makers schedule

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1 collaborator

Default-person Martin Bartsch (Author)


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; NetLogo Model: Maker’s vs. Manager’s Schedule (Block Logic)
; Features:
; 1) "Meeting-free Wednesday" -> optional skip meetings on day mod 7 = 2
; 2) Teleport to MeetingZone for participants
; 3) Daily and average daily outputs for Maker & Manager
; Author: mabasoft, Martin Bartsch with support from ChatGPT
; date 2025_01_22

globals [
  tick-in-block              ; hour within the 4-hour block (0..3)
  block-index                ; which block of the day (0=morning,1=afternoon)
  day                        ; day counter (increments after every 8 ticks)
  total-productivity         ; daily total (Maker+Manager)
  daily-maker-output         ; daily sum of all makers
  daily-manager-output       ; daily sum of all managers

  cumulative-maker-output    ; sum of all maker outputs over entire sim
  cumulative-manager-output  ; sum of all manager outputs over entire sim

  average-maker-output       ; cumulative-maker-output / number-of-days
  average-manager-output     ; cumulative-manager-output / number-of-days

  meeting-count              ; total meetings so far

patches-own [
  zone  ; "work" or "meeting"

turtles-own [
  has-lost-block?     ; true if the maker was interrupted in current block

; Sliders:
;  - number-of-makers
;  - number-of-managers
;  - meeting-frequency
;  - maker-meeting-prob
;  - maker-block-value
;  - manager-tick-value
;  - manager-meeting-cost
; Switch:
;  - meeting-free-wednesday?
; Additional monitors/plots for daily/average outputs

to setup
  set day 0
  set tick-in-block 0
  set block-index 0
  set meeting-count 0

  set daily-maker-output 0
  set daily-manager-output 0
  set total-productivity 0

  set cumulative-maker-output 0
  set cumulative-manager-output 0
  set average-maker-output 0
  set average-manager-output 0

  ; Setup patch zones: left half = "work", right half = "meeting"
  ask patches [
    ifelse pxcor < (max-pxcor / 2) [
      set zone "work"
      set pcolor green    ;; z.B. grün für Arbeitsbereich
    ] [
      set zone "meeting"
      set pcolor gray     ;; z.B. grau für Meetingzone

  ; Create Maker Turtles
  create-turtles number-of-makers [
    set is-manager? false
    set shape "person"
    set color blue
    set has-lost-block? false
    set my-daily-output 0
    ; Place them randomly in work zone
    let work-p one-of patches with [ zone = "work" ]
    move-to work-p

  ; Create Manager Turtles
  create-turtles number-of-managers [
    set is-manager? true
    set shape "person"
    set color red
    set has-lost-block? false  ; not used for managers, but keep consistent
    set my-daily-output 0
    ; place them randomly in work zone
    let work-p one-of patches with [ zone = "work" ]
    move-to work-p


to go
  ; Each tick = 1 hour
  ; We have 8 ticks per day (2 blocks of 4 hours)

  if (ticks mod 8 = 0) and (ticks > 0) [

  ; 1) Possibly start a meeting (unless it's "meeting-free Wednesday")
  if (random-float 1.0 < meeting-frequency) [
    ; Check if day mod 7 = 2 => Wednesday
    if not (meeting-free-wednesday? and ((day mod 7) = 2)) [

  ; 2) Manager productivity if no meeting cost is subtracted
  ;    We only do it once per tick. The meeting cost was handled inside start-meeting.
  ask turtles with [ is-manager? ] [
    ; + manager-tick-value each hour
    set my-daily-output my-daily-output + manager-tick-value

  ; 3) Handle Block progression
  set tick-in-block tick-in-block + 1
  if tick-in-block = 4 [
    set tick-in-block 0
    set block-index block-index + 1
    if block-index = 2 [
      set block-index 0



to start-meeting
  ; managers always attend
  let mgr-participants turtles with [ is-manager? ]
  ; random subset of makers
  let mk-participants turtles with [
    (not is-manager?) and (random-float 1.0 < maker-meeting-prob)

  let all-participants (turtle-set mgr-participants mk-participants)

  if any? all-participants [
    set meeting-count meeting-count + 1

    ; Move participants to meeting zone for visual effect
    ask all-participants [
      let meet-p one-of patches with [ zone = "meeting" ]
      if meet-p != nobody [ move-to meet-p ]

    ; Managers lose manager-meeting-cost
    ask all-participants with [ is-manager? ] [
      set my-daily-output my-daily-output - manager-meeting-cost
      if my-daily-output < 0 [ set my-daily-output 0 ]

    ; Makers lose entire block
    ask all-participants with [ not is-manager? ] [
      set has-lost-block? true


to finalize-block
  ; award block-value to any maker who wasn't interrupted
  ask turtles with [ not is-manager? ] [
    if not has-lost-block? [
      set my-daily-output my-daily-output + maker-block-value
    set has-lost-block? false
    ; Teleport back to "work" zone at block end
    let work-p one-of patches with [ zone = "work" ]
    if work-p != nobody [ move-to work-p ]


to finalize-day
  set daily-maker-output sum [ my-daily-output ] of turtles with [ not is-manager? ]
  set daily-manager-output sum [ my-daily-output ] of turtles with [ is-manager? ]
  set total-productivity (daily-maker-output + daily-manager-output)

  ; Update cumulative outputs
  set cumulative-maker-output (cumulative-maker-output + daily-maker-output)
  set cumulative-manager-output (cumulative-manager-output + daily-manager-output)

  ; Increase day count
  set day (day + 1)

  ; Recompute average daily outputs
  ; day is now the count of days that have fully finished
  ; so we can do (cumulative / day)
  if day > 0 [
    set average-maker-output (cumulative-maker-output / day)
    set average-manager-output (cumulative-manager-output / day)

  ; optional: reset everyone's my-daily-output for the new day
  ask turtles [
    set my-daily-output 0

There is only one version of this model, created about 1 month ago by Martin Bartsch.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
makers schedule.png preview Preview for 'makers schedule' about 1 month ago, by Martin Bartsch Download

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