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;; ;; THE AMAZING MAZE MAKER ;; ;; Maze dimentions: explained ;; path-width = 5 = # (path-width is [1,3,5,...] ) ;; gap = 3 = . (gap is [0,1,2...] ) ;; screen-edge = 16 ;; -111111100000000000000000001111111 ;; 654321098765432101234567890123456 ;; #####...#####...#####...##### ;; #####...#####...#####...#####..._ ;; A [] ( edge + ;; B [---] ;; C [------] ;; D ;; ;; A = Radius (patches from center to edge, center is 0) globals [ depth ;; measures the number of recursive calls max-depth ;; holds the peak depth halt ;; if set to 1, maze-building stops spacing ;; the patch distance bewteen centers of maze corridors z-spacing ;; 0 - spacing edge-vs-spacing-x edge-vs-spacing-y maze-edge-x ;; like screen-edge for the maze maze-edge-y ;; blocks-x ;; the number of maze-blocks across blocks-y ;; the number of maze-blocks down first-x ;; marks the lower left corner. first-y ;; "" room-count ;; to total maze-blocks in the grid radius ;; number of patches from the center patch. mark-color ;; complements the gap-color. marks unused maze blocks tiles ;; patches that are stepping points on the grid ] breed [ pathmakers pathmaker ] pathmakers-own [ stack ] to push ; pathmaker pushes current coords onto stack, before turning set stack fput ( list xcor ycor ) stack end to pop ; pathmaker pops previous turn point from stack let xy 0 set xy item 0 stack set stack but-first stack setxy (item 0 xy) (item 1 xy) end to setup ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) clear-all reset-ticks ;; path-width is width of drawn maze path, in patches ;; radius should always work out to integer, but just in case... set radius int( ( path-width - 1 ) / 2 ) set mark-color white ; spacing is distance 'tween centers of paths set spacing gap + path-width ; zero minus spacing set tiles patches with [ pxcor mod spacing = 0 and pycor mod spacing = 0 and abs pxcor + radius + 1 < max-pxcor and abs pycor + radius + 1 < max-pycor ] ; the total number of blocks in the maze set room-count count tiles mark-tiles set halt 0 create-walkers ask pathmakers [ push ] end to create-walkers if walkers >= 1 + room-count / 10 [ set walkers 1 + room-count / 10 ] create-pathmakers walkers [ set shape "default" set size 50 / patch-size pick-spot while [ any? other pathmakers-here ] [ pick-spot ] set heading 0 set color pen-color if random-orientation? [ set heading 90 * random 4 ] if not one-color? [ while [ color = pen-color or color = mark-color or any? ((other pathmakers) with [ color = [ color] of myself ]) ] [ set color red - 2 + 10 * random 12 + 2 * random-float 3.0 ] ] ask patches in-radius radius [ set pcolor [color] of myself ] set stack [] push ] end to pick-spot let spot 0 set spot tiles with [ not any? pathmakers-here ] ifelse any? spot [ set spot one-of spot set xcor [pxcor] of spot set ycor [pycor] of spot ] [ die ] end to mark-tiles ask tiles [ set pcolor mark-color ] end to build-maze ;; pathmaker procedure let paths 0 let target 0 let left-right 0 let straight 0 let curve? 0 let running 0 let my-color 0 if halt = 1 [ stop ] set depth depth + 1 if depth > max-depth [ set max-depth depth ] ; make list of open directions to travel set paths find-open-paths ifelse not any? paths [ ifelse length stack > 0 ; if there's no where to go, pop back to the location ; of the previous turn, and start again from there. [ pop ] [ stop ] ] [ ; there is somewhere to go, so... ; first, identify the patch that is straight ahead set straight patch-ahead spacing set left-right paths with [ self != straight ] ; check if I should go straight, or maybe curve? set curve? random-float 1.0 < curvyness ifelse ( curve? and any? left-right ) or not is-open straight [ ; I should curve, or I can't go straight. ; so pick a direction, avoiding picking straight. set target one-of left-right ; mark the destination, to help prevent another ; pathmaker from trying to go there. ask target [ set pcolor [ color ] of myself ] ; add my current location to the list of ; places where I made a turn. I come back ; here, later. push ; turn to the new location set heading towards target ; go there! draw-move ] [ ; I'm supposed to go straight. ; so first I'll leave myself a note, so I ; remember that I'm going straight for a while. set running true ; While I'm running... while [ running ] [ ; mark my target patch ask straight [ set pcolor [color] of myself ] ; turn to face it set heading towards straight ; go there! draw-move ; identify the next patch set straight patch-at ( dx * spacing) ( dy * spacing ) ; Am I still running? ; if I pick a number more than the curvyness factor, ; and the patch ahead is clear, I'm still running! set running ( random-float 1.0 >= curvyness and is-open straight ) ] ] ] if length stack = 0 [ stop ] end to-report find-open-paths let paths 0 let path-list 0 set paths (patches at-points (map [ [?1 ?2] -> (list (?1 * spacing ) (?2 * spacing) ) ] [ 0 0 1 -1 ] [ 1 -1 0 0 ]) ) with [ pcolor = mark-color ] report paths end to draw-move let my-color 0 let start-spot 0 set my-color color set start-spot patch-here ifelse radius > 0 [ repeat spacing [ ask patches in-radius radius [ set pcolor my-color ] ; with [ pcolor != my-color ][ set pcolor my-color ] jump 1 ] ask patches in-radius radius [ set pcolor my-color ] ] [ repeat spacing [ jump 1 set pcolor color ] ] ask start-spot [ ask patches in-radius radius [ set pcolor my-color - 2 ] ] end to-report is-open [ a-patch ] report ([pcolor] of a-patch = mark-color) end to setup-and-go setup display while [ any? pathmakers ] [ go ] end to go ask pathmakers [ go-pathmaker ] end to go-pathmaker ifelse length stack > 0 [ build-maze ] [ die ] end to randomize set walkers 1 + random 5 set gap random 5 set path-width 1 + 2 * random 5 set curvyness random-float 1.0 setup-and-go wait 1 if halt = 1 [ stop ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 5 months ago by James Steiner.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Maze-Maker.png | preview | Preview for 'Maze-Maker' | 5 months ago, by James Steiner | Download |
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