HAPEE-Hunting Algorithm Performance Evaluation Environment

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Tagged by Marc Prince over 7 years ago


Tagged by Marc Prince over 7 years ago

predator prey model 

Tagged by Marc Prince over 7 years ago


Tagged by Marc Prince over 7 years ago


Tagged by Marc Prince over 7 years ago

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For a detailed description of the model, please consult the attached thesis paper.


This model provides a MAS framework, structured on the Belief, Desire, and Intent (BDI) architecture, to evaluate hunting algorithms. While the environment was originally designed to evaluate the Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA) and the Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm, the hunting development environment can be easily adapted to evaluate algorithms for searching, hunting, and evasion.


The HAPEE consists of five (5) Agent types: World Agent (WA), Patch Agent, Generic Agent (GA), Prey Agent (PA), and Hunting Agent (HA).

The World Agent and Patch Agent are simply the base NetLogo environment structured into the BDI architecture.

The Generic Agent offers a method to reuse code between the various types of Prey Agents and Hunting Agents.

The Prey Agent represents a deer (or gazelle) which is enabled with simple search algorithms to find food and water sources (stationary targets of fruit trees and streams) and evade predators.

The Huning Agent represents lionesses (or wolves) which are enabled with pack cooperation and hunting algorithms to converge on relatively mobile prey.

With minimal re-programming, these agents can be re-designed to represent other creatures within the Animal Kingdom (with their respective search, hunt and evasion techniques).


A key factor in search, hunt, and evasion algorithms is the presence of obstacles. The WA brokers the settings at the "interface" with the values set in the terrain parameters (subgroup of the environmental setup options) and, treating these as perceptions, instantiates these as obstacles within the hunting environment. The densities of food, water, foliage, and rocks are set as percentages of the total patches. Inactive, the weather and terrain types remain to be developed.

Also brokered as perceptions through the WA, the PA and HA parameters are set next and these establish the type, class, and quantity of prey and hunters.

The WA then brokers deliberations through the interface with the "Go Once", "Go", "Setup/Reset", and "Clear".

During instantiation, the WA first establishes the terrain layout based on the probability density of the features establihsed in the interface. The stream can be enabled/disabled within the code itself. Next to be instantiated are the PAs and HAs. These can be placed in specific patterns/locations or can be randomly distributed (again hardcoded).

Clicking the "Go Once" or "Go" will drive one (or many) deliberation cycles within the WA, which then cascades to driving the deliberation cycles of the PAs and HAs.

The effectiveness of the hunting algorithms can be observed as the degree of convergence in time (ie. ticks) of the HAs onto the PAs (or the PAs onto the fruit trees).


The model can be customized to include more agents (and types of agents), obstacles (terrain types), and search, hunt, and evasion algorithms.


If you mention this model, thesis paper, or the NetLogo software in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. Use of any the diagrams from the thesis paper is authorized with appropriate citation (no need to seek additional permission from the author).

For the model itself:

  • Prince, M. (2017). MAS Modelling Environment for Hunting and Evasion Algorithms. Athabasca University: Faculty of Science and Techology: School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada.

Please cite the NetLogo software as:


Copyright 1999 Uri Wilensky.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Uri Wilensky at uri@northwestern.edu.

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;@@@@                                                          @@@@;
;@@@@  Copyright 2017 Marc Prince.                             @@@@;
;@@@@  See Info tab for full copyright and license.            @@@@;
;@@@@                                                          @@@@;

; show [(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self

extensions [rnd]

globals [ ; These are detailed in the World Agent (WA) Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions.
  WA_Belief_Food-Density             WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density        WA_Belief_Rock-Density              WA_Belief_Water-Density      WA_Belief_Open-Terrain
  WA_Belief_Marsh-Density            WA_Belief_Wind-Direction            WA_Belief_Wind-Strength             WA_Belief_Rain-Frequency
  WA_Belief_Rain-Intensity           WA_Belief_Prey-Adult_Number
  WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity        WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity          WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity         WA_Belief_HA-Type            WA_Belief_HA-Algorithm_Test
  WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle      WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle

patches-own [ ; These are detailed in the World Agent under Patch Agent
  WA_Patch_State_Type                WA_Patch_State_Grow-Time
  WA_Patch_State_Colour              WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp
  WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number        WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading        WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed
  WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type          WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level

turtles-own [ ; These are detailed in the Generic Agent (GA) Beliefs, Desire, and Intentions.
  GA_State_Agent-Type     GA_State_Agent-Class      GA_State_Exhaustion          GA_State_Scan-Distance
  GA_State_Scent-Type     GA_State_Scent-Level      GA_State_Energy-Current      GA_State_Speed-Current      GA_State_Water-Current      GA_State_Voice-Level
  GA_Design_Speed-Max     GA_Design_Energy-Max      GA_Design_Hearing-Level-Min  GA_Design_Vocal-Level-Max   GA_Design_Scent-Level-Min   GA_Design_Vision-Max
  GA_Belief_Hunger-Level  GA_Belief_Water-Level     GA_Belief_Water-Bearing      GA_Belief_Patch-Colour      GA_Belief_Patch-Type
  GA_Belief_Water         GA_Belief_Water-Heading   GA_Belief_Water-Distance     GA_Belief_Water-Sources     GA_Belief_Water-atSource
  GA_Desire_Food          GA_Desire_Water           GA_Desire_Evade

breed [ hunted prey ]
hunted-own [ ; These are detailed in the Prey Agent (PA) Beliefs, Desire, and Intentions.
  PA_Belief_Food          PA_Belief_Food-Heading    PA_Belief_Food-Distance    PA_Belief_Food-Sources    PA_Belief_Food-atSource
  PA_Belief_Hunter        PA_Belief_Hunter-Heading  PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance  PA_Belief_Hunter-Sees-Me  PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource
  PA_Desire_Heading-Next  PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst

breed [ hunters hunter ]
hunters-own [ ; These are detailed in the Hunter Agent (HA) Beliefs, Desire, and Intentions.
  HA_State_Hunter-Type            HA_State_Hunter-Class           HA_State_Hunter-Level             HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader
  HA_Belief_Prey-Seen             HA_Belief_Prey-Known            HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading     HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance
  HA_Belief_Prey-X                HA_Belief_Prey-Y                HA_Belief_Prey-Heading            HA_Belief_Prey-Speed
  HA_Belief_Prey-atSource         HA_Belief_Prey-Sources
  HA_Belief_Alpha                 HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen            HA_Belief_Alpha-Known             HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading    HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Distance
  HA_Belief_Alpha-X               HA_Belief_Alpha-Y               HA_Belief_Alpha-Heading           HA_Belief_Alpha-Speed
  HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance   HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Heading    HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Attack
  HA_Belief_Beta1                HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen             HA_Belief_Beta1-Known             HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Heading    HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Distance
  HA_Belief_Beta1-X               HA_Belief_Beta1-Y               HA_Belief_Beta1-Heading
  HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance   HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Heading    HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X        HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y
  HA_Belief_Beta2                 HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen            HA_Belief_Beta2-Known             HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Heading    HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Distance
  HA_Belief_Beta2-X               HA_Belief_Beta2-Y               HA_Belief_Beta2-Heading
  HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Distance   HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Heading    HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X        HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y
  HA_Belief_Omega1                HA_Belief_Omega1-Seen           HA_Belief_Omega1-Known
  HA_Belief_Omega2                HA_Belief_Omega2-Seen           HA_Belief_Omega2-Known
  HA_Belief_Heard-Call            HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha
  HA_Belief_Encircle-X            HA_Belief_Encircle-Y
  HA_Perceive-Sounds              HA_Perceive-Scents

links-own [_range]

;;;;; World Agent ;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;; Actions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: Primary - WA_action_subject_verb or Alternate - WA_action_verb_subject

to WA_action_clear-all ; clear the hunting environment

to WA_action_clear-ticks ; reset the tick count

to WA_action_hunters-die ; clear the hunters from the hunting environment
  ask hunters [die]

to WA_action_hunters-setup ; setup the HAs according to the parameters at the interface

  if WA_Belief_HA-Type = "Lionesses" [

  if WA_Belief_HA-Type = "Wolves" [
    let i WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity
    while [ WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity != 0 ] [
      set WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity (WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity - 1)
    set WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity i

    set i WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity
    while [ WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity != 0 ] [
      set WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity (WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity - 1)
    set WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity i

    set i WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity
    while [ WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity != 0 ] [
      set WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity (WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity - 1)
    set WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity i

to WA_action_prey-die ; clear the prey from the hunting environment
  ask hunted [die]

to WA_action_prey-setup ; set up the prey based on the interface parameters
  let i 0
  while [ (i < WA_Belief_Prey-Adult_Number) ] [
    set i i + 1

to WA_action_setup-axes ; establish the axis on the window to the WA
  ;; draw x-axis & y-axis as light gray
  ask patches with [pxcor = 0 or pycor = 0]
    [ set pcolor gray - 3 ]

to WA_action_setup-food ; sets up the probability distribution on the food sources within the WA
  let random-value random 100
  let x-value min-pxcor
  let y-value min-pycor

  while [ (x-value <= max-pxcor) ] [
    set y-value min-pycor
    while [ (y-value <= max-pycor)] [
      set random-value random 100
      if random-value <= WA_Belief_Food-Density [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor orange]
      set y-value (y-value + 5)
    set x-value  (x-value + 5)

to WA_action_setup-marsh ; sets up the probability distribution on the marsh sources within the WA
  let random-value random 100
  let x-value 0
  let y-value 0
  ask patches with [ pcolor = blue ] [
    set random-value random 100
    if random-value <= WA_Belief_Marsh-Density [
      set x-value pxcor
      set y-value pycor
      if random-value < 51
        [ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor 42]]
      if (33 < random-value) and (random-value < 67)
        [ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor 42]]
      if random-value > 66 [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor 42]
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor 42]
  ask patches with [ pcolor = sky ] [
    set random-value random 100
    if random-value <= WA_Belief_Marsh-Density [
      set x-value pxcor
      set y-value pycor
      if random-value < 34 [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor 42]
      if (33 < random-value) and (random-value < 67) [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor 42]
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor 42]
      if random-value > 66 [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor 42]
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor 42]
        ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor 42]
        ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor 42]

to WA_action_setup-river ; establishes the river within the WA
;  let random-value random 100
;  let x-value min-pxcor
;  let y-value 0
  ask patches [
    if pycor = 0 [set pcolor blue     set WA_Patch_State_Type "Stream"     set WA_Patch_State_Colour blue ]

;  while [ x-value <= max-pxcor] [
;    ask patch x-value y-value [set pcolor blue]
;    ask patch x-value (y-value - 1) [set pcolor blue]
;    set x-value  (x-value + 1)
;    set random-value random 100
;    ifelse random-value < 51
;      [ set y-value (y-value - 1) ]
;      [ set y-value (y-value + 1) ]
;  ]

to WA_action_setup-statistical_features ; sets up the probability distribution of several terrain features within the WA
  let m []
  let feature_probability (list m)
  set feature_probability but-first feature_probability

  set m lput orange m
  set m lput WA_Belief_Food-Density m
  set feature_probability lput m feature_probability
  set m []

  set m lput green m
  set m lput WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density m
  set feature_probability lput m feature_probability
  set m []

  set m lput grey m
  set m lput WA_Belief_Rock-Density m
  set feature_probability lput m feature_probability
  set m []

  set m lput sky m
  set m lput WA_Belief_Water-Density m
  set feature_probability lput m feature_probability
  set m []

  set WA_Belief_Open-Terrain (100 - WA_Belief_Food-Density - WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density - WA_Belief_Rock-Density - WA_Belief_Water-Density)
  set m lput black m
  set m lput WA_Belief_Open-Terrain m
  set feature_probability lput m feature_probability
  set m []

  ask patches [
    set pcolor first rnd:weighted-one-of-list feature_probability [ [p] -> last p]

to WA_action_setup-rock_features ; sets up the probability distribution on the rock features within the WA
  let random-value random 100
  let x-value min-pxcor
  let y-value min-pycor

  while [ (x-value <= max-pxcor) ] [
    set y-value min-pycor
    while [ (y-value <= max-pycor)] [
      set random-value random 100
      if random-value <= WA_Belief_Rock-Density [
        set random-value random 100
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
        if (0 < random-value) and (random-value < 26) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor grey]
        if (25 < random-value) and (random-value < 51) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
        if (50 < random-value) and (random-value < 76) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
        if (75 < random-value) and (random-value < 101) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value - 1] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value - 1] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value + 1] [set pcolor grey]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value + 1] [set pcolor grey]
      set y-value (y-value + 4)
    set x-value  (x-value + 4)

to WA_action_setup-vegetation ; sets up the probability distribution on the vegetation features within the WA
  let random-value random 100
  let x-value min-pxcor
  let y-value min-pycor

  while [ (x-value <= max-pxcor) ] [
    set y-value min-pycor
    while [ (y-value <= max-pycor)] [
      set random-value random 100
      if random-value <= WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
        set random-value random 100
        if (19 < random-value) and (random-value < 36) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor green]
        if (35 < random-value) and (random-value < 51) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
        if (50 < random-value) and (random-value < 76) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
        if (75 < random-value) and (random-value < 101) [
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value - 1)] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = (y-value + 1)] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value - 1] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value - 1] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value - 1) and pycor = y-value + 1] [set pcolor green]
          ask patches with [ pxcor = (x-value + 1) and pycor = y-value + 1] [set pcolor green]
      set y-value (y-value + 5)
    set x-value  (x-value + 5)

to WA_action_setup-water ; sets up the probability distribution on the water sources within the WA
  let random-value random 100
  let x-value min-pxcor
  let y-value min-pycor

  while [ (x-value <= max-pxcor) ] [
    set y-value min-pycor
    while [ (y-value <= max-pycor)] [
      set random-value random 100
      if random-value <= WA_Belief_Water-Density [
        ask patches with [ pxcor = x-value and pycor = y-value] [set pcolor sky]
      set y-value (y-value + 3)
    set x-value  (x-value + 3)

to-report WA_action_tickCount ; counts the ticks of each deliberation cycle within the WA.
  report ticks

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Belief Review Function (BRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


;  WA_Belief_Setup-State                Belief: True/False - If true then the World Agent has been reset. Not Used Because No Tick to Associate Cycle...Look to Delete.
;  WA_Belief_Food-Density               Belief: The World Agent's density of food sources (apple trees, etc).
;  WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density         Belief: The World Agent's density of vegetation.
;  WA_Belief_Rock-Density               Belief: The World Agent's density of rock features.
;  WA_Belief_Water-Density              Belief: The World Agent's density of water (ponds, lakes, etc).
;  WA_Belief_Marsh-Density              Belief: The World Agent's density of marshland.
;  WA_Belief_Open-Terrain               Belief: The World Agent's density of open terrain. This value is calculated and is approximate.
;  WA_Belief_Wind-Direction             Belief: The direction of the wind.
;  WA_Belief_Wind-Strength              Belief: The strength of the wind.
;  WA_Belief_Rain-Frequency             Belief: The frequency of rain.
;  WA_Belief_Rain-Intensity             Belief: The intensity of rain.
;  WA_Belief_Prey-Adult_Number          Belief: Number of Prey.
;  WA_Belief_Hunters-Alpha_Number       Belief: Number of Alpha Hunters.
;  WA_Belief_Hunters-Beta_Number        Belief: Number of Beta Hunters.
;  WA_Belief_Hunters-Omega_Number       Belief: Number of Omega Hunters.
;  WA_State_Sounds                      State: List that holds the sounds that are in the environment during that cycle.
;  WA_Belief_HA-Type                    Belief: The type of hunters.

; Nomenclature: WA_perceive_subject_verb

to WA_brf_hunters-instantiate; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity #Level1Hunters

to WA_brf_hunters-die; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing

to WA_brf_prey-instantiate; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Prey-Adult_Number Prey-Adult

to WA_brf_prey-die; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing

to WA_brf_setup ; Used to instantiate the WA
  set WA_Belief_Food-Density Food-Density
  set WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density Vegetation-Density
  set WA_Belief_Rock-Density Rock-Density
  set WA_Belief_Water-Density Water-Density
  set WA_Belief_Marsh-Density Marsh-Density

  set WA_Belief_Wind-Direction Wind-Direction
  set WA_Belief_Wind-Strength Wind-Strength

  set WA_Belief_Prey-Adult_Number Prey-Adult
  set WA_Belief_HA-Type Hunter-Type
  set WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity #Level1Hunters
  set WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity #Level2Hunters
  set WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity #Level3Hunters
  set WA_Belief_HA-Algorithm_Test Algorithm-Test


to WA_brf_setup-food; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Food-Density Food-Density

to WA_brf_setup-vegetation; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Vegetation-Density Vegetation-Density

to WA_brf_setup-rock_features; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Rock-Density Rock-Density

to WA_brf_setup-water; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Water-Density Water-Density

to WA_brf_setup-river; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing

to WA_brf_setup-marsh; This is designed as a driving function and is utilized for testing
  set WA_Belief_Marsh-Density Marsh-Density

to WA_brf_sounds-initialize ; Instantiates the tracking of sounds within the WA

to WA_brf_sounds-current-initialize ; Tracks the sounds generated during this deliberation cycle (ie. current tick)
   set WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle []

  let m []
  set m lput 0 m                     ; sender's agent number
  set m lput "name-curr-init" m      ; sender's label
  set m lput 0 m                     ; xcor of sender
  set m lput 0 m                     ; ycor of sender
  set m lput 0 m                     ; sound-level of sender  ********this does not seem to be updating
  set m lput "Curr-Initialize" m          ; sender's message

  set WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle lput m WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle
;  show "sounds-current-initialize"

to WA_brf_sounds-previous-initialize ; Tracks the sounds generated during the previous deliberation cycle (ie. last tick)

  set WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle []

  let m []
  set m lput 0 m                    ; sender's agent number
  set m lput "name-prev-init" m     ; sender's label
  set m lput 0 m                    ; xcor of sender
  set m lput 0 m                    ; ycor of sender
  set m lput 0 m                    ; sound-level of sender
  set m lput "Prev-Initialize" m         ; sender's message

  set WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle lput m WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle
;  show "sounds-previous-initialize"

to WA_brf_sounds-prey_found ; Establishes a unique call from an HA that a PA has been identified...represents a unique sound.

  let m []
  set m lput [who] of self m
  set m lput [label] of self m
  set m lput [xcor] of self m
  set m lput [ycor] of self m
  set m lput [GA_State_Voice-Level] of self m
  set m lput "WA_brf_sounds-prey_found-1" m

  set WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle lput m WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle
;  show "WA_brf_sounds-prey_found"

;  foreach WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle [ [n] ->
;    let sound-level (item 3 n)
;    let message (item 4 n)
;    show [(word "("message", "sound-level ")")] of self
;  ]

to WA_brf_sounds-update_Current-to-Previous ; transfers the sounds from this deliberation cycle to the next deliberation cycle
  set WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle []
    let n []
;    let sender 0
;    let name "name"
;    let sound-x 0
;    let sound-y 0
 ;   let sound-level 0
;    let message "W"

  foreach WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle [ [m] ->
    set n[]
    set n lput (item 0 m) n       ; sender's agent number
    set n lput (item 1 m) n       ; sender's label
    set n lput (item 2 m) n       ; sender's xcor
    set n lput (item 3 m) n       ; sender's ycor
    set n lput (item 4 m) n       ; sender's sound level
    set n lput (item 5 m) n       ; sender's message

    set WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle lput n WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle

;  foreach WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle [ [o] ->
;    let sound-level1 (item 3 o)
;    let message1 (item 4 o)
;    show ( word message1 "test" sound-level1)
;  ]

  set WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle [] ; clears the list
;  show "WA_brf_sounds-update_Current-to-Previous" ; [(word "brf_sounds - ("message")")] of self
;  set WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle but-first WA_State_Sounds-Current_Cycle

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Deliberation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Because the World Agent cannot automatically react to new perceptions, the BRF must be forced in the Deliberation process
; to ensure that the Beliefs are updated prior to the Desires, Plans, and Intentions being re-examined.
; Nomenclature: WA_deliberate_verb_subject

to WA_deliberate_clear ; clears the WA

to WA_deliberate_clear-ticks ; clears the WA's ticks

to WA_deliberate_cycle ; WA deliberation cycle (executed by clicking the "Go Once")
  ;; stop if the lead turtle is about to go out of the world
  ;if [patch-at 1 0] of hunters = nobody [ stop ]
 ; if ((remainder ticks 5) = 0) [(set ROx posx) (set ROy posy)]


  ask hunted [


  ask hunters [
    if WA_Belief_HA-Type = "Lionesses" [
      if HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Alpha" [
      if HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Beta" [

    if WA_Belief_HA-Type = "Wolves" [
      if HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Alpha" [
      if HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Beta" [
      if HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Omega" [


  ask turtle 0 [show[(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self]
  ask turtle 1 [show[(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self]
  ask turtle 2 [show[(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self]
;  ask turtle 3 [show[(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self]
;  ask turtle 4 [show[(word "("pxcor ", " pycor")")] of self]
  show "***End of Turn"

to WA_deliberate_setup ; executed by clicking the Setup/Reset button

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Desire Review Funtion (DRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; The World Agent has no desires of its own.

; The World Agent has no state level desires of its own.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Intention Review Function (IRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: WA_irf_verb_subject (refactoring still needs to be completed)

; The World Agent has no state level intentions of its own.


to WA_irf_clear ; intention to clear the WA

to WA_irf_clear-ticks ; intention to clear the WA's ticks

to WA_irf_setup ; intention to setup the WA

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perceptions ;;;;;;;;;;
; This function consists of the selection boxes on the Interface GUI.
; With NetLogo, these objects broker variables which are handled by the BRF Function through a deliberation cycle.
; They are documented here for the purpose of completeness.
; Also, several procedures are coded here as they represent a forcing function which is activated through perception.
; Their primary function is for testing purposes.
; Nomenclature: WA_perceive_subject_verb

; Vegetation-Density     Slider from 1-100 used to set the density of vegetation.
; Rock-Density           Slider from 1-25 used to set the density of rock features.
; Water-Density          Slider from 1-25 used to set the density of water sources.
; Marsh-Density          Slider from 1-100 used to set the density of marsh lands.
; Wind-Direction         Chooser (Random, North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West) used to select the wind direction.
; Wind-Strength          Slider from 1-10 used to set the strength of the wind.
; Rain-Frequency
; Rain-Intensity

to WA_perception_hunters-clear ; clear the HAs from the WA

to WA_perception_hunters-setup ; Instantiate the HAs within the WA

to WA_perception_prey-clear ; clear the PAs from the WA

to WA_perception_prey-setup ; Instantiate the PAs within the WA

to WA_perception_setup-food ; Instantiate the food resources

to WA_perception_setup-vegetation ; Instantiate the vegetation resources

to WA_perception_setup-rock_features ; Instantiate the rock features

to WA_perception_setup-water ; Instantiate the water resources

to WA_perception_setup-river ; Instantiate the river

to WA_perception_setup-marsh; Instantiate the marsh features

to WA_perception_sounds-prey_found ; Used to broker a message from an HA to the WA about having found a PA

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Plans ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: WA_perceive_subject_verb (refactoring still needs to be completed)

to WA_plan_clear ; clear the WA

to WA_plan_setup ; instantiate the WA

to WA_plan_setup-hunting_grounds ; The hunting ground is set up according to the inputs of the various slider buttons

to WA_plan_prey-setup ; instantiate the PAs

to WA_plan_hunters-setup ; instantiate the HAs

;;;;;;; Patch Agent ;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;; Belief Review Function (BRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; WA_Patch_State-Scent_Type        State: This variable holds the scent type that is on the patch. The types are neutral, hunter, and prey.
; WA_Patch_State-Scent_Level       State: This variable holds the scent level on the patch.
; WA_Patch_State-Grow_Time         State: This variable holds the growth rate of the vegetation patches.
; WA_Patch_State-Colour            State: This variable holds the patch's color when it was first instantiated.
; WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp       State: This variable holds the patch's temporary color while it regrows.
; WA_Patch_State-Type              State: This variable holds the patch's type which is rock, vegetation, food, water, etc.
; WA_Patch_State-Sounds            State: This list holds the sounds (sound waves) that can be detected on the patch.
;                                           -  Sound Level 0     No sound
;                                           -  Sound Level 1     Whisper, only heard on the patch from which it originates and the adjoining patches.
;                                           -  Sound Level 2     Low Voice, only heard within 10 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 3     Normal Voice, heard within 50 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 4     Loud Voice, heard within 100 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 5     Yelling / barking, heard within 150 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 6     Howling, heard within 200 patch radius.
; WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number      State: This variable holds the unique turtle number of the PA or HA currently on the patch agent.
; WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading     State: This variable holds the heading of the PA or HA currently on the patch agent.
; WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed       State: This variable holds the speed of the PA or HA currently on the patch agent.

;;;;;;;;;;; Instantiation ;;;;;;;;;;;

to WA_Patch_brf_instantiate ; sets the parameters of the patches after instantiation
  if pcolor = orange [ set WA_Patch_State_Type "Food"         set WA_Patch_State_Colour orange    set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp  "None"]
  if pcolor = green  [ set WA_Patch_State_Type "Vegetation"   set WA_Patch_State_Colour green     set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp  "None"]
  if pcolor = grey   [ set WA_Patch_State_Type "Rock"         set WA_Patch_State_Colour grey      set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp  "None"]
  if pcolor = sky    [ set WA_Patch_State_Type "Water"        set WA_Patch_State_Colour sky       set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp  "None"]
  if pcolor = black  [ set WA_Patch_State_Type "Field"        set WA_Patch_State_Colour black     set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp  "None"]

;;;;;;;;;;; BRFs ;;;;;;;;;;;

to WA_Patch_brf_scent_fade ; Tracks and sets the scent levels at individual patches

  ask patches [
    if (WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type = "prey") [
      ;show [(word "("pxcor ", " pycor" , "WA_Patch_State-Scent_Level")")] of self

      ifelse (WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level = 0) [
        set WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type 0
;        if pcolor = yellow [ set pcolor black]
      [set WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level (WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level - 1)]

to WA_Patch_brf_scent_initialize ; initializes the scent on a patch when occupied by a PA or an HA
  ask patch-here [
;    if (pcolor = black) [ set pcolor yellow ]
    set WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type [GA_State_Scent-Type] of myself
    set WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level [GA_State_Scent-Level] of myself

to WA_Patch_brf_food-eat ; a result of the action that a PA has eaten the fruit on food source, sets the food source to the colour lime (indicating no food) and establishes a regrow time
  ask patch-here [
    set pcolor lime
    set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp lime
    set WA_Patch_State_Grow-Time 350

to WA_Patch_brf_food-grow ; decreases the regrow time by one unit. If the time period is zero then the food source has regrown and ready to be eaten again
  ask patches [
    if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [
      ifelse (WA_Patch_State_Grow-Time = 0) [
        set pcolor orange
        set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp "None"
        set WA_Patch_State_Grow-Time (WA_Patch_State_Grow-Time - 1)

;to WA_Patch_brf_HA-end
;  foreach WA_State_Patches-List [ [m] ->
 ;   ask patch (item 0 m) (item 1 m) [
;      if (pcolor = red) or (pcolor = 13) or (pcolor = 13) [ set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour ]
;    ]
;  ]

to WA_Patch_brf_HA-start ; brokers the colour of the patches occupied by the HAs.
  set WA_State_Patches-List []
  ask hunters [
    let n []
    ask patch-here [
      if pcolor != 19 [
        ;set WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp pcolor
        set pcolor [color] of myself
;      show pcolor
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number [who] of myself
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading [heading] of myself
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed [ GA_State_Speed-Current ] of myself

        set n lput pxcor n
        set n lput pycor n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed n
        ask myself [set WA_State_Patches-List lput n WA_State_Patches-List]

to WA_Patch_brf_kill_prey ; brokers the colour of a patch where a prey has been killed.
  ask patch-here [
;    set WA_Patch_State_Colour 19
    set pcolor 19
    show "HA and PA on same Patch"

;to WA_Patch_brf_PA-end
;  foreach WA_State_Patches-List [ [m] ->
;    ask patch (item 0 m) (item 1 m) [
;      if (pcolor = brown) [ set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour ]
;    ]
;  ]

to WA_Patch_brf_PA/HA-end ; brokers the colours of the patches occupied by PAs and HAs and returns them to their original colours at the start of the deliberation cycle.
  foreach WA_State_Patches-List [ [m] ->
    ask patch (item 0 m) (item 1 m) [
      if (pcolor = red) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

      if (pcolor = 13) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

      if (pcolor = 14) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

      if (pcolor = 16) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

      if (pcolor = 19) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

      if (pcolor = brown) [
        set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
        if (WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp = lime) [set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp]

;       if (pcolor = red) or (pcolor = 13) or (pcolor = 14) or (pcolor = 16) or (pcolor = 19) or (pcolor = brown) [
;        ifelse (WA_Patch_State_Colour = lime) [
;          set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour-Temp
 ;       ][
 ;         set pcolor WA_Patch_State_Colour
 ;       ]

to WA_Patch_brf_PA-start ; brokers the colour of a patch occupied by a PA.
;  set WA_State_Patches-List []
  ask hunted [
    let n []
    ask patch-here [
      if pcolor != 19 [
        ;set WA_Patch_State_Colour pcolor
        set pcolor [color] of myself
        show pcolor
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number [who] of myself
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading [heading] of myself
        set WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed [ GA_State_Speed-Current ] of myself

        set n lput pxcor n
        set n lput pycor n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading n
        set n lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed n
        ask myself [set WA_State_Patches-List lput n WA_State_Patches-List]

to WA_Patch_brf_sounds ; brokers sounds on the patches occupied by PAs and HAs.
  let sender 0
  let name "name"
  let sound-x 0
  let sound-y 0
  let sound-level 0
  let message "none"
  let sound-distance 0

  let n []

  ask turtles [
    ask patch-here [
      set WA_Patch_State_Sounds []
      set n []
      foreach WA_State_Sounds-Previous_Cycle [ [m] ->
        set sender (item 0 m)
        set name (item 1 m)
        set sound-x (item 2 m)
        set sound-y (item 3 m)
        set sound-level (item 4 m)
        set message (item 5 m)

;             show [(word "brf_sounds - ("sound-level")")] of self

        set sound-distance (sqrt( ((pxcor - sound-x) ^ 2) + ((pycor - sound-y) ^ 2) ))
;        show [(word "sender - ("sender") and sound-distance - ("sound-distance") and initial sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance >= 0) and (sound-distance <= 2)) and sound-level >= 1 [
          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 2) and ( sound-distance <= 5)) and sound-level >= 2 [ ;((sound-level > 1) and (sound-level <= 2)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 1)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 5) and ( sound-distance <= 10)) and sound-level >= 3 [ ;((sound-level > 2) and (sound-level <= 3)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 2)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 10) and ( sound-distance <= 50)) and sound-level >= 4 [ ;((sound-level > 3) and (sound-level <= 4)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 3)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 50) and ( sound-distance <= 100)) and sound-level >= 5 [ ;((sound-level > 4) and (sound-level <= 5)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 4)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 100) and ( sound-distance <= 150)) and sound-level >= 6 [ ;((sound-level > 5) and (sound-level <= 6)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 5)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 150) and ( sound-distance <= 200)) and sound-level >= 7 [ ;((sound-level > 6) and (sound-level <= 7)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 6)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
           show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self

        if ((sound-distance > 200) and ( sound-distance <= 250)) and sound-level >= 8 [ ;((sound-level > 7) and (sound-level <= 8)) [
          set sound-level (sound-level - 7)

          set n lput sender n
          set n lput name n
          set n lput sound-x n
          set n lput sound-y n
          set n lput sound-level n
          set n lput message n

          set WA_Patch_State_Sounds lput n WA_Patch_State_Sounds
;          show [(word "patch sound-level - ("sound-level")")] of self
;          foreach WA_Patch_State_Sounds [ [o] ->
;            set message (item 4 o )
;            show [(word "Patch_State_Sounds - ("message")")] of self
;          ]


;;;;;;;;;;; Deliberate ;;;;;;;;;;;

to WA_Patch_deliberate_cycle-end ; handles the beliefs that need to be updated on the patches occupied by PAs and HAs at the end of the deliberation cycle.

to WA_Patch_deliberate_cycle-middle ; handles the beliefs that need to be updated on the patches occupied by PAs in the middle of the deliberation cycle.


to WA_Patch_deliberate_cycle-start ; handles the beliefs that need to be updated on the patches occupied by HAs at the start of the deliberation cycle...this includes updating sounds, scent, and food growth.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perceptions ;;;;;;;;;;
; Perceptions by a Patch Agent represent a forcing function of an action taken against the patch.

to WA_Patch_perception_food-eaten ; this is a forcing function initiated by a PA eating the food on the patch.

to WA_Patch_perception-kill_prey ; the patch perceives that a PA has died on it.

to WA_Patch_perception_scent-initialize ; the patch perceives that a PA or HA has occupied it and left a scent.

;to WA_Patch_perception_sounds
;  WA_Patch_brf_sounds

;;;;;; Generic Agent ;;;;;;

;The Generic Agent defines states and procedures that are common to both Hunter and Prey Agents.
;As NetLogo does not yet have Super Classes (and thus Inheritance), the Generic Agent fills this role.
;It is used as a means to re-use code, increasing both coding efficiency and simplicity (in both reading the code and evolving it).

;;;;;;;;; Actions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: GA_action_subject_verb     if the subject is the Agent, then it is omitted.

to GA_action_move-none ; The GA remains stationary on the patch which simulates resting
  show "Do Nothing"
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 1)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 1)

to GA_action_move-normal ; This is the normal movement speed of the agents in the WA
  fd 1
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 2)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 2)

to GA_action_move-quick ; This represents a fast walk for the agents
  fd 2
  ; fd 1
  ; fd 1
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 3)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 3)

to GA_action_move-fast ; This represents a speed walk for the agents
  fd 3
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 4)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 4)

to GA_action_move-run ; This represents a slow run (jog) for the agents
  fd 5
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 5)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 5)

to GA_action_move-sprint ; This represents an all out run (ie. sprint) for the agents
  fd 7
  set GA_State_Energy-Current (GA_State_Energy-Current - 6)
  set GA_State_Water-Current (GA_State_Water-Current - 6)
  set GA_State_Exhaustion 20

to GA_action_move-pounce_prey ; This represents a pouncing action of an HA onto a PA. It is the physical displacement of the HA from one patch to another
  move-to patch HA_Belief_Prey-X HA_Belief_Prey-Y

to GA_action_turn-around ; The agent turns course by 180 degrees
  let heading-temp heading
  set heading (remainder int ((heading-temp) + 180) 360)

;;;;;;;;;;; Belief Review Function (BRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; The Beliefs of the Generic Agent are detailed under the Beliefs / Turtles-Own section of the World Agent.
; This occurs because NetLogo requires these variables to be declared at the beginning of the code (for reasons unknown).
; Though the class of generic agent variables are not formally declared at this location in the code, they are described below:

;  GA_Design_Speed-Max                   Design: the Agent's maximum possible speed.
;  GA_State_Speed-Current                State: the Agent's current speed.
;  GA_Design_Energy-Max                  Design: the maximum Energy that the Agent can store.
;  GA_State_Energy-Current               State: the Agent's current energy reserve.
;  GA_Belief_Hunger-Level                Belief: the Agent's hunger level. The level is dependent on the amount of energy in reserve. The lower the energy reserve, the higher the hunger level.
;  GA_Design_Hearing-Level-Min           Design: this is the minimum sound level that the Agent is able to perceive (measured at the Agent's location (ie: the Agent's ears)).
;  GA_Design_Vocal-Level-Max             Design: this is the sound level of the Agent's voice (measured at the Agent's location (ie: the Agent's mouth)).
;  GA_Design_Scent-Level-Min             Design: this is the minimum scent level that the Agent is able to perceive.
;  GA_State_Scent-Type                   State: This is the type of scent that the Agent possesses. The types are either prey or hunter.
;  GA_State_Scent-Level                  Belief: this is the Agent's scent level. The scent level increases with the Agent's age.
;  GA_Design_Vision-Max                  Belief: the maximum distance that the Agent can perceive objects.
;  GA_State_Water-Current                State: the Agent's current water reserve.
;  GA_Belief_Water-Level                 Belief: the Agent's thirst level.
;  GA_Belief_Water-Bearing               Belief: the bearing to the nearest water source.
;  GA_Belief_Patch-Colour                Belief: the colour of the patch (WA_Patch_State-Colour) that the Agent is occupying. This variable holds the patch colour at the start of the cycle and restores it at the end.
;  GA_Belief_Patch-Type                  Belief: the type of patch (WA_Patch_State-Type) that the Agent is occupying.
;  GA_State_Voice-Level                  State: This is the voice level of the Agent.
;                                           -  Sound Level 0     No sound
;                                           -  Sound Level 1     Whisper, only heard on the patch from which it originates and the adjoining patches.
;                                           -  Sound Level 2     Low Voice, only heard within 10 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 3     Normal Voice, heard within 50 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 4     Loud Voice, heard within 100 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 5     Yelling / barking, heard within 150 patch radius.
;                                           -  Sound Level 6     Howling, heard within 200 patch radius.
;  GA_State_Exhaustion                   State: The Agent is exhausted - True/False.
;  GA_State_Agent-Type                   State: The type of Agent: PA / HA.
;  GA_State_Agent-Class                  State: The class of Agent: For PA (Adult or Adolescent). For HA (Alpha, Beta, Omega).
;  GA_State_Scan-Distance                State: this variable is the distance upon which the eyes focus...representing the control of the nerves upon the retina.
;                                                It is a state because it represents a physical state of the optical reception capability.
;  GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan               Perception: This variable holds the perceived data from the eyes.


to GA_brf_cycle ; The agent begins its cycle
  set GA_Belief_Water false
  set GA_Belief_Water-atSource false
  set GA_Belief_Water-Distance 100
  set GA_State_Exhaustion (GA_State_Exhaustion - 1 )

to GA_brf_disposition ; Returns the agent to its original properties
  ask patch-here [ ; determines the patch that the Agent is standing on
    ask myself [ set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour WA_Patch_State_Colour     set GA_Belief_Patch-Type WA_Patch_State_Type ]

to GA_brf_hunger-level ; sets the hunger level of the agent
  if (0 < GA_State_Energy-Current) and (GA_State_Energy-Current < 25) [set GA_Belief_Hunger-Level 4]
  if (24 < GA_State_Energy-Current) and (GA_State_Energy-Current < 50) [set GA_Belief_Hunger-Level 3]
  if (49 < GA_State_Energy-Current) and (GA_State_Energy-Current < 75) [set GA_Belief_Hunger-Level 2]
  if (74 < GA_State_Energy-Current) and (GA_State_Energy-Current < 100) [set GA_Belief_Hunger-Level 1]
  if (99 < GA_State_Energy-Current) and (GA_State_Energy-Current < 150) [set GA_Belief_Hunger-Level 0]

to GA_brf_thirst-level ; sets the thirst level of the agent
  if (0 < GA_State_Water-Current) and (GA_State_Water-Current < 25) [set GA_Belief_Water-Level 4]
  if (24 < GA_State_Water-Current) and (GA_State_Water-Current < 50) [set GA_Belief_Water-Level 3]
  if (49 < GA_State_Water-Current) and (GA_State_Water-Current < 75) [set GA_Belief_Water-Level 2]
  if (74 < GA_State_Water-Current) and (GA_State_Water-Current < 100) [set GA_Belief_Water-Level 1]
  if (99 < GA_State_Water-Current) and (GA_State_Water-Current < 151) [set GA_Belief_Water-Level 0]

to GA_brf_water ; reviews the agent's belief as to the location of the nearest water feature
  let temp-heading 0
  let temp-distance 100
  let patch-colour 0

  let n first GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan
  set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour (item 0 n)

  ifelse (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = blue) or (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = sky) or (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = 42)[
;    show "at water"
    set GA_Belief_Water-atSource true ][
    foreach GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan [ [m] ->
        set patch-colour (item 0 m)
        if (patch-colour = blue) or (patch-colour = sky) or (patch-colour = 42) [
 ;         show "found water"
          (set GA_Belief_Water true)
          (set temp-heading (item 1 m))
          (set temp-distance (item 2 m))

          if (temp-distance < GA_Belief_Water-Distance) [
            set GA_Belief_Water-Distance temp-distance
            set GA_Belief_Water-Heading temp-heading

 ; show [(word "( "GA_Belief_Water-Heading" , "GA_Belief_Water-Distance" )")] of self

  if (GA_Belief_Water = false)[
    ifelse (ycor >= 0)[set GA_Belief_Water-Heading 180 set GA_Belief_Water true show "water at 180"][set GA_Belief_Water-Heading 0 set GA_Belief_Water true show "water at 0"]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Deliberation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to GA_deliberate_cycle ; runs one cycle of the agent's deliberation cycle

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Desire Review Function (DRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;  GA_Desire_Food                        Desire: does the Agent desire food?
;  GA_Desire_Water true                  Desire: does the Agent desire water?
;  GA_Desire_Evade                       Desire: Does the Agent desire to evade the situation. States are True or False.


to GA_drf_food ; sets the agents desire for food
  if GA_Belief_Hunger-Level = 4 [set GA_Desire_Food true]
  if GA_Belief_Hunger-Level = 3 [set GA_Desire_Food true]
  if GA_Belief_Hunger-Level = 2 [set GA_Desire_Food true]
  if GA_Belief_Hunger-Level = 1 [set GA_Desire_Food true]
  if GA_Belief_Hunger-Level = 0 [set GA_Desire_Food false]

to GA_drf_water ; sets the agents desire for water
  if GA_Belief_Water-Level = 4 [set GA_Desire_Water true]
  if GA_Belief_Water-Level = 3 [set GA_Desire_Water true]
  if GA_Belief_Water-Level = 2 [set GA_Desire_Water true]
  if GA_Belief_Water-Level = 1 [set GA_Desire_Water true]
  if GA_Belief_Water-Level = 0 [set GA_Desire_Water false]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Intention Review Function (IRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: GA_irf_verb_subject

to GA_irf_turn-and-run ; the agent turns heading 180 degrees and sprints away from that patch
  show "run-away!"
;  GA_action_turn-around

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perceptions ;;;;;;;;;;
; Because perceptions are very individualistic to a PA or HA, these were coded in those areas.

to GA_perceive ; To be developed

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Plans ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Plans where also unique to a type of PA or HA...representing their unique abilities.

;to GA_plan_turn-and-run
;  show "run-away!"
;  GA_action_turn-around
;  GA_action_move-sprint
;  GA_action_turn-around

;;;;;; Prey Agent ;;;;;;

; The Prey Agent represents an adult or adolescent prey depending on how it is instantiated.
; The command "breed [ hunted prey]" is defined in the World Agent / Beliefs section as required by NetLogo.

;;;;;;;;; Actions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: PA_action_subject_verb     if the subject is the Agent, then it is omitted.

to PA_action_eat-food  ; PA eats food thus increasing its energy level by consuming a patch
;  show "eating food"
  set GA_State_Energy-Current 150

to PA_action_drink-water ; PA drinks water thus increasing its water level...no patch is consumed.
;  show "drinking water"
  set GA_State_Water-Current 150

to PA_action_kill-prey  ; PA is dying as a result of being killed by an HA. The PA and HA occupy the same patch.

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Belief Review Function (BRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; The Beliefs of the Prey Agent are instantiated under the Beliefs / Hunted-Own section of the World Agent.
; This occurs because NetLogo requires these variables to be declared at the beginning of the code (for reasons unknown).
; Though the class of hunted variables are not formally declared at this location in the code, they are described below:

;  PA_Belief_Food                     Belief: the Agent believes (true/false) that it has perceived food.
;  PA_Belief_Food-Heading             Belief: this is the heading of perceived food.
;  PA_Belief_Food-Distance            Belief: this is the distance of the food from the Agent.
;  PA_Belief_Food-Sources             Belief: this is the Agent's list of known food sources.
;  PA_Belief_Food-atSource            Belief: true/false, the Agent is geolocated with a food source.

;  PA_Belief_Water                    Belief: the Agent believes (true/false) that it has perceived water.
;  PA_Belief_Water-Heading            Belief: this is the heading of perceived water.
;  PA_Belief_Water-Distance           Belief: this is the distance of the water from the Agent.
;  PA_Belief_Water-Sources            Belief: this is the Agent's list of known water sources.
;  PA_Belief_Water-atSource           Belief: true/false, the Agent is geolocated with a water source.

;  PA_Belief_Hunter                   Belief: the Agent believes (true/false) that it has perceived a hunter.
;  PA_Belief_Hunter-Heading           Belief: this is the heading of the perceived hunter.
;  PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance          Belief: this is the distance of the hunter from the Agent.
;  PA_Belief_Hunter-Sees-Me           Belief: the Agent believes (true/false) that it is being observed by the hunter. (Not Used)
;  PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource          Belief: true/false, the Prey Agent is geolocated with a Hunter Agent.

;  PA_Belief_Move-Next_Heading        Belief: this is the heading that the prey prefers to follow on its next movement. (Not Used)
;  PA_Belief_Move-Next_Distance       Belief: this is the number of squares that the Prey can move before it needs to reassess its next steps. (Not Used)


to PA_belief_instantiate-hunted_prey_adult ; instantiate an adult Prey Agent

  create-hunted 1
    [ set color brown
      set size 7
      set shape "default"
      set pen-size 1

      setxy 0 10 ;random-xcor random-ycor
;      set heading 180
;      facexy 0 1

      set label who
      set label-color white
      set heading 180
      set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
      set GA_State_Water-Current 150
      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
      set GA_State_Scent-Type "prey"
      set GA_State_Scent-Level 100
      set GA_State_Exhaustion 0
      set PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource false

      set PA_Belief_Food-Sources []
      set GA_Belief_Water-Sources []

to PA_belief_instantiate-hunted_prey_adolescent ; instantiate an adolescent Prey Agent
  create-hunted 1
    [ set color orange
      set size 3
      set shape "default"
      set pen-size 1

      setxy 25 25
      facexy 0 1

      set label who
      set label-color black

      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0


to PA_brf_cycle ; resets the PA's beliefs at the start of the deliberation cycle
  set PA_Belief_Food false
  set PA_Belief_Food-atSource false
  set PA_Belief_Food-Distance 100
  set PA_Belief_Hunter false
  set PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance 100


to PA_brf_food ; identify food within the visual scan
  let temp-heading 0
  let temp-distance 100
  let patch-colour 0

  let n first GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan
  set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour (item 0 n)

  ifelse (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = orange)[
;    show "at food"
    set PA_Belief_Food-atSource true
    foreach GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan [ [m] ->
      set patch-colour (item 0 m)
      if (patch-colour = orange) [
;        show "found food"
        (set PA_Belief_Food true)
        (set temp-heading (item 1 m))
        (set temp-distance (item 2 m))

        if (temp-distance < PA_Belief_Food-Distance) [
          set PA_Belief_Food-Distance temp-distance
          set PA_Belief_Food-Heading temp-heading

to PA_brf_hunter ; identify HA's within the visual scan
  let temp-heading 0
  let temp-distance 100
  let patch-colour 0

  let n first GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan
  set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour (item 0 n)
;  show [(word "("GA_Belief_Patch-Colour")")] of self

  ifelse (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = red)[
    show "I'm being attacked!"
    set PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource true
    foreach GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan [ [m] ->
      set patch-colour (item 0 m)
      if (patch-colour = red) [
        show "found hunter"
        (set PA_Belief_Hunter true)
        (set temp-heading (item 1 m))
        (set temp-distance (item 2 m))

        if (temp-distance < PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance) [
          set PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance temp-distance
          set PA_Belief_Hunter-Heading temp-heading
;          show [(word "(" PA_Belief_Hunter-Heading ", " PA_Belief_Hunter-Distance")")] of self

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Deliberation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to PA_deliberate_cycle ; main PA deliberation cycle




  if PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource = true [

  if PA_Belief_Hunter-atSource = false [
    if GA_State_Exhaustion <= 0 [
      ifelse (GA_Desire_Evade = true) [
;    show [(word "("GA_Desire_Food " , "GA_Desire_Water " , "PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst " , "GA_State_Energy-Current " , "GA_State_Water-Current ")")] of self
        let heading-set false

        if (GA_Desire_Water = true) [
;      show "Water"
;      show [(word "( "GA_Belief_Water" )")] of self
          if GA_Belief_Water-atSource = true [PA_irf_drink-water]
            if (GA_Belief_Water = true) and (GA_Belief_Water-atSource = false) [
              set heading-set true

        if (GA_Desire_Food = true) and (PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst = "Food")[
;      show "Food"
;      show [(word "( "PA_Belief_Food" )")] of self
          if PA_Belief_Food-atSource = true [PA_irf_eat-food]
          if PA_Belief_Food = true and (PA_Belief_Food-atSource = false)[
            set heading-set true

        if ((GA_Desire_Water = true) or (GA_Desire_Food = true) and (PA_Belief_Food = false) and (GA_Belief_Water = false) and (heading-set = false)) [PA_irf_move-search_circle]

        if ((GA_Desire_Food = false) and (GA_Desire_Water = false)) [PA_irf_relax]

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Desire Review Function (DRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst             Desire: Does the Agent desire food or water above the other. States are "Food" or "Water".

to PA_drf_food-or-water ; PA assesses whether it desires food and/or water
  ifelse (GA_Desire_Food = true) and (GA_Desire_Water = true) [set PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst "Water"] [ set PA_Desire_Hunger-Thirst "Food" ]

to PA_drf_hunter ; In the presence of an HA, PA assesses that it has a desire to evade the HA
  ifelse (PA_Belief_Hunter = true) [set GA_Desire_Evade true][set GA_Desire_Evade false]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Intention Review Function (IRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Nomenclature: PA_irf_verb_subject



to PA_irf_drink-water ; PA intends to drink water

to PA_irf_eat-food ; PA intends to eat food

to PA_irf_kill-prey ; PA intends to die (is dying)

to PA_irf_move-food ; PA intends to move towards a food source
  set heading PA_Belief_Food-Heading

to PA_irf_move-search_circle ; PA intends to search for food
  set heading (heading + 10)

to PA_irf_relax ; PA intends to do nothing

to PA_irf_move-water ; PA intends to move to a water source
  set heading GA_Belief_Water-Heading

to PA_irf_evade-turn-and-run ; PA intneds to evade an HA

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perceptions ;;;;;;;;;;

;  PA_Perceive_Visual-Scan            Perception: this is a list of perceived objects during a visual scan.

to PA_perception_visual-scan ; PA's visual perception skill to see objects within the World Agent

  set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan []

;;;;; Scan Agent's Patch;;;;;

  ask patch-here [ ; determines the patch that the Agent is standing on
    let m []
    set m lput pcolor m
    set m lput 0 m
    set m lput 0 m
    ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]

;;;;; Center Scan;;;;;
  let i 1

  while [i <= 12] [
    ask patch-ahead i [ ; determines the patches in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 13) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;; Left Scan;;;;;

  set i 1

  while [i <= 11] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 12) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 15 i [ ; determines the patches left by 15 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 25 i [ ; determines the patches left by 25 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 35 i [ ; determines the patches left by 35 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 45 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 55 i [ ; determines the patches left by 55 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 65 i [ ; determines the patches left by 65 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 75 i [ ; determines the patches left by 75 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 85 i [ ; determines the patches left by 85 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 95 i [ ; determines the patches left by 95 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;; Right Scan;;;;;

  set i 1

  while [i <= 11] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 12) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 15 i [ ; determines the patches right by 15 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 25 i [ ; determines the patches right by 25 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 35 i [ ; determines the patches right by 35 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 45 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 55 i [ ; determines the patches right by 55 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 65 i [ ; determines the patches right by 65 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 75 i [ ; determines the patches right by 75 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 85 i [ ; determines the patches right by 85 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 10] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 95 i [ ; determines the patches right by 95 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 11) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Plans ;;;;;;;;;;;;

;to PA_plan_food-moveto
;  set heading PA_Belief_Food-Heading
;  GA_action_move-normal

;to PA_plan_food-water-search
;  set heading (heading + 10)
;  GA_action_move-normal

;to PA_plan_water-moveto
;  set heading GA_Belief_Water-Heading
;  GA_action_move-normal

;;;;;;  Hunter Agent  ;;;;;;

; The Hunter Agent consists of three classes of hunters:
;     1. Level-1 Hunter-Alpha
;     2. Level-2 Hunter-Beta
;     3. Level-3 Hunter-Omega
; The command "breed [ hunters hunter]" is defined in the World Agent / Beliefs section as required by NetLogo.

;;;;;;;;; Actions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to HA_action_talk-prey_found ; HA communicates that it has found a PA thus simulating barking or howling
  show "HA-action_talk-prey_found"

to HA_action_eat-prey ; HA consumes a PA thus increasing its energy
  ;show "Eating Prey"
  set GA_State_Energy-Current 300
  ;figure out where an Agent dies!!!
;  WA_Patch_perception_food-eaten

to HA_action_face-alpha_heading ; HA turns and faces the Alpha HA
  set heading HA_Belief_Alpha-Heading

to HA_action_face-prey ; HA faces PA
    facexy HA_Belief_Prey-X HA_Belief_Prey-Y

to HA_action_kill-prey ; HA kills PA

to HA_action_move-alpha ; HA moves towards Alpha HA
  facexy HA_Belief_Alpha-X HA_Belief_Alpha-Y

to HA_action_move-encircle ; HA moves to encircle PA
  facexy HA_Belief_Encircle-X HA_Belief_Encircle-Y
  let x-dif (HA_Belief_Encircle-X - xcor)
  let y-dif (HA_Belief_Encircle-Y - ycor)

  let d sqrt( ((x-dif) ^ 2) + ((y-dif) ^ 2) )

  ifelse d >= 5 [

to HA_action_move-pounce_encircle ; moves the HA exactly onto the encircle point.

  if label = "Beta1" [
    move-to patch HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y

  if label = "Beta2" [
    move-to patch HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y

  if label = "Omega1" [
    move-to patch HA_Belief_Encircle-X HA_Belief_Encircle-Y

to HA_action_move-prey_fast ; HA moves fast towards the PA.
 set heading HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading

to HA_action_move-prey_normal ; HA moves normal towards the PA.
  facexy HA_Belief_Prey-X HA_Belief_Prey-Y

to HA_action_move-prey_pounce ; HA pounces on the PA.
  set heading HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading

to HA_action-search-alpha ; HA moves its head/body to search for the Alpha HA.
  set heading (heading + 90)

to HA_action_search-prey ; HA moves to search for PA.
  set heading (heading + 10)

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Belief Revision Function (BRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; The Beliefs of the Hunter Agent are instantiated under the Beliefs / Hunters-Own section of the World Agent.
; This occurs because NetLogo requires these variables to be declared at the beginning of the code (for reasons unknown).
; Though the class of hunter variables are not formally declared at this location in the code, they are described below. Note that
; each belief exists within a cycle, where the cycles existing for this specific implementation are the Deliberate Cycle (DC), the
; Hunting Cycle (HC), and the Pack Cycle (PC) (where the Pack Cycle is used only to distinguish between the Alpha, Beta, and Omega Hunters).


;  HA_Belief_Prey-Seen                     Belief (DC): Prey has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-Known                    Belief (HC): HA has knowledge of the Prey's last known location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading           Belief (DC): Heading of HA to the prey.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance          Belief (DC): Distance from HA to prey.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-X                        Belief (HC): Prey's x-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-Y                        Belief (HC): Prey's y-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-Heading                  Belief (HC): Prey's heading.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-Speed                    Belief (HC): Prey's speed.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-atSource                 Belief (DC): The HA and the prey occupy the same patch.
;  HA_Belief_Prey-Sources                  Belief (HC): List of all the sources of prey (and their X,y coordinates).
;  HA_Belief_Leader                        Belief (PC): The turtle number of the HA's superior.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha                         Belief (PC): The turtle number of the Alpha.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen                    Belief (DC): Alpha has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Known                   Belief (HC): HA has knowledge of the Alpha's last location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading          Belief (DC): The heading from the HA to the Alpha.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Distance         Belief (DC): The distance from the HA to the Alpha.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-X                       Belief (HC): The Alpha's x-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Y                       Belief (HC): The Alpha's y-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Heading                 Belief (HC): Alpha's heading.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Speed                   Belief (HC): Alpha's speed.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance           Belief (DC): The distance between the Alpha and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Heading            Belief (DC): The heading from the Alpha and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1                         Belief (PC): The turtle number of the Beta1.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen                    Belief (DC): Beta1 has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Known                   Belief (HC): HA has knowledge of the Beta1's last location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Heading          Belief (DC): The heading from the HA to the Beta1.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Distance         Belief (DC): The distance from the HA to the Beta1.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-X                       Belief (HC): The Beta1's x-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Y                       Belief (HC): The Beta1's y-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance           Belief (DC): The distance between the Beta1 and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Heading            Belief (DC): The heading from the Beta1 and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X              Belief (DC): X-coord of the Beta1 encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y              Belief (DC): Y-coord of the Beta1 encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2                         Belief (PC): The turtle number of the Beta2.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen                    Belief (DC): Beta2 has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Known                   Belief (HC): HA has knowledge of the Beta2's last location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Heading          Belief (DC): The heading from the HA to the Beta2.
;  HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Distance         Belief (DC): The distance from the HA to the Beta2.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-X                       Belief (HC): The Beta2's x-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Y                       Belief (HC): The Beta2's y-coord.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Distance           Belief (DC): The distance between the Beta2 and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Heading            Belief (DC): The heading from the Beta2 and the Prey.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X              Belief (DC): X-coord of the Beta2 encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y              Belief (DC): Y-coord of the Beta2 encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Omega1                        Belief (PC): The turtle number of Omega1.
;  HA_Belief_Omega1-Seen                   Belief (DC): Omega1 has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Omega1-Known                  Belief: HA has knowledge of the Omega1's last location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Omega2                        Belief (PC): The turtle number of Omega2.
;  HA_Belief_Omega2-Seen                   Belief: Omega2 has been visually observed - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Omega2-Known                  Belief: HA has knowledge of the Omega2's last location. - True/False.
;  HA_Belief_Heard-Call                    Belief (DC): HA heard a call from one of the other HAs.
;  HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha                   Belief (HC): HA heard a call from the Alpha.
;  HA_Belief_Encircle-X                    Belief (DC): X-coord of the encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Encircle-Y                    Belief (DC): Y-coord of the encircle point.
;  HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode                     Belief (HC): The hunt mode that the HA is in: Rest, Search, Encircle, Strike, Eat.
;  HA_State_Hunter-Type                    State (PC): The type of Hunting Agent: lioness, wolf, etc.
;  HA_State_Hunter-Class                   State (PC): The class of hunter: alpha, beta, omega, etc.
;  HA_State_Hunter-Level                   State (PC): The level of the HA is used to distinguish two HAs of the same Class (ie. Beta1 from Beta2).


to HA_belief_instantiate-lioness_alpha ; instantiate the Alpha Lioness
  create-hunters 1
    [ set color red
      set size 5
      set shape "default"
      set pen-size 1

      setxy  0 0
      facexy 0 1

      set HA_State_Hunter-Type "Lioness"
      set HA_State_Hunter-Class "Alpha"
      set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader [who] of self
      set HA_Belief_Beta1 1

      set label (word "Alpha" 1 )
      set label-color white

      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"
      set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
      set GA_State_Water-Current 150
      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
      set GA_State_Voice-Level 7

to HA_belief_instantiate-lioness_beta ; Instantiate the Beta Lioness
  create-hunters 1 [
    set size 5
    set shape "default"
    set pen-size 1

    setxy 10 -10 ;
    facexy 0 1

    set HA_State_Hunter-Type "Lioness"
    set HA_State_Hunter-Class "Beta"

    set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader 0

    set label (word "Beta" 1)
    set label-color white
    set color 13

    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"
    set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
    set GA_State_Water-Current 150
    set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
    set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
    set GA_State_Voice-Level 7

to HA_belief_instantiate-wolf_alpha ; Instantiate the Alpha Wolf
  create-hunters 1
    [ set color red
      set size 5
      set shape "default"
      set pen-size 1

      setxy 0 0 ;random-xcor random-ycor
      facexy 0 1

      set HA_Belief_Beta1 -1
      set HA_Belief_Beta2 -1
      set HA_Belief_Omega1 -1
      set HA_Belief_Omega2 -1

      set HA_State_Hunter-Type "Wolf"
      set HA_State_Hunter-Class "Alpha"
      set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader [who] of self

      let i 0
      ask hunters [
        if (HA_State_Hunter-Class = "Alpha") [ set i (i + 1) ]
        set HA_State_Hunter-Level i

      set label (word "Alpha" WA_Belief_HA-Alpha_Quantity )
      set label-color white

;      show [(word "("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ")"  )] of self

      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"
      set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
      set GA_State_Water-Current 150
      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
      set GA_State_Voice-Level 7

to HA_belief_instantiate-wolf_beta ; Instantiate the Beta Wolf
  create-hunters 1 [
;    set color 14
    set size 5
    set shape "default"
    set pen-size 1

  ;  setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 0 0
    facexy 0 1

    set HA_Belief_Omega1 -1
    set HA_Belief_Omega2 -1

    set HA_State_Hunter-Type "Wolf"
    set HA_State_Hunter-Class "Beta"

    let i 0
    let j who
    ask hunters [
;   show [(word "Hunter - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ")"  )] of self
      if (HA_State_Hunter-Type = "Beta") [ set i (i + 1) ]
        let assigned false
        if (HA_State_Hunter-Type = "Alpha") [
          if HA_Belief_Beta1 = -1 [
            set HA_Belief_Beta1 j
            set assigned true
          if (assigned = false) and (HA_Belief_Beta2 = -1) [set HA_Belief_Beta2 j]
          set j who
;         show [(word "Alpha - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1 ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2 ")"  )] of self
      set HA_State_Hunter-Level i
      set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader j

;      show [(word "Beta - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ", " who ")"  )] of self

      if WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity = 2 [
        set label (word "Beta" 1 )
        set color 13
        setxy 10 -10
        show "my colour is 13"

      if WA_Belief_HA-Beta_Quantity = 1 [
        set label (word "Beta" 2 )
        set color 14
        setxy -10 -10
        show "my colour is 14"

      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"
      set label-color white

      set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
      set GA_State_Water-Current 150
      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
      set GA_State_Voice-Level 7

to HA_belief_instantiate-wolf_omega ; Instantiate the Omega Wolf
  create-hunters 1
    [ set color 16
      set size 5
      set shape "default"
      set pen-size 1

      setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; 0 0
      facexy 0 1

      set HA_State_Hunter-Type "Wolf"
      set HA_State_Hunter-Class "Omega"

      let i 0
      let j who
      let k who
      let assigned false
      ask hunters [
;        set j k
;       show [(word "Hunter - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ")"  )] of self
        if (HA_State_Hunter-Type = "Omega") [ set i (i + 1) ]
;        set assigned false
        if (HA_State_Hunter-Type = "Alpha") and (assigned = false) [
          if HA_Belief_Omega1 = -1 [
            set HA_Belief_Omega1 j
            set k who
            set assigned true
          if (assigned = false) and (HA_Belief_Omega2 = -1)[
            set HA_Belief_Omega2 j
            set assigned true
            set k who
;          show [(word "Alpha/Beta - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Omega1 ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Omega2 ")"  )] of self

        if (HA_State_Hunter-Type = "Beta") and (assigned = false) [
          if HA_Belief_Omega1 = -1 [
            set HA_Belief_Omega1 j
            set k who
            set assigned true
          if (assigned = false) and (HA_Belief_Omega2 = -1)[
            set HA_Belief_Omega2 j
            set assigned true
            set k who

 ;       show [(word "Alpha/Beta - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Omega1 ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Omega2 ")"  )] of self
  ;      if assigned = true [set k who]
      set HA_State_Hunter-Level i
      set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader k

 ;     show [(word "Me - ("HA_State_Hunter-Type ", " HA_State_Hunter-Level ", " HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader ", " who ")"  )] of self

      if WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity = 1 [
        setxy 0 -25

      set label (word "Omega" WA_Belief_HA-Omega_Quantity )
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"
      set label-color white

      set GA_State_Energy-Current 75
      set GA_State_Water-Current 150
      set GA_Design_Speed-Max 5
      set GA_State_Speed-Current 0
      set GA_State_Voice-Level 7


to HA_brf_audio-update ; re-assess the audio perception
  let sender 0
  let name "name"
  let sound-x 0
  let sound-y 0
  let sound-level 0
  let message "none"
  let sound-bearing 0
  let hunter-distance 500


  foreach HA_Perceive-Sounds [ [m] ->
    set sender (item 0 m)
    set name (item 1 m)
    set sound-x (item 2 m)
    set sound-y (item 3 m)
    set sound-level (item 4 m)
    set message (item 5 m)

    if (sender != [who] of self) and (ticks >= 2)[    ;(turtle sender != [who] of self) ... (xcor != sound-x) and (ycor != sound-y)

      set HA_Belief_Heard-Call true

;      show "heard call"
;      show [(word "HA_brf_hunters-audio - (" sender ", " sound-x ", " sound-y ", " sound-level ")"  )] of self
      if (name = "Alpha1") [
;        show "heard Alpha"
        set HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha true
        set hunter-distance (distance turtle sender)
        if hunter-distance > 1 [
          set HA_Belief_Prey-Heading towardsxy sound-x sound-y
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha = false) and (distance turtle sender < hunter-distance) [
        set hunter-distance (distance turtle sender)
        if hunter-distance > 1 [
          set HA_Belief_Prey-Heading towardsxy sound-x sound-y

to HA_brf_cycle ; Resets the HA's beliefs at the start of the deliberation cycle
;  set HA_Belief_Prey false
;  set HA_Belief_Prey-atSource false
;  set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance 100
;  set HA_Belief_Heard-Call false
;  set HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha false
;  set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader false
;  set HA_Belief_Alpha false
;  set HA_Belief_Beta1 false
;  set HA_Belief_Beta2 false
;  set HA_Belief_Omega1 false


to HA_brf_lioness-spatial_update ; re-assesses the lioness's disposition wrt a PA and the other lioness
  let dx_alpha-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-X - HA_Belief_Alpha-X)
  let dy_alpha-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-Y - HA_Belief_Alpha-Y)

  set HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((dx_alpha-prey) ^ 2) + ((dy_alpha-prey) ^ 2) ))

  set HA_Belief_Encircle-X (HA_Belief_Prey-X + dx_alpha-prey)
  set HA_Belief_Encircle-Y (HA_Belief_Prey-Y + dy_alpha-prey)

  set HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X HA_Belief_Encircle-X
  set HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y HA_Belief_Encircle-Y

  set HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((HA_Belief_Beta1-X - HA_Belief_Prey-X) ^ 2) + ((HA_Belief_Beta1-Y - HA_Belief_Prey-Y) ^ 2) ))

to HA_brf_wolf-spatial_update ; re-assesses the wolf's disposition wrt to the PA, Alpha and Beta wolves
  ;let dx_beta1-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-X - HA_Belief_Beta1-X)
  ;let dy_beta1-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-Y - HA_Belief_Beta1-Y)

  ;let dx_beta2-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-X - HA_Belief_Beta2-X)
  ;let dy_beta2-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-Y - HA_Belief_Beta2-Y)

  let dx_alpha-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-X - HA_Belief_Alpha-X)
  let dy_alpha-prey (HA_Belief_Prey-Y - HA_Belief_Alpha-Y)

  show [(word "Prey-X - ("HA_Belief_Prey-X") Prey-Y - ("HA_Belief_Prey-Y")"  )] of self
  show [(word "Alpha-X - ("HA_Belief_Alpha-X") Alpha-Y - ("HA_Belief_Alpha-Y")"  )] of self

  set HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((dx_alpha-prey) ^ 2) + ((dy_alpha-prey) ^ 2) ))

  if (label = "Beta1") or (label = "Alpha1") [
    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X (HA_Belief_Prey-X + (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance * 0.5))
    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y (HA_Belief_Prey-Y + (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance * 1.2))

    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((HA_Belief_Beta1-X - HA_Belief_Prey-X) ^ 2) + ((HA_Belief_Beta1-Y - HA_Belief_Prey-Y) ^ 2) ))
    set HA_Belief_Encircle-X HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X
    set HA_Belief_Encircle-Y HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y

  if label = "Beta2" or (label = "Alpha1") [
    set HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X (HA_Belief_Prey-X + (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance * -0.5))
    set HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y (HA_Belief_Prey-Y + (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance * 1.2))

    set HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((HA_Belief_Beta2-X - HA_Belief_Prey-X) ^ 2) + ((HA_Belief_Beta2-Y - HA_Belief_Prey-Y) ^ 2) ))
    set HA_Belief_Encircle-X HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X
    set HA_Belief_Encircle-Y HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y

  if label = "Omega1" [
   ; set HA_Belief_Encircle-X (HA_Belief_Prey-X + ((HA_Belief_Alpha-X + HA_Belief_Beta1-X + HA_Belief_Beta2-X) / 3))
   ; set HA_Belief_Encircle-Y (HA_Belief_Prey-Y + ((HA_Belief_Alpha-Y + HA_Belief_Beta1-Y + HA_Belief_Beta2-Y) / 3))

    set HA_Belief_Encircle-X ((HA_Belief_Alpha-X + HA_Belief_Beta1-X + HA_Belief_Beta2-X) / 3)
    set HA_Belief_Encircle-Y ((HA_Belief_Alpha-Y + HA_Belief_Beta1-Y + HA_Belief_Beta2-Y) / 3)

    show [(word "Omega-Encircle-X - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-X") Omega-Encircle-Y - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-Y")"  )] of self
    show [(word "Alpha-X - ("HA_Belief_Alpha-X") Alpha-Y - ("HA_Belief_Alpha-Y")"  )] of self
    show [(word "Beta1-X - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-X") Beta1-Y - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-Y")"  )] of self
    show [(word "Beta2-X - ("HA_Belief_Beta2-X") Beta2-Y - ("HA_Belief_Beta2-Y")"  )] of self

;    set HA_Belief_Omega-Prey_Distance (sqrt( ((HA_Belief_Beta1-X - HA_Belief_Prey-X) ^ 2) + ((HA_Belief_Beta1-Y - HA_Belief_Prey-Y) ^ 2) ))

to HA_brf_reset-beliefs ; resets beliefs to false
  set HA_Belief_Prey-Known false
  set HA_Belief_Alpha-Known false
  set HA_Belief_Beta1-Known false
  set HA_Belief_Beta2-Known false
  set HA_Belief_Omega1-Known false
  set HA_Belief_Omega2-Known false

to HA_brf_visual-update ; re-assesses the visual perception
  let patch-colour 0
  let temp-heading 0
  let temp-distance 100
  let temp-x 0
  let temp-y 0
  let agent-number 1000
  let agent-heading 1000
  let agent-speed 1000
  let i 0
  set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance 110

  set HA_Belief_Prey-Seen false
  set HA_Belief_Prey-atSource false
;-  set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance 100
;-  set HA_Belief_Heard-Call false
;-  set HA_Belief_Heard-Alpha false
;  set HA_Belief_Hunter-Leader false
  set HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen false
  set HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen false
  set HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen false
  set HA_Belief_Omega1-Seen false
  set HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Attack false

;  let n first GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan
;  set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour (item 0 n)
;  show [(word "(HA - "GA_Belief_Patch-Colour")")] of self

 ; ifelse (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = brown) or (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = 19) [
;    show "Captured Prey!"
;    set HA_Belief_Prey-atSource true
;  ][
  foreach GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan [ [m] ->
    set patch-colour (item 0 m)
    set temp-heading (item 1 m)
    set temp-distance (item 2 m)
    set temp-x (item 3 m)
    set temp-y (item 4 m)
    set agent-number (item 5 m)
    set agent-heading (item 6 m)
    set agent-speed (item 7 m)

    ifelse (i <= 0) [
      set GA_Belief_Patch-Colour patch-colour
      if (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = brown) or (GA_Belief_Patch-Colour = 19) [
        show "Captured Prey!"
        set HA_Belief_Prey-atSource true
        set HA_Belief_Prey-Seen true
      if (patch-colour = brown) [
        set HA_Belief_Prey-Seen true
        show "found prey"

        if (temp-distance < HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance) [
          set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance temp-distance
          set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading temp-heading
          set HA_Belief_Prey-X temp-x
          set HA_Belief_Prey-Y temp-y
          show [(word "Visual-HA_Belief_Prey-X - ("HA_Belief_Prey-X") Visual-HA_Belief_Prey-Y - ("HA_Belief_Prey-Y")"  )] of self
      if (patch-colour = red) [
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen true
        show "Visual Scan - I see Alpha"
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Heading agent-heading
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Speed agent-speed

        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading temp-heading
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Distance temp-distance
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-X temp-x
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Y temp-y
      if (patch-colour = 13) [
        set HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen true
        show "Visual Scan - I see Beta1"
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Heading temp-heading
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Distance temp-distance
        set HA_Belief_Beta1-X temp-x
        set HA_Belief_Beta1-Y temp-y
        show [(word "Visual-HA_Belief_Beta1-X - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-X") Visual-HA_Belief_Beta1-Y - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-Y")"  )] of self
      if (patch-colour = 14) [
        set HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen true
        show "Visual Scan - I see Beta2"
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Heading temp-heading
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Distance temp-distance
        set HA_Belief_Beta2-X temp-x
        set HA_Belief_Beta2-Y temp-y
        show [(word "Visual-HA_Belief_Beta2-X - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-X") Visual-HA_Belief_Beta2-Y - ("HA_Belief_Beta1-Y")"  )] of self
      if (patch-colour = 19) [                                    ; this represents an HA and PA on the same patch agent.
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen true
        set HA_Belief_Prey-Seen true
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Attack true
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance 0
        show "Visual Scan - Alpha on Prey"
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Heading agent-heading
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Speed agent-speed

        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading temp-heading
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Distance temp-distance
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-X temp-x
        set HA_Belief_Alpha-Y temp-y

        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance temp-distance
        set HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading temp-heading
        set HA_Belief_Prey-X temp-x
        set HA_Belief_Prey-Y temp-y
    set i i + 1
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Deliberation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to HA_deliberate_lioness-alpha ; Alpha lioness main deliberation cycle

  if HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true [
    show "Deliberate - I See Beta1"
    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Known true

  if GA_Desire_Food = true [     ; this is the entry condition into the "Hunting Cycle"
    if (HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest") [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
      show "I'm Searching For Prey"

 if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey" [
    if HA_Belief_Heard-Call = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Pack Found Prey"
      show "Pack Found Prey"

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
      show "I See Prey"
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) [

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Known = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location"

    if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) [
;      show "I move to search for prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Pack Found Prey" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
    show "Back to I Search For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location" [
    ifelse (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (xcor = HA_Belief_Prey-X) and (ycor = HA_Belief_Prey-Y) [
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known False
      show "At Last Known Prey Location"
      show "Moving to Last Known Prey Location"
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I See Prey" [
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 16) [ HA_irf_move-prey_fast ]
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Encircle"
      show "Move to Encircle"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Encircle" [
    show [(word "Encircle-X - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-X") Encircle-Y - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-Y")"  )] of self
    if (HA_Belief_Encircle-X - HA_Belief_Beta1-X < 5) and (HA_Belief_Encircle-Y - HA_Belief_Beta1-Y < 5) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Approach"
      show "I see Beta...Move to Approach"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
    if (HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true) [
      if ((HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance > 7)) [
      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
        show "Move to Strike"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Strike" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Kill"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Kill" [
    if HA_Belief_Prey-atSource = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Eat"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Eat" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest" [

 show [(word "Alpha Hunt State - ("HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode")")] of self
 show [(word "Alpha Patch Colour - ("pcolor")")] of patch-here

to HA_deliberate_lioness-beta ; Beta lioness main deliberation cycle

  if HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = true [
      show "Deliberate - I See Alpha"
      set HA_Belief_Alpha-Known true

  if GA_Desire_Food = true [     ; this is the entry condition into the "Hunting Cycle"
    if (HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest") [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
      show "I'm Searching For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey" [
    if HA_Belief_Heard-Call = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Pack Found Prey"
      show "Pack Found Prey"

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
      show "I See Prey"
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = false) [

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Known = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location"

    if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) [

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Pack Found Prey" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
    show "Back to I Search For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location" [
    ifelse (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (xcor = HA_Belief_Prey-X) and (ycor = HA_Belief_Prey-Y) [
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known False
      show "At Last Known Prey Location"
      show "Moving to Last Known Prey Location"
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I See Prey" [
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 16) [ HA_irf_move-prey_fast ]
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Encircle"
      show "Move to Encircle"
   if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = false) [

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Encircle" [
    show [(word "Encircle-X - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-X") Encircle-Y - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-Y")"  )] of self
    if (xcor = precision HA_Belief_Encircle-X 0) and (ycor =  precision HA_Belief_Encircle-Y 0) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Approach"
      show "Move to Approach"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      show "Approach - I see Prey and Alpha"

 ;     if (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading) <= 20 ) [ HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ]
      if HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance > (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 1) [

      if HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance <= (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 1) [
          ; wait until Alpha moves closer to Prey.

      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
        show "Move to Strike"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Strike" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Kill"

 if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Kill" [
    if HA_Belief_Prey-atSource = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Eat"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Eat" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest" [

  show [(word "Beta Hunt State - ("HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode")")] of self

to HA_deliberate_wolf-alpha  ; Alpha wolf main deliberation cycle

  if HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true [
    show "Deliberate - I See Beta1"
    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Known true

  if HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen = true [
      show "Deliberate - I See Beta2"
      set HA_Belief_Beta2-Known true

  if GA_Desire_Food = true [     ; this is the entry condition into the "Hunting Cycle"
    if (HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest") [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
      show "I'm Searching For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey" [
    if HA_Belief_Heard-Call = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Pack Found Prey"
      show "Pack Found Prey"

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
      show "I See Prey"
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) [

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Known = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location"

    if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = 0) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) [
      show "I move to search for prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Pack Found Prey" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
    show "Back to I Search For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location" [
    ifelse (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (xcor = HA_Belief_Prey-X) and (ycor = HA_Belief_Prey-Y) [
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known False
      show "At Last Known Prey Location"
      show "Moving to Last Known Prey Location"
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I See Prey" [
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 16) [ HA_irf_move-prey_fast ]
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Encircle"
      show "Move to Encircle"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Encircle" [

    let beta1-dx abs(HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X - HA_Belief_Beta1-X)
    let beta1-dy abs(HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y - HA_Belief_Beta1-Y)
    let beta2-dx abs(HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X - HA_Belief_Beta2-X)
    let beta2-dy abs(HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y - HA_Belief_Beta2-Y)

show [(word "( Encircle1 - "HA_Belief_Beta1-X ", " HA_Belief_Beta1-Y ", "HA_Belief_Beta2-X ", "HA_Belief_Beta2-Y ")"  )] of self
show [(word "( Encircle2 - "HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-X ", "HA_Belief_Beta1-Encircle-Y ", "HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-X ", "HA_Belief_Beta2-Encircle-Y ")"  )] of self
show [(word "( Encircle3 - "beta1-dx ", " beta1-dy ", " beta2-dx ", " beta2-dy ")"  )] of self

    if (beta1-dx <= 8 ) and (beta1-dy <= 8 ) and (beta2-dx <= 8 ) and (beta2-dy <= 8 ) [
 ;   if (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Heading) <= 20 ) and (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Heading) <= 20 )[

        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Approach"
        show "Move to Approach"

    if HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
    if (HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen = true) [
      show "I see Beta1 and Beta2" ]
      if ((HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance > 7)) [
        HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ]
      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
        show "Move to Strike"
      if HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Strike" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Kill"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Kill" [
    if HA_Belief_Prey-atSource = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Eat"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Eat" [
     set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest" [

 show [(word "Alpha Hunt State - ("HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode")")] of self
 show [(word "Alpha Patch Colour - ("pcolor")")] of patch-here

to HA_deliberate_wolf-beta ; Beta wolf main deliberation cycle

  if HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = true [
      show "Deliberate - I See Alpha"
      set HA_Belief_Alpha-Known true
;      if (abs(xcor - HA_Belief_Alpha-X) < 4) and (abs(ycor - HA_Belief_Alpha-Y) < 4) [
;        show "I'm next to Alpha"
;      ]

  if GA_Desire_Food = true [     ; this is the entry condition into the "Hunting Cycle"
    if (HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest") [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
      show "I'm Searching For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey" [
    if HA_Belief_Heard-Call = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Pack Found Prey"
      show "Pack Found Prey"

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
      show "I See Prey"
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = false) [

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Known = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location"

    if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = 0) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) [
      show "I move to search for prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Pack Found Prey" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
    show "Back to I Search For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location" [
;    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
;      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
;      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
;      show "Last Known Location - I See Prey"
;    ]
    ifelse (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (xcor = HA_Belief_Prey-X) and (ycor = HA_Belief_Prey-Y) [
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known False
      show "At Last Known Prey Location"
      show "Moving to Last Known Prey Location"
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I See Prey" [
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 16) [ HA_irf_move-prey_fast ]
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Encircle"
      show "Move to Encircle"
   if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = false) [

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Encircle" [
    show [(word "Encircle-X - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-X") Encircle-Y - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-Y")"  )] of self
    if (xcor = precision HA_Belief_Encircle-X 0) and (ycor =  precision HA_Belief_Encircle-Y 0) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Approach"
      show "Move to Approach"

;  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
 ;   if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
 ;     show "Approach - I see Prey and Alpha"
 ;     HA_brf_wolf-spatial_update
 ;     HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear

;      if label = "Beta1" [
;        if HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance > (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 5) [
;          HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear
;        ]
;        if HA_Belief_Beta1-Prey_Distance <= (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 5) [
;          ; wait until Alpha moves closer to Prey.
;        ]

;      ]

 ;     if label = "Beta2" [
  ;      if HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Distance > (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 5) [
   ;       HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear
    ;    ]
 ;       if HA_Belief_Beta2-Prey_Distance < (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance - 5) [
  ;        ; wait until Alpha moves closer to Prey.
   ;     ]
    ;  ]

;      if (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading) <= 20 ) [ HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ]
;      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) [
;        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
;        show "Move to strike"
;      ]
;    ]
;  ]

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      show "Approach - I see Prey and Alpha"
      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance > (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Distance)) [

;      if (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading) <= 20 ) [ HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ]

    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Attack = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
      show "Move to strike"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Strike" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Kill"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Kill" [
    if HA_Belief_Prey-atSource = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Eat"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Eat" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest" [

  show [(word "Beta Hunt State - ("HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode")")] of self

to HA_deliberate_wolf-omega ; Omega wolf main deliberation cycle

  if HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = true [
      show "Deliberate - I See Alpha"
      set HA_Belief_Alpha-Known true

  if HA_Belief_Beta1-Seen = true [
    show "Deliberate - I See Beta1"
    set HA_Belief_Beta1-Known true

  if HA_Belief_Beta2-Seen = true [
      show "Deliberate - I See Beta2"
      set HA_Belief_Beta2-Known true

  if GA_Desire_Food = true [     ; this is the entry condition into the "Hunting Cycle"
    if (HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest") [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
      show "I'm Searching For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey" [

    if HA_Belief_Heard-Call = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Pack Found Prey"
      show "Pack Found Prey"

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I See Prey"
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known true
      show "I See Prey"
      if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = false) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Seen = false) [

    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Known = true)[
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location"

;    show [(word "Heard-Call - ("HA_Belief_Heard-Call") Seen-Prey - ("HA_Belief_Prey-Seen")"  )] of self

    if (HA_Belief_Heard-Call = 0) and (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) [
      show "I move to search for prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Pack Found Prey" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"
    show "Back to I Search For Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I Search for Prey at Last Known Location" [
    ifelse (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = false) and (xcor = HA_Belief_Prey-X) and (ycor = HA_Belief_Prey-Y) [
      set HA_Belief_Prey-Known False
      show "At Last Known Prey Location"
      show "Moving to Last Known Prey Location"
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "I Search for Prey"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "I See Prey" [
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 16) [ HA_irf_move-prey_fast ]
    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Encircle"
      show "Move to Encircle"
   if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 16) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = false) [

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Encircle" [
;    show [(word "Encircle-X - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-X") Encircle-Y - ("HA_Belief_Encircle-Y")"  )] of self
    if (xcor = precision HA_Belief_Encircle-X 0) and (ycor =  precision HA_Belief_Encircle-Y 0) [
;      HA_irf_face-prey
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Approach"
      show "Move to Approach"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Approach" [
;    if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta1_Distance < 7) or (HA_Belief_Hunter-Beta2_Distance < 7) [
;       HA_irf_face-prey
;    ]
;    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
;      show "Approach - I see Prey and Alpha"
;      HA_brf_wolf-spatial_update
;      HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear
;    ]

;      if (abs(HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Heading - HA_Belief_Hunter-Alpha_Heading) <= 20 ) [ HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ]


    if (HA_Belief_Prey-Seen = true) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Known = true) [
      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance >= 9) [

      if (HA_Belief_Hunter-Prey_Distance < 9) and (HA_Belief_Alpha-Prey_Attack = true) [
        set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Strike"
        show "Move to strike"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Strike" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Kill"

 if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Kill" [
    if HA_Belief_Prey-atSource = true [
      set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Move to Eat"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Eat" [
    set HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode "Rest"

  if HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode = "Rest" [

  show [(word "Omega Hunt State - ("HA_Belief_Hunt-Mode")")] of self

;;;;;;;;;;;;; Desire Review Function (DRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; the HAs for desire was food controlled at instantiation...this desire remains to be developed

to HA_drf_desire

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Intention Review Function (IRF) ;;;;;;;;;;;;

to HA_irf_communicate-prey_found ; HA intends to make a sound indicating that it has observed a PA

to HA_irf_eat-prey ; HA intends to eat PA

to HA_irf_face-prey ; HA intends to face PA

to HA_irf_kill-prey ; HA intends to kill PA

to HA_irf_move-alpha ; HA intends to move towards Alpha HA

to HA_irf_move-encircle ; HA intends to move to encircle PA

to HA_irf_move-prey_fast ; HA intends to move fast towards PA

to HA_irf_move-prey_normal-linear ; HA intends to move linearly towards PA

to HA_irf_move-prey_pounce ; HA intends to pounce on HA

to HA_irf_search-alpha ; HA intends to search for Alpha HA

to HA_irf_search-prey ; HA intends to search for PA

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perceptions ;;;;;;;;;;

;  HA_Perceive_Visual-Scan            Perception: this is a list of perceived objects during a visual scan.
;  HA_Perceive-Scent-Scan             Perception: this is a list of scents on the patches immediately surrounding the Hunter Agent.

to HA_perception_scent-scan_atSource ; HA scans for scent on the patch that it occupies
  set HA_Perceive-Scents []

  ask patch-here [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

to HA_perception_scent-scan_box ; HA scans for scent on the patches adjacent to it...simulates the HA turning in a circle to smell the ground around it.
  set HA_Perceive-Scents []

  ask patch-ahead 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 135 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 180 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 225 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 270 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

  ask patch-right-and-ahead 315 1 [
    let m []
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Type m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Scent-Level m
    ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Scents lput m HA_Perceive-Scents]

to HA_perception_sound ; HA scans for sound on the patch it occupies
  set HA_Perceive-Sounds []
  let sender 0
  let name "name"
  let sound-x 0
  let sound-y 0
  let sound-level 0
  let message "HA_perception_sound-message"
  let n []

  ask patch-here [
    foreach WA_Patch_State_Sounds [ [m] ->
      set sender (item 0 m)
      set name (item 1 m)
      set sound-x (item 2 m)
      set sound-y (item 3 m)
      set sound-level (item 4 m)
      set message (item 5 m)

      set n []
      if sound-level >= 1 [
        set n lput sender n
        set n lput name n
        set n lput sound-x n
        set n lput sound-y n
        set n lput sound-level n
        set n lput message n

        ask myself [set HA_Perceive-Sounds lput n HA_Perceive-Sounds]
;  show "HA_perception_sound" ; [(word "brf_sounds - ("message")")] of self

to HA_perception_visual-scan ; HA visually scans the WA

  set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan []

;;;;; Scan Agent's Patch;;;;;

  ask patch-here [ ; determines the patch that the Agent is standing on
    let m []
    set m lput pcolor m
    set m lput 0 m
    set m lput 0 m
    set m lput pxcor m
    set m lput pycor m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
    set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
    ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]

;;;;; Center Scan;;;;;

  set GA_State_Scan-Distance 1

  let i GA_State_Scan-Distance

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-ahead i [ ; determines the patches in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;; Left Scan;;;;;

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 2.5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 7.5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 10 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 12.5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
     ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 15 i [ ; determines the patches left by 15 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 17.5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 20 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 22.5 i [ ; determines the patches left by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 25 i [ ; determines the patches left by 25 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 35] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 30 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 36) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 30] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 35 i [ ; determines the patches left by 35 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 31) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 25] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 40 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 26) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 25] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 45 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 26) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 55 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 65 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 75 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-left-and-ahead 85 i [ ; determines the patches left by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;; Right Scan;;;;;

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 2.5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 7.5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 10 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 12.5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 15 i [ ; determines the patches right by 15 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 17.5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 20 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 22.5 i [ ; determines the patches right by 5 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 40] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 25 i [ ; determines the patches right by 25 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 41) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 35] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 30 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 36) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 30] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 35 i [ ; determines the patches right by 35 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 31) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 25] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 40 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 26) ]
    set i (i + 1)

  set i 1

  while [i <= 25] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 45 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 26) ]
    set i (i + 1)

 set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 55 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

 set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 65 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
     if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 21) ]
    set i (i + 1)

 set i 1

 while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 75 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 25) ]
    set i (i + 1)

 set i 1

  while [i <= 20] [
    ask patch-right-and-ahead 85 i [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
      let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
      let m []
      set m lput pcolor m
      set m lput h m
      set m lput i m
      set m lput pxcor m
      set m lput pycor m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
      set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
      ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
      if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set i 25) ]
    set i (i + 1)

;;;;;The following code was an unsuccessful attempt to simplify the visual perception using a sub-procedure;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 ;set GA_State_Scan-Distance 1

 ; while [GA_State_Scan-Distance <= 20] [
 ;   ask patch-right-and-ahead 85 GA_State_Scan-Distance [ ; determines the patches right by 45 degrees in front of the Agent
 ;     HA_perception_visual-scan_subcode
 ;  ]
 ;   set GA_State_Scan-Distance (GA_State_Scan-Distance + 1)
;  ]

;to HA_perception_visual-scan_subcode
;  let h (remainder int ((towards myself) + 180) 360)
;  let m []
;  set m lput pcolor m
;  set m lput h m
; set m lput GA_State_Scan-Distance m
;  set m lput pxcor m
 ; set m lput pycor m
;  set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Number m
;  set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Heading m
;  set m lput WA_Patch_State_Agent-Speed m
;  ask myself [set GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan lput m GA_Perceive_Visual-Scan]
;  if ((pcolor = green) or (pcolor = grey)) [ (set GA_State_Scan-Distance 25) ]

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;END OF HAPEE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Marc Prince over 7 years ago Final Download this version
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696-Thesis Essay-Final-2Nov17.docx word HAPEE - Final Thesis Essay-2 Nov 17 over 7 years ago, by Marc Prince Download
696-Thesis Essay-Final-2Nov17.pdf pdf HAPEE - Final Thesis Essay-2 Nov 17-PDF over 7 years ago, by Marc Prince Download

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