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;; Ideological dominance in organisations ;; globals globals [ turnover-count senior-left-prop ;; proportion of left ideology senior staff senior-centre-prop senior-right-prop other-left-prop other-centre-prop other-right-prop ] ;; agents turtles-own [ ideology ;; "left", "centre", or "right" influence ;; 0-10 happiness ;; 0-10 to-be-replaced? ;; boolean for marking turnover ] ;; setup procedure to setup clear-all set turnover-count 0 ask-user-for-proportions setup-turtles ;; plot setup set-current-plot "ideology distribution over time" set-plot-y-range 0 (senior-staff + other-staff) create-temporary-plot-pen "left" ;; define the pen for 'left' set-plot-pen-color red create-temporary-plot-pen "centre" ;; define the pen for 'centre' set-plot-pen-color grey create-temporary-plot-pen "right" ;; define the pen for 'right' set-plot-pen-color blue reset-ticks end to ask-user-for-proportions ;; get proportions from sliders and calculate centre proportion set senior-left-prop senior-left-ratio set senior-right-prop senior-right-ratio set senior-centre-prop 100 - senior-left-prop - senior-right-prop set other-left-prop other-left-ratio set other-right-prop other-right-ratio set other-centre-prop 100 - other-left-prop - other-right-prop ;; ensure the centre proportion is not negative if senior-centre-prop < 0 [ set senior-centre-prop 0 ] if other-centre-prop < 0 [ set other-centre-prop 0 ] show (word "senior staff proportions - left: " senior-left-prop ", centre: " senior-centre-prop ", right: " senior-right-prop) show (word "other staff proportions - left: " other-left-prop ", centre: " other-centre-prop ", right: " other-right-prop) end to setup-turtles ;; create senior staff create-turtles senior-staff [ set shape "circle" ;; set shape for senior set ideology choose-ideology senior-left-prop senior-centre-prop senior-right-prop set influence random-float 40 + 60 ;; random between 60 and 100 set happiness random 11 ;; random between 0 and 10 set to-be-replaced? false ;; initialize to false setxy random-xcor random-ycor colour-based-on-ideology ;; set colour based on ideology ] ;; create other staff create-turtles other-staff [ set shape "square" set ideology choose-ideology other-left-prop other-centre-prop other-right-prop set influence random-float 40;; random between 0 and 40 set happiness random 11 ;; random between 0 and 10 set to-be-replaced? false ;; initialize to false setxy random-xcor random-ycor colour-based-on-ideology ;; set colour based on ideology ] end to-report choose-ideology [left-prop centre-prop right-prop] let r random-float 100 if r < left-prop [ report "left" ] if r < (left-prop + centre-prop) [ report "centre" ] report "right" end to colour-based-on-ideology if ideology = "left" [ set color red ] if ideology = "centre" [ set color grey ] if ideology = "right" [ set color blue ] end ;; go procedure to go ask turtles [ move ] ask turtles [ interact ] check-turnover create-new-turtles ;; update the ideology distribution plot set-current-plot-pen "left" plot count turtles with [ideology = "left"] set-current-plot-pen "centre" plot count turtles with [ideology = "centre"] set-current-plot-pen "right" plot count turtles with [ideology = "right"] tick end ;; turtle procedures to move rt random 360 fd 1 if any? other turtles-here [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; prevent moving into the same cell ] end to interact let neighbour one-of turtles-on neighbors4 if neighbour != nobody [ if [ideology] of neighbour != ideology [ if [influence] of neighbour > influence [ ifelse shape = "circle" and [shape] of neighbour = "square" [ ;; nenior interacts with other staff with different ideology set happiness happiness - 1 ][ set happiness happiness - 1 ;; non-senior interaction - these are the same right now but could be changed ] ] ] if [ideology] of neighbour = ideology [ set happiness happiness + 1 ;; happiness increases for same ideology interaction ] ] end to check-turnover ;; mark turtles for turnover ask turtles [ if happiness < happiness-threshold [ set to-be-replaced? true ] ] ;; remove marked turtles ask turtles with [to-be-replaced?] [ set turnover-count turnover-count + 1 die ] end to create-new-turtles let num-new-turtles (senior-staff + other-staff) - count turtles create-turtles num-new-turtles [ ifelse random-float 1 < (senior-staff / (senior-staff + other-staff)) [ ;; creating senior staff set shape "circle" ;; shape for senior staff set ideology choose-ideology senior-left-prop senior-centre-prop senior-right-prop set influence random-float 40 + 60 ;; random between 60 and 100 ] [ ;; creating other staff set shape "square" ;; shape for other staff set ideology choose-ideology other-left-prop other-centre-prop other-right-prop set influence random-float 40;; random between 0 and 40 ] set happiness random 11 set to-be-replaced? false ;; reset marker to false setxy random-xcor random-ycor colour-based-on-ideology ;; set colour based on ideology ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 7 months ago by ray morrison.
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