuse agent-count tick-bite-risk ] globals [ landuse-list landuse-dataset shape-dataset precipitation temperature output-file bite-count residents-bite-count ] to setup clear-all set-patch-size 5; this sets patch size to be smaller resize-world -50 49 -50 49; this sets world to 100 x 100 patches setup-environment setup-agents set bite-count 0 set residents-bite-count 0 reset-ticks file-close-all end to setup-environment set landuse-dataset gis:load-dataset "data/Bilthoven/bilt_ascii.asc" gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-of landuse-dataset) gis:apply-raster landuse-dataset landuse ask patches [ if landuse = 20 [set pcolor orange set tick-bite-risk 0.05]; residential if landuse = 60 [set pcolor green set tick-bite-risk 0.85]; forest if landuse = 61 [set pcolor yellow set tick-bite-risk 0.4]; dunes if landuse = 62 [set pcolor grey set tick-bite-risk 0.2]; other ] set shape-dataset gis:load-dataset "data/Bilthoven/Bilt_shape.shp" gis:set-drawing-color white gis:draw shape-dataset 1 end to setup-agents create-residents initial-number-residents ask residents [move-to one-of patches with [landuse = 20] set color blue set shape "person" set personal-risk random-float 1 set tick-bite-status false ] end to go patch-agent-count ;set daily weather values file-open "data/Bilthoven/precip_bilt.csv" if file-at-end? [stop] let weather csv:from-row file-read-line set precipitation item 0 weather set temperature item 1 weather ;set tick bites ask turtles [ set tick-bite-status false ] ;set the move tick-bite count-bites plot-bite-count ;create ASCII file if ticks = 300 [ set output-file gis:patch-dataset agent-count gis:store-dataset output-file "data/output_ascii.asc" ] tick end to tick-bite ask turtles [ let patch-risk [tick-bite-risk] of patch-here if personal-risk < patch-risk [ set tick-bite-status true ] ] end to count-bites set bite-count bite-count + count turtles with [tick-bite-status = True] set residents-bite-count residents-bite-count + count residents with [tick-bite-status = True] end to patch-agent-count ask patches [ set agent-count (agent-count + count turtles-here) ] end to plot-bite-count set-current-plot "Accumulated Tick Bites" plot bite-count plot residents-bite-count end
There is only one version of this model, created 8 months ago by Irene Caroline Sihombing.
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Project Spatram.png | preview | Preview for 'Project Spatram' | 8 months ago, by Irene Caroline Sihombing | Download |
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