Oxygen transportation
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This model is trying to show how Hemoglobin takes some oxygen from lungs and transport it to muscles to produce ATP (energy). This energy can be consumed by moving. Some CO2 is produced and need to be evacuated by the lungs.
Oxygen can't go through blood (in white) and need to use hemoglobin to go in the muscle to drop oxygen. This oxygen will then be consumed by mitochondrias to produce ATP. The ATP (yellow lightnings) can be consumed by moving.
Use SETUP to create the world: cyan for lungs, white for blood, pink for muscles. Push GO to through one tick Push BREATHE to breathe and create more oxygen in the lungs (you can select how many oxygen you want to create with breath-oxy slider) Push MOVE to consum ATP Use NBmitos slider to create more mitochondrias at setup. Use NBhb slider to create more hemoglobins at the beginning
In this model hemoglobin can bring 1 to 4 molecules of oxygen (blue dots on the red circle) and 1 to 2 CO2 (red dots). In real life the O2 saturation follows a sigmoide curve always above 95% except for some diseases and CO2 can be transported by hemoglobin but in less proportion. In real life a very few O2 may go through blood without transport but it's more common to have CO2 dissolved in blood.
You can breathe and move and vary every nb on sliders to see how it can evolve.
To extend the model it is possible to do many things:
- code for all energy production pathways in the cell with perfect chemistry proportions ( glycolysis, CRP, krebs cycle, ...)
- code to let O2 and CO2 go through blood without using hemoglobins
- code for buffer systems (NADH, FADH2...)
- code for acid-base balance with CO2, O2 and pH thanks to
- code for HEAT and H2O management
- correlate a full chemistry model with external variables (VO2max, Tlim, ...) to try to predict performance
Segment some aeras with specific rules to move. Transportation of molecules. Shape of hemoglobins changing with saturation with O2 (blue balls) and CO2 (black balls)
no idea not found
http://pneumocourlancy.fr/popup/physiologie-respiratoire.pdf https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiration_cellulaire
HERBET Antoine 2024
Comments and Questions
; set up different molecules breed [ oxygens oxygen] breed [ mitos mito ] ; mitochondries mitochondrie breed [ ATPs ATP ] ; Adenosine Tri Phosphate breed [ CO2s CO2 ] ; carbon dioxide ; set up a transporter breed [ hbs hb] ; hemoglobins hemoglobin ; set up different kind of environment patches-own [ lung-cell? muscle-cell? blood-cell? ] ; internal variables hbs-own [ oxygen-fixed CO2-fixed] CO2s-own [ life ] ;;;; SETUP AND GO ;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all setup-hbs setup-oxygens setup-mitos setup-ATPs setup-patches reset-ticks ; let world-area (2 * max-pxcor + 1) * (2 * max-pycor + 1) end to go move-hbs move-oxygens move-mitos move-CO2s move-ATPs ask hbs [ HB-get-oxygen HB-drop-oxygen HB-get-CO2 HB-drop-CO2 ] ask mitos [ mitos-creates-ATP ] ask CO2s [ CO2-loose-life ] tick end ;to breathe ; breathe-in ; breathe-out ;end to move move-consumption end ; a button to make some oxygen go in the lungs with a slider breath-oxy to breath create-oxygens breath-oxy [ set shape "dot" setxy (- 7 - random-float (15 - 8 + 1 )) ( 15 - random-float (32 )) set color blue ] end ;;;;;;;;; SETTING UP ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; setup patches with 3 aeras: from left to right lungs in cyan, vessels in white and muscle in pink. to setup-patches ask patches [ if ( pxcor > -16 ) and ( pxcor < -4 ) [set pcolor cyan + 3 set lung-cell? true ] if ( pxcor > -5 and pxcor < 5 ) [set pcolor white set blood-cell? true ] if ( pxcor > 4 and pxcor < 16 ) [set pcolor pink + 3 set muscle-cell? true] if ( pxcor = -16 ) or ( pxcor = 16 ) [set pcolor grey ] ] end ; setup hemoglobin with by default 1 oxygen on to setup-hbs create-hbs NBhb ask hbs [ set shape "orbit 1" setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set size 1 set oxygen-fixed 1 ] end ; definition of hemoglobin moves and go backward if a grey wall is met to move-hbs ask hbs [ right random 50 left random 50 if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = grey [ lt 180 ] forward 1 ] end ; setup oxygen only in lungs to setup-oxygens create-oxygens NBoxygen ask oxygens [ set shape "dot" setxy (- 7 - random-float (15 - 8 + 1 )) ( 15 - random-float (32 )) set color blue ] end ; definition of oxygen moves only between white and grey to move-oxygens ask oxygens[ right random 60 if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white [ lt 180 ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = grey [ lt 180 ] forward 1 ] end ; setup the number of mitochondrias in the muscle (more there is more ATP can be produced to setup-mitos create-mitos NBmitos ask mitos [ set shape "factory" setxy (15 - random-float (15 - 7 + 1 )) ( 15 - random-float (32 )) set color green ] end ; definition of mitochondrias moves to move-mitos ask mitos[ right random 50 left random 50 if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white [ lt 180 ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = grey [ lt 180 ] forward 1 ] end ; definition of CO2 moves to move-CO2s ask CO2s[ right random 50 left random 50 if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white [ lt 180 ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = grey [ lt 180 ] forward 1 ] end ; definition of ATP moves to move-ATPs ask ATPs[ right random 50 left random 50 if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = white [ lt 180 ] if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = grey [ lt 180 ] forward 1 ] end ; setup of ATPs style to setup-ATPs ask ATPs [ set shape "dot" set size 2 set color yellow ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; HB ;;;;;;;; ; function to stick O2 on hemoglobins to HB-get-oxygen let oxygen-consumed one-of oxygens-here if oxygen-consumed != nobody and oxygen-fixed = 1 [ ask oxygen-consumed [ die ] set oxygen-fixed 2 set shape "orbit 2" ] if oxygen-consumed != nobody and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ ask oxygen-consumed [ die ] set oxygen-fixed 3 set shape "orbit 3" ] if oxygen-consumed != nobody and oxygen-fixed = 3 [ ask oxygen-consumed [ die ] set oxygen-fixed 4 set shape "orbit 4" ] end ; function to drop O2 from hemoglobins to HB-drop-oxygen if pcolor = pink + 3 and oxygen-fixed = 4 [ set oxygen-fixed 3 set shape "orbit 3" hatch-oxygens 1 [ set shape "dot" set color blue ] ] if pcolor = pink + 3 and oxygen-fixed = 3 [ set oxygen-fixed 2 set shape "orbit 2" hatch-oxygens 1 [ set shape "dot" set color blue ] ] if pcolor = pink + 3 and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ set oxygen-fixed 1 set shape "orbit 1" hatch-oxygens 1 [ set shape "dot" set color blue ] ] end ; function to stick CO2 on hemoglobins (and take care of shapes) to HB-get-CO2 let CO2-consumed one-of CO2s-here if CO2-consumed != nobody and CO2-fixed = 0 and oxygen-fixed = 3 [ ask CO2-consumed [ die ] set shape "orbit 4 with co2" set CO2-fixed 1 ] if CO2-consumed != nobody and CO2-fixed = 1 and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ ask CO2-consumed [ die ] set shape "orbit 4 with 2 co2" set CO2-fixed 2 ] if CO2-consumed != nobody and CO2-fixed = 0 and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ ask CO2-consumed [ die ] set shape "orbit 3 with co2" set CO2-fixed 1 ] if CO2-consumed != nobody and CO2-fixed = 1 and oxygen-fixed = 1 [ ask CO2-consumed [ die ] set shape "orbit 3 with 2 co2" set CO2-fixed 2 ] if CO2-consumed != nobody and CO2-fixed = 0 and oxygen-fixed = 1 [ ask CO2-consumed [ die ] set shape "orbit 2 with co2" set CO2-fixed 1 ] end ; function to drop CO2 from hemoglobins (and take care of shapes) to HB-drop-CO2 if pcolor = cyan + 3 and CO2-fixed = 2 and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ set CO2-fixed 1 set shape "orbit 3 with co2" hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black set life 5 ] ] if pcolor = cyan + 3 and CO2-fixed = 2 and oxygen-fixed = 1 [ set CO2-fixed 1 set shape "orbit 2 with co2" hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black set life 5 ] ] if pcolor = cyan + 3 and CO2-fixed = 1 and oxygen-fixed = 3 [ set CO2-fixed 0 set shape "orbit 3" hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black set life 5 ] ] if pcolor = cyan + 3 and CO2-fixed = 1 and oxygen-fixed = 2 [ set CO2-fixed 0 set shape "orbit 2" hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black set life 5 ] ] if pcolor = cyan + 3 and CO2-fixed = 1 and oxygen-fixed = 1 [ set CO2-fixed 0 set shape "orbit 1" hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black set life 5 ] ] end ;;;;;;; Muscles ;;;;;;;; ; function to create ATPs and CO2 from burning O2 to mitos-creates-ATP let oxygen-burned one-of oxygens-here if oxygen-burned != nobody [ ask oxygen-burned [ die ] hatch-ATPs 19 [ set shape "lightning" set size 1 ] hatch-CO2s 1 [ set shape "dot" set color black] ] end ; function to define how the button move consumes ATP to move-consumption let atp-burned one-of ATPs-here if atp-burned != nobody and pcolor = pink + 3 [ ask atp-burned [ die ] ] end ;;;;;;; lungs ;;;;;;; ; function to make CO2 disappear slowly to CO2-loose-life if pcolor = cyan + 3 [ set life life - 1 ] if life < 0 [ die ] end ;; Copyright 2024 Antoine Herbet
There is only one version of this model, created 4 months ago by Antoine HERBET.
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