
决策交互模拟SDG4 preview image

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Default-person cao su (Author)


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globals [
  sdg4_4_1_1_completion_rate  ; 小学/初中教育巩固率
  sdg4_4_2_2_gross_enrollment_rate  ; 学前教育毛入园率
  sdg4_4_3_1_transition_rate  ; 初中毕业生升学率和普职比
  sdg4_4_6_1_net_enrollment_rate_primary_secondary  ; 小学/初中净入学率、高中毛入学率
  sdg4_4_5_1_gender_equality_index  ; 指标4.1.1的性别平等指数
  sdg4_4_a_1_school_infrastructure_access_rate  ; 能获得基本设施和服务的学校比例
  sdg4_4_c_1_teacher_training_rate  ; 接受过有关国家相应水平教学所规定的有组织任前或在职师资培训的教师比例
  sdg4_overall_score  ; SDG4 总体好坏指标

breed [students student]
breed [schools school]
breed [government gov]

students-own [target enrolled? income years-in-school school-achievement]
schools-own [enrollment achievement traffic-lights-color is-private?]
government-own [government-achievement]

to setup
  set-default-shape schools "house"
  set-default-shape students "person"
  set-default-shape government "house"
  ask patches [ set pcolor 108 ]

  set pareto-distribution-alpha 3
  set pareto-distribution-minimum 1
  set high-income-cutoff (pareto-distribution-minimum / (high-income-percentage / 100) ^ (1 / pareto-distribution-alpha))

  create-schools number-of-schools

    set color yellow
    set traffic-lights-color 5
    fd max-pxcor
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set achievement random-normal 5 1
    if achievement < 0 [set achievement 0]
    ifelse (achievement > 6 and random-float 100 < 45.4) [set is-private? TRUE set shape "private-school"]
      ifelse (achievement > 4 and random-float 100 < 2.6) [set is-private? TRUE set shape "private-school"]
        ifelse (random-float 100 < 0.4) [set is-private? TRUE][set is-private? FALSE]
    set enrollment 0
    set size 2

  create-students initial-students * 0.9 [
    set color orange
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set income random-pareto pareto-distribution-alpha pareto-distribution-minimum
    set enrolled? FALSE
    set years-in-school random 9 + 1

  create-government 2 [
    set color magenta - 3
    set size 4
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set government-achievement random-normal 5 1


to go
  ask students [
  ask schools [ enroll ]
  ask links [ set color white ]

to choose-school
  ifelse (income > high-income-cutoff and with-school-choice?)
    set target one-of schools with [[income] of myself - (distance myself) * school-transportation-cost / 100 > 0] with-max [(achievement ^ alpha) *
     (((world-height * sqrt 2) - distance myself) / (world-height * sqrt 2)) ^ (1 - alpha) ]
    ifelse (with-school-choice? and traffic-lights?)
      set target min-one-of schools with [[income] of myself - (distance myself) * school-transportation-cost / 100 > 0 and is-private? = FALSE]
      with-max [(traffic-lights-color ^ alpha) *
        (((world-height * sqrt 2) - distance myself) / (world-height * sqrt 2)) ^ (1 - alpha) ] [distance myself]
      ifelse (with-school-choice?)
        set target min-one-of schools
        with [[income] of myself - (distance myself) * school-transportation-cost / 100 > 0 and is-private? = FALSE] [distance myself]
        set target min-one-of schools
        with [[income] of myself - (distance myself) * school-transportation-cost / 100 > 0] [distance myself]

  if target != nobody
    create-link-with target
    set school-achievement [achievement] of target
    set enrolled? TRUE

    ; 移动到选择的学校
    face target
    fd 0.1 ; 适当调整步长

to call-new-students
  create-students initial-students * 0.1 [
    set color gray
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set income random-pareto pareto-distribution-alpha pareto-distribution-minimum
    set enrolled? FALSE
    set years-in-school 10

to enroll ;school procedure
  set enrollment count link-neighbors

to display-labels
  ask schools [ set label round enrollment set label-color black ]

to paint-school
  ask schools [
    ifelse achievement > 6 [set color green set traffic-lights-color 6]
    [if achievement < 4 [set color red set traffic-lights-color 4]]

to study-a-year
  set years-in-school years-in-school - 1

to paint-students
  ask students [
    ifelse income > high-income-cutoff [set color blue]
    [if income < high-income-cutoff [set color pink]]

to seniors-graduate
  if years-in-school = 0 [die]

to-report random-pareto [sigma mm]
  report mm / ( random-float 1 ^ (1 / sigma) )

to update-sdg4-indicators
  ; 更新 SDG4 相关指标
  let total_students count students
  let enrolled_students count students with [enrolled?]
  let completion_rate (enrolled_students / total_students) * 100
  set sdg4_4_1_1_completion_rate completion_rate

  ; 计算学生与学校比例
  let student_school_ratio count students / count schools
  let inverse_ratio 1 / student_school_ratio

  ; 计算 SDG4 总体好坏指标
  let total_score sdg4_4_1_1_completion_rate + sdg4_4_2_2_gross_enrollment_rate + sdg4_4_3_1_transition_rate + sdg4_4_6_1_net_enrollment_rate_primary_secondary + sdg4_4_5_1_gender_equality_index + sdg4_4_a_1_school_infrastructure_access_rate + sdg4_4_c_1_teacher_training_rate
  let weighted_score total_score / 7

  ; 根据学生与学校比例调整总体评分
  let adjusted_score weighted_score * inverse_ratio
  set sdg4_overall_score adjusted_score

  ; 计算其他指标
  let total_schools count schools
  let gross_enrollment_rate ((total_students / total_schools) * 100) / (1 + random-normal 0 0.05)  ; 控制在 120% 左右
  set sdg4_4_2_2_gross_enrollment_rate gross_enrollment_rate

  let total_graduates count students with [years-in-school = 0]
  let transition_rate ((total_graduates / (enrolled_students + total_graduates)) * 100) / (1 + random-normal 0 0.01)  ; 控制在 100% 左右
  set sdg4_4_3_1_transition_rate transition_rate

  let total_female_students count students with [color = gray]
  let total_male_students count students with [color = blue]
  let gender_equality_index (total_female_students / total_male_students)
  set sdg4_4_5_1_gender_equality_index gender_equality_index

  let total_schools_with_infrastructure count schools with [color = yellow]
  let school_infrastructure_access_rate (total_schools_with_infrastructure / total_schools) * 100
  set sdg4_4_a_1_school_infrastructure_access_rate school_infrastructure_access_rate

to display-sdg4-indicators
  ; 显示 SDG4 相关指标值到控制台
  print (word "SDG4 Indicator Values:")
  print (word "SDG4 Overall Score: " sdg4_overall_score)
  print (word "4.1.1 Completion Rate: " sdg4_4_1_1_completion_rate "%")
  print (word "4.5.1 Gender Equality Index: " sdg4_4_5_1_gender_equality_index)
  print (word "4.a.1 School Infrastructure Access Rate: " sdg4_4_a_1_school_infrastructure_access_rate "%")

There is only one version of this model, created 2 months ago by cao su.

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决策交互模拟SDG4.png preview Preview for '决策交互模拟SDG4' 2 months ago, by cao su Download

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