Ukraine's Higher Education Model
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;extensions [csv] globals [ frontline-xcor ; X coordinate of the frontline city-centers ; List of city center patches war-intensity ; Overall war intensity affecting infrastructure air-raid-probability ; Probability of air raid per tick missile-attack-recovery-counter teacher-batch-size ; Size of teacjer batches (currently 20) student-batch-size ; Size of student batches (currently 100) student-total-attempts ; Total attempts a student can make across all tiers student-attempts-per-tier ; Maximum attempts per university tier air-raid? last-air-raid-tick ; When the last air raid occurred air-raid-recovery-counter ; Counter for recovery period air-raid-recovery-time ; how many ticks recovery takes ; Teacher tracking metrics teachers-initially-assigned ; Count of successful initial assignments teachers-quit ; Count of teachers who quit due to stress teachers-fired ; Count of teachers laid off due to capacity/performance teachers-rehired ; Count of unemployed teachers who found new positions ] breed [students student] breed [teachers teacher] breed [universities university] breed [cities city] patches-own [ local-war-intensity ; Local war intensity for this area ] students-own [ male? ; Gender (relevant for conscription) age ; Student's age propensity-to-study ; Natural desire to study regardless of circumstances (0-100) desire-to-study ; Motivation to study (0-100) studying? ; Whether actively studying abroad? ; Whether studying abroad program-type ; "bachelor", "master" or "phd" my-university ; The university this student attends previous-university last-application-attempt ; Tick when last attempted to enter remaining-attempts ; How many attempts they still have academic-skill ; Student's academic ability (0-100) baseline-academic-skill ; Natural academic ability before stress effects current-academic-performance ; Actual current performance (0-100) affected by stress conscription-fear ; How much they fear conscription (0-100) stress-level ; Individual stress level (0-100) stress-resilience ; How well they handle stress (0-100) max-stress-threshold min-stress-for-return ] teachers-own [ my-university ; Current university unemployed? ; Whether currently looking for work teaching-skill ; Individual teaching ability (0-100) baseline-teaching-skill stress-level ; Individual stress level (0-100) adaptation-rate ; How quickly they adapt to new stress caused by warfare of regulations ] universities-own [ ;; Capacity location-type ; "home-city" or "big-city" capacity ; How many students can enroll enrolled-students-count ; Current number of enrolled students current-teachers ; Current number of teachers teachers-needed ; How many teachers needed based on capacity ;; Quality quality ; Education quality rating (0-100) entry-barrier ; How difficult it is to enter (0-100) distance-from-front ; Distance from the front line local-risk ; Local war risk based on location infrastructure-damage ; Damage level from attacks (0-100) faculty-stress-level ; Stress level of faculty at this university (0-100) bureaucratic-load ; Bureaucratic load at this university (0-100) online-mode? ; Whether currently teaching online is-merged? ; Whether university has been merged relocated? ] cities-own [ city-type ; "big-city" or "home-city" ] to setup clear-all setup-globals setup-cities setup-universities setup-patches setup-teachers ask teachers [assign-teacher-to-university] set teachers-initially-assigned teachers-rehired set teachers-rehired 0 initialize-university-quality ; Initializes quality based on teachers setup-students reset-ticks end to setup-globals set air-raid-probability 0.2 ; once per 5 days set war-intensity 0 set frontline-xcor max-pxcor ; Start frontline in right side of map set student-batch-size 100 set teacher-batch-size 20 ; Each teacher agent represents 20 actual teachers set student-total-attempts 15 set student-attempts-per-tier 3 set air-raid? false set last-air-raid-tick 0 set air-raid-recovery-counter 0 set air-raid-recovery-time 15; how many ticks recovery takes set teachers-initially-assigned 0 set teachers-quit 0 set teachers-fired 0 set teachers-rehired 0 end to setup-cities ; Create 20-24 cities let num-cities 20 + random 4 let num-big-cities round (num-cities * 0.3) ; 30% are big cities ; Create big cities first (they need more space) create-cities num-big-cities [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor while [any? other cities in-radius 10] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set city-type "big-city" set color red set shape "circle" set size 2 ] ; Create remaining home cities create-cities (num-cities - num-big-cities) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor while [any? other cities in-radius 7] [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] set city-type "home-city" set color cyan set shape "circle" set size 1.5 ] end to color-patch ; Base color from war intensity let base-color scale-color red local-war-intensity 100 0 set pcolor base-color end to setup-patches ask patches [ ; Initialize local war intensity based on distance from frontline set local-war-intensity 0 color-patch ] end to go update-war-intensity check-critical-events batch-update-universities batch-update-students batch-update-teachers tick end to setup-universities create-universities number-of-universities [ ; First determine if this will be a big-city or home-city university set location-type one-of ["big-city" "home-city"] set relocated? false ; Find appropriate city type to move to let target-cities cities with [city-type = [location-type] of myself] ifelse any? target-cities [ move-to one-of target-cities right random 360 forward random 3 ][ ; Fallback if no matching cities available move-to one-of cities set location-type [city-type] of one-of cities-here ; Adapt to the city type we landed in ] ; Set initial properties based on location type ifelse location-type = "big-city" [ set capacity round (5000 + random 15000) set quality 50 + random 30 ; Initial baseline quality for big cities ][ set capacity round (1000 + random 4000) set quality 30 + random 30 ; Initial baseline quality for smaller cities ] set entry-barrier max list 20 min list 95 (quality * 0.8 + random 20) set enrolled-students-count 0 set infrastructure-damage 0 set is-merged? false set online-mode? false set faculty-stress-level 0 set bureaucratic-load 30 + random 10 set current-teachers 0 set teachers-needed ceiling (capacity / 10) set shape "pentagon" set size 1.5 + log (capacity / 10) 10 update-university-appearance ] end to initialize-university-quality ask universities [ let my-teachers teachers with [my-university = myself] ; Keep the existing baseline but adjust based on teachers ifelse any? my-teachers [ let avg-teaching-skill mean [teaching-skill] of my-teachers ; Teaching skill influences up to ±20 points of quality let teacher-quality-impact (avg-teaching-skill - 50) * 0.4 set quality max list 0 min list 100 (quality + teacher-quality-impact) ][set quality max list 0 (quality - 10)] ; Update entry barrier based on new quality set entry-barrier max list 20 min list 95 (quality * 0.8 + random 20) update-university-appearance ] end to update-university-appearance ; University appearance set size 1.5 + log ifelse-value (enrolled-students-count > 0) [enrolled-students-count][1] 10 ifelse relocated? [ set color turquoise + 2 ][ set color ifelse-value (infrastructure-damage > 20) [ red ] [ ifelse-value is-merged? [ violet ] [ blue ] ] ] set label-color black set label "" set label enrolled-students-count end to update-war-intensity ; Update global war intensity using sine wave let time-factor ticks * 2 ; Adjust frequency set war-intensity 40 * sin time-factor + 50 ; Oscillate between 10% and 90% ; Update local war intensities and university risks ask patches [ let distance-effect abs (pxcor - frontline-xcor) set local-war-intensity max (list 0 (war-intensity * (1 - (distance-effect / (max-pxcor + 1))))) ; Update local-risk for any universities on this patch ask universities-here [set local-risk local-war-intensity] color-patch ] end to check-critical-events set air-raid? false ; Base probability calculation let raid-chance (war-intensity * air-raid-intensity) / 2000 ; Increase chance if no raids for a while let time-since-last-raid ticks - last-air-raid-tick if time-since-last-raid > 20 [ set raid-chance raid-chance * 2 ] ; Check for air raid if random-float 1 < raid-chance [ run-air-raid set last-air-raid-tick ticks set air-raid-recovery-counter air-raid-recovery-time ] if air-raid-recovery-counter > 0 [ set air-raid-recovery-counter air-raid-recovery-counter - 1 ; Change raid-marked patches to recovery color ask patches with [pcolor = red] [set pcolor orange] ] ; Clear recovery patches when done if air-raid-recovery-counter = 0 [ ask patches with [pcolor = orange] [set pcolor black] ] end to run-air-raid set air-raid? true set last-air-raid-tick ticks set air-raid-recovery-counter 15 ; Set recovery period ; Force all universities to go online during air raid ask universities [ set online-mode? true if random 100 < (10 * (air-raid-intensity / 5)) [ ; Scale hit chance by intensity set color red let impact 10 + random 20 set infrastructure-damage min list 100 (infrastructure-damage + impact) ask patches in-radius 3 [ if not any? universities-here [set pcolor red] ] ] ] ask students with [not abroad?] [ let stress-increase (25 + random 25) * (air-raid-intensity / 5) ; Up to 50 points at max intensity set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + stress-increase) ] ask teachers [ let stress-increase (30 + random 30) * (air-raid-intensity / 5) ; Up to 60 points at max intensity set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + stress-increase) ] end to handle-air-raid-recovery set air-raid-recovery-counter air-raid-recovery-counter - 1 ask universities [ if infrastructure-damage > 0 [ ; Scale recovery rate based on damage level let recovery-rate 0.5 + (infrastructure-damage / 25) ; Faster recovery for more damage ; Slower recovery under high war intensity if war-intensity > 50 [ set recovery-rate recovery-rate * 0.7 ] ; Apply recovery set infrastructure-damage max list 0 (infrastructure-damage - recovery-rate) ] ] ; Return from online mode if safe enough and not during active air raid if not air-raid? and infrastructure-damage < 40 and local-risk < 40 [ set online-mode? false ] ; Reset visual effects when recovery complete if air-raid-recovery-counter <= 0 and color = red [ update-university-appearance ] end to batch-update-universities ask universities [ if (enrolled-students-count <= 0) and (ticks > 10) [ ; Make sure to properly handle any teachers handle-university-closure self die ] if ((infrastructure-damage >= 70 or local-risk >= 80) and enrolled-students-count > 0) [relocate] if expel-worst-students = true [expel-poor-performers] damage-infrastructure update-bureaucratic-load update-online-mode update-faculty-stress update-university-quality update-university-capacity update-teacher-count if merge-universities? [merge-universities] update-university-appearance ] end to batch-update-students ask students [ if not studying? and not abroad? [ if age < 18 [check-abroad-opportunity] if not abroad? [ ; Continue only if didn't go abroad ifelse previous-university != nobody [check-return-to-studies] [check-retry-university-entry] ] ] if studying? = true [ update-student-stress update-desire-to-study update-student-performance ; This is where performance is affected by stress check-dropout-risk ] ] end to batch-update-teachers ask teachers [ update-teacher-stress update-teacher-skill if not unemployed? and stress-level > 80 [consider-quitting ] if unemployed? [assign-teacher-to-university] ] end to update-teacher-stress ifelse (not unemployed? and my-university != nobody) [ ; === EMPLOYED TEACHERS === let current-stress stress-level ; === SECURITY FACTOR === let security-stress ( ([local-risk] of my-university * (war-intensity / 100)) + [infrastructure-damage] of my-university ) * 0.05 ; Scale factor to keep impact reasonable set current-stress max list 0 min list 100 (current-stress + security-stress) ; === STUDENT FACTOR === let student-impact 0 if any? students with [my-university = [my-university] of myself] [ let avg-desire mean [desire-to-study] of students with [my-university = [my-university] of myself] let avg-performance mean [current-academic-performance] of students with [my-university = [my-university] of myself] set student-impact ( ifelse-value (avg-desire < 40 or avg-performance < 40) [5] ; High stress if either metric is poor [ifelse-value (avg-desire > 70 and avg-performance > 70) [-3] ; Stress reduction if both metrics are good [0] ; Neutral impact otherwise ] ) ] set current-stress max list 0 min list 100 (current-stress + student-impact) ; === TEACHING FACTOR === let teaching-impact ( ifelse-value (teaching-skill > 70 and [quality] of my-university > 70) [-5] ; Significant stress reduction for skilled teachers at good universities [ifelse-value (teaching-skill < 30 or [quality] of my-university < 30) [5] ; Increased stress for poor skill match [0] ; Neutral otherwise ] ) set current-stress max list 0 min list 100 (current-stress + teaching-impact) ; === BUREAUCRATIC FACTOR === let bureaucracy-impact ([bureaucratic-load] of my-university - 50) * 0.1 set current-stress max list 0 min list 100 (current-stress + bureaucracy-impact) ; === RECOVERY === let recovery-amount current-stress * adaptation-rate set current-stress max list 0 min list 100 (current-stress - recovery-amount) ; Set final stress level set stress-level current-stress ][ ; === UNEMPLOYED TEACHERS === ; Only affected by local security situation let security-stress [local-war-intensity] of patch-here * (war-intensity / 100) let recovery-amount stress-level * adaptation-rate set stress-level max list 0 min list 100 ( stress-level + (security-stress * 0.1) - recovery-amount ) ] end to update-teacher-skill if not unemployed? and my-university != nobody [ ifelse stress-level > 60 [ ; High stress causes skill deterioration let stress-impact (stress-level - 60) * 0.02 set teaching-skill max list 0 (teaching-skill * (1 - stress-impact)) ][ ; Low stress allows recovery based on teacher's adaptation rate if teaching-skill < baseline-teaching-skill [ let skill-gap (baseline-teaching-skill - teaching-skill) let recovery-amount skill-gap * adaptation-rate set teaching-skill min list baseline-teaching-skill (teaching-skill + recovery-amount) ] ] ] end ; This helper procedure should be called whenever a university is about to die to handle-university-closure [closing-university] ask teachers with [my-university = closing-university] [ set unemployed? true set my-university nobody set color orange show-turtle ] set current-teachers 0 ; Reset teacher count end to update-student-stress if not abroad? [ ; Initialize local variables let is-online? false let war-exposure 0 let teacher-support 0 let stress-change 0 let recovery-rate 0 ; Get environmental conditions if student is at university if my-university != nobody [ set is-online? [online-mode?] of my-university set war-exposure [local-risk] of my-university * (war-intensity / 100) let my-teachers teachers with [my-university = [my-university] of myself] if any? my-teachers [ set teacher-support ((mean [teaching-skill] of my-teachers) - 50) / 50 ] ] ; === CALCULATE STRESSORS === set stress-change (war-exposure * 0.7) if is-online? [ set stress-change stress-change + 30 ] ; === CALCULATE RECOVERY === ; Base recovery increases with higher current stress set recovery-rate 5 + (stress-resilience * 0.1) + (stress-level * 0.1) if not is-online? [ set recovery-rate recovery-rate + 5 ] set recovery-rate recovery-rate + (10 * teacher-support) ; === UPDATE FINAL STRESS LEVEL === set stress-level max list 0 (min list 100 (stress-level + stress-change - recovery-rate)) ] end to update-student-performance if studying? [ let stress-impact 0 ; Calculate stress impact on performance ; High stress (>50) starts to negatively affect performance if stress-level > 50 [ set stress-impact (stress-level - 50) * 0.02 ; Each point of stress above 50 reduces performance by 2% ] ; Teacher quality can help mitigate stress effects let teacher-support 0 if my-university != nobody [ let my-teachers teachers with [my-university = [my-university] of myself] if any? my-teachers [ set teacher-support mean [teaching-skill] of my-teachers / 200 ; Max 50% stress reduction ] ] ; Calculate final performance ; Base it on natural ability but reduce by stress let stress-modifier (1 - (stress-impact * (1 - teacher-support))) ; Online mode has additional negative impact let online-penalty 0 if my-university != nobody and [online-mode?] of my-university [ set online-penalty 0.1 ; 10% performance reduction in online mode ] ; Update current performance set current-academic-performance max list 0 ( baseline-academic-skill * (stress-modifier * (1 - online-penalty)) ) ] end to update-desire-to-study ; Cache the calculation let base-desire max list 0 (propensity-to-study * (1 - (stress-level / 150))) if male? and age >= 18 and age <= 45 [ let conscription-motivation conscription-fear * (war-intensity / 100) set desire-to-study min list 100 (base-desire + conscription-motivation) ] end to check-dropout-risk let quit-threshold ifelse-value (male? and age >= 18 and age <= 45) [20] [30] if (desire-to-study < quit-threshold and studying? = true) [ if random 100 < (quit-threshold - desire-to-study) * 2 [ handle-dropout ] ] end to handle-dropout if my-university != nobody [ ask my-university [ set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count - student-batch-size ] set previous-university my-university ; Store the university before dropping out set my-university nobody ] set studying? false show-turtle set color black right random 360 forward random 3 end ; procedure for retrying university entry to check-retry-university-entry ; Only try if they have attempts left and enough time has passed if remaining-attempts > 0 and (ticks - last-application-attempt) > 30 [ ; Wait 30 ticks between attempts ; Recalculate study motivation let study-motivation 0 ; Base motivation from propensity to study (decreases with age) let age-factor max list 0 (1 - (age - 17) / 43) set study-motivation propensity-to-study * age-factor ; Add conscription avoidance motivation if male? [ let conscription-motivation conscription-fear * (war-intensity / 100) ifelse age >= 18 and age <= 45 [ set study-motivation study-motivation + conscription-motivation ][ set study-motivation study-motivation + (conscription-motivation * 0.5) ] ] ; Additional motivation if stress is low if stress-level < 50 [ set study-motivation study-motivation + (50 - stress-level) / 2 ] ; Normalize motivation and update desire-to-study set study-motivation min list 100 study-motivation set desire-to-study study-motivation ; If motivated enough, try to enter university again if desire-to-study > 60 [ ; Only retry if highly motivated set last-application-attempt ticks set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 choose-university ; Try to enter university again ] ] end to check-abroad-opportunity if not studying? and not abroad? and age < 18 [ let my-skill academic-skill let abroad-chance calculate-entry-chance my-skill 70 if abroad-chance > (100 - random abroad-entry-chance) [ set abroad? true set studying? true set my-university nobody setxy (min-pxcor + 3 + random 5) (max-pycor - 3 - random 5) set color yellow ] ] end ;; Modified check-return-to-studies to use previous-university to check-return-to-studies ; Only consider returning if stress is below threshold and has a previous university if stress-level < min-stress-for-return and previous-university != nobody [ ; Calculate return probability based on multiple factors let return-chance 0 ; Base chance increases as stress decreases set return-chance (min-stress-for-return - stress-level) / 2 ; Additional motivation from conscription fear if male? and age >= 18 and age <= 45 [ let conscription-motivation conscription-fear * (war-intensity / 100) set return-chance return-chance + conscription-motivation / 2 ] ; Check university conditions if [infrastructure-damage] of previous-university < 50 and [local-risk] of previous-university < 50 and [enrolled-students-count] of previous-university < [capacity] of previous-university [ ; Make the decision if random 100 < return-chance [ set studying? true set my-university previous-university ; Return to previous university set previous-university nobody ; Clear previous university as they're now enrolled ask my-university [ set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count + student-batch-size ] hide-turtle ] ] ] end to update-university-quality let quality-change 0 let my-students students with [my-university = myself] let my-teachers teachers with [my-university = myself] ; Base rate of change - slower changes let change-rate 0.1 ; 10% change per tick ; === 1. TEACHER FACTORS === ifelse any? my-teachers [ let avg-teaching-skill mean [teaching-skill] of my-teachers let avg-teacher-stress mean [stress-level] of my-teachers ; Teacher impact: skill reduced by stress let effective-skill avg-teaching-skill * (1 - (avg-teacher-stress / 200)) let teaching-impact (effective-skill - quality) * 0.3 ; Reduced effectiveness during disruptions if online-mode? or relocated? [ set teaching-impact teaching-impact * 0.7 ] set quality-change quality-change + teaching-impact ][ set quality-change quality-change - 1 ; Simple penalty for no teachers ] ; === 2. STUDENT FACTORS === if any? my-students [ let avg-performance mean [current-academic-performance] of my-students let avg-student-stress mean [stress-level] of my-students let avg-desire mean [desire-to-study] of my-students ; Performance impact adjusted by desire to study let performance-impact (avg-performance - quality) * (avg-desire / 100) * 0.2 ; Stress penalty when high let stress-impact 0 if avg-student-stress > 50 [ set stress-impact (50 - avg-student-stress) * 0.1 ] set quality-change quality-change + performance-impact + stress-impact ] ; === 3. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACT === let infrastructure-impact (50 - infrastructure-damage) * 0.1 set quality-change quality-change + infrastructure-impact ; === 4. EVENT IMPACTS === ; Major events amplify changes if is-merged? or relocated? [ set quality-change quality-change * 1.3 ] ; Apply gradual change set quality-change quality-change * change-rate ; === APPLY FINAL CHANGES === set quality max (list 0 (min (list 100 (quality + quality-change)))) update-university-appearance end ;;=========================================================================== to setup-students create-students initial-students / student-batch-size [ ; Try to place more students (50%) near big cities ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5 [ let big-cities cities with [city-type = "big-city"] ifelse any? big-cities [ move-to one-of big-cities ] [move-to one-of cities] ] [move-to one-of cities] right random 360 forward random 5 ; Rest of student setup set male? random 2 = 0 set age fat-tailed-age set shape "person" set color green set studying? false set abroad? false set previous-university nobody set last-application-attempt 0 set remaining-attempts student-total-attempts set stress-level random 50 set desire-to-study 20 + random 80 set max-stress-threshold 80 set min-stress-for-return 40 set academic-skill random-normal 50 30 set academic-skill max list 0 min list 100 academic-skill set propensity-to-study random-normal (100 - (age - 17) * 2) 15 set propensity-to-study max list 0 min list 100 propensity-to-study set baseline-academic-skill academic-skill set current-academic-performance academic-skill set stress-resilience random-normal 50 40 set stress-resilience max list 0 min list 100 stress-resilience ifelse male? [ ifelse age >= 18 and age <= 45 [set conscription-fear random-normal 70 15] [set conscription-fear random-normal 30 15] ] [set conscription-fear 0] set conscription-fear max list 0 min list 100 conscription-fear calculate-desire-to-study if not studying? [choose-university] ] end to calculate-desire-to-study let study-motivation 0 if not studying? [ ; Base motivation from propensity to study (decreases with age) let age-factor max list 0 (1 - (age - 17) / 43) ; Scales from 1 at 17 to 0 at 60 set study-motivation propensity-to-study * age-factor ; Add conscription avoidance motivation for males if male? [ let conscription-motivation conscription-fear * (war-intensity / 100) ifelse age >= 18 and age <= 45 [ ; Peak conscription motivation for military age set study-motivation study-motivation + conscription-motivation ][ ; Reduced effect outside prime military age set study-motivation study-motivation + (conscription-motivation * 0.5) ] ] ; Normalize motivation to 0-100 scale set study-motivation min list 100 study-motivation set desire-to-study study-motivation ; Update desire-to-study for other procedures ; Always try to enter, but success depends on skills and barriers ] end to choose-university let my-skill academic-skill ; Check for studying abroad let abroad-chance calculate-entry-chance my-skill 70 if (abroad-chance > random (100 - random abroad-entry-chance)) and age < 18 [ set abroad? true set studying? true set my-university nobody setxy (min-pxcor + 3 + random 5) (max-pycor - 3 - random 5) set color yellow stop ] ; === Try Elite Universities === let elite-universities universities with [ infrastructure-damage < 70 and local-risk < 70 and quality > 50 and enrolled-students-count < capacity ] if any? elite-universities and remaining-attempts > 0 [ let tries min list student-attempts-per-tier remaining-attempts repeat tries [ let target max-one-of elite-universities [quality - (distance myself * 2)] if target != nobody [ let entry-chance calculate-entry-chance my-skill [quality] of target if entry-chance > random 90 [ enroll-in-university target set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 stop ] ] set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 ] ] ; === Try Mid-tier Universities === let mid-universities universities with [ infrastructure-damage < 70 and local-risk < 70 and quality <= 50 and quality > 30 and enrolled-students-count < capacity ] if any? mid-universities and remaining-attempts > 0 [ let tries min list student-attempts-per-tier remaining-attempts repeat tries [ let target max-one-of mid-universities [quality - (distance myself * 2)] if target != nobody [ let entry-chance calculate-entry-chance my-skill [quality] of target if entry-chance > random 80 [ enroll-in-university target set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 stop ] ] set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 ] ] ; === Try Easy Universities === let easy-universities universities with [ infrastructure-damage < 60 and local-risk < 70 and enrolled-students-count < capacity ] if any? easy-universities and remaining-attempts > 0 [ repeat remaining-attempts [ let target max-one-of easy-universities [quality - (distance myself * 2)] if target != nobody [ let entry-chance calculate-entry-chance my-skill [quality] of target if entry-chance > random 40 [ enroll-in-university target set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 stop ] ] set remaining-attempts remaining-attempts - 1 ] ] ; Mark as unsuccessful if all attempts failed if not studying? [ set my-university nobody set color red ] end to-report calculate-entry-chance [skill barrier] let base-chance 100 * (skill / 100) * (1 - (barrier / 200)) ; Reduced barrier impact let bonus random 20 ; Only positive random bonus report max list 0 min list 100 (base-chance + bonus) end to enroll-in-university [uni] set abroad? false set my-university uni set studying? true ifelse age < 22 [ set program-type "bachelor" ][ifelse age < 25 [ set program-type one-of ["bachelor" "master" "master"] ][set program-type one-of ["master" "master" "phd"] ] ] ask uni [set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count + student-batch-size] hide-turtle end ;; ==================================================================== to setup-teachers create-teachers (sum [ceiling (capacity / 10)] of universities / teacher-batch-size) [ ; Try to place more teachers (80%) near big cities ifelse random-float 1 < 0.8 [ let big-cities cities with [city-type = "big-city"] ifelse any? big-cities [move-to one-of big-cities] [move-to one-of cities] ][move-to one-of cities] right random 360 forward random 5 ; Rest of teacher setup set shape "person" set color orange set teaching-skill min list 100 (max list 0 (random-normal 70 20)) set baseline-teaching-skill teaching-skill set stress-level random 30 set adaptation-rate random-float 0.1 set unemployed? true set my-university nobody assign-teacher-to-university ] end to assign-teacher-to-university if not unemployed? [ stop ] ; Don't try to assign if already employed ; Only look at universities that need teachers let potential-universities universities with [current-teachers < teachers-needed] if any? potential-universities [ ; Group universities by quality let high-quality-unis potential-universities with [quality >= 70] let other-unis potential-universities with [quality < 70] ; Good teachers (skill >= 70) try high quality universities first ifelse teaching-skill >= 70 and any? high-quality-unis [ let best-university min-one-of high-quality-unis [distance myself] try-join-university best-university ][ ; Everyone else just picks closest university let best-university min-one-of potential-universities [distance myself] try-join-university best-university ] ] end ; Helper procedure for joining university to try-join-university [university1] if university1 != nobody [ if random 100 < 90 [ ; Keep the high hiring chance set my-university university1 set unemployed? false ask university1 [ set current-teachers current-teachers + teacher-batch-size ] hide-turtle ] ] end to update-teacher-count set teachers-needed ceiling (capacity / 10) ; Actual number of teachers needed set current-teachers (count teachers with [my-university = myself] * teacher-batch-size) ; If too many teachers, lay off some - but only if there are teachers to lay off while [current-teachers > teachers-needed and any? teachers with [my-university = myself]] [ let teacher-to-layoff nobody ifelse (fire-worst-teachers = true) [set teacher-to-layoff min-one-of teachers with [my-university = myself] [teaching-skill / (stress-level + 1)]] [set teacher-to-layoff one-of teachers with [my-university = myself]] if teacher-to-layoff != nobody [ ask teacher-to-layoff [ set unemployed? true set my-university nobody set color orange show-turtle ] set current-teachers current-teachers - teacher-batch-size set teachers-fired teachers-fired + 1 ] ] end to consider-quitting if not unemployed? [ ; High stress gives 30% chance of quitting if stress-level > 80 [ if random 100 < (20 + 100 - stress-level) [ ; Leave current position set teachers-quit teachers-quit + teacher-batch-size ask my-university [ set current-teachers current-teachers - teacher-batch-size ] ; Update teacher status set unemployed? true set my-university nobody set color orange show-turtle ] ] ] end ;; ======================================================= to damage-infrastructure ; Use patch's local-war-intensity directly let current-intensity [local-war-intensity] of patch-here ; Damage chance based directly on local war intensity if random-float 100 < current-intensity [ if random-float 100 < 15 [ ; Base 15% chance of attack let damage-amount random 50 * (current-intensity / 50) set infrastructure-damage min list 100 (infrastructure-damage + damage-amount) ] ] ; Repair functionality when conditions are favorable if current-intensity < 50 [ ; Only repair when relatively safe let repair-chance (50 - current-intensity) / 50 ; Higher chance of repair when safer if random-float 1 < repair-chance [ let repair-amount 2 + random 3 set infrastructure-damage max (list 0 (infrastructure-damage - repair-amount)) ] ] end to update-online-mode ifelse local-risk > 40 [set online-mode? true] [set online-mode? false] end to merge-universities if (infrastructure-damage > 80 or quality < 10) or (enrolled-students-count < 200) [ let potential-partners other universities in-radius 20 if any? potential-partners [ let merger-candidate max-one-of potential-partners [ (1 / (distance myself + 1)) * ((100 - infrastructure-damage) / 100) * (quality / 100) * (enrolled-students-count / 10) ] if merger-candidate != nobody [ let my-strength ( ((100 - infrastructure-damage) / 100) * (quality / 100) * (enrolled-students-count / 10) ) let their-strength ( ([100 - infrastructure-damage] of merger-candidate / 100) * ([quality] of merger-candidate / 100) * ([enrolled-students-count] of merger-candidate / 10) ) ifelse my-strength > their-strength [ ; We absorb them set capacity (capacity + [capacity] of merger-candidate) * 0.8 set is-merged? true ask students with [my-university = merger-candidate] [ set my-university myself move-to myself set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 25) ; adding merger stress hide-turtle ] set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count + [enrolled-students-count] of merger-candidate ask teachers with [my-university = merger-candidate] [ set my-university myself move-to myself set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 30) ; adding merger stress hide-turtle ] set current-teachers current-teachers + [current-teachers] of merger-candidate handle-university-closure merger-candidate ask merger-candidate [ die ] update-university-appearance ] [ ; They absorb us ask merger-candidate [ set capacity (capacity + [capacity] of myself) * 0.8 set is-merged? true set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count + [enrolled-students-count] of myself set current-teachers current-teachers + [current-teachers] of myself update-university-appearance ] ask students with [my-university = myself] [ set my-university merger-candidate move-to merger-candidate set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 25) ; adding merger stress hide-turtle ] ask teachers with [my-university = myself] [ set my-university merger-candidate move-to merger-candidate set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 30) ; adding merger stress hide-turtle ] handle-university-closure self die ] ] ] ] end to update-university-capacity let target-capacity enrolled-students-count ; Don't let capacity drop below a minimum based on university type let min-capacity ifelse-value (location-type = "big-city") [1000] ; Minimum for big city universities [500] ; Minimum for other universities set target-capacity max list target-capacity min-capacity ; Gradual adjustment toward target (5% per tick) let capacity-difference target-capacity - capacity let adjustment-rate 0.05 ; Apply the change set capacity round(capacity + (capacity-difference * adjustment-rate)) end to update-faculty-stress let my-teachers teachers with [my-university = myself] ifelse any? my-teachers [ ; Set faculty stress as average of teacher stress set faculty-stress-level min list 100 (mean [stress-level] of my-teachers) ][ ; If no teachers, base stress on environmental factors set faculty-stress-level min list 100 ( (infrastructure-damage + bureaucratic-load + local-risk) / 3) ] end to update-bureaucratic-load let regulation-chance 30 * (new-regulation-intensity / 5) if random 100 < regulation-chance [ ifelse random 100 < 20 [ ; 20% chance of positive reform set bureaucratic-load max (list 0 (bureaucratic-load - 5 - random 10)) ] [set bureaucratic-load bureaucratic-load + random 10] ] ; Gradual improvement as university adapts if bureaucratic-load > 50 and random 100 < 30 [set bureaucratic-load bureaucratic-load - 2] set bureaucratic-load max list 0 min list bureaucratic-load 100 end ;; ================================================================= to add-new-regulation ; Sudden increase in bureaucratic load ask universities [ ; Significant increase in bureaucratic load (20-40%) let regulation-impact 30 + random 40 set bureaucratic-load min list 100 (bureaucratic-load + regulation-impact) ] end to run-missile-attack ; Air raid set missile-attack-recovery-counter 10 ; Affect universities based on their location and chance ask universities [ ; Calculate chance of being hit based on distance from front let hit-chance 20 + random 20 ; Base 20-40% chance if distance-from-front < 20 [ set hit-chance hit-chance * 1.2 ] ; Only apply damage if university is actually hit if random 100 < hit-chance [ ; Much milder impact - infrastructure damage capped at 50 let impact 5 + random 10 set infrastructure-damage min list 50 (infrastructure-damage + impact) ; Force online mode only if significant damage if infrastructure-damage > 30 [ set online-mode? true ] ; Visual effect without size change set color red ] ] ; Affect students - using more efficient checks ask students with [not abroad?] [set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 20)] ; Schedule cleanup of visual effects set missile-attack-recovery-counter 5 end to handle-missile-recovery ; Gradually recover from missile attack effects set missile-attack-recovery-counter missile-attack-recovery-counter - 1 if missile-attack-recovery-counter <= 0 [ ; Reset war intensity to normal levels set war-intensity war-intensity * 0.9 ; Help universities recover ask universities [ ; Gradual infrastructure recovery if infrastructure-damage > 0 [ let recovery-rate 2 + random 3 set infrastructure-damage max list 0 (infrastructure-damage - recovery-rate) ] ; Return from online mode if safe if local-risk < 40 [ set online-mode? false ] ; Faculty stress recovery set faculty-stress-level max list 0 (faculty-stress-level - 1) ] ] end to-report fat-tailed-age ifelse random-float 1 < 0.8 [ ; First peak (power law for younger students) let alpha 1.5 let u random-float 1 let x (1 - u) ^ (-1 / alpha) report min (list 55 (max (list 17 (17 + (x - 1) * 38 / 8)))) ][ ; Second peak (normal distribution for mature students) let mu 37 let sigma 4 let age1 round (mu + (sqrt (-2 * ln random-float 1) * cos (360 * random-float 1)) * sigma) report min (list 55 (max (list 17 age1))) ] end to relocate ; Attempt emergency relocation let safe-locations patches with [ local-war-intensity < 30 and not any? universities-here and any? cities in-radius 5 and ; Add boundary checks to keep universities visible pxcor > min-pxcor + 5 and pxcor < max-pxcor - 5 and pycor > min-pycor + 5 and pycor < max-pycor - 5 ] if any? safe-locations [ ; Find best new location near a city let new-location min-one-of safe-locations [distance myself + (local-war-intensity / 10)] ; Relocate university move-to new-location set infrastructure-damage 30 ; Some damage from relocation set faculty-stress-level min list 100 (faculty-stress-level + 30) set bureaucratic-load min list 100 (bureaucratic-load + 20) set online-mode? true ; Temporary online mode during transition set relocated? true ; Mark as relocated ; Update stress for students and teachers without moving them ask students with [my-university = myself] [ move-to new-location set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 25) ] ask teachers with [my-university = myself] [ move-to new-location set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + 30) ] update-university-appearance ] end to expel-poor-performers let poor-performers students with [ my-university = myself and current-academic-performance < 20 ] if any? poor-performers [ ask poor-performers [ ; Store university before expulsion for potential return set previous-university my-university set my-university nobody set studying? false show-turtle set color black ] ; Update university enrollment count set enrolled-students-count enrolled-students-count - (count poor-performers * student-batch-size) ] end to add-student-stress ask students [ set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + additional-stress) ] end to add-teacher-stress ask teachers [ set stress-level min list 100 (stress-level + additional-stress) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 12 days ago by Artem Serdyuk.
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