Missile Attack Evacuation
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extensions [palette] globals [ building1-coordinates building2-coordinates shelter-coordinates-top ; New shelter coordinates shelter-coordinates-bottom ; New shelter coordinates in-shelter-top-count ; Track people in top shelter in-shelter-bottom-count ; Track people in bottom shelter shelter-top-occupants ; Current count in top shelter shelter-bottom-occupants ; Current count in bottom shelter missile-targets explosion-areas impact-areas casualties injured-count floor-colors exits missiles-launched pending-explosions simulation-complete initial-reaction-percentage ; Store initial reaction percentage first-hit ; Track if first missile has hit early-evacuees ; People who left before first missile hit late-evacuees ; People who left after first missile hit shelter-reached ; People who made it to shelter building-stayers ; People who chose to stay in building ] breed [building-occupants building-occupant] breed [missiles missile] breed [explosions explosion] breed [exit-visuals exit-visual] breed [floor-labels floor-label] exit-visuals-own [ floor-number building-number ] building-occupants-own [ in-building? ; Whether currently in building in-shelter? ; Whether in shelter health ; Health status target ; Current target (exit or person to follow) following-who ; Who am I following (nobody if going to exit) building-number ; Which building floor-number ; Which floor evacuation-speed ; Movement speed reacting? ; Whether reacting to alarm next-exit ; Next chosen exit waiting-time ; Time spent waiting switch-chance ; Probability of switching exits (starts at 0.5) chosen-shelter ; "top" or "bottom" shelter-attempt-count ; Track how many times tried to enter a full shelter waiting-at-shelter? ; Whether currently waiting outside shelter evacuation-decision ; "shelter", "stay", or "none" evacuation-timing ; "early", "late", or "none" ] missiles-own [ impact-point explosion-radius speed ] explosions-own [ duration radius ] to setup clear-all set-colors setup-globals setup-buildings setup-shelter setup-people set first-hit false set initial-reaction-percentage reaction-percentage set missiles-launched 0 set simulation-complete false reset-ticks end to set-colors ; New dynamic color generation based on number-of-floors set floor-colors [] let base-color 140 ; Darkest blue let color-step (255 - base-color) / (number-of-floors - 1) let i 0 repeat number-of-floors [ let current-color base-color + (i * color-step) set floor-colors lput (list current-color current-color 255) floor-colors set i i + 1 ] end to setup-globals set exits [] set explosion-areas [] set casualties 0 set injured-count 0 set in-shelter-top-count 0 set in-shelter-bottom-count 0 set missile-targets [] set pending-explosions [] set impact-areas [] end to setup-buildings let building-width 16 let building-height 24 let b1x (min-pxcor + building-width) let b1y 10 let b2x (max-pxcor - building-width) let b2y 10 create-building b1x b1y building-width building-height 1 create-building b2x b2y building-width building-height 2 set building1-coordinates (list b1x b1y building-width building-height) set building2-coordinates (list b2x b2y building-width building-height) end to setup-shelter ; Create two shelters, top and bottom let shelter-width 14 let shelter-height 6 ; Bottom shelter let shelter-bottom-x 0 let shelter-bottom-y (min-pycor + 8) ; Top shelter let shelter-top-x 0 let shelter-top-y (max-pycor - 8) ; Store coordinates for both shelters set shelter-coordinates-bottom (list shelter-bottom-x shelter-bottom-y shelter-width shelter-height) set shelter-coordinates-top (list shelter-top-x shelter-top-y shelter-width shelter-height) ; Create bottom shelter visuals ask patches with [ pxcor >= shelter-bottom-x - (shelter-width / 2) and pxcor <= shelter-bottom-x + (shelter-width / 2) and pycor >= shelter-bottom-y - (shelter-height / 2) and pycor <= shelter-bottom-y + (shelter-height / 2) ] [ set pcolor gray + 2 ] ; Create top shelter visuals ask patches with [ pxcor >= shelter-top-x - (shelter-width / 2) and pxcor <= shelter-top-x + (shelter-width / 2) and pycor >= shelter-top-y - (shelter-height / 2) and pycor <= shelter-top-y + (shelter-height / 2) ] [ set pcolor gray + 2 ] ; Create shelter labels create-floor-labels 1 [ setxy shelter-bottom-x (shelter-bottom-y + 1) set label "SHELTER" set color black ] create-floor-labels 1 [ setxy shelter-top-x (shelter-top-y + 1) set label "SHELTER" set color black ] end to setup-people let total-occupants initial-people let occupants-per-building floor (total-occupants / 2) ; Calculate base number of people per floor (minimum) let base-per-floor floor (occupants-per-building / number-of-floors) ; Calculate remaining people to distribute randomly let remaining-building1 (occupants-per-building - (base-per-floor * number-of-floors)) ; Building 1 population distribution let building1-floor-counts [] repeat number-of-floors [ set building1-floor-counts lput base-per-floor building1-floor-counts ] ; Distribute remaining people randomly across floors for building 1 repeat remaining-building1 [ let floor-index random number-of-floors let current-count item floor-index building1-floor-counts set building1-floor-counts replace-item floor-index building1-floor-counts (current-count + 1) ] ; Building 2 calculations and similar distribution let occupants-building2 (total-occupants - occupants-per-building) let base-per-floor2 floor (occupants-building2 / number-of-floors) let remaining-building2 (occupants-building2 - (base-per-floor2 * number-of-floors)) let building2-floor-counts [] repeat number-of-floors [ set building2-floor-counts lput base-per-floor2 building2-floor-counts ] repeat remaining-building2 [ let floor-index random number-of-floors let current-count item floor-index building2-floor-counts set building2-floor-counts replace-item floor-index building2-floor-counts (current-count + 1) ] ; Create people in both buildings using the floor counts foreach range number-of-floors [ floor1 -> create-people-for-building floor1 building1-floor-counts building1-coordinates 1 create-people-for-building floor1 building2-floor-counts building2-coordinates 2 ] end to setup-person-properties [floor1 building-num] set shape "person" set color green set size 1 set health 100 set floor-number floor1 set in-building? true set in-shelter? false set building-number building-num set evacuation-speed 0.5 + random-float 0.5 set reacting? reaction-percentage >= 100 or random 100 < reaction-percentage ; FIXED VERSION set waiting-time 0 set switch-chance random-float 0.5 set following-who nobody set next-exit nobody set chosen-shelter ifelse-value (random 2 = 0) ["top"] ["bottom"] set shelter-attempt-count 0 set waiting-at-shelter? false set evacuation-decision "none" set evacuation-timing "none" end to create-people-for-building [floor1 floor-counts building-coords building-num] let people-on-floor item floor1 floor-counts let x-pos item 0 building-coords let y-pos item 1 building-coords let width item 2 building-coords let height item 3 building-coords create-building-occupants people-on-floor [ ; Calculate floor position let floor-height height / number-of-floors let y-base y-pos - (height / 2) + (floor1 * floor-height) ; Random position within floor bounds setxy (x-pos - (width / 2) + 1 + random-float (width - 2)) (y-base + 1 + random-float (floor-height - 2)) setup-person-properties floor1 building-num ] end to create-building [x y width height building-number1] let floor-height height / number-of-floors let exits-per-floor number-of-exits ; Create floors with different colors foreach range number-of-floors [ floor1 -> let floor-color item floor1 floor-colors let y-base y - (height / 2) + (floor1 * floor-height) ; Create floor patches with distinct colors ask patches with [ pxcor >= x - (width / 2) and pxcor <= x + (width / 2) and pycor >= y-base and pycor < y-base + floor-height ] [ set pcolor approximate-rgb (item 0 floor-color) (item 1 floor-color) (item 2 floor-color) ] ; Create floor label create-floor-labels 1 [ setxy (x - (width / 2) + 2) (y-base + floor-height / 2) set label (floor1 + 1) set color black ] ; Create exits for this floor let exit-spacing width / (exits-per-floor + 1) let exit-num 1 repeat exits-per-floor [ let exit-x x - (width / 2) + (exit-spacing * exit-num) let exit-y y-base set exit-num exit-num + 1 ; Create door frame create-exit-visuals 1 [ setxy exit-x exit-y set color brown - 2 set shape "square" set size 2 set floor-number floor1 set building-number building-number1 ] ; Create door create-exit-visuals 1 [ setxy exit-x exit-y set color brown set shape "square" set size 1.8 set floor-number floor1 set building-number building-number1 ] ; Store exit coordinates set exits lput (list exit-x exit-y floor1 building-number1) exits ] ] end ; Distance reporter for building placement to-report distance-between [x1 y1 x2 y2] report sqrt ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) end ; Distance to exit reporter to-report distance-to-exit [occupant exit-coords] let exit-x item 0 exit-coords let exit-y item 1 exit-coords report distancexy exit-x exit-y end to move-people ask building-occupants with [health > 0 and reacting?] [ ifelse in-building? [ handle-exit-movement ][ move-towards-shelter ; This will now be called once they exit ] ] end to record-decisions ask building-occupants [ ; first round if evacuation-decision = "none" [ ifelse reacting? [ ; First tick reactors are early evacuees set evacuation-decision "shelter" ifelse first-hit = false [ set evacuation-timing "early" set early-evacuees early-evacuees + 1 ][ ; Everyone else starts as stayer set evacuation-timing "late" set late-evacuees late-evacuees + 1 ] ][ set evacuation-decision "stay" set building-stayers building-stayers + 1 ] ] ; those who changed their mind after the first explosions if evacuation-decision = "stay" and reacting?[ set evacuation-decision "shelter" set evacuation-timing "late" set building-stayers building-stayers - 1 ; Reduce stayer count set late-evacuees late-evacuees + 1 ] ] end to handle-exit-movement ; Get current floor exits let current-floor-exits filter [exit -> item 2 exit = floor-number and item 3 exit = building-number ] exits if not empty? current-floor-exits [ let nearest-exit get-nearest-exit current-floor-exits if nearest-exit != nobody [ let exit-x item 0 nearest-exit let exit-y item 1 nearest-exit ; Move towards exit face patch exit-x exit-y ; Check if path is blocked let ahead-patch patch-ahead evacuation-speed ifelse ahead-patch != nobody and count building-occupants-on ahead-patch > 2 [ ; Path is blocked - try to move sideways ifelse random 2 = 0 [rt 90] [lt 90] fd 0.1 ][ ; Path is clear - move forward fd min (list evacuation-speed 0.3) ] ; Handle exit transition when close enough if distancexy exit-x exit-y < 1 [ handle-exit-transition ] ] ] end to handle-exit-transition ifelse floor-number > 0 [ ; Move to lower floor set floor-number floor-number - 1 move-to-lower-floor set next-exit nobody ; Reset exit choice for new floor ][ ; Exit building when on ground floor set in-building? false ; Place person just outside the building let exit-x xcor let building-width 16 ; from setup-buildings if building-number = 1 [ setxy (exit-x + 2) ycor ; Move right if building 1 ] if building-number = 2 [ setxy (exit-x - 2) ycor ; Move left if building 2 ] set next-exit nobody ] end ; First, get only downward exits for current floor to-report get-downward-exits [floor-exits] let downward-exits [] foreach floor-exits [ this-exit -> let exit-floor item 2 this-exit let exit-building item 3 this-exit let this-x item 0 this-exit ; Get x coordinate of current exit ifelse exit-floor = 0 [ ; If it's a ground floor exit, it leads outside - add it set downward-exits lput this-exit downward-exits ][ ; For other floors, check if there's an exit below let connected-exit nobody foreach exits [ lower-exit -> let lower-x item 0 lower-exit let lower-y item 1 lower-exit let lower-floor item 2 lower-exit let lower-building item 3 lower-exit ; If exit is directly below (same x coordinate, one floor down) if lower-building = exit-building and lower-floor = (exit-floor - 1) and abs (lower-x - this-x) < 1 [ ; Compare with this-x set connected-exit lower-exit ] ] ; If this exit connects to a lower floor, add it if connected-exit != nobody [ set downward-exits lput this-exit downward-exits ] ] ] report downward-exits end ; Then find nearest among downward exits to-report get-nearest-exit [floor-exits] ; First get only downward exits let downward-exits get-downward-exits floor-exits ; If no downward exits found, report nobody if empty? downward-exits [ report nobody ] ; Find nearest among downward exits let closest-exit nobody let min-distance 999999 foreach downward-exits [ this-exit -> let dist distance-to-exit self this-exit if dist < min-distance [ set min-distance dist set closest-exit this-exit ] ] report closest-exit end to move-towards-shelter if not in-shelter? [ ; Only move if not already waiting at a shelter if not waiting-at-shelter? [ let target-shelter ifelse-value (chosen-shelter = "top") [shelter-coordinates-top] [shelter-coordinates-bottom] let shelter-x item 0 target-shelter let shelter-y item 1 target-shelter let target-patch patch shelter-x shelter-y if target-patch != nobody [ ; If close to shelter entrance ifelse distance target-patch < 3 [ let is-full? shelter-at-capacity? chosen-shelter ifelse not is-full? [ ; Enter shelter - move to random shelter patch let shelter-patches patches with [ pcolor = gray + 2 and (ifelse-value ([chosen-shelter] of myself = "top") [pycor > 0] [pycor < 0]) ] if any? shelter-patches [ move-to one-of shelter-patches set in-shelter? true set color green ] ][ ; Shelter is full - make decision once ; Move slightly away from shelter entrance rt 90 + random 180 fd 2 set waiting-at-shelter? true set shelter-attempt-count shelter-attempt-count + 1 ; Only try other shelter if haven't tried both yet if shelter-attempt-count = 1 [ ; 50% chance to try other shelter if random 100 < 50 [ set chosen-shelter ifelse-value (chosen-shelter = "top") ["bottom"] ["top"] set color blue ; Visual indicator of shelter switch set waiting-at-shelter? false ; Allow movement to new shelter ] ] ] ][ ; Still approaching shelter face target-patch fd min (list evacuation-speed 0.3) ] ] ] ] end to move-to-lower-floor let current-building building-number ; Find exits on the new floor let new-floor-exits filter [exit -> item 2 exit = floor-number and item 3 exit = current-building ] exits if not empty? new-floor-exits [ ; Choose random exit on new floor and move near it let target-exit one-of new-floor-exits setxy (item 0 target-exit + random-float 2 - 1) (item 1 target-exit + random-float 2) ] end to move-missiles ask missiles [ ; Move toward impact point face impact-point fd speed ; Check for impact if distance impact-point < 1 [ ; Add explosion info to pending list instead of creating directly set pending-explosions lput (list xcor ycor explosion-radius) pending-explosions die ] ] ; Handle any pending explosions from observer context handle-pending-explosions end to handle-pending-explosions foreach pending-explosions [ explosion-info -> let x-pos item 0 explosion-info let y-pos item 1 explosion-info let exp-radius item 2 explosion-info ; Create the explosion effect create-explosions 1 [ setxy x-pos y-pos set shape "circle" set color 27 ; Light orange set size 2 ; Reduced from 3 to 2 set duration 10 set radius exp-radius set explosion-areas lput (list xcor ycor radius) explosion-areas ] ; Create permanent impact visualization let impact-center patch x-pos y-pos let max-distance exp-radius ask impact-center [ ask patches in-radius max-distance [ let distance-from-center distance impact-center let impact-intensity (1 - (distance-from-center / max-distance)) if impact-intensity > 0.15 [ ; Increased threshold slightly let red-component 200 + (55 * (1 - impact-intensity)) let other-components 100 * (1 - impact-intensity) set pcolor approximate-rgb red-component other-components other-components if impact-intensity > 0.8 [ set pcolor approximate-rgb (red-component * 0.7) (other-components * 0.7) (other-components * 0.7) ] ] ] ] set impact-areas lput (list x-pos y-pos exp-radius) impact-areas ] set pending-explosions [] end to create-explosion-at [x y radius1] ; Observer procedure create-explosions 1 [ setxy x y set shape "circle" set color orange set size 3 set duration 10 set radius radius1 ; Add to tracking list set explosion-areas lput (list xcor ycor radius) explosion-areas ] end to go if simulation-complete [stop] ; Check for first missile hit and update reaction percentage if not first-hit and any? explosions [ set first-hit true adjust-reaction-percentage ] record-decisions move-people handle-missiles move-missiles handle-explosions update-casualties if missiles-launched >= number-of-missiles and not any? missiles and not any? explosions [ set simulation-complete true ] tick end to handle-missiles if missile-strategy = "immediate" [ launch-immediate-missiles ] if missile-strategy = "delayed" [ launch-delayed-missiles ] end to launch-immediate-missiles if ticks = 10 and missiles-launched < number-of-missiles [ repeat number-of-missiles [ create-missile set missiles-launched missiles-launched + 1 ] ] end to launch-delayed-missiles if ticks mod missile-delay = 0 and ticks >= 10 [ if missiles-launched < number-of-missiles [ create-missile set missiles-launched missiles-launched + 1 ] ] end to create-missile create-missiles 1 [ set shape "arrow" set color red set size 2 ; Create a target point based on strategy let target-patch nobody ifelse missile-strategy = "immediate" [ ; Target buildings directly set target-patch one-of patches with [ abs pxcor < 35 and abs pycor < 15 ] ] [ ; For delayed strategy, alternate between buildings and yard ifelse count missiles mod 2 = 0 [ ; Target buildings set target-patch one-of patches with [ abs pxcor < 35 and abs pycor < 15 ] ] [ ; Target yard areas set target-patch one-of patches with [ abs pxcor < 45 and ; Wider area for yard abs pycor < 20 ; Larger area for yard ] ] ] set impact-point target-patch setxy max-pxcor random-ycor ; Start from right edge set explosion-radius 6 ; Reduced from 10 to 6 set speed 0.5 ] end to set-building-target ; For missiles breed let target-patch one-of patches with [ (abs pxcor < 35) and (abs pycor < 15) ] set impact-point target-patch end to set-yard-target ; For missiles breed let target-patch one-of patches with [ (abs pxcor < 25) and (abs pycor < 15) ] set impact-point target-patch end to handle-explosions ask explosions [ set duration duration - 1 if duration <= 0 [ die ] let current-radius radius ask building-occupants with [health > 0] in-radius current-radius [ let damage 0 ifelse in-shelter? [ ; Reduced damage in shelters ifelse chosen-shelter = "top" [ ; Top shelter might have slightly different protection based on location set damage 4 ] [ ; Bottom shelter set damage 5 ] ] [ if in-building? [ set damage 40 ] if (not in-building?) and (not in-shelter?) [ set damage 80 ] ] let distance-factor 1 - (distance myself / current-radius) set damage damage * distance-factor set health health - damage update-person-color ] set size size + 0.1 set color 27 + (1.5 * (10 - duration)) ] end ; Add to setup procedure - reset patches to background color to-report get-floor-color [floor-num] report item floor-num floor-colors end to reset-patch-colors ask patches [ ; Reset to appropriate floor color if in building let floor-num floor ((pycor - min-pycor) / 6) ; Adjust based on your floor height if floor-num >= 0 and floor-num < 4 [ set pcolor white ] ] end to update-person-color if health <= 0 [ set color black ] if health > 0 and health < 50 [ set color red ] if health >= 50 and health < 80 [ set color yellow ] if health >= 80 [ set color green ] end to update-casualties set casualties count building-occupants with [health <= 0] set injured-count count building-occupants with [health > 0 and health < 80] end to adjust-reaction-percentage ; Increase reaction percentage to 95% after first hit let new-percentage 95 ask building-occupants with [not reacting? and health > 0] [ if random 100 < new-percentage [ set reacting? true ] ] end to-report death-count report casualties end to-report injured-people report injured-count end to-report missiles-remaining report number-of-missiles - missiles-launched end to-report shelter-status report (word "Top Shelter: " shelter-top-occupants "/" shelter-capacity " | Bottom Shelter: " shelter-bottom-occupants "/" shelter-capacity) end to-report shelter-at-capacity? [shelter-type] let shelter-patches patches with [ pcolor = gray + 2 and (ifelse-value (shelter-type = "top") [pycor > 0] [pycor < 0]) ] let current-count count building-occupants with [ in-shelter? and chosen-shelter = shelter-type and member? patch-here shelter-patches ] ; Update global counters ifelse shelter-type = "top" [set shelter-top-occupants current-count] [set shelter-bottom-occupants current-count] report current-count >= shelter-capacity end ; Reporters for plotting to-report early-evacuee-casualties report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "early" and health <= 0 ] end to-report early-evacuee-injured report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "early" and health > 0 and health < 80 ] end to-report early-evacuee-intact report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "early" and health >= 80 ] end to-report late-evacuee-casualties report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "late" and health <= 0 ] end to-report late-evacuee-injured report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "late" and health > 0 and health < 80 ] end to-report late-evacuee-intact report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-timing = "late" and health >= 80 ] end to-report stayer-casualties report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-decision = "stay" and health <= 0 ] end to-report stayer-injured report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-decision = "stay" and health > 0 and health < 80 ] end to-report stayer-intact report count building-occupants with [ evacuation-decision = "stay" and health >= 80 ] end ; Calculate percentages for plotting to-report early-evacuee-casualty-percent ifelse early-evacuees > 0 [ report (early-evacuee-casualties / early-evacuees) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end to-report early-evacuee-injured-percent ifelse early-evacuees > 0 [ report (early-evacuee-injured / early-evacuees) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end to-report late-evacuee-casualty-percent ifelse late-evacuees > 0 [ report (late-evacuee-casualties / late-evacuees) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end to-report late-evacuee-injured-percent ifelse late-evacuees > 0 [ report (late-evacuee-injured / late-evacuees) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end to-report stayer-casualty-percent ifelse building-stayers > 0 [ report (stayer-casualties / building-stayers) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end to-report stayer-injured-percent ifelse building-stayers > 0 [ report (stayer-injured / building-stayers) * 100 ][ report 0 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 1 month ago by Artem Serdyuk.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Missile Attack Evacuation.png | preview | Preview for 'Missile Attack Evacuation' | about 1 month ago, by Artem Serdyuk | Download |
missile strike evacuation.drawio (1).png | png | Agent Logic in Simulation | about 1 month ago, by Artem Serdyuk | Download |
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